Add tier price to upsell block - magento

I searched high and low on google for this answer. I need to display the tier prices for the products that show on the upsell block in the product page.
I tried this:
<?php echo $this->getTierPriceHtml() ?>
However, it echos the tier price for the main product on the page instead of the tier prices for the products in the upsell block.
Does anyone know a work around here?

You're almost done
Indeed, this method accept a parameter for the $product to show, if you don't set it it will show the price for Mage::registry('current_product') aka the main product, just pass the upsold product as argument and you're ok.


Magento get $product->getFinalPrice();

I am having issue in magento..
On my product Page when I try
it shows discounted Price correctly ($812)..
but when order is placed, Instead of this price, I get some other wrong price(411) ( I haven;t figured out what Price is that because I haven't set that price anywhere while adding this prodcut)
so my question is,
How can I send Correct Price ($product->getFinalPrice();) on Cart page..
On cart page, price is shown with
$item->getPrice() which comes from qouted items
anyway I can access $product->getFinalPrice(); and replace $item->getPrice(). with $product->getFinalPrice(); on cart page ???
can anybody guide me why prices are shown so wrong??
Check is there any other "Shopping Cart Price Rule" or "coupons" are being applied...

Set shipping price according to product category

Need to set up different shipping prices according to categories.
Like if I have 2 categories say a and b in admin.
I need to set up a $10 shipping for the product from category A and $15 for the product from category b
I was checking in the cart rules but can't find anything there.
Please see this link.Hope its help you
please use this, create one custom modules then you will be see in admin categories one text field in "General Tab", Add your shipping price and get on checkout page using that code.
<?php echo Mage::getStoreConfig('sectionName/groupName/fieldName'); ?>
And create your condition.

Static Block for specific products in magento

Is there any way to do this :
I have two kinds of products, Handmade and ready women accessories. for handmade products I want a block under the price that tell the customer "This Product is 100% Handmade" and for the ready product nothing. So it will be only for the Handmade.
I already have a block but it is visible to all products, so I want it to be visible only for Handmade products.
Any Ideas ?
Can you not create an attribute specifically for the Handmade products? e.g the attribute could be called 'IsHandmade'.
Then on your product page (view.phtml) under the price have something like this?:
<?php if ($product->getIsHandMade == 'Yes'):
echo 'This Product is 100% Handmade';
endif; ?>

Magento display grouped products special price

I am trying to figure out how I display the special price of a grouped product on the catalog page.
For example if i have 5 simple products attatched to my grouped product, how do I display the RRP for those products as well as the special price, on the catalog page?
At the moment it will display on the product page only and magento will fetch the lowest price it can find to display on the catalog page.
Any help is greatly appreciate!
If you're using the default theme, you'll have to modify:
You can add the prices you'll need like this by passing through the product:
<?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_product, true) ?>

Magento : Availability of configurable products on Cart page

I want to show Stock Availability on cart page in magento for a configurable products.
The stock status is fine on Product Detail page, however on cart page it always shows "out of stock" for configurable product. I can understand what the reason is, the inventory of the configurable product itself is set to 0. However on a product detail page it does show "In Stock" because the child products are "In Stock". But if I want to check the availability on Cart page, it always shows "Out of Stock".
Below is the code how I want to achieve the Stock Availability on a Cart page.
$thisProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_item->getId());
echo $this->__('In stock');
echo $this->__('Out of stock');
You can try with: isSaleable() method instead.
Let me know if that works for you.
In the path template\checkout\cart\item\default.phtml use the below code to check product availability
$_item->getProduct()->isSaleable() or else when you got $_item = $this->getItem(); object
Hope it may helps
