pic32 uart issue - pic

We have a system a group of PIC32 MCU on a shared UART bus plus a couple I/Os as hand-shake akin to chip select. One master multiple slaves. The transmit from master to slave is direct and goes well. the response signal from slave to master goes trough a 1K resistor with a 10K pullup on master side. Each slave must disable its UART if not selected so as not to disturb other slave's transmission. The master is always active and allows a 400 us delays between two slaves communication sequence. Transmissions are made in 4-bytes chunks.
One out of 5 systems we build have issues where the start bit from one of the slave in incomplete. A glitch of about 1/4 bit width. When this appends, the master master fail to recognise the chunk and timeout the transmission. So far we worked around the problem by changing the faulty MCU, but that is a development-time fix, not good for production.
Anyone have seen something similar? what can be the issue?
We are using pic32mx320F064H-80 for both master ans slave devices.
Thank you.

A 1:10 ratio with the resistors can be dodgy, and the low level may not be well recognized by the master.
For your circuit, I assume the 1k resistor is here to protect the slaves if two manage to get enabled at the same time. For this purpose, 120 Ohms is enough under 3.3V (14mA short circuit current).
On a previous project I found that 10k pullups tend to be weak, depending on the fan-in (number of slaves in your case). I would suggest you to reduce it to 4.7k
With those values the ratio is now 0.025.

Either the selected slave is not enabled soon enough before transmission
- or -
the previous selected slave is not disabled soon enough.
Knowing the baud would help as that would bring the "400 us" into perspective.


How can you configure a Beckhoff program to work with a variable amount of physical IO blocks?

At work we are building an airline machine. It is a machine which holds bicycle frames and it has several stations.
Depending on how much stations there are, the amount of physical IO blocks on the ethercat bus may differ. This may differ per customer.
The amount of stations can be entered via a user interface. So the Beckhoff can calculate how much IO there should be present.... in theory that is.
We would like one single program for this machine which can work if not all IO is present on the ethercat bus. But we do not know how to.
We have found out about Conditional pragmas but that is our last resort.
This is possible to achieve. I've worked in a project where parts of the EtherCAT topology was changing every minute.
You achieve this by a combination of EtherCAT couplers/junctions with identity switches (such as the EK1101-0010) and the Hot Connect functionality of EtherCAT. Depending on your real-time requirements and how fast you want to be able to do the switching of the EtherCAT fieldbus slaves, you might also want to consider fast hot connect.
Using the above you can change your hardware configuration during runtime.
I don't think it is possible to change the number of IO links while the program is executing. Whenever a change is made to some IO links, you have to reactivate the configuration.
Like you mentioned you can use conditional pragma's in combination with TcLinkTo attributes to change IO links.

Space efficient data bus implementations [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm writing a microcontroller in VHDL and have essentially got a core for my actual microcontroller section down. I'm now getting to the point however of starting to include memory mapped peripherals. I'm using a very simple bus consisting of a single master (the CPU) and multiple slaves (the peripherals/RAM). My bus works through an acknowledge CPU->perip and acknowledge perip->CPU. The CPU also has separate input and output data buses to avoid tristates.
I've chosen this method as I wish to have the ability for peripherals to stall the CPU. A bus transaction is achieved by: The master places the data, address and read/write bit on the bus, bringing the ack(c->p) high. Once the slave has successfully received the information and has placed the response back on the data (p->c) bus, the slave sets its ack(p->c) high. The master notes the slave has successfully placed the data, takes the data for processing and releases the ack(c->p). The bus is now in idle state again, ready for further transactions.
Obviously this is a very simple bus protocol and doesn't include burst features, variable word sizes or other more complex features. My question however is what space efficient methods can be used to connect peripherals to a master CPU?
I've looked into 3 different methods as of yet. I'm currently using a single output data bus from the master to all of the peripherals, with the data outputs from all the peripherals being or'd, along with their ack(p->c) outputs. Each peripheral contains a small address mux which only allows a slave to respond if the address is within a predefined range. This reduces the logic for switching between peripherals but obviously will infer lots of logic/peripheral for the address muxes which leads me to believe that future scalability will be impacted.
Another method I though of was having a single large address mux connected from the master which decodes the address and sends it, along with the data and ack signals to each slave. The output data is then muxed back into the master. This seems a slightly more efficient method though I always seem to end up with ridiculously long data vectors and its a bit of a chore to keep track of.
A third method I thought of was to have it arranged in a ring like fashion. The master address goes to all of the slaves, with a smaller mux which merely chooses which ack signals to send out. The data output from the master then travels serially through each slave. Each slave contains a mux which can allow it to either let the data coming into it pass through unaffected OR to allow the slave to place its own data on the bus. I feel this will work best for slow systems as there is only one small mux/slave required to mux between the incoming data and that slave's data, along with a small mux that decodes the address and sends out the ack signals. The issue here I believe however is that with lots of peripherals, the propagation delay from the output of the master to the input of the master would be pretty large as it has to travel through each slave!
Could anybody give me suitable reasoning for the different methods? I'm using Quartus to synthesize and route for an Altera EP4CE10E22C8 FPGA and I'm looking for the smallest implementation with regards to FPGA LUTs. My system uses a 16bit address and data bus. I'm looking to achieve at minimum ~50MHz under ideal memory conditions (i.e no wait states) and would be looking to have around 12 slaves, each with between 8 and 16bits of addressable space.
I suggest that you download the AMBA specification from the ARM web site (http://www.arm.com/) and look at the AXI4-lite bus or the much older APB bus. In most bus standards with a single master there is no multiplexer on the addresses, only an address decoder that drives the peripheral selection signals. It is only the response data from the slaves that are multiplexed to the master, thanks to the "response valid" signals from the slaves. It is scalable if you pipeline it when the number of slaves increases and you cannot reach your target clock frequency any more. The hardware cost is mainly due to the read data multiplexing, that is, a N-bits P-to-one multiplexer.
This is almost your second option.
The first option is a variant of the second where read data multiplexers are replaced by or gates. I do not think it will change much the hardware cost: or gates are less complex than multiplexers but each slave will now have to zero its read data bus, which adds as many and gates. A good point is, maybe, a reduced activity and thus a lower power consumption: slaves that are not accessed by the master will keep their read data bus low. But as you synthesize all this with a logic synthesizer and place and route it with a CAD tool, I am almost sure that you will end up with the same results (area, power, frequency) as for the more classical second option.
Your third option reminds me the principles of the daisy chain or the token ring. But as you want to avoid 3-states I doubt that it will bring any benefit in terms of hardware cost. If you pipeline it correctly (each slave samples the incoming master requests and processes them or passes them to the next) you will probably reach higher clock frequencies than with the classical bus, especially with a large number of slaves, but as, in average, a complete transaction will take more clock cycles, you will not improve the performance neither.
For really small (but slow) interconnection networks you could also have a look at the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocols. This is what they are made for: drive several slaves from a single master with few wires.
Considering your target hardware (Altera Cyclone IV), your target clock frequency (50MHz) and your other specifications I would first try the classical bus. The address decoder will produce one select signal for each of your 12 slaves, based on the 8 most significant bits of your 16-bits address bus. The cost will be negligible. Apart these individual select signals, all slaves will receive all other signals (address bus, write data bus, read enable, write enable(s)). The 16-bits read data bus of your master will be the output of a 16-bits 12-to-1 multiplexer that selects one slave response among 12. This will be the part that consumes most of the resources of your interconnect. But it should be OK and run at 50 MHz without problem... if you avoid combinatorial paths between master requests and salve responses.
A good starter is the WISHBONE SoC Interconnect from OpenCores.org. The classic read and write cycles are easy to implement. Beyond that, also burst transfers are specified for high throughput and much more. The website also hosts a lot of WISHBONE compatible projects providing a wide range of I/O devices.
And last but not least, the WISHBONE standard is in the public domain.

Why use multiple clocks of the same speed in an FPGA design?

