testing ruby code - ruby

I wrote regular expression in Ruby.
I created a folder name "test" and add 2 files in it.
1st file:
require 'test/unit'
class MyFirstTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_for_truth
2nd file:
require 'my_math'
require 'test/unit'
class MyMathTest < Test::Unit::TestCcase
def test_addition
def test_subtraction
Now when i try to run this on ruby command line using command ruby my_math_test.rb.
it says
No such file or directory --ruby
I am using ruby 1.9.3
Do you know how to run this code?

Test unit tests can be run by entering:
rake test
See: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html

Not sure where is your my_math script. But I guess it is not in your $LOAD_PATH.
Try the following:
require_relative 'my_math'

I think, I found the answer
Add a complete path.
require 'test/unit'
require 'c:/sites/cons/bets'
bets is the directory in which my .rb files are located.


require not working on ruby 2.0?

I'm doing a test with "require" under ruby 2.0.0p576 (2014-09-19 revision 47628) [x86_64-darwin13.4.0] it doesn't work in many ways.
There are two files in ruby directory as shown below:
class String
def vowels
require 'string_extensions'
puts "This is a test".vowels.join('-')
fire up IRB
Snailwalkers-MacBook-Pro:ruby snailwalker$ ruby vowels_test.rb
returs : `require': cannot load such file -- string_extensions (LoadError)
I tried to change require 'string_extensions' to " require_relative 'string_extensions' ; require './string_extensions.rb' . They all didn't work.
both return error : vowels_test.rb:1:in require_relative': /Users/snailwalker/Ruby/string_extensions.rb:1: class/module name must be CONSTANT (SyntaxError)
Your help will be greatly appreciated!
You can use require_relative instead:
require_relative 'string_extensions'
puts "This is a test".vowels.join('-')
Or even require './string_extensions'.
ruby -I. vowels_test.rb
Automatic inclusion of the current directory in the load paths was removed in Ruby 2.

ruby require_relative gives LoadError: cannot infer basepath inside IRB

I am currently in
I can go into irb and require a file but it's a really long require...
require '/home/durrantm/Dropbox/96_2013/work/ror/dmc/dmStaffing/QA/selenium_server_wyatt/spec/2day/units/login_as_admin_spec.rb'
=> true
I want to use require_relative, as in
$ cd /home/durrantm/Dropbox/96_2013/work/ror/dmc/dmStaffing/QA/selenium_server_wyatt/spec/2day/
$ pwd
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require_relative 'units/login_as_admin_spec.rb'
but I get:
LoadError: cannot infer basepath
require_relative requires a file relative to the file the call to require_relative is in. Your call to require_relative isn't in any file, it's in the interactive interpreter, therefore it doesn't work.
You can use the long form of require by explicitly passing the full path:
require './units/login_as_admin_spec.rb'
Or you add the current directory to the $LOAD_PATH and just require as usual:
$LOAD_PATH << '.'
require 'units/login_as_admin_spec'
This is a known bug in ruby:
Ruby bug #4487: require_relative fails in an eval'ed file
If you are using Pry, instead of IRB, this can be fixed by installing the pry-require_relative gem.
gem install pry-require_relative
This worked:
require File.expand_path("../login_as_admin_spec.rb", __FILE__)
require_relative works in the context of the current source file. This is different than the current working directory. I don't believe irb or pry have an understanding of "this current source file" concept; since you're not actually in a file.
In these REPLs, just use a relative path reference require './units/login_as_admin_spec.rb'.

load error when run the ruby file from a different location

I have the following problem:
My ruby project structure : Ruby_Source\
In file1.rb,
require 'file2'
require 'file3'
now ,if I run the file1.rb from Ruby_Source, am not getting any error.
but , when I run the same from a different system location eg(c:)
error is Load error.
Can some one help me please?
You might want to use require_relative:
require_relative complements the builtin method require by allowing you to load a file that is relative to the file containing the require_relative statement.
See further discussion:
What is the difference between require_relative and require in Ruby?
And if you run Ruby 1.8:
Ruby: require vs require_relative - best practice to workaround running in both Ruby <1.9.2 and >=1.9.2
Try this:
require_relative 'file2'
in Ruby 1.9.x. It will search for file2 in the directory of file1.
In older versions you might try something like:
$: << File.dirname($0)
which will add the current program's path to the require-search path.

Running Ruby scripts from command line

I have a 2 scripts:
require 'test2.rb'
puts "hello"
puts "test"
I'm running this by executing ruby test2.rb test1.rb.
But only test is printed out and not hello.
You only need to run ruby test1.rb and the require statement should pull in test2.rb for you - you don't need to put it on the command line as well. (That will try and run test2.rb, passing the string 'test1.rb' as an argument, which is not what you want here)
Edit: the require statement does not look in the current directory by default when trying to find 'test2.rb'. You can explicitly specify it by changing it to:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test2.rb'
in test1.rb do (assuming test2.rb is in same directory, otherwise give its path relative to test1.rb)
require_relative 'test2.rb'
puts "hello"
and on the command line just do ruby test1.rb
This should work as well
require './test2.rb'
puts "hello"
There are some explanation how you can solve your problem, but not what is going wrong.
With ruby test2.rb test1.rb you call the ruby script with the parameter test1.rb.
You have access to the parameters in the constant ARGV.
An example with this script:
puts "test"
puts 'ARGV= %s' % ARGV
The result when you call it:
C:\Temp>ruby test.rb test2.rb
ARGV= test2.rb
So you could also write a program like:
require_relative ARGV.first
The first parameter defines a script to be loaded.
Or if you want to load many scripts you could use:
ARGV.each{|script| require_relative script }

Rspec, mapping spec files to ruby files under test

What I want is a way of not having to 'require' the class under test in each spec file.
So hoping there is a means of setting the root of the source code under test and rspec automatically mapping my tests, or any other means of automatically mapping specs to ruby files.
In Rspec for rails this happens magically, but this is not a rails project and I can't find any useful information.
I am assuming you have a lib folder and a spec folder within your project where you have code and specs respectively. Create a spec/spec_helper.rb and add
# project_name/spec/spec_helper.rb
$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../lib")
require 'spec'
require 'main_file_within_lib_folder_that_requires_other_files'
Now within your individual spec files now you just need to add the following line like rails
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
What you have to do is to redefine Object.const_missing.
Found this basic example, modify it to fit your needs (set the right path, etc.):
def Object.const_missing(name)
#looked_for ||= {}
str_name = name.to_s
raise "Class not found: #{name}" if #looked_for[str_name]
#looked_for[str_name] = 1
file = str_name.downcase
require file
klass = const_get(name)
return klass if klass
raise "Class not found: #{name}"
