interpreting map-projection details - map-projections

Not an expert in reading or interpreting map-projections. I have data set with the following description.
The coordinates are in Albers Equal Area Conic projection, with the
following projection settings: Scale = 1; False Easting(m) = 5000000;
False Northing(m) = 0; Longitude Origin = 20; Latitude Origin = 0;
Standard Parallel 1 = 45; Standard Parallel 2 = 55, and the Ellipsoid
is WGS 84.
Is it the equivalent for +proj=lonlat +datum=WGS84
Thanks for the help.

No, why would you think they're equivalent, completely different in fact.
Try: +proj=aea +lat_1=45 +lat_2=55 +lon_0=20 +x_0=5000000 +datum=WGS84


How to blur an image in one specific direction in Matlab?

I have an image and I would like to blur it in one specific direction and distance using Matlab.
I found out there is a filter called fspecial('motion',len,theta).
Here there is an example:
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
H = fspecial('motion',20,45);
MotionBlur = imfilter(I,H,'replicate');
However the blurred picture is blurred in 2 directions! In this case 225 and 45 degrees.
What should it do in order to blur it just in a specific direction (e.g. 45) and not both?
I think you want what's called a "comet" kernel. I'm not sure what kernel is used for the "motion" blur, but I'd guess that it's symmetrical based on the image you provided.
Here is some code to play with that applies the comet kernel in one direction. You'll have to change things around if you want an arbitrary angle. You can see from the output that it's smearing in one direction, since there is a black band on only one side (due to the lack of pixels there).
L = 5; % kernel width
sigma=0.2; % kernel smoothness
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
x = -L:1.0:L;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,x);
H1 = exp((-sigma.*X.^2)+(-sigma.*Y.^2));
kernel = H1/sum((H1(:)));
Hflag = double((X>0));
comet_kernel = Hflag.*H1;
smearedImage = conv2(double(I),comet_kernel,'same');
Updated code: This will apply an arbitrary rotation to the comet kernel. Note also the difference between sigma in the previous example and sx and sy here, which control the length and width parameters of the kernel, as suggested by Andras in the comments.
L = 5; % kernel width
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
x = -L:1.0:L;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,x);
rX = X.*cos(theta)-Y.*sin(theta);
rY = X.*sin(theta)+Y.*cos(theta);
H1 = exp(-((rX./sx).^2)-((rY./sy).^2));
Hflag = double((0.*rX+rY)>0);
H1 = H1.*Hflag;
comet_kernel = H1/sum((H1(:)))
smearedImage = conv2(double(I),comet_kernel,'same');
Based on Anger Density's answer I wrote this code that solves my problem completely:
L = 10; % kernel width
THETA = ([0,45,90,135,180,225,270,320,360])*pi/180;
for i=1:length(THETA)
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
x = -L:1.0:L;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,x);
rX = X.*cos(theta)-Y.*sin(theta);
rY = X.*sin(theta)+Y.*cos(theta);
H1 = exp(-((rX./sx).^2)-((rY./sy).^2));
Hflag = double((0.*rX+rY)>0);
H1 = H1.*Hflag;
comet_kernel = H1/sum((H1(:)));
smearedImage = conv2(double(I),comet_kernel,'same');
% Fix edges
smearedImage(:,[1:L, end-L:end]) = I(:,[1:L, end-L:end]); % Left/Right edge
smearedImage([1:L, end-L:end], :) = I([1:L, end-L:end], :); % Top/bottom edge
% Keep only inner blur
smearedImage(L:end-L,L:end-L) = min(smearedImage(L:end-L,L:end-L),double(I(L:end-L,L:end-L)));
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);

How to connect the disconnected-points in image with Matlab?

This is a more specific problem with complex settings. I have calculated the distance of all 1-pixels to its nearest 0-pixels of raw image and transformed to an image with local maxima shown as below:
I used the following code to extract the local maxima from this transformed matrix:
loc_max = imregionalmax(loc,4);
The loc_max gives out disconnected dots of those local maxima points. Tried a bunch of ways to connect them, but not working as it was supposed to do yet.
Here is one of my ideas:
[yy xx]=find(loc_max ==1);
d = [];
dmin = [];
idx = [];
for i = 1: size(yy,1)
for j = 1:size(xx,1)
if i ~= j
d(j) = sqrt(sum(bsxfun(#minus,[yy(j) xx(j)],[yy(i) xx(i)]).^2,2));
%calculate the distance between current 1-pixel in loc_max and all other local maxima pixels in loc_max.
[dmin(i),idx(i)] = min(d(:));%find the minimum distance between current 1-pixel to others
I tried to find the nearest 1-pixels in loc_max to the current 1-pixel in loc_max, and then connect them. But this isn't the solution yet. Because it won't connect to its next 1-pixel if the previous pixel is the nearest pixel of the current one.
In addition, I want to preserve the pixel information of those 0-pixels along the connected line between two disconnected 1-pixels. I want to be able to reconstruct the whole image out of this simplified skeleton later.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have tried erode and dilate (like Ander Biguri advised).
I tried setting the angles of the kernels to be correct.
Check the following:
%Fix the input (remove JPEG artifacts and remove while margins)
%(This is not part of the solution - just a little cleanup).
I = imread(''); %Read image from imgur.
I = im2bw(I);
[y0, x0] = find(I == 0);
[y1, x1] = find(I == 0, 1, 'last');
I = I(y0:y1, x0:x1);
se0 = strel('disk', 3);
J = imdilate(I, se0); %Dilate - make line fat
se1 = strel('line', 30, 150); %150 degrees.
se2 = imdilate(se1.getnhood , se0); %Create 150 degrees fat line
J = imclose(J, se2); %Close - (dilate and erode)
se1 = strel('line', 30, 140); %140 degrees.
se2 = imdilate(se1.getnhood , se0);
J = imclose(J, se2);
se1 = strel('line', 80, 60); %60 degrees.
se2 = imdilate(se1.getnhood , se0); %Create 60 degrees fat line
J = imclose(J, se2);
se4 = strel('disk', 2);
J = imerode(J, se4); %Erode - make lines little thinner.
Do you think it's good enough?
Ander Biguri gets the credit for the following solution:
J = bwmorph(J,'skel',Inf);