I very recently began experimenting with FPGAs. In researching things around the net I've noticed in several places that designs might use multiple separate PLL clocks of the exact same speed. Why is that?
One example I will give is this site: Parallella Linux Quick Start
They have their FCLK_CLK1 and FCLK_CLK2 both at 200MHz. Why is this recommended and not a single clock at 200MHz for both? Is it just customary to give each major component their own clock even if it is the same? Or am I missing something?
Beside the already mentioned reasons multiple other reasons exist why two PLL clocks of the same speed might exist.
Even if the frequency is exactly the same, differences might exist in clock phase or jitter. Using one PLL with fixed clock phase and another one with adjustable clock phase can be useful for proper sampling of external input signals or maintaining the correct phase difference between clock and output data. Techniques like that were especially popular before components such as IDELAY and ODELAY were widely available.
Crystal oscillators also will have small derivations from their marked value. If you have a communication link between two boards and both boards have their own oscillator, then one boards main clock might run at 200.01 Mhz and the other boards could run at 199.99 Mhz. In many cases both FPGAs will then their locally generated low-jitter clock as their main clock, but will also use the remote clock to sample incoming data. You can see this in ethernet PHYs: A 100 Mbit PHY usually has a 25 Mhz receive clock recovered from the input signal and a locally generated 25 mhz transmit clock.
There are many reasons to use multiple clocks of the exact same speed. So I will just state a few. However i don't have any deep knowledge of your example.
Magic on FPGA.
Like stated in the comments a FPGA is a highly complex device. Only the vendor knows exactly what is happening there, so they might give you some advice, which can be weird.
Clock distribution.
If you have a design, with just one clock source, it is critical to route the clock correctly. The clock has to trigger everywhere at the same time, which is hard to manage for the PnR tool. Today's FPGAs don't usually have this issue.
Different IPs on one FPGA.
If you have different IPs/Designs, which you fuse on one FPGA, the IPs can use different clocks. If you want to split it later again, you will need multiple sources of the clock anyway. Besides, you are forced to implement some registers if you switch a clockdomain and during the merging of your IPs, you don't mix up evrything, which is a good design style. This also maybe the case of your example.
HDMI support is provided by an IP core from Analog Devices ...
Maybe the additional clock is only used as an output at some I/O Port.
In today's CMOS technology, the most power is wasted on transitions (transistor switches) and static power-leakage (the damn thing is so small, it just leaks current). With multiple clock domain, you have the opportunity to have less transitions per second. Or you can switch off parts of your device completly.

Synchronizing a counter across a network

I have two computers that can talk to each other over a serial connection. The connection is made over a wireless network. There is a variable, changing delay in communications between the two systems. On both systems I have a counter runtime that increments by 1 every ms. They both start as soon as the applications start. Say each computer is started at different times. How can I with with the serial connection synchronize the counters so that systemA.counter will equal systemB.counter and so that both counters increment at the same time (or as close as possible).
Ideally once synchronized the counters would drift only slowly apart so that once every 3 or 4 thousand incs I could re-synchronize.
I'm looking for good resources on the topic, example algorythms, example code (c/c++), anything to point me in the right direction.
This is a closed system, no internet. For all intents and purposes no real protocol at all besides and open serial line over the wireless link. That link at the moment is bluetooth, but I'm thinking over moving it to a ZigBee Mesh. There are currently 2 nodes, but if I have 30 nodes all running this same application I would want them all to synchronize. There is not client/server designation, just a couple of devices running the same program with a counter. I don't have access to anything like time, just this counter that increments once a millisecond and whatever algorithm I can put in place.
Once I can get this working, I would like to put in place a propositioning and mapping system, but to figure out distances between nodes, I need actuate timing synchronized on the devices.
If you use this counters to order events in a system, you should look at vector clocks or Lamport timestamps.
The obvious resource is NTP, which is documented for example at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp.html and with links off there. Basically, this uses timestamps to adjust the frequency at which local clocks run. The protocol has been around for years and been the subject of continuous research - I can't see any pack of slides there which immediately makes it clear how it works. You might be better to see if there is already an NTP implementation available than to try and re-implement it yourself.
It appears (e.g. from searching) that there is a small industry of people working on time synchronisation algorithms, especially in the context of wireless sensor networks. One jumping-off point, apart from searches, is the survey paper at http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= - Time synchronization in sensor networks: A survey (2004)

What is the best way for "Polling"?

