Resharper and other settings shared between workstations - settings

How do i share resharper settings and other between workstations like home and work?
is there an easy solution?

If you have ReSharper 6.1 or above, you can share the settings file using Dropbox, Google drive, etc.
Read this post to learn more.

i have a solution on sharing resharper between workstations (home,work,laptop).
all relevant files are located on : C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\ReSharper or even C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\
using a tool named "junction link magic" i create a junction on this folder that points to a folder in my skydrive synced folder (or dropbox).
every workstation that has skydrive has only to point to this path as described below. this way everything in that folder gets synced (plugins!!!!)
This actualy work for many thinks like: Visual Studio, Sql management studio, and other tools...


Visual Studio: Syncing Projects with OneDrive and "Having the mark of the web"

I develop a few small projects in Visual Studio solo and for my needs using a repo like GitHub or Azure Repos just seems a little over the top. I therefore save my projects to OneDrive and develop my projects and when ready to publish and move onto the next build, just copy the existing project directory for version control and start work on to the next version.
However quite often I get stung when building projects
Couldn't process file <file>.resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file. Remove the mark of the web if you want to process these files.
I then have to copy the director out of OneDrive to an unsynced area such as C:\Temp and it builds just fine but then has the issue of remembering to copy back my modified project once done. There seems to be no clear cause of it and the file properties does not have the usual 'Unblock' option:
Has anyone come across this with OneDrive, or any suggestions as to why it's happening? I'm sure the main suggestions would be use a repo solution but this method works just fine for me other than this issue so I'd ideally like to get a solution using OneDrive.
Edit: To confirm I've added my OneDrive path into the Visual Studio trusted locations area and tried adding file://[pc-name] into my local intranet trusted addresses area without any success.
My problem is IDENTICAL to yours. I have tried adding the pc to the safe sites list, I've tried adding to trusted location, I don't have the unblock checkbox that many people mention, I also tried using a powershell script to unblock the file. No luck. The only solution was to do a repair of Visual Studio. That fixed the issue for me so that it stopped happening.

Cannot edit source files locally without checking out file on TFS

Me and 2 colleagues are using TFS and VS 2013 on a shared project. Me and my Colleague "Bill" are able to edit files and check them in whenever we like. But colleague "Bob" cannot do this. They appear as "locked" in his solution unless he goes into TFS and specifically checks out the file. Me and Bill dont need to do this, we can simply edit the files and if we both try and check in the same file it notifies us of merges. Bob has the same TFS permissions as us, and as far as I can see the same visual studio settings.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?
This sounds like a workspace issue.
Bob needs to change his workspace from a server workspace to a local workspace. If he's using VS2010 or earlier, he will not have that option -- local workspaces are only supported in VS2012 or later.
Here's an MSDN link on how to configure local workspaces:

