Codeigniter pass a id to controller from view - codeigniter

I am using codeigniter for this project. I hava a id value in which i pass from controller A to view A. This id value is echo between an anchor tag. When this anchor tag is clicked on, it redirects to another controller B with the id value and processed this id value within controller B. Is there any other way of doing this other than using the uri class? Want to keep the url clean.
I thought of a way of appending hidden input elements when I shift from controller A to view A to controller B, but i realised it can be very messy.
Any clean ways of doing this? Thanks in advance guys!

New to using Stackoverflow See if you could understand my layout:
Use the URI Class except you have good reasons not to.
$data["id"] = ("ID NUMBER");
$this->load->view("VIEW_A", $data);
$id = $this->uri->segment(3);
USE FORM POST if you want to keep things hidden:
$data["id"] = ("ID NUMBER");
$this->load->view("VIEW A", $data);
<form name="myform" id="myform" action="<?php echo base_url() ?>/controllerB/controllerfunction/" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="<?php echo $id ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="See more" />
You could also use javascript to submit the form here via link if you which:
See more
Tips:You could also use css to hide submit button in the form by setting opacity to 0;
If link is within the form, you could use javascript:this.submit();
See more
$('#link').click(function() {
$id = $this->input->post("id");

Well hidden inputs will work, and there's may another workaround that once you redirected to the method and use your id value i.e. get data from database, redirect again to another controller method with the clean URL you need , hope this is helpful


refresh page with joomla component

I have a simple form in my tmpl/default.php:
<form id='AddForm' action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_mycomponent&task=addcam'); ?>" >
<label for="CamName">Name:
<input type="text" id="CamName" name="cam_name" />
<button type='submit' class='submit_cam' name='addcam' value='Add'>Add</button>
<button type='reset' class='cancel_changes' name='cancel_changes' value='Cancel'>Cancel</button>
In my controller.php file I'm trying to process the values:
function addcam()
$model = &$this->getModel();
$model->AddWebcam($add_name); //send to model to add to DB
In my model I just return the result of the query. With this implementation I just get routed to an empty page. I'd like to have it refresh the current page. Typically you do this with action="" but in my case I need it to route to the function called addcam in the controller. Or is there a better way to do this?
A common technique in Joomla when directing to the task is to have that function do a full redirect to a view at the end. This prevents a page refresh from trying to resubmit the data and leads to a cleaner url for the client. To do this, try the following:
function addcam()
$model = &$this->getModel();
$model->AddWebcam($add_name); //send to model to add to DB
Obviously, update the JRoute bit to the url you actually need. You can also include a message if you would like (like "Saved!"):

How to pass the HTML ID and URL of image in a WP post?

I want to incorporate the Aviary editor into WordPress posts so that people can click an edit button for the image in the post, edit it and save it. Aviary has provided code for the last two, but I do not know how to pass the HTML ID and URL of the image in the post in an input tag for the edit button. I know this is basic, but I am not a programmer, so I would sure appreciate your patience and feedback. Thanks.
Here is the input static code Aviary provides:
<!-- Add an edit button, passing the HTML id of the image and the public URL of the image --><p>
<input type='image' src='' value='Edit photo'
onclick="return launchEditor('imageid', 'url');" /></p>
I need to know how to pass the ID and URL for the last line of the code. Thanks so much for any feedback you can offer.
the imageid is the div id to use by aviary, you just need tu create
<div id="imageid"></div>
An to get the image url you can to like this
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post->ID);
$url = $image[0];
<input type='image' src='' value='Edit photo' onclick="return launchEditor('imageid', '<?php echo $url; ?>');" /></p>
I assume that you will place it in attachment page

Update multilingual content with AJAX in Yii

Refer to my code below, when user click on en button, the content will be changed to English, while clicking tw button, the content will be changed to Chinese.
However, the page will be refreshed each time when user click either en or tw button. I want to ask how can I implement AJAX content update in this case?
The result is when user click either en or tw button, the page won't be refreshed to change the content language.
I have refer to Yii docs here, but seem that it is not appropriate for my case
$lang = isset($_GET["lang"]) ? $_GET["lang"] : "en_uk";
$lang = $lang == "en" ? "en_uk" : "zh_tw";
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get">
<input type="submit" value="en" name="lang" />
<input type="submit" value="tw" name="lang" />
<div class="main">
<?php echo Yii::t(Yii::app()->controller->id, "Causeway Bay"); ?>
Best practice is to reload the page in these cases, because usually you have to update so much, that it is just not worth it.
That said, CHtml's ajaxSubmitButton is the cleanest way to implement this, because you can map every event of your call very easily. It looks something like this:
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('en', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/changeLanguage')),
//if you add a return false in this, it will not submit.
alert("success, data from server: "+data);
You don't have to use every parameter of course. The update parameter can update a HTML tag instantly.
This can be done easily if you use the controller's renderPartial method, for instance in your site controller if you have the action responsible for the index.
public function actionIndex(){
//get variables, etc
if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
$lang = $_POST['nameOfSubmit'];
}else {
//if the 3rd parameter is true, the method returns the generated HTML to a variable
$page = $this->renderPartial('_page', array(/*parameters*/ ), true);
echo $page;
And then, in your view file you can simply have
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('en', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index')),
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('tw', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index')),

PHP Sessions Var Not Storing... Possible php.ini issues?

I'm trying to store information on a form by using sessions in case the validation returns false, then the user doesn't have to refill the form. This how I'm doing this:
$Fname = $_SESSION['FirstName'];
<input type="text" id="First" value="<? if($Fname){echo $Fname;}?>">
$Fname = $_POST['First'];
$_SESSION['FirstName'] = $Fname;
//validation is not good then
header('Location: PageA.php');
The issue is that when sent back to page A, nothing is showing up in the inputs, but randomly it will show up or, I'll refresh and it might show up. For most part its just not working and what I don't understand it kind of just started happening when I made a modification of removing one of the session vars and replacing it with a cookie because of other reasons, but decided not to go that route. Still I don't see what I could have done to start causing this issue. Any ideas? I'm thinking its something with the php.ini file because i have a separate form with the same setup and I never touched it, and now its not working when it was the last time i checked.
I just tried the form, I submitted it incorrectly on purpose to trigger the validation and it sent me back with blank inputs as I already mentioned. I clicked on another page and then came back to the form and the inputs appeared. It seems as if its storing but just not being read immediately? Don't know if this helps.
On Page B session_start() should be the first command on the page. I always keep this at the top just to be sure
You do not need SESSION at all ...
$Fname = isset($_POST['First']) ? $_POST['FirstName'] : '';
<form method='post' action='PageB.php'>
<input type="text" id="First" value="<? if($Fname){echo $Fname;}?>"/>
//validation is not good then
include 'PageA.php';
Not sure if it is a typo, but in your input tag you don't have the "name" attribute specified, which would mean an empty $_POST array when you go to page B.
It's difficult (for me at least) to help you without further details, but here are my thoughts:
From the PHP manual: "Session ID is not passed with Location header even if session.use_trans_sid is enabled. It must by passed manually using SID constant. "
One solution found in other forums: call session_write_close() before the header redirection: external link
Apparently, header() can sometimes make the redirection BEFORE the session cookie is written. That could explain why sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. But, as I said, not sure that this applies to your code.
I got it working by filling in the things you left out in your example; does it work for you?
note addition of <form action="PageB.php" method="POST"> and change of id="First" to name="First"
$Fname = $_SESSION['FirstName'];
<form action="PageB.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="First" value="<? if($Fname){echo $Fname;}?>">
$Fname = $_POST['First'];
$_SESSION['FirstName'] = $Fname;
//validation is not good then
header('Location: PageA.php');

Codeigniter: How to redirect properly with form validation

I understand how to do it w/ a plain form w/o existing values, but let's say I have a view that I can call via let's say I have two fields, username, password and city, which are all pulled from the DB (except for password of course). So, if a user tries to submit the form and fails validation for whatever reason, where should I "redirect" them to? Right now, I have it showing the same view but the problem is, it pulls the info from the DB again. Should I be creating two different views?
The second view would essentially show the information they tried to enter along w/ the error message.
You do not need two separate views. Check out Form Helper's functions set_value(), set_select(), set_checkbox() and set_radio(). These re-populate form after its submission and validation. So in your case, you should specify the fields this way:
<input type="text"
value="<?php echo set_value('username', $user['username']); ?>" />
<input type="text"
value="<?php echo set_value('city', $user['city']); ?>" />
By default, the input will have $user['city'] value. But after failed validation it will be re-populated with previously entered values (including incorrect ones).
Just remember that all fields you want to re-populate need to be passed through form_validation library:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('city', 'City', '');
On the same controller you could have something like this:
if ($this->form_validation->run('create_comment') === TRUE)
$this->comments_model->name = $this->input->post('name', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->email = $this->input->post('email', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->website = $this->input->post('website', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->comment = $this->input->post('comment', TRUE);
That's all there is to it.
The idea is to have it redirect to itself or wherever you want, when the validation returns 'true' so that we kind of refresh the page, hence, update the page.
If the validation returns 'false' then you won't have to do anything.
Redirect to the same form.
And in your view give error information to the visitor.
There are two ways you can do this.
Use this error in your view. This will show validation error info.
echo validation_errors('<p class="error">','</p>');
Or you can use flashdata()
In your controller
$this->session->set_flashdata('msg', 'All fields are required. or other useful info here. Please try again!');
And in your view, you need to show it.
if ($this->session->flashdata('msg')){ //change!
echo "<div class='message'>";
echo $this->session->flashdata('msg');
echo "</div>";
Had the same problem and discovered that a redirection makes you lose the data that would have been provided by form_error(...) or validation_errors(), except you store such data in a session or in an array being passed into the loaded view.
The point to note is that you should redirect only if the data you want passed around is in session, else you should just load a view. The latter ensures that you have your validation errors intact when you reach the loaded view.
Just load same view if form validation failed
#set form validation rules
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required');
#get all posted data ,this helps you in two ways,
# 1. Get all form data and can be use here server side
# 2. repopulating the form data by passing to view page
$userData=$this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);
#check form validation result
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
//do the operation
$this->load->view($view, $userData);
View page
<form method=post action='URL'>
<input type='text' name='username'value='<?php echo $username?>'/>
<?php echo (form_error('username')) ? form_error('username', "<div style='color:red'>", "</div>") : ""; ?>
<input type='text' name='password' value='<?php echo $password?>'/>
<?php echo (form_error('username')) ? form_error('username', "<div style='color:red'>", "</div>") : ""; ?>
<input type='submit' value='submit'/>
This code display form errors and repopulate the form
