What is the expected LifeStyle of a Castle Windsor component activator? - proxy

I'm using Castle Windsor and DynamicProxy to implement persistence Lazy Loading from scratch (I know NHibernate could be an option etc.) I have implemented a custom component activator to always instantiate my business classes as proxies. I found that the default mixin proxies automatically created when using interceptors were not being used when class methods are called from inside the class itself, which was a problem. So I inherited DefaultComponentActivator and overriding CreateInstance() I'm calling CreateClassProxy() to get a proxy that inherits from the business class, which in that respect works fine.
Now I was expecting this 'ProxyComponentActivator' activator of mine to be instantiated by Castle only once, but a new instance is being created for each class type. Is that correct?
Current registration is like this:
public void Install(
IWindsorContainer container,
Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Configuration.IConfigurationStore store) {
.Configure(reg => reg.Activator<ProxyComponentActivator>())
The activator implementation is the following:
public class ProxyComponentActivator : DefaultComponentActivator
protected Castle.DynamicProxy.ProxyGenerator ProxyGenerator { get; set; }
protected PersistenceInterceptor PersistenceInterceptor { get; set; }
public ProxyComponentActivator(ComponentModel model, Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal kernel, ComponentInstanceDelegate onCreation, ComponentInstanceDelegate onDestruction)
: base(model, kernel, onCreation, onDestruction)
this.ProxyGenerator = kernel.Resolve<Castle.DynamicProxy.ProxyGenerator>();
this.PersistenceInterceptor = kernel.Resolve<PersistenceInterceptor>();
protected override object CreateInstance(CreationContext context, ConstructorCandidate constructor, object[] arguments) //, Type[] signature)
object instance;
Type implType = this.Model.Implementation;
ProxyGenerationOptions p = new ProxyGenerationOptions();
IPersistent ip = new Persistent();
instance = this.ProxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(implType, null, p, arguments, this.PersistenceInterceptor);
throw new ComponentActivatorException("ComponentActivator: could not proxy " + implType.FullName, Model);
return instance;
I have also tried to register the activator like this, to no avail...
Thanks in advance for any help,

Every component in Windsor will get its own activator instance


Castle Windsor DI installer: dependency factory method has nested dependency on ApiController property

I am trying to implement DI with Castle Windsor. Currently I have a controller with overloaded constructors like this (this is an antipattern as described here: https://www.cuttingedge.it/blogs/steven/pivot/entry.php?id=97):
public class MyController : ApiController
protected IStorageService StorageService;
protected MyController()
StorageService = StorageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);
protected MyController(IStorageService storageService)
StorageService = storageService;
I am trying to get rid of the first constructor and have Castle Windsor handle the resolution of the storage service dependency.
I created a Castle Windsor installer class like this:
public class StorageServiceInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
() => StorageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity)));
The problem is that User (which has type IPrincipal) is a property on ApiController, so it's not accessible from the installer. How can I make this work?
#PatrickQuirk seems to be implying that there is a better way to do this using Castle Windsor without needing a factory at all.
My StorageServiceFactory looks like this:
public static class StorageServiceFactory
public static IStorageService CreateStorageService(ClaimsIdentity identity)
if (identity == null)
return null;
Claim providerKeyClaim = identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
if (providerKeyClaim == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerKeyClaim.Value))
return null;
StorageProviderType storageProviderType;
string storageProviderString = identity.FindFirstValue("storage_provider");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storageProviderString) || !Enum.TryParse(storageProviderString, out storageProviderType))
return null;
string accessToken = identity.FindFirstValue("access_token");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessToken))
return null;
switch (storageProviderType)
// Return IStorageService implementation based on the type...
Is there a way to incorporate selecting the correct IStorageService into Windsor's dependency resolution and avoid the factory altogether? Or do I still need it?
I like #PatrickQuirk's solution, except that it seems odd to have to create a wrapper and corresponding wrapper interface for the factory just for the sake of dependency injection. Ideally I'd have the api controller's constructor take in an IStorageService as a parameter, which seems more intuitive/consistent with the field that actually needs to be set.
I don't think the multiple constructors is as much of a sin as the hidden dependency on StorageServiceFactory is, but I agree with your approach for the most part.
Instead of a factory method, pass a factory object into the class and have it create the storage service:
public class MyController : ApiController
protected IStorageService StorageService;
protected MyController(IStorageServiceFactory storageServiceFactory)
StorageService = storageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);
And then define your factory interface and implementation:
public interface IStorageServiceFactory
IStorageService Create(ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity);
public class StorageServiceFactoryImpl : IStorageServiceFactory
public IStorageService Create(ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)
return StorageServiceFactory.CreateStorageService(claimsIdentity);
This way, you have a single constructor and the dependency on the storage service factory is explicit.
Regarding your update:
...it seems odd to have to create a wrapper and corresponding wrapper interface for the factory just for the sake of dependency injection.
Well, that's kind of the point of dependency injection.
The wrapper I propose is solving two problems: it removes the need to call a static method from inside your class (hiding a dependency), and allows for delayed resolution (because your dependency relies on member data to be created).
If you have a way to change the dependencies of creating an IStorageService to not rely on a member of the class you're giving it to, then you could pass one in directly (provided you can tell Windsor how to create one).

Constructor Dependency Injection WebApi Attributes

I have been looking around for a non Parameter injection option for the WebApi attributes.
My question is simply whether this is actually possible using Structuremap?
I have been googling around but keep coming up with either property injection (which I prefer not to use) or supposed implementations of constructor injection that I have thus far been unable to replicate.
My container of choice is Structuremap however any example of this will suffice as I am able to convert it.
Anyone ever managed this?
Yes, it is possible. You (like most people) are being thrown by Microsoft's marketing of Action Filter Attributes, which are conveniently put into a single class, but not at all DI-friendly.
The solution is to break the Action Filter Attribute into 2 parts as demonstrated in this post:
An attribute that contains no behavior to flag your controllers and action methods with.
A DI-friendly class that implements IActionFilter and contains the desired behavior.
The approach is to use the IActionFilter to test for the presence of the attribute, and then execute the desired behavior. The action filter can be supplied with all dependencies (through the constructor) and then injected when the application is composed.
IConfigProvider provider = new WebConfigProvider();
IActionFilter filter = new MaxLengthActionFilter(provider);
NOTE: If you need any of the filter's dependencies to have a lifetime shorter than singleton, you will need to use a GlobalFilterProvider as in this answer.
To wire this up with StructureMap, you will need to return an instance of the container from your DI configuration module. The Application_Start method is still part of the composition root, so you can use the container anywhere within this method and it is still not considered a service locator pattern. Note that I don't show a complete WebApi setup here, because I am assuming you already have a working DI configuration with WebApi. If you need one, that is another question.
public class DIConfig()
public static IContainer Register()
// Create the DI container
var container = new Container();
// Setup configuration of DI
container.Configure(r => r.AddRegistry<SomeRegistry>());
// Add additional registries here...
// Return our DI container instance to the composition root
return container;
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// Hang on to the container instance so you can resolve
// instances while still in the composition root
IContainer container = DIConfig.Register();
// Pass the container so we can resolve our IActionFilter
WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration, container);
public static class WebApiConfig
// Add a parameter for IContainer
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config, IContainer container)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
// Uncomment the following line of code to enable query support for actions with an IQueryable or IQueryable<T> return type.
// To avoid processing unexpected or malicious queries, use the validation settings on QueryableAttribute to validate incoming queries.
// For more information, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=279712.
// Add our action filter
// Add additional filters here that look for other attributes...
The implementation of MaxLengthActionFilter would look something like this:
// Used to uniquely identify the filter in StructureMap
public interface IMaxLengthActionFilter : System.Web.Http.Filters.IActionFilter
public class MaxLengthActionFitler : IMaxLengthActionFilter
public readonly IConfigProvider configProvider;
public MaxLengthActionFilter(IConfigProvider configProvider)
if (configProvider == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("configProvider");
this.configProvider = configProvider;
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteActionFilterAsync(
HttpActionContext actionContext,
CancellationToken cancellationToken,
Func<Task<HttpResponseMessage>> continuation)
var attribute = this.GetMaxLengthAttribute(filterContext.ActionDescriptor);
if (attribute != null)
var maxLength = attribute.MaxLength;
// Execute your behavior here (before the continuation),
// and use the configProvider as needed
return continuation().ContinueWith(t =>
// Execute your behavior here (after the continuation),
// and use the configProvider as needed
return t.Result;
return continuation();
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return true; }
public MaxLengthAttribute GetMaxLengthAttribute(ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
MaxLengthAttribute result = null;
// Check if the attribute exists on the action method
result = (MaxLengthAttribute)actionDescriptor
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MaxLengthAttribute), false)
if (result != null)
return result;
// Check if the attribute exists on the controller
result = (MaxLengthAttribute)actionDescriptor
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MaxLengthAttribute), false)
return result;
And, your attribute which should not contain any behavior should look something like this:
// This attribute should contain no behavior. No behavior, nothing needs to be injected.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MaxLengthAttribute : Attribute
public MaxLengthAttribute(int maxLength)
this.MaxLength = maxLength;
public int MaxLength { get; private set; }
I struggled with custom action filter providers, without getting it to work for my auth attributes. I also trying out various approaches with constructor and property injection, but did not find a solution that felt nice.
I finally ended up injecting functions into my attributes. That way, unit tests can inject a function that returns a fake or mock, while the application can inject a function that resolves the dependency with the IoC container.
I just wrote about this approach here: http://danielsaidi.com/blog/2015/09/11/asp-net-and-webapi-attributes-with-structuremap
It works really well in my project and solves all problems I had with the other approaches.

