How to create dependent attributes in magento - magento

As there any way in magento where i can create dependent attributes like color depends on size and size depends on manufacturer ?.

Let me assume you mean product attributes by saying attributes plainly.
To answer your question its not possible to create dependent product attributes directly or straight forwardly under Manage Attributes. But you can make your attributes depend on each other by creating Configurable products.
Lets say you have 2 colors (black and blue) and 2 sizes (L,XL) and you want to make your colors depend on sizes.
At first create 2 attributes size and color of type dropdown under Manage attributes and create the attribute options and values. and Assign it to the right attribute set.
Now create the simple products , lets say product A with size L and color Black and product B with color Blue and size XL.
Now create a configurable product lets say AB and associate these two simple products A and B. Save the product.
if the customer opens the product AB and if they choose size L they can find only color Black. This is how you can make your product attributes dependent on each other.

Configurable products are the best route for dependent options (unless you have tons of options as configurable products can only have a few hundred simple products assigned before they fail).
There are also a few extensions that allow you to do this for custom options on simple products. See:


Can 2 or more attribute sets be applied to a magento configurable product?

I'm trying to set up some products on our new magento store.
I need to have both colour and size as a choice for a lot of the products although these differ depending on the products e.g. T-shirt in blue, red and yellow in sizes from 2yrs to 13yrs.
I want to apply 2 attribute sets to a new configurable product but when I test it it doesn't come up. Plus on the associated products page the simple quick product creation doesn't come up.
I've got all the products set up as simple products but not with the attributes of colour and size.
for that you need only one Attribute Set and two product attributes . Attribute sets are for different product types for an example your store has both T-Shirts and Jeans we will need two separate attribute sets for T-Shirts and Jeans but to describe color and size of T-Shirt you will need two product attributes associate to T-Shirts Attribute set . Refer this video it will explain all

Magento simple product with custom options and different stocks

I have a problem in finding a solution for our store. We are selling shoes with different colors and sizes. Each product has a different sku based on color and size and different stock.
Until now all is simple, I can use configurable products but I want to have all options visible in category list as a separate product.
For eg.: in flats category I have a product with 2 different colors and I want to display them separately and when I choose one of them there I want to have the options of other colors and sizes.
Is there a solution or a module that I can use?
From what is in the description, Configurable product would suit your situation better. For each configurable product, you can have multiple simple product with different colour and sizes. And you can change the visibility attribute of the simple product to make it show up in the frontend.

How to display size attribute selection on Magento simple product front end

I created configurable products on Magento with attributes colour and size for the main category. I also have a sub category for simple products to display individually, however, i would like the user to be able to select size on simple products as well. How can i enable Magento to display size attribute on simple products? Thanks in advance.
You can't have this directly.
Example : You have a configurable product named T-Shirt.
You have some simple products named
Red T-Shirt L
Red T-Shirt XL
Blue T-Shirt M
Blue T-Shirt L
Blue T-Shirt XXL
Green T-Shirt L
Each simple product correspond to a particular combination of Size and Colour, so it's pointless to be able to change size on the simple product. To fit your needs there are several possibilities :
-1°) Review the $_product->getProductUrl() function to force people going to the configurable, on the subcategory they can see each simple combinations, but if they clic they are redirected to the configurable, pre-configured to the simple clicked, but they are able to change size and colour.
-2°) If you just want to change size once colour selected, just create intermediate configurable product like Blue T-Shirt where use can just select size. Then you redirect to this configurable product. To sum up you have the "main" configurable where you can choose color and size, but if you look at subcategory and already like a color, you have an "intermediate" configurable where you can just choose the size.
-3°) There are other possibility, but less good for this task, but I may name them : using Custom Option of size in each simple, using upsell product to have other size information in the product page and do some scripting (js and html) to show them as a dropdown size selector, ...
Hope this helps

Is it possible to apply a custom option to an entire category of products in Magento?

I'm working on a Magento-powered jewelry store and the sample ring I added as a product, I
created a custom option for Ring Size (a SELECT drop down).
Easy enough.
My question is this - how can I apply that custom option to ALL products within the Rings
Looks like you're wrong with the idea of using custom options here. If you're planning to use Ring Size for all of your Rings products, it's better to create a Ring Size attribute, add it to "Rings" Attribute Group, and use this attribute group to create your Rings products.
Update. You need to use the Configurable product type for your rings product. Here's the manual how to create a Configurable product.
To wrap it up - here's the brief description of Configurable products functional: The actual "configurable" product is a virtual "container" that contain simple physical items with concrete attribute option within itself.
In your case you will create a Configurable product that is configured by the attribute Ring Size. Then you will create some simple product, each with it's own Ring Size option. After simple products are created, you will assign them to the configurable product, so the customer will have the ability to choose the desired Ring Size on the frontend.
Just don't forget to mark Ring Size attribute as "is used to create configurable products" duting the attribute creation.

Magento add product size and attribute inventory

I think this is a common situation, I'm selling clothes and shoes and I need to have an option for sizes and attribute an inventory level for each. How could I do that?
Here is an example, I m selling shoes in sizes 41 to 45. I have 5 pairs of each except the size 45 which I only have 2.
(Keep in mind that clothes and shoes don t have the same measurement options).
Would be awesome if I could do it for all products in a category at the same time, even if that means having to go through the DB.
Creating a Configurable Product
There are a few steps involved:
Create the attributes that will be configurable by the user - for our example they will be Size and Color
Create the attribute set that will be assigned to the variant products - for our example, we’ll call it “T-shirt”
Create the individual variant products
Create the configurable product, and add the “T-shirt” attribute set
Add the individual variants to this configurable product
Adding a new attribute to the table isn't to difficult, but you need to find a good way of making sure it's not dirty. You do not want to add empty attributes to make sure you have room for enough products and you don't want to have too few. I was recommended using implode on an array to put it into a variable in which each element of the original ray is stored and separated by a character. You could then put this into one column. You can find some good information for updating a magento table here:
