C unit test frameworks with Sonar - sonarqube

Is CppUnit the only C/C++ unit test framework currently available for use with Sonar?
What would be involved in adding additional C/C++ unit testing frameworks? (e.g. how many lines of code is the CppUnit plugin, how reusable, etc.)

I think you should better send your queries in Sonar's mailing lists : http://www.sonarsource.org/support/support/

See the unit test page: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Unit+Test+Support
From that page:
The C++ Plugin parses xunit compliant format using the
sonar.cxx.xunit.reportPath. To use other formats, first they need to
be converted using the property sonar.cxx.xunit.xsltURL
For convenience the following xsl are provided
boosttest-1.x-to-junit-1.0.xsl For transforming Boost-reports
cpptestunit-1.x-to-junit-1.0.xsl For transforming
CppTestUnit-reports cppunit-1.x-to-junit-1.0.xsl For transforming CppUnit-reports
So packages that support xUnit format, like Google Test Framework, should be supported. Otherwise, if they output xml they should be supportable by changing the xslt.


Is there any way to write unit tests for GNOME-Shell extensions

I am currently trying to refactor an existing gnome-shell extension's codebase. Part of that is introducing unit tests as it seems rather neglectful to not use tests in 2016.
After some tinkering I managed to setup a working node-phantomjs-qunit pipeline that actually gets me somewhere.
However, shell extensions use a custom imports-mechanic as well as
some amendments to build in classes (ex: String.format via GJS) that make it impossible to actually test those files in a isolated environment, that is: not within the shell.
So my question is: Is it really true that it is impossible to write unit tests for shell extensions?
I've done some work with unit tests with gnome shell extensions, take a look at this extension for a complete example:
I've used webpack with babel (optional) and GJS. It is even built using Travis CI.
I've included a dumb polyfill for the GS parts I needed, and provided an alternative to handle modules, using ES6 imports instead of the default GS imports mechanism. No integration tests are possible right now, only unit tests, but at least you have control of most of your codebase.

Custom plugin for checkmarx

We are writing a large application using IBM Integration Bus and using ESQL as major language for transformation. We are investigating CheckMarx for static code analysis and scanner. But CheckMarx does not support ESQL out of the box.
Is it possible to write a custom plugin for CheckMarx, to make to able to scan and analyse ESQL code as well? I can't find any online resource for the same.
When using Checkmarx, it is quite easy to create your own custom queries and fine tune the scans for the supported languages.
Since esql files are not yet supported by Checkmarx, it means esql is not parsed. It is not possible to write a custom plugin.
You can contact Checkmarx Support and ask if scanning esql is planned in the future.
The selected answer is not entirely true. Informix ESQLC files are first parsed and intermediate C files are created. This means that Checkmarx's support for the C programming language could be used to accommodate the files provided you use the -keep option when generating the intermediate files. The same is true for 4GL files that Informix uses. The major problem here is that it would be difficult to map the original source line to the generated C code's line. The results would be hard to consume.

Can CxxTest Do Paramaterized Tests?

According to this article, one can make a parameterized test in the GoogleTest framework with some code like this:
::testing::Values("meek", "geek", "freek"));
TEST_P(MyStringTest, acceptsEekyWords)
plus some scaffolding.
After going through the CxxTest User Guide, I couldn't help but notice the lack of any mention of parameterized tests. Are parameterized tests even possible with CxxTest?
This question seems to address something similar, but the answer is by no means trivial.
I'm new to C++ unit testing. Maybe parameterized tests aren't a big deal? Almost all of my tests were parameterized in my last C# NUnit project.
As I wrote in my answer to the other question you cited, there's no facility for generating tests at run time, which is what any parameter-based tester I've ever seen does. In CxxTest, the test list is determined at compile time by the Python-based C++ parser, cxxtestgen. You can generate suites dynamically, but you only have the option of generating zero or one copy of any suite.

Are there any extensions for either Boost.Test or cppUnit which could provide HTML outputs etc?

I am involved in development of unit level test cases for our project. There are both managed code and native C++ code. After some study I chose NUnit for managed code. I would either use Gallio or FireBenchmarks which is an extension to provide HTML outputs and charts etc.
Do we have extensions like this for cppUnit or Boost.Test ? I have not decided which one to use. If there are none, which of these would be easier to extend to enable such a plugin ?
Please give your suggestions on this.
You can configure Boost.Test to generate XML output. The doc says:
This log format is designed for
automated test results processing. The
test log output XML schema depends on
the active log level threshold.
This can be enabled by specifying -output_format=XML on the command line, or by setting the environment variable BOOST_TEST_OUTPUT_FORMAT=XML. The related docs are here.
It is also possible to configure Boost.Test at compile time to produce XML output by default (described here)
In order to generate HTML you either need to implement your own formatter (which is possible, but nicely underdocumented, so please ask on the list) or to transform the XML in a postprocessing step.

Unit testing CLI/MFC Application

I have CLI/MFC application and I would like to begin to learn how to unit test with it. I have VS2008 Pro. If possible, I would like to use the built in unit testing. Thanks for your input!
I've had success with both CPPUnit and Google Test. For either you have to do a bit of work to get the test results to integrate back into Studio. The granularity of the results you want directly affects how much work. Do you want a pass/fail for the whole test set, or individual results? The former is a simple msbuild task, the latter requires outputting the result set to XML, massaging that with a transform, then pulling it back in.
We use Gallio & MbUnit to test our MFC & C++/CLI application. Simply write the tests in C++/CLI then you can test both managed and unmanged code in a single framework. We also use NMock2 for mocking the managed code.
If you have Team Test edition, you can use it to test C++/CLI applications and libraries. See here.
