Git push halts on “Writing Objects: 100%” on Windows 7 - windows

When I try to push new file into Git repository, it doesn't finish, on screen is my workflow:
I tried:
TortoiseGit (git version 1.8.0.msysgit.0 (C:\Program
Eclipse EGit 2.1.0
Command line
without any success. I read this question, but it's quite old (1.5 year), and do not help (I installed git 1.7.4), and was the same. I new in Git, please tell me what am I doing wrong or how to solve it? What do you suggest as a Git client for Windows 7 (32)? (Best if it will support command line).

Pushing over the Git-protocol is still broken in Git for Windows. So if that's what you're attempting, check if you can push over another protocol instead.

I had this problem today. I pulled and then tried to push to the remote, and it got to 100% writing objects and just stayed there. It didn't request the repo password, nothing.
The solution was related to my .gitconfig file. I had to redo the settings in this file.
I think in mucking around with my git repository (and admittedly learning how git works by breaking it) I had inadvertently removed this file.


Git Errors with interactive rebase. Unable to move the cache: Access is denied

I'm using Git on windows on version 2.38.1
I'm currently having some errors when I'm trying to do an interactive rebase. Fortunately the operation still works at least. Here are the errors :
I tried the following:
Delete the cache folder. This only brought more issue where I was not able to clone repos
reinstalled git for windows. This solved some of the issue but I still have the errors that are in the screenshot
I found a couple of forum/blog that gave me things to try bu as of now it always led me to another dead end.
Would anyone have a clue on how I could get rid of those errors?
Thank you in advance for the help
Try first to make the git rebase -i from a simple CMD session, not from an editor (like VSCode) to see if the issue persists.
Do that in a local cloned repository in C:\users\macaron\myRepository (replace myRepository with your actual repository name).
If it works outside an IDE, but not inside, then, as seen here, it is probably due to a concurrent process which keeps an handle on those resources (Cache folders), preventing the git command to proceed.

remote-https is not a git command when cloning repo

On a Windows (version 10) machine, with the latest git client at the time of writing (, cloning repositories using HTTPS fails with error:
git: 'remote-https' is not a git command.
After a bit of research it turns out that git comes with several remote-<command> utilities, with remote-https being one of them. The error message therefore seems to tell us that `remote-https is not installed on the machine.
After a bit more research, it seems that similar problems for other developers were solved by installing curl. The machine we're dealing with does have curl (7.46.0) installed as well.
We tried reinstalling the git client a couple of times entirely from as well as, both resulting in the same error.
Any help or pointer to get this fixed is highly appreciated.
I just fixed the error in my build env. hope my solution is useful to you.
my env: Windows10+Jenkins+git
git version 2.18.
I just reinstall the git into windows, with a different selection during the installation:"MINTTY". after reinstall, I found the remote-https under my git install directory.
also, you need to set the jenkins env. make sure that the new git path which was included in the Jenkins env configure. if you "echo %Path%", and you can find the new git path which included the remote-https, then you are fine.

Git Extensions "function not implemented"

I'm trying to use Git Extensions on a new Windows 7 machine. I have done that many times before but never hit this particular issue.
Git Bash is working, I successfully cloned a repository.
But going to Git Extensions, opening the repo, and doing a pull gives me the following error message:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" pull --progress "origin"
error: cannot spawn git: Function not implemented
Press Enter or Esc to close console...
My setup is very ordinary. The Git Extensions startup checks all pass. (This is similar but not the same problem as the common invalid path issue.)
Do you have any idea what causes this problem?
The new releases, Git for Windows 2.16.1(3) and Git for Windows 2.16.1(4), fix this regression:
2.16.1(3) Bug Fixes
When http.sslBackend is not configured (e.g. in portable Git or MinGit), fetch/push operations no longer crash.
On Windows 7 and older, Git for Windows v2.16.1(2) was no longer able to spawn any processes (e.g. during fetch/clone). This regression has been fixed.
The Perl upgrade in v2.16.1(2) broke git send-email; This has been fixed by updating the Net-SSLeay Perl module.
The mentioned regression in the second bullet point is exactly the error this question is about.
Unfortunately, there was one missing issue about spawning processes which was then fixed in the subsequent fourth release:
2.16.1(4) Bug Fixes
When called from TortoiseGit, git.exe can now spawn processes again.
Note that the download on might not have been update yet, so you need to download it from or directly from the release page on GitHub.
Afterwards, you can verify that you indeed running the new version using git --version which should report git version
Per Philippe and Jake - bug is filed against GIT 2.16.2, and workaround is to go back to prior version.
Running an update on my machine to Git for Windows v2.21.0- just a slightly updated version fixed the issue with my Windows 7 installation at work.

git pull is not working on msysgit client?

I am using msysgit client, I am able to fetch,push but when I try to pull it shows
git: 'pull' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
I tried for git --exec-path and it gives C:\git-client/libexec/git-core, this path exists but still I am not able to pull. Any idea?
As stated in comment above:
git pull is (usually) shorthand for doing a fetch then merge.
Check that git fetch works first.
Further later research shows that this may be a bug in a specific version of msysgit, So try upgrading that also (always prudent advice).
Additionally, a few googles for "git: 'pull' is not a git command" turned up quite a few choices on various fixes, based on which platform you are working on, but most turned out to be a missing path to git-core, so also check those out.

Git reports changed files on Windows 8

I have been struggling with this git problem.
The problem is that when I do a fresh clone from GitHub, git reports that some files has changed although I have not touched them.
Often this happens when I switch branches as well. If I go from an unmodified master to another branch and back to master, it says files has been changed in master.
I have been reading about line endings and tried just about everything in that category, but nothing seems to help.
The repository is is case someone would like to try and see if they have the same problem.
A friend of mine had the exact same problem with the same repository on his Windows 8 machine. Then he tried it on Windows 7 and the problem went away.
Does anybody know of any issues with using git on windows 8.
I have also tried this on another Windows 8 machine and it has the same problem.
I've dealt with this issue in the past - keep in mind that most git installations run on non-windows servers. There's a distinct possibility that what Windows is seeing is actually something where the "filemode" of the file is different than what Linux expects, therefore it sees the file as changed.
Poking around on the internet, there may be a way to fix the filemode issue - but nothing on google is jogging my memory at the moment. I skimmed over this, maybe something in it will help?!topic/chromium-dev/0EdNev3NNsw
I can't promise the above has a silver bullet for you, but it seems like there's good discussion about how Windows filemode messes up git indexes, sometimes.
I experienced the same issue with Windows 7. This is something I did to resolve (you might try):
git clone
cd LightInject
git status
git checkout -f -b mine HEAD~
git status
git checkout master
git status
git branch -D mine
