Complexity of simple division - complexity-theory

What is the (a) worst case, (b) best case, and (c) average case complexity of the following function which does simple division
while n>=1 do
n=n DIV 2
end {while}
How would you justify the complexity?

The function is O(log n), since it will require exactly floor(log2(n)) + 1 iterations.


What is the time complexity of the merge step of mergesort?

I know this algorithm has a time complexity of o(nlogn), but if we speak about only the merge step, is this one still o(nlogn)? Or is it reduced to o(logn)? I believe the second is the answer but since we still have to touch every element in the array, I'm suspecting the complexity remains the same
The "split" step is the one that takes o(logn), and the merge one is o(n), just realized that via a comment.
The split step of Merge Sort will take O(n) instead of O(log(n)).
If we have the runtime function of split step:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1)
with T(n) is the runtime for input size n, 2 is the number of new problems and n/2 is the size of each new problem, O(1) is the constant time to split an array in half.
We also has the base case: T(4) = O(1) and T(3) = O(1) .
We might come up with (not really accurate):
T(n) = n/2 * O(1) = O(n/2) = O(n)
Moreover, to understand the time complexity of Merge step (finger algorithm), we should understand the number of sub-array.
The number of sub-array has the asymptotic growth rate at the worst case = O(n/2 + 1) = O(n).
The "Finger Algorithm" grow linear with the growth of number of sub-array, it will loop through each sub-array O(n), and at each sub-array at the worst case it will need to loop 2 more times -> the time complexity of merge step (finger algorithm) = O(2n) = O(n).

What is the big-O complexity of the following pseudocode?

What would be the computational complexity of the following pseudocode?
integer recursive (integer n) {
if (n == 1)
return (1);
return (recursive (n-1) + recursive (n-1));
In the real world, the calls would get optimized and yield linear complexity, but with the RAM model on which big-Oh is calculated, what would be the complexity? 2^n?
The complexity of this algorithm in its current form is indeed O(2n), because on each level of call, there will be twice more number of calls.
The first call (recursive(n)) constitutes one call
The next level (recursive(n-1)) constitutes 2 calls
At the base case (recursive(1)) it constitutes 2n-1 calls.
So the total number of function calls is 1+2+…+2n-1 = 2n-1
So the complexity is O(2n).
Additional points:
As you said, this can be easily made O(n) (or perhaps O(log n) for this special case using fast exponentiation) by memoization, or dynamic programming.
Your complexity will be
Why is it so? Simply mathematical induction proof:
N=1: special case, count of steps = 1.
N=2, Obvious, = 2, so it's correct
Let it be correct for N=K, i.e. for N=K it will be
Assuming N=K+1. The function recursive will call itself recursively for N=K two times: recursive(K+1) = recursive(K) + recursive(K) as it follows from the code. That is: . So, for N=K+1 we got steps.
So we've proof that complexity for N will be in common case (from definition of mathematical induction).

time complexity and size of the input

I'm studying for an exam which is mostly about the time complexity. I've encountered a problem while solving these four questions.
1) if we prove that an algorithm has a time complexity of theta(n^2), is it possible that it takes him the time calculation of O(n) for ALL inputs?
2) if we prove that an algorithm has a time complexity of theta(n^2), is it possible that it takes him the time calculation of O(n) for SOME inputs?
3) if we prove that an algorithm has a time complexity of O(n^2), is it possible that it takes him the time calculation of O(n) for SOME inputs?
4) if we prove that an algorithm has a time complexity of O(n^2), is it possible that it takes him the time calculation of O(n) for ALL inputs?
can anyone tell me how to answer such questions. I'm mostly confused when they ask for "all" or "some" inputs.
gkovacs90 answer provides a good link : WIKI
T(n) = O(n3), means T(n) grows asymptotically no faster than n3. A constant k>0 exists and for all n>N , T(n) < k*n3
T(n) = Θ(n3), means T(n) grows asymptotically as fast as n3. Two constants k1, k2 >0 exist and for all n>N , k1*n3 < T(n) < k2*n3
so if T(n) = n3 + 2*n + 3
Then T(n) = Θ(n3) is more appropriate than T(n) = O(n3) since we have more information about the way T(n) behaves asymptotically.
T(n) = Θ(n3) means that for n>N the curve of T(n) will "approach" and "stay close" to the curve of k*n3, with k>0.
T(n) = O(n3) means that for n>N the curve of T(n) will always be under to the curve of k*n3, with k>0.
2:Yes, as gkovacs90 says, for small values of n you can have O(n) time calculation but I would say No for big enough inputs. The notations Theta and Big-O only mean something asymptotically
Example for number 4 (dumm but still true) : for an Array A : Int[] compute the sum of the values. Your algorithm certainly will be :
Given A an Int Array
for int a in A
sum = sum + a
end for
return sum
If n is the length of the array A : The time complexity is T(n) = n. So T(n) = O(n2) since T(n) will not grow faster than n2. And still we have for all array a time calculation of O(n).
If you find such a result for a time (or memory) complexity. Then you can (and certainly you must) refine the Big-O / Theta of your function (here obviously we have : Θ(n))
Some last points :
T(n)=Θ(g(n)) implies T(n)=O(g(n)).
In computational complexity theory, the complexity is sometimes computed for best, worst and average cases.
A "barfoot" explanation:
Big O notation is for setting an upper bound. By definition, there is always an index(or an input-length) from wich the notation is correct. So below this index, anything can happen.
For example sorting an array(O(n^2)) with one element takes less time, than writing the elements to the output(O(n)). ( we don't sort, we know it is in the right order, so it takes 0 time ).
So the answers:
1: No
2: Yes
3: Yes
4: Yes
You can find a detailed understandable description at WIKI
And HERE You can find a simpler explanation.

Is worst case analysis not equal to asymptotic bounds

Can someone explain to me why this is true. I heard a professor mention this is his lecture
The two notions are orthogonal.
You can have worst case asymptotics. If f(n) denotes the worst case time taken by a given algorithm with input n, you can have eg. f(n) = O(n^3) or other asymptotic upper bounds of the worst case time complexity.
Likewise, you can have g(n) = O(n^2 log n) where g(n) is the average time taken by the same algorithm with (say) uniformly distributed (random) inputs of size n.
Or you can have h(n) = O(n) where h(n) is the average time taken by the same algorithm with particularly distributed random inputs of size n (eg. almost sorted sequences for a sorting algorithm).
Asymptotic notation is a "measure". You have to specify what you want to count: worst case, best case, average, etc.
Sometimes, you are interested in stating asymptotic lower bounds of (say) the worst case complexity. Then you write f(n) = Omega(n^2) to state that in the worst case, the complexity is at least n^2. The big-Omega notation is opposite to big-O: f = Omega(g) if and only if g = O(f).
Take quicksort for an example. Each successive recursive call n of quicksort has a run-time complexity T(n) of
T(n) = O(n) + 2 T[ (n-1)/2 ]
in the 'best case' if the unsorted input list is splitted into two equal sublists of size (n-1)/2 in each call. Solving for T(n) gives O(n log n), in this case. If the partition is not perfect, and the two sublists are not of equal size n, i.e.
T(n) = O(n) + T(k) + T(n - 1 - k),
we still obtain O(n log n) even if k=1, just with a larger constant factor. This is because the number of recursive calls of quicksort is rising exponentially while processing the input list as long as k>0.
However, in the 'worst case' no division of the input list takes place, i.e.:
T(n) = O(n) + T(0) + T(n - 1) = O(n) + O(n-1) + T(n-1) + T(n-2) ... .
This happens e.g. if we take the first element of a sorted list as the pivot element.
Here, T(0) means one of the resulting sublists is zero and therefore takes no computing time (since the sublist has zero elements). All the remaining load T(n-1) is needed for the second sublist. In this case, we obtain O(n²).
If an algorithm had no worst case scenario, it would be not only be O[f(n)] but also o[f(n)] (Big-O vs. little-o notation).
The asymptotic bound is the expected behaviour as the number of operations go to infinity. Mathematically it is just that lim as n goes to infinity. The worst case behaviour however is applicable to finite number of operations.

