Adding OAuth Server Support to PyroCMS / Codeigniter? - codeigniter

I am looking for a way to extend PyroCMS into an OAuth2.0 server. I want my users to be able to log onto my "customer" websites using a central authentication system.
I looked into but I am having trouble in planning how to integrate this with PyroCMS. I don't want to touch the core authentication so I am thinking of building a module that does this ontop of current authentication system.
Any tips/ideas on how to do this?

I can see that there is already an OAuth module for pyrocms here
which covers OAuth 1 and OAuth 2.0


Okta integration possible with existing system?

We have a custom built web app backed by a REST API. We already have existing user accounts that are created via our system. We've just recently integrated Domo to do reporting and they recommend Okta.
Is it possible to get have users sign in on our site and in the background also sign them into Okta via an API call/OAUTH request etc?
Yes it is. The methods are available via the API, and I just created app that demos exactly this in Python. Check out for links to test stuff in Postman. My basic approach was to have Okta be the system of record, but it can certainly be the other way :)

Ruby integration for Joomla using com_api

I am creating an application which uses REST API to access web-services of WordPress and Joomla.
I got success to do this with WordPress but I am unable to do this with Joomla-3.
I want to make a REST API call using Ruby Net::Http to access Joomla powered site. I want to access content of Joomla-3 enabled site using REST API. I found com_api but I don't know how to use it.
Please can anyone help me how to connect Ruby on Rails and Joomla 3 with each other.
I have developed a commercial Joomla package which combines an admin component with an extensible plugin architecture to expand service capabilities. You may refer to may other responses for more information:
REST API for Joomla 3.0
How to Install and use joomla rest api step by step
A key feature of this extension is that it is built upon the Slim PHP micro-framework in order to take advantage of a robust, standards-compliant service route architecture. This allows Joomla to take care of login authentication and group permissions, while Slim exposes routes for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. Another advantage is that Joomla allows for selective activation and permissioning for different web service plugins.
Installation, configuration and API docs can be found here:
For a general product overview, please visit

Integrate oauth 2.0 server with codeigniter

I want to integrate a oauth 2.0 server system to access my login externally
I found CodeIgniter-OAuth-2.0-Server in internet but that code seems to be deprecated. It would be a bad idea to integrate it with my codeigniter?
You know of some other project oauth 2.0 server for my codeigniter?
much thanks
This php server is very good and up to date, and very well documented
You have to do yourself the implementation with codeigniter, but i think that is the best way
For more information take look at :

API authentication

I have the task to build a new API. The API will mainly be used by tablet applications.
I'm thinking of using the new ASP WebApi.
My biggest concern however is the security part. Because the apps will be build by third-party companies, we do not want that usercredentials will be entered in their application, but redirected to our site (authenticationserver).
I have done some researching and I came accross OAuth 2.0. For working with mobile devices and tablets it's probably the best to work with the 'autohorization code flow' principle -correct me if I'm wrong-.
Am I thinking in the right direction or are their simpler authentication systems to achieve my goal?
Are their any frameworks (.NET) available (or documentation) how to create an Authentication Server and how to use it in the Asp webapi?
Is it easy these days to implement oauth2.0 in an IOS app?
Thanks for any help!
OAuth 2.0 authz code based grant is suitable when client app is a Web application. Will the apps that are going to be built by third party all be Web applications? There are HTTP redirects involved in that flow.
In OAuth 2.0, there is a client, there is a resource server (Web API in your case) and there is an authorization server. There is no such thing as Authentication server. Are you referring to some thing else?

Google custom search API with OAuth2

Is it possible to get authorized for Google's custom search API with OAuth2 instead of using their ClientLogin, which would mean I'd need to build a whole UI to deal with user's login/password/captcha, plus I'm not a fan of inputting secure information like that on my own system. I'd rather rely on OAuth2 and login directly to Google
I've looked around but haven't been able to find anything for the scope part of the url eg scope="" for authenticating with their Contacts API.
Note: I'm using Ruby to develop this.
