Why is Mechanize not following the link - ruby

I am trying to follow a link with Mechanize but it does not seem to be working, syntax appears to be correct, am I referencing this incorrectly or do I need to do something else?
Problem area
agent.page.links_with(:text => 'VG278H')[2].click
Full Code
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.get ("http://icecat.biz/en/")
#Show all form fields belonging to the first form
form = agent.page.forms[0].fields
#Enter VG278H into the text box lookup_text, submit the data
agent.page.forms[0]["lookup_text"] = "VG278H"
agent.page.forms[0].submit #Results of this is stored in Mechanize agent.page object
#Call agent.page with our results and assign them to a variable page
page = agent.page
agent.page.links_with(:text => 'VG278H')[2].click
doc = page.parser
puts doc

You should grab a copy of Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com/) or something that allows you to watch what happens when you submit the form from your browser. Anyway, your problem is that this part:
agent.page.forms[0]["lookup_text"] = "VG278H"
is returning an html fragment that looks like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><script>self.location.href="http://icecat.us/index.cgi?language=en&new_search=1&lookup_text=VG278H"</script>
So you actually need to call this directly or scrap out the the self.location.href and have your agent perform a get:
page = agent.get("http://icecat.us/index.cgi?language=en&new_search=1&lookup_text=VG278H")
If you were going to do that, this works:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.get ("http://icecat.biz/en/")
page = agent.get("http://icecat.us/index.cgi?language=en&new_search=1&lookup_text=VG278H")
page = page.links_with(:text => 'VG278H')[2].click
doc = page.parser
puts doc
Happy scraping


How do i resolve an HTTP500 Error while web scraping with Mechanize in ruby?

I want to retrieve my driving license number, issue_date, and expiry_date from this website("https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/HomePage.jsp"). When I try to fetch it, I get the error Mechanize::ResponseCodeError: 500 => Net::HTTPInternalServerError for https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp -- unhandled response.
This is the code that I wrote to scrape:
require 'mechanize'
require 'logger'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'openssl'
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.log = Logger.new "mech.log"
agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari 4'
page=agent.get('https://sarathi.nic.in:8443/nrportal/sarathi/HomePage.jsp') # opening home page.
page = agent.page.links.find { |l| l.text == 'Status of Licence' }.click # click the link.
page.forms_with(:name=>"dlform").first.field_with(:name=>"dlform:DLNumber").value="TN3‌​8 20120001119" #user input to text field.
page.form_with(:name=>"dlform").field_with(:name=>"javax.faces.ViewState").value="SUBMIT" #submit button value assigning.
page.form(:name=>"dlform",:action=>"/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp") #to specify the form i need.
gg=agent.submit page.forms.last #submitting my form
It isn't working since you are clearing off the cookies before submitting the form, hence removing all the input data you provided. I could get it working by removing it simply as:
page.forms_with(:name=>"dlform").first.field_with(:name=>"dlform:DLNumber").value="TN3‌​8 20120001119" #user input to text field
form = page.form(:name=>"dlform",:action=>"/nrportal/sarathi/DlDetRequest.jsp")
gg = agent.submit form, form.buttons.first
Note that you do not need to set the value for #submit button, rather pass the submit button while form submission itself.

Not able to login into rottentomatoes.com using mechanize

I am using following code :-
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.get("https://www.rottentomatoes.com/user/account/login/") do |login_page|
inside_page = login_page.form_with(:action => 'https://www.rottentomatoes.com/user/account/login/') do |f|
f.login_username = "random#mailinator.com"
f.login_password = "123456"
There isn't any issue with your code, the issue is how Rotten Tomatoes handles a login, they redirect back to the homepage via JavaScript in the HTML body. I added a single line to your code (and added my credentials):
puts agent.page.body
The Result:
So, you can either use their API or if you want to proceed and execute the JavaScript to follow the redirect you can use WATIR or Selenium.

Ruby mechanize Form

Is there anyway to copy the out put of forms available to a file, like
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get("http://www.google.com")
search = page.form_with(:action => "/search")
I want to store the result/output which is shown in irb of the "search" to a file?

Web Scraping with Nokogiri and Mechanize

I am parsing prada.com and would like to scrape data in the div class "nextItem" and get its name and price. Here is my code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get('http://www.prada.com/en/US/e-store/department/woman/handbags.html?cmp=from_home')
fp = File.new('prada_prices','w')
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
page = html_doc.xpath("//ol[#class='nextItem']")
page.each do {|i| fp.write(i.text + "\n")}
I get an error and no output. What I think I am doing is instantiating a mechanize object and calling it agent.
Then creating a page variable and assigning it the url provided.
Then creating a variable that is a nokogiri object with the mechanize url passed in
Then searching the url for all class references that are titled nextItem
Then printing all the data contained there
Can someone show me where I might have went wrong?
Since Prada's website dynamically loads its content via JavaScript, it will be hard to scrape its content. See "Scraping dynamic content in a website" for more information.
Generally speaking, with Mechanize, after you get a page:
page = agent.get(page_url)
you can easily search items with CSS selectors and scrape for data:
next_items = page.search(".fooClass")
next_items.each do |item|
price = item.search(".fooPrice").text
Then simply handle the strings or generate hashes as you desire.
Here are the wrong parts:
Check again the block syntax - use {} or do/end but not both in the same time.
Mechanize#get returns a Mechanize::Page which act as a Nokogiri document, at least it has search, xpath, css. Use them instead of trying to coerce the document to a Nokogiri::HTML object.
There is no need to require 'open-uri', and require 'nokogiri' when you are not using them directly.
Finally check maybe more about Ruby's basics before continuing with web scraping.
Here is the code with fixes:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get('http://www.prada.com/en/US/e-store/department/woman/handbags.html?cmp=from_home')
fp = File.new('prada_prices','w')
page = page.search("//ol[#class='nextItem']").each do |i|
fp.write(i.text + "\n")

Using mechanize with watir + phantomjs

I'm trying to insert the html generated from phantom js into a mechanize object so that I can easily search it. I've tried the following to no avail...
b = Watir::Browser.new :phantomjs
url = "www.google.com"
b.goto url
agent = Mechanize.new
#Following is not executed at same time...
#Error 1: lots of errors
page = agent.get(b.html)
#Error 2: `parse': wrong number of arguments (1 for 3) (ArgumentError)
page = agent.parse(b.html)
#Error 3 last ditch effort: undefined method `agent'
page = agent(b.html)
As I think it through I'm beginning to wonder if I can mechanize an existing html object... I initially got onto it via: http://shane.in/2014/01/headless-web-scraping/ & http://watirmelon.com/2013/02/05/watir-webdriver-with-ghostdriver-on-osx-headless-browser-testing/
I was in the same situation. I write a lot of code with Mechanize so that I do not want to move to nokogiri when using watir. Below code is how I did.
require 'watir'
require 'mechanize'
b = Watir::Browser.new
html = b.html
a = Mechanize.new
page = Mechanize::Page.new(nil, {'content-type'=>'text/html'}, html, nil, a)
You could use page to search for elements.
require 'watir'
require 'nokogiri'
b = Watir::Browser.new :phantomjs
url = "http://google.com"
b.goto url
p Nokogiri::HTML(b.html)
You are probably better off just using Nokogiri for this [that is, if you only need to search for some data in source].