Complexity of recursive factorial program

What's the complexity of a recursive program to find factorial of a number n? My hunch is that it might be O(n).
If you take multiplication as O(1), then yes, O(N) is correct. However, note that multiplying two numbers of arbitrary length x is not O(1) on finite hardware -- as x tends to infinity, the time needed for multiplication grows (e.g. if you use Karatsuba multiplication, it's O(x ** 1.585)).
You can theoretically do better for sufficiently huge numbers with Schönhage-Strassen, but I confess I have no real world experience with that one. x, the "length" or "number of digits" (in whatever base, doesn't matter for big-O anyway of N, grows with O(log N), of course.
If you mean to limit your question to factorials of numbers short enough to be multiplied in O(1), then there's no way N can "tend to infinity" and therefore big-O notation is inappropriate.
Assuming you're talking about the most naive factorial algorithm ever:
factorial (n):
if (n = 0) then return 1
otherwise return n * factorial(n-1)
Yes, the algorithm is linear, running in O(n) time. This is the case because it executes once every time it decrements the value n, and it decrements the value n until it reaches 0, meaning the function is called recursively n times. This is assuming, of course, that both decrementation and multiplication are constant operations.
Of course, if you implement factorial some other way (for example, using addition recursively instead of multiplication), you can end up with a much more time-complex algorithm. I wouldn't advise using such an algorithm, though.
When you express the complexity of an algorithm, it is always as a function of the input size. It is only valid to assume that multiplication is an O(1) operation if the numbers that you are multiplying are of fixed size. For example, if you wanted to determine the complexity of an algorithm that computes matrix products, you might assume that the individual components of the matrices were of fixed size. Then it would be valid to assume that multiplication of two individual matrix components was O(1), and you would compute the complexity according to the number of entries in each matrix.
However, when you want to figure out the complexity of an algorithm to compute N! you have to assume that N can be arbitrarily large, so it is not valid to assume that multiplication is an O(1) operation.
If you want to multiply an n-bit number with an m-bit number the naive algorithm (the kind you do by hand) takes time O(mn), but there are faster algorithms.
If you want to analyze the complexity of the easy algorithm for computing N!
for i = 2 to N
return f
then at the k-th step in the for loop, you are multiplying (k-1)! by k. The number of bits used to represent (k-1)! is O(k log k) and the number of bits used to represent k is O(log k). So the time required to multiply (k-1)! and k is O(k (log k)^2) (assuming you use the naive multiplication algorithm). Then the total amount of time taken by the algorithm is the sum of the time taken at each step:
sum k = 1 to N [k (log k)^2] <= (log N)^2 * (sum k = 1 to N [k]) =
O(N^2 (log N)^2)
You could improve this performance by using a faster multiplication algorithm, like Schönhage-Strassen which takes time O(n*log(n)*log(log(n))) for 2 n-bit numbers.
The other way to improve performance is to use a better algorithm to compute N!. The fastest one that I know of first computes the prime factorization of N! and then multiplies all the prime factors.
The time-complexity of recursive factorial would be:
factorial (n) {
if (n = 0)
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
The time complexity for one recursive call would be:
T(n) = T(n-1) + 3 (3 is for As we have to do three constant operations like
multiplication,subtraction and checking the value of n in each recursive
= T(n-2) + 6 (Second recursive call)
= T(n-3) + 9 (Third recursive call)
= T(n-k) + 3k
till, k = n
= T(n-n) + 3n
= T(0) + 3n
= 1 + 3n
To represent in Big-Oh notation,
T(N) is directly proportional to n,
The time complexity of recursive factorial is O(n).
As there is no extra space taken during the recursive calls,the space complexity is O(N).