This question is related with Microcontroller programming but anyone may suggest a good algorithm to handle this situation.
I have a one central console and set of remote sensors. The central console has a receiver and the each sensor has a transmitter operates on same frequency. So we can only implement Simplex communication.
Since the transmitters work on same frequency we cannot have 2 sensors sending data to central console at the same time.
Now I want to program the sensors to perform some "polling". The central console should get some idea about the existence of sensors (Whether the each sensor is responding or not)
I can imagine several ways.
Using a same interval between the poll messages for each sensor and start the sensors randomly. So they will not transmit at the same time.
Use of some round mechanism. Sensor 1 starts polling at 5 seconds the second at 10 seconds etc. More formal version of method 1.
The maximum data transfer rate is around 4800 bps so we need to consider that as well.
Can some one imagine a good way to resolve this with less usage of communication links. Note that we can use different poll intervals for each sensors if necessary.
I presume what you describe is that the sensors and the central unit are connected to a bus that can deliver only one message at a time.
A normal way to handle this is to have collision detection. This is e.g. how Ethernet operates as far as I know. You try to send a message; then attempt to detect collision. If you detect a collision, wait for a random amount (to break ties) and then re-transmit, of course with collision check again.
If you can't detect collisions, the different sensors could have polling intervals that are all distinct prime numbers. This would guarantee that every sensor would have dedicated slots for successful polling. Of course there would be still collisions, but they wouldn't need to be detected. Here example with primes 5, 7 and 11:
----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| (5)
------|------|------|------|------|----- (7)
----------|----------|----------|-:----- (11)
Notable it doesn't matter if the sensor starts "in phase" or "out of phase".
I think you need to look into a collision detection system (a la Ethernet). If you have time-based synchronization, you rely on the clocks on the console and sensors never drifting out of sync. This might be ok if they are connected to an external, reliable time reference, or if you go to the expense of having a battery backed RTC on each one (expensive).
Consider using all or part of an existing protocol, unless protocol design is an end in itself - apart from saving time you reduce the probability that your protocol will have a race condition that causes rare irreproducible bugs.
A lot of protocols for this situation have the sensors keeping quiet until the master specifically asks them for the current value. This makes it easy to avoid collisions, and it makes it easy for the master to request retransmissions if it thinks it has missed a packet, or if it is more interested in keeping up to date with one sensor than with others. This may even give you better performance than a system based on collision detection, especially if commands from the master are much shorter than sensor responses. If you end up with something like Alohanet (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALOHAnet#The_ALOHA_protocol) you will find that the tradeoff between not transmitting very often and having too many collisions forces you to use less than 50% of the available bandwidth.
Is it possible to assign a unique address to each sensor?
In that case you can implement a Master/Slave protocol (like Modbus or similar), with all devices sharing the same communication link:
Master is the only device which can initiate communication. It can poll each sensor separately (one by one), by broadcasting its address to all slaves.
Only the slave device which was addressed will reply.
If there is no response after a certain period of time (timeout), device is not available and Master can poll the next device.
See also: List of automation protocols
I worked with some Zigbee systems a few years back. It only had two sensors so we just hard-coded them with different wait times and had them always respond to requests. But since Zigbee has systems However, we considered something along the lines of this:
Start out with an announcement from the console 'Hey everyone, let's make a network!'
Nodes all attempt to respond with something like 'I'm hardware address x, can I join?'
At first it's crazy, but with some random retry times, eventually the console responds to all nodes: 'Yes hardware address x, you can join. You are node #y and you will have a wait time of z milliseconds from the time you receive your request for data'
Then it should be easy. Every time the console asks for data the nodes respond in their turn. Assuming transmission of all of the data takes less time than the polling period you're set. It's best not to acknowledge the messages. If the console fails to respond, then very likely the node will try to retransmit just when another node is trying to send data, messing both of them up. Then it snowballs into complete failure...