MVC: Invoking overloaded constructors conditionally

I have an MVC application where I am implementing CQRS where I have seperated saving data from reading data into seperate interfaces. I am using constructor injection for injecting the concrete instances of these interfaces into the Controller. For constructor injection I am using Unity container. See below example
//The Employee controller
public class EmployeeController : Controller
IEmployeeRepository _Writer;
IEmployeeQuery _Reader;
//constructor injection
public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository writer, IEmployeeQuery reader)
this._Writer = writer;
this._Reader = reader;
//To Do: constructor injection for write operations only
public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository writer)
this._Writer = writer;
//To Do: constructor injection for read operations only
public EmployeeController(IEmployeeQuery reader)
this._Reader = reader;
//Registration of the concrete types in the unity container.
public static class Bootstrapper
public static void ConfigureUnityContainer()
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IEmployeeRepository, EmployeeRepository>(new HttpContextLifetimeManager<IEmployeeRepository>());
container.RegisterType<IEmployeeQuery, EmployeeQueries>(new HttpContextLifetimeManager<IEmployeeQuery>());
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new UnityControllerFactory(container));
//The derived Controller Factory for injection dependencies in the Controller constructor
public class UnityControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
IUnityContainer container;
public UnityControllerFactory(IUnityContainer container)
this.container = container;
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
if (controllerType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("controllerType");
if (!typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType))
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Type requested is not a controller: {0}", controllerType.Name), "controllerType");
return container.Resolve(controllerType) as IController;
catch (Exception)
return null;
I have figured out that for any action I will either be fetching data or writing data but not both. In that case I need to invoke the controller constructors conditionally depending on which of "_Writer" or "_Reader" I need to initialize.
How can this be done ?
Looks like you have one controller where you should use two? If you never need to be able to both read and write I would consider to refactor that component towards single responsibility.
If you don't want to do that I would consider injecting a NullObject instead of not injecting that dependency at all. See this thread.
The TecX project contains an extension that mimics NInject's contextual binding. That would allow you to specify when to inject what dependency. The code can be found inside the TecX.Unity project (folder ContextualBinding). The tests that show how to use it are inside the TecX.Unity.ContextualBinding.Test project).
What about lazy loading components? You resolve both dependencies but only one that is really used is initialized.
Sample here: http://pwlodek.blogspot.com/2010/05/lazy-and-ienumerable-support-comes-to.html

ASP.NET Web API Ninject constructor injected custom filter and attributes

I'm struggling with getting a custom attribute / filter working with ninject, constructor injection on the ASP.NET Web API.
Here's a few snippets to give some context...
public IEnumerable<Thing> Get()
// Attribute definition with no body
public class ApiAuthoriseAttribute : FilterAttribute {}
// Custom Filter definition
public class ApiAuthoriseFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
//Ninject module for my API authorisation
public class ApiAuthoriseModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
this.BindFilter<ApiAuthoriseFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
//The registerServices(IKernel kernel) method in NinjectMVC3.cs
kernel.Load(new ApiAuthoriseModule());
That's literally all the code I have concerning this filter and attribute.
From what I understand I don't have to explicitly add the filter to the global filter collection as ninject takes care of that, is that correct?
If I place a constructor inside my attribute and throw an exception from within there I can see that the attribute is firing.
My suspicion is something I'm doing wrong within the Ninject side of things but after spending an afternoon reading others examples that appear to be identical to mine I'm know asking for help :)
There are different classes that you need to work with in Web API, not the standard System.Web.Mvc.FilterAttribute and System.Web.Mvc.IAuthorizationFilter that are used in normal controllers:
public class ApiAuthoriseAttribute : System.Web.Http.Filters.FilterAttribute
public class ApiAuthoriseFilter : System.Web.Http.Filters.IAuthorizationFilter
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAuthorizationFilterAsync(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<HttpResponseMessage>> continuation)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return false; }
Then you will obviously have to modify Ninject and the filter binding syntax (BindFilter extension method) to be able to register this new classes. Or wait for Ninject.MVC4 which will include this functionality.

RavenDB with Ninject in ASP.NET MVC3

I want to use RavenDB with ninject in my asp.net mvc3 project, Any idea how I have to configure this?
.WithConstructorArgument("ConnectionString", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RavenDB"].ConnectionString);
Here's how I do mine:
If you install Ninject with Nuget, you'll get an /App_start/ NinjectMVC3.cs file. In there:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
Here's the RavenModule class:
public class RavenModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
.ToMethod(c => c.Kernel.Get<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession())
private IDocumentStore InitDocStore(IContext context)
DocumentStore ds = new DocumentStore { ConnectionStringName = "Raven" };
// also good to setup the glimpse plugin here
return ds;
And for completeness here's my index creation class:
public static class RavenIndexes
public static void CreateIndexes(IDocumentStore docStore)
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(RavenIndexes).Assembly, docStore);
public class SearchIndex : AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask<SearchIndex.Result>
// implementation omitted
I hope this helps!
I recommend using a custom Ninject Provider to set up your RavenDB DocumentStore. First place this in your code block that registers your Ninject services.
Next, add this class that implements the Ninject Provider.
public class RavenDocumentStoreProvider : Provider<IDocumentStore>
var store = new DocumentStore { ConnectionName = "RavenDB" };
store.Conventions.IdentityPartsSeparator = "-"; // Nice for using IDs in routing
return store;
The IDocumentStore needs to be a singleton, but do not make the IDocumentSession a singleton. I recommend that you simply create a new IDocumentSession using OpenSession() on the IDocumentStore instance Ninject gives you whenever you need to interact with RavenDB. IDocumentSession objects are very lightweight, follow the unit-of-work pattern, are not thread-safe, and are meant to be used and quickly disposed where needed.
As others have done, you might also consider implementing a base MVC controller that overrides the OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted methods to open a session and save changes, respectively.