Create Visual Studio Project using files on Server

How do I create a Visual Studio Project for Development on my Local PC that links to Existing files and folders on a Server?
My employer has a large website. Most of that girth (close to 100 GB) is contributed to Portable and Image document (i.e. PDF and JPEG) files, but there are also numerous web files (.html, .aspx, .php, etc).
We have the following folders:
a WORKING folder that contains everything that is "Live" on our web server.
a BETA folder that contains newest technologies that are being tested and tried.
a DEVELOPMENT folder that contains numerous copies of projects that are being worked on by the different developers.
Developers are allowed to use whatever tools they prefer, so we have people who develop using Notepad++, Dreamweaver, Komodo, Zend Studio, and (now) Visual Studio.
It is NOT OK for me to create Visual Studio Projects for myself on the network servers. Other developers using other tools are not creating solution files or \bin and \obj folders on the servers, and I certainly should not be either.
So, to work on a file in Visual Studio, I use Windows Explorer to browse to the location, then I open it in the IDE.
However, this causes me to lose a lot of the power of Visual Studio - particularly if other classes used in this file, because I would have no access to the Intellisense for that class and I cannot simply Right-Click and go to definition.
Also, since each development environment is so large, I can not copy them to my laptop with its high tech 125 GB Solid State Drive (should be interesting to read that in a couple of years).
What I would like to do is create the Visual Studio Projects on my local drive, and then have them reference the files and folders on our network.
I've looked and found these similar questions, but my goal is slightly different:
Working efficiently on remote projects in Visual Studio
How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio?
How to "Add Existing Item" an entire directory structure in Visual Studio?
These are all great topics, but none of them show a way to create a local project that uses remote files.
It would seem that developers in large company teams would have already developed a way to do this, and that I just do not know what it is called.
I have found a way to do this!
For a long time, I was working with 2 sets of folders. One for our repository and one for Visual Studio.
I'd make changes in Visual Studio, then copy those working files over to the repository folder.
That was time consuming! Very.
Here is how I found to fix it: Open the Visual Studio Project file (*.csproj, *.vbproj, or *.phpproj) in NOTEPAD with Visual Studio closed.
Locate the <ItemGroup> tab, and change every path to be from the one shown to one that uses a relative path to get to the actual files.
Notepad's Replace... CTRL+H will save you hours here!
It makes a funky looking project environment, but it works!
If this helps anyone else or if it were even something you didn't know you could do to manipulate Visual Studio, kindly vote it up.

VS2010 MV3 - How can I share files between solutions?

I am the only developer for an application. All the files for this application are stored on the same computer and I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
The application has three solutions and these share common items such as some stylesheets, some javascript and shared views.
It's starting to become difficult when I change one file as I have to copy this to the other projects in the other solutions.
Is there a simple way that I could share files. Something that would help me be more productive. Possibly even some single user source code or a way of linking files between solutions.
Hope I can find someone to help me make my life easier.
Robert W
Even if you work on your own I would suggest some kind of Source Control System. Team Server is now free with Visual Studio or you can use open source tools. Like this you can link to source files in other projects and you can reuse your files.
Use Source Control! SVN is free so is TFS with Ultimate.
If its web based files (javscript, pictures, css, etc) use a virtual directory to point to the common code directories.
if its compiled code (C#,VB, etc) you can link the files. When adding an existing file in the dialog it will have a open button, with an arrow down. click the arrow down and "add as link" will be available. It will then use relative referencing to the other file. I use this technique for a SolutionAssemblyInfo.cs file.
I would recommend placing the common files in the same directory as the solution file or no more than 1 folder deep.

Visual Studio: Load a Project from a Remote Location

With Visual Studio (2008), is it possible to load a project (to a solution) that exists on a remote location ?
Basically what I want to do is somehow "host" a VS Project online and then load this project to a solution from a remote location. Is this possible in some way?
This is so that I can keep integrity when loading my Utils Library (used in tons of projects) and I don't want copies of my project in different projects and all having different versions etc...
I know that a possible solution is to have the Utils Library project hosted in SVN and then the folder would sync to it directly, but is there any other way to do this (ie, something more direct) ?
Yes, if you can map a network drive to it, the you can open the files from the location in visual studio.
you can map network drives to ftp servers by entering "ftp://your-ftp-server" in the path box.
Like others have said though, it's not really recommended. VS reads/writes a lot more than just to edit the main project files, it does all kinds of other stuff, so your network traffic be higher than you really want.
Or you could look at dropbox. It comes with a explorer addin that keeps your local PC in sync with the server.
My recommendation would be to use source control like subversion though.
It is possible, but not recommended (you'd be better using some form of source control, be it SVN, or a shared source provider like Codeplex (for open source projects) or TFS Preview (for closed source projects)
Is it not simpler just to have the compiled dll referenced in each solution? The way you are proposing is going to open you to changes to the project for one solution causing problems in a bunch of other solutions, that you might not immediately see.
Better to have a version of the Utils dll referenced in each sub solution and you can then update that dll when necessary, and test at the same time.
