How to set default settings for options in Joomla - joomla

I searched all over , couldnt get this question anywhere in the stackoverflow.
So here is my question:
In the menu creation / edit - we get a big list of options - Categories/Blog Layout , etc options.
There are options to select "Use global".
I am interested to know where to change this options. I am finding it hard to make my website look uniform because of this.
Please help.

Try this,
There are more things related to this.For global settings case in menu , article components are different options.
Such as for menu items use global option is set in menus->menu manager - >options(on the tool bar menu).
For articles use global section are you can find at contnet->article manager ->(options on the tool bar).
for other components layout like Virtuemart ,K2 etc they have their own option button in their layout.
Hope this may help you..


Magento, category, details button

I'm trying to teach myself Magento, and basic programming.
In the product lists I have, beside the "add to cart" button is a "Details" button. It has a typo in the label, and says "Detalis".
I need to fix this, but I can't find where/which file it is in. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Generally,product list layout came from list.phtml file.
file location:app/design/frontend/default/my_theme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
Please enable the path hints via admin panel.It's show all block paths.
How do I turn on template path hints?
To turn on template path hints in Magento:
log into the magento back-end admin
Go to System -> Configuration in the main menu
Go to Developer on the bottom left under ADVANCED
Switch to the store view on the top left to your current website or
store view.
Under the Debug tab of the same Developer config page you will see a
new option appear that will allow you to turn on/off template path
Remember to clear your cache.
Generally, I believe that the templates associated with products would be located in the
However, I am unsure of your site template files etc, especially if you are doing things yourself.
To make your life easier, I would suggest installing a program called Agent Ransack which I have found to be invaluable when searching for a needle in a haystack.

magento product option boxes style

Hi I am novice at magento I just can do simple task and edit some css but now I need to redesign product page layout. What I cant do is change product options (like shoes size, or clothes S,M,XL etc..).
Now it has classic dropdown manu layout what i want is little boxes with options, like checkboxes.
See exemple here example of product
i dont know if there is some plugin for that or you need to see some source code to help me, if so write a comment i try paste neccesary code.
try to add custom option for product,,,,you can see in manage product option in last tab custom option...
The options for configurable products are created here:
Just edit the *.phtml to your needs. In default it is a simple select box.

How would i edit this vertical navigation menu - MAGENTO

Ok. all i am trying todo now is add an image to the top of the navigation bar.
I photoshopped a picture of what i have now and what i am trying to achieve.
here is my site
and here is a link to the naviation module in magento
Thanks guys you are always helpful here!
I find this question a bit specific, because it's related to specific plugin.
I suggest you to use template path hints to find out what file you have to edit. You could enable template path hints for specific store view in System/Configuration/Developer/Debug/Template Path Hints. This option will appear only when you enable specific store view in Current Configuration Scope on the top of left column. It will display hints around blocks on frontend.
You might also find useful official magento design guide:

Joomla not showing menu

I have downloaded this template to my joomla 2.5.6 and I'm trying to create a horizontal menu. I have created menu and module that should be displaying that menu. I have set position to user3 (as I've read that is the default position for horizontal menu), but nothing showed up.
The only positions I can see my menu on are "search" and "top-panel".
Can anybody please guide me how to find what may cause the problem?
EDIT: I have renamed the menu to "menu1" and so did with "menu type" and it has showed up. Why? Where's any logic?
Thank you !
Make sure you have set on which pages to activate the menu:
You can find these settings in the module manager > your menu
check the positions using ?tp=1 at the end of your url
log in to your joomla backend.
go to article manager and create an article..
go to menu manager and create a new menu, select your article which will me mostly a single article if you have created others then choose others, such as featured article or others,
then on the same page on required setting choose the article you have created.
save and close..
now go to
module manager,
go to the menu or content menu or horizontal menu,
down below there will be menu assignment,
choose the menu and show to it all pages..
hope this will help you..
Anil Bikram Thapa

Firefox plugin to build custom links for the right click menu

In Firefox, I'd like to be able to highlight a word or number, then right click and have options that would open various custom links such as:
View User Profile ->
View User Admin Page ->
View Order Page ->
Something like that would save me and my team a lot of time.
Does anyone know is such a plugin exists, and if not what would be involved in developing one?
This page has some options for Menu customization extensions:
Maybe you could use one of those extensions with keyword searches?
I believe in you!
I know you're trying to save yourself some time with due diligence researching whether it's been done, but with the power of copy and paste, you could "write your own" almost as quickly as asking the question.
