Find Recurring Outlook Events Happening Today - ruby

I have a Ruby script using Win32OLE to read through my Outlook events and find events ocurring today (based on the Start date value).
events_today = ''
calendar.Items.each do |appointment|
appt_date = Time.parse(appointment.Start)
if appt_date > today && appt_date < tomorrow
events_today << "<p><strong>#{appointment.Subject}:</strong> #{appt_date.strftime("%I:%M %p")}</p>"
It catches one-time events that occur today, but it doesn't seem to catch recurring events (ie, events that started last week and occur daily including today).
Is there better field to use to search for the event (other than appointment.Start)?

Use the Items.IncludeRecurrences property:


Find event in specified calendar in AppleScript

Hallo I am pretty new to AppleScript. I try to create attendance generator via pure AppleScript (I know I would use Microsoft Excel VBA for this I wan to use AppleScript only.).
I have this kind of problem. I want to check if in current month are or are not some national holidays (calendar called "Státní svátky"). I run my code and get empty e.g., {} variable. Don't know what is wrong in my code.
-- My isholiday function; i parameter is pointer to day of month i want to test if it is or it is not a holiday
on isholiday(i)
-- Function global variables
set today to current date
set tomorrow to today + 60 * 60 * 24
-- work with calendar app
tell application "Calendar"
tell calendar "Státní svátky" -- national holiday calendar in my iCloud
set currentEvent to every event whose start date is greater than or equal to today and start date is less than or equal to tomorrow
return currentEvent
-- when an event occurs it should tells me right
if currentEvent is not {} then
display dialog "It is not empty!"
end if
end tell
end tell
end isholiday
-- caling the function - i picked 23 for purpose - I did testing event for that day e.g., i know it is not 100% empty
Please help me. Thank you!
-- Michael
Calendars that have recurring events often don't use the current year's start date. I would check the start and end dates with this...
tell application "Calendar"
tell calendar "Státní svátky" -- national holiday calendar in my iCloud
return start date of events whose summary = "a holiday name"
end tell
end tell
Once you have confirmed that the start date are correct, you can use something along these lines...
tell application "Calendar"
tell calendar "Státní svátky" -- national holiday calendar in my iCloud
set today to current date
set today's time to 0
copy (today + days) to tomorrow
set currentEvents to events whose start date ≥ today and end date ≤ tomorrow
end tell
end tell

how do I enable recurring reminders for different users in ruby?

Currently, the users for my app set a specific date and time for a single reminder (using the Chronic gem).
I have a cron job which runs every 10 minutes and checks if the time in the reminder is < at which point, it sends the reminder and marks that reminder as sent.
However, I want them to be able to specify recurring reminders. The customer should be able to say, "Every other day at 10am".
I can use ice_cube for the recurring part it seems. Then I use Chronic to come up with the start time which will have the day and recurring time.
But I don't have a good way to make it recurring since these are not separate events in the data base.
Here is what I have tried:
reminder = response.body['results'] #array of recurring reminders with start_epoch and 'via'
d {reminder}
reminder.count.times do |i|
schedule = =[i]['value']['start_epoch'])) # get the initial start day and time
schedule.add_recurrence_rule(IceCube::Rule.daily) #makes this a daily recurring, but how can I allow this to be customizable?
if schedule.next_occurrence(Chronic.parse('today at 12:01AM')) < # Check if today's occurence has happened yet
bot_response = BotResponse.get_bot_response(bot_client_id, reminder[i]['value']['bot_input_keyword'])
if reminder[i]['value']['via'] == 'slack'
slack_response = BotMessage.send_slack(reminder[i]['value']['slack_channel'],
d {slack_response}
end #if
end #if
end #do
Is there a way to tell when a reminder has been sent without writing each specific daily reminder to a database?
Is there a more elegant way for the user in a text string to define the recurrence?
Have you considered trying the whenever gem to implement recurring tasks through cron jobs? I think you should be able to set the schedule times dynamically in the whenever schedule.rb file, see related issue here: Rails - Whenever gem - Dynamic values

How to get all message history from Hipchat for a room via the API?