Skipping some axis labels in a plot with imagesc

I have created a big heat map using matlab's imagesc command. It plots the error output for each combination of the values in x and y axes. As can be seen in the figure there are too many axes labels. This might become even denser as I plan to increase the number of points in both x and y axes - which means I will get more outputs on a finer grid.
I want to be flexible with the labels, and skip some of them. I want to do this for both X and Y. I also want to be flexible with the "ticks" and draw either all of them or maybe skip some of them. Keep in mind that both the X and Y values are not increasing in order, at first the increment is 0.01 for 9 points, then 0.1, then 1 or 3 or whatever. I will change these increments too.
I tried to show what I want the graph look like in the second image. I want roughly the labels shown in red boxes only. As I said these are not set values, and I will make the increments smaller which will lead to denser plot.
Thank you for your help.
OS: Windows 7, 8 (64 bit)
Matlab version: Matlab 2014 a
You can manipulate the ticks and labels like this:
ticksarray=[1 33 41 100 ...] % edit these to whatever you want
tickslabels={'1', '33', '41', '100'; ...} % match the size of both arrays
The same thing applies to the y-axis.
Small working example:
ticksarray=[1 33 41 100];
tickslabels={'1', '33', '41', '100'};
load clown
h = gca;
Now you can either set a maximum number of labels per axis:
%// define maximum number of labels
maxLabel = 3;
h.XTick = linspace(h.xlim(1),h.xlim(2),maxLabel);
h.YTick = linspace(h.ylim(1),h.ylim(2),maxLabel);
or define how many labels should be skipped:
%// define number of labels to skip
skipLabel = 2;
h.XTick = h.XTick(1:skipLabel:end);
h.YTick = h.YTick(1:skipLabel:end)
You can also get a different number of ticks and labels, more complicated though:
maxLabel = 3;
maxTicks = 6;
h.XTick = linspace(h.xlim(1),h.xlim(2),maxTicks);
h.YTick = linspace(h.ylim(1),h.ylim(2),maxTicks);
h.XTickLabel( setdiff( 1:maxTicks, 1:maxTicks/maxLabel:maxTicks ) ) = repmat({''},1,maxTicks-maxLabel);
h.YTickLabel( setdiff( 1:maxTicks, 1:maxTicks/maxLabel:maxTicks ) ) = repmat({''},1,maxTicks-maxLabel);
If you use a prior version of Matlab 2014b, then you will need the set command to set all properties:
%// define maximum number of labels
maxLabel = 3;
Xlim = get(h,'Xlim');
Ylim = get(h,'Ylim');
set(h,'XTick', linspace(Xlim(1),Xlim(2),maxLabel));
set(h,'YTick', linspace(Ylim(1),Ylim(2),maxLabel));
%// or define number of labels to skip
skipLabel = 2;
XTick = get(h,'XTick');
YTick = get(h,'YTick');
set(h,'XTick', XTick(1:skipLabel:end));
set(h,'YTick', YTick(1:skipLabel:end));
%// or combined
maxLabel = 3;
maxTicks = 6;
Xlim = get(h,'Xlim');
Ylim = get(h,'Ylim');
set(h,'XTick', linspace(Xlim(1),Xlim(2),maxTicks));
set(h,'YTick', linspace(Ylim(1),Ylim(2),maxTicks));
XTickLabel = cellstr(get(h,'XTickLabel'));
YTickLabel = cellstr(get(h,'YTickLabel'));
XTickLabel( setdiff( 1:maxTicks, 1:maxTicks/maxLabel:maxTicks ),: ) = repmat({''},1,maxTicks-maxLabel);
YTickLabel( setdiff( 1:maxTicks, 1:maxTicks/maxLabel:maxTicks ),: ) = repmat({''},1,maxTicks-maxLabel);
After applying the second method proposed by #thewaywewalk I got the second figure below. Apparently the labels need to be structured as well, because they only take the first so many labels.
Then I tried to manipulate the labels as shown below, and got the third image.
skipLabel = 2;
XTick = get(h,'XTick');
YTick = get(h,'YTick');
set(h,'XTick', XTick(1:skipLabel:end));
set(h,'YTick', YTick(1:skipLabel:end));
XTickLabel = get(h,'XTickLabel');
labelsX = cell( length(1: skipLabel:length(XTick)) , 1);
j = 1;
for i = 1: skipLabel:length(XTick)
labelsX{j} = XTickLabel(i, :);
j = j + 1;
set(h,'XTickLabel', labelsX);
YTickLabel = get(h,'YTickLabel');
labelsY = cell( length(1: skipLabel:length(YTick)) , 1);
j = 1;
for i = 1: skipLabel:length(YTick)
labelsY{j} = YTickLabel(i, :);
j = j + 1;
set(h,'YTickLabel', labelsY);
The Y axis labels seem to be in place as before (right next to tick), however the X axis labels seem to be shifted to the left a little. How can I correct this?
Another note: How can I change the scientific values into normal numbers? Also, probably there is a better approach at manipulating the labels.

Ellipse Detection using Hough Transform

using Hough Transform, how can I detect and get coordinates of (x0,y0) and "a" and "b" of an ellipse in 2D space?
This is ellipse01.bmp:
I = imread('ellipse01.bmp');
[m n] = size(I);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
if I(i,j)==1
Size_Ellipse = size(Edges);
B = 1:ceil(Size_Ellipse(1)/2);
Acc = zeros(length(B),1);
Ellipse_Minor=[];Ellipse_Major=[];Ellipse_X0 = [];Ellipse_Y0 = [];
Global_Threshold = ceil(Size_Ellipse(2)/6);%Used for Major Axis Comparison
Local_Threshold = ceil(Size_Ellipse(1)/25);%Used for Minor Axis Comparison
Thresh = 150;
for Count_01 =1:(Limit-1)
for Count_02 =(Count_01+1):Limit
if ((Count_02>Limit) || (Count_01>Limit))
Dist_01 = (sqrt((a1-a2)^2+(b1-b2)^2));
if (Dist_01 >Global_Threshold)
Center_X0 = (b1+b2)/2;Center_Y0 = (a1+a2)/2;
Major = Dist_01/2.0;Alpha = atan((a2-a1)/(b2-b1));
if(Alpha == 0)
for Count_03 = 1:Limit
if( (Count_03 ~= Count_01) || (Count_03 ~= Count_02))
Dist_02 = (sqrt((a3 - Center_Y0)^2+(b3 - Center_X0)^2));
if(Dist_02 > Local_Threshold)
Cos_Tau = ((Major)^2 + (Dist_02)^2 - (a3-a2)^2 - (b3-b2)^2)/(2*Major*Dist_02);
Sin_Tau = 1 - (Cos_Tau)^2;
Minor_Temp = ((Major*Dist_02*Sin_Tau)^2)/(Major^2 - ((Dist_02*Cos_Tau)^2));
if((Minor_Temp>1) && (Minor_Temp<B(end)))
Acc(round(Minor_Temp)) = Acc(round(Minor_Temp))+1;
Minor = find(Acc == max(Acc(:)));
Ellipse_X0(end+1) = Center_X0;Ellipse_Y0(end+1) = Center_Y0;
for Count = 1:numel(X)
Para_X = ((X(Count)-Ellipse_X0(end))^2)/(Ellipse_Major(end)^2);
Para_Y = ((Y(Count)-Ellipse_Y0(end))^2)/(Ellipse_Minor(end)^2);
if (((Para_X + Para_Y)>=-2)&&((Para_X + Para_Y)<=2))
Acc = zeros(size(Acc));
Although this is an old question, perhaps what I found can help someone.
The main problem of using the normal Hough Transform to detect ellipses is the dimension of the accumulator, since we would need to vote for 5 variables (the equation is explained here):
There is a very nice algorithm where the accumulator can be a simple 1D array, for example, and that runs in . If you wanna see code, you can look at here (the image used to test was that posted above).
If you use circle for rough transform is given as rho = xcos(theta) + ysin(theta)
For ellipse since it is
You could transform the equation as
rho = axcos(theta) + bysin(theta)
Although I am not sure if you use standard Hough Transform, for ellipse-like transforms, you could manipulate the first given function.
If your ellipse is as provided, being a true ellipse and not a noisy sample of points;
the search for the two furthest points gives the ends of the major axis,
the search for the two nearest points gives the ends of the minor axis,
the intersection of these lines (you can check it's a right angle) occurs at the centre.
If you know the 'a' and 'b' of an ellipse then you can rescale the image by factor of a/b in one direction and look for circle. I am still thinking about what to do when a and b are unknown.
If you know that it is circle then use Hough transform for circles. Here is a sample code:
int accomulatorResolution = 1; // for each pixel
int minDistBetweenCircles = 10; // In pixels
int cannyThresh = 20;
int accomulatorThresh = 5*_accT+1;
int minCircleRadius = 0;
int maxCircleRadius = _maxR*10;
circles = cvHoughCircles( gryImage, storage,
CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, accomulatorResolution,
cannyThresh , accomulatorThresh,
minCircleRadius,maxCircleRadius );
// Draw circles
for (int i = 0; i < circles->total; i++){
float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem(circles,i);
// Draw center
cvCircle(dstImage, cvPoint(cvRound(p[0]),cvRound(p[1])),
1, CV_RGB(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 );
// Draw circle
cvCircle(dstImage, cvPoint(cvRound(p[0]),cvRound(p[1])),
cvRound(p[2]),CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );

how to account for linewidth in drawing lines within a bounding box

I am drawing a set of evenly spaced horizontal lines within the entirety of a bounding box.
The problem I am having is that the lines (when larger than 1px) get drawn beyond the top and bottom edges of my bounds. Half on each side of the top and bottom is missing, to be precise.
Here is some pseudo code that attempts a fix for this, but it didn't work. It should describe what I am trying to do:
var halfline = linewidth / 2.;
var maxheight = boxsize.height - halfline;
var minheight = halfline;
//draw h lines
for(i = 0; i < maxlines; i++)
var xloc = 0;
var xfrac = i / maxlines - 1;
var yloc = (xfrac * boxsize.height) + minheight;
move_to(xloc, yloc);
line_to(boxsize.width, yloc);
Please keep in mind that the lang is not important here, just the idea of how to offset and scale the lines (that are drawn within the for loop) properly.
Thanks for any tips... It's safe to assume the following:
the line width is in pixels
the coordinate system is pixel-based, from (0,0) to (n,n)
Your question is a little unclear, but I think this might help:
var availablespace = boxsize.height - linewidth;
var yloc = (xfrac * availablespace) + minheight;