I was using the Hipchat API (v2) a bit today and ran into an odd issue where I was not able to really pull up all of the history for a room. It seemed as though when I queried a specific date, for example, it would only retrieve a fraction of the history for that date given. I had had plans to simply iterate across all of the dates for a Room to extract the history in a format that I could use, but ended up hitting this and am now unsure if it is really possible to pull out the history fully.
I realize that this is a bit clunky. It is pulling the JSON as a string and then I have to form it into a hash so I know I'm not doing this as good as it could be done, but here is roughly what I quickly did just to test out the history method for the API:
api_token = "MY_TOKEN"
client =, :api_version => 'v2')
history = client['ROOM_NAME'].history
history = JSON.parse(history)
history.each do |key, history|
if history.is_a? Array
history.each do |message|
if message.is_a? Hash
puts "#{message['from']['name']}: #{message['message']}"
Obviously then the extension to that was to just curse through the dates in the desired range (using: client['ROOM_NAME'].history(:date => '2010-11-19', :timezone => 'PST')), but again, I was only getting a fraction of the history for the room. Are there some additional parameters that I'm missing for this to make it work as expected?
I got this working but it was a big pain.
Start by sending a query with the current time, in UTC, but without including the time zone, as the start date:
This is very fiddly:
If you specify just the current date, without a timezone, as documented in the API, it is interpreted as midnight last night and you only get messages from yesterday or older.
If you try specifying tomorrow’s date instead, the response is 400 Bad Request This day has not yet come to pass.
If you specify the time as 2015-06-25T20:42:18.658439+00:00, which is the format that times come in HipChat API responses, HipChat’s parser seems to fail and interpret it as midnight last night.
When you get the response back, take the oldest property, strip the timezone, and resubmit the above URL with an updated date parameter:
Be sure to include the microseconds, in case a notification posted multiple messages to the same room in the same second.
This will get you the next page of messages. Keep doing this until you get fewer than max-results messages back.
There is a start-index parameter I tried passing before I got the above working, and it will give you a few pages of results, with responses lacking a property, but it won’t give you the full history. On a chatroom with 9166 messages in the history according to statistics.messages_sent, it only returned 3217 messages. So don’t use it. You can use statistics.messages_sent as a sanity check for whether you get all messages.
Oh yeah, and the last_active property in the /v2/room call cannot be trusted because it doesn’t update when notification messages are posted to the room.

Google Calendar v3 Error "The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"

We are using the Google Calendar v3 API to return a list of events for a user that have been updated since a point in time.
In the v2 API there was no limitation on setting this date in the past.
If we set the UpdatedMin to a date too far back (like 2 months) then the error is thrown
"The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past. [410]"
If we set ShowDeleted to false then we do not get the error.
I cannot find any reference to a limitation here. Does anybody know the details of this limit. Unfortunately when synchronising calendars this is a show stopper when synchronisation has not run for a period of time for a calendar (other than running a full list which we would prefer to avoid)
EventsResource.ListRequest lr = new EventsResource.ListRequest(service, c.uc.calendar);
lr.UpdatedMin = c.primaryModTime.ToLocalTime();
lr.ShowDeleted = true;
Events el = lr.Execute();
if (el.Items.Count > 0)
the following also discusses this issue but without any resoluton.!msg/google-calendar-api/_rk9o45sXT0/3APXqxi8jvkJ
There is some explanation at:
It says that on 410 you should wipe your storage and perform a full sync instead.
Also consider switching to sync tokens as recommended in the last paragraph.

Does Outlook correctly handle time zones for .ics (ICalendar) files?

I have a program that sends calendar appointments out to users. However these users are in many different time zones. When I create the .ics file, I set the time zone to the local time zone, because they are scheduled here. They then get sent out to the users, who are scattered across many time zones.
Will outlook handle this correctly? As in: if I schedule a person for an 8am meeting and I am in Philadelphia, it should come up as 8am meeting for them in any other time zone.
I know that Outlook works with time zones to an extent, but I couldn't find any good documentation on it.
I really should have asked something more along the lines of how do you format it to handle this correctly, here is the format I am currently using. But I have little experience with this so I might be doing it wrong:
String[] iCalArr = { "BEGIN:VCALENDAR",
"DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:" + strBeginDate,
"DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:" + strEndDate,
"DTSTAMP:" + strNow,
"UID:DT 2012 Training - " + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
"CREATED:" + strNow,
"LAST-MODIFIED:" + strNow,
"LOCATION:" + location,
Outlook should handle that just fine, assuming your particular application writes out proper timezone information. Or perhpaps works in UTC and marks everything with the Z zone.
I'm confused by your remark that "testing is not an option". I can imagine the unidentified "program" being unable to write out test data, but your question indicates you worry about Outlook. Surely you can handedit some ICS files with different timezones and feed them to Outlook? This should clearly indicate that Outlook knows how to deal with them.
yes Outlook handles time zones, this article from the KB actually indicates a limitation which is that Outlook needs to be updated everytime a timezone (DST, ...) is changed:
