Thinkaurelius Titan configuring BerkeleyDB - configure

I am trying to created a Thinkaurelius titan datastore using:
TitanGraph graph ="/tmp/graph")
The documentation can be found at
But each time I open the graph a new datastore is being created. I even tryed using the configure object but it did not help. Has any one worked on this before? I wanto create a titan datastore that should be reusable, i.e. it should not create a new datastore each time I open it.
Any suggestions please?

It sounds like the changes aren't being committed to the database. Look more into how transactions work.


unable to list google cloud logging sink for Bigquery

I have created a google cloud logging sink for Bigquery. (Reference) And I was able to share the BQ dataset with the Service Account that got created during log creation. And logs are being stored in the BQ dataset tables. But, I am unable to list the Sink that I have created. And neither I am able to recreate it nor delete it, Errors out saying sink "Already exists" and sink "does not exist" respectively.
I have admin role. And I hope I have followed instructions well and created the sink. But, still something is missing and I am unable to figure out how the sink itself is missing. Its been almost two days, so looking for guidance. Appreciate your time.
P.s, my first stackoverflow post. sorry if i missed anything.
Google cloud logging sink listing issue
I recommend you to take a look in the storage logs [1] to see if you can locate the issue here.
Also you can try to execute the deletion command using the flags --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID and --project=PROJECT_ID
for more reference follow the documentation [2].

How to use graph.openManagement().updateIndex()?

I have janusgraph database, in which all indexes were built.But the status of some of those indexes is installed. Now I am trying to update those Indexes to the registered and then to enabled. So I have done some research and I found this Action(schemaAction).But I don't know the syntax and also how to use graph.openManagement().updateIndex().
Any suggestions regarding this issue or if there is anything other than this procedure, then please let me know it.
Thanks in advance!
If there are any open transactions while creating the indexes they might get stuck in the INSTALLED state.
You can find a clear explanation here.
After rolling back your open transactions and closing open instances, try reindexing.
Note: Block until the SchemaStatus transitions from INSTALLED to REGISTERED, after running the reindex command. Try to run groovy script instead of running the commands directly on gremlin console for building the indexes. Please find the sample script below.
mgmt = graph.openManagement();
mgmt.updateIndex(mgmt.getGraphIndex("giftIdByGift"), SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX).get();
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, "giftIdByGift").call();
mgmt = graph.openManagement();
mgmt.updateIndex(mgmt.getGraphIndex("giftIdByGift"), SchemaAction.REINDEX).get();
ManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, "giftIdByGift").status(SchemaStatus.ENABLED).call();

Spring Data Couchbase - Search without having admin rights on the cluster

I'm currently working on a POC with Couchbase, using Spring Data to put & get documents on/off a bucket on a cluster.
As I'm working in a big company, I'm lucky they gave me a bucket, but still I don't have the admin rights on the cluster, so I only have access to the bucket.
But as I'm digging into the Spring Data documentation, I'm not able to find a way to retrieve documents without creating views on the server. (I'm getting errors like "Unknown query param" ). Nevertheless with couchbase java sdk i'm able to, through n1ql queries, but the use of the Spring data layer is mandatory.
The answers I found always point me to the server-side function direction
ex :
What I would like to find, is a way to add a repository method like
List findReceiptByAccount(String Account)
without having to specificly declare the function server-side.
Is this possible, or have I to send a request to the administrators to create functions for me everytime I have to add a findByX method?
Thanks for your time,
What version of CB is it ?
I think that prior to 4.5, a n1ql access (which you seems to have) is enough to build your index yourself !
With Spring Data Couchbase 2.x that would use a N1QL index in the background, and it would work with a single primary index (although having 1 index per repository entity class would be best for performance). Maybe you can ask your admin to create that index once?

Where can I find the mongoDB database

i install the meteor package and within is the mongoDB. Now I made an easy application and create a mongo db collection ...
Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos');
I write data in this collection and everything works fine. BUT! I can not find the mongodb and the collections an my Mac?! I read on some sites that I have to watch at /data/db but on my mac there is not such a file...
Can anyone explain where mongoDb takes the data on my Mac.
Thank you
Countless duplicates to this one if you use the search engine, but a short answer would be to look inside: .meteor/local/db

Neo4j native api data not picked by Spring Data Repos

I've got some data that has been pumped into a neo4j instance using the native api. The same instance is used by an app backed by Spring data graph. The repositories fail to find the data. I'm assuming that this is an issue due to indexes and/or missing properties.
When the data is pumped in the following properties are set:
node.setProperty("__type__", "com.x.x.Class");
Index is set as follows:
Index<Node> typeIndex = indexManager.forNodes("__types__");
typeIndex.add(node, "className", "com.x.x.Class");
Any clues/help is appreciated.
I'd appreciate it if you posted a simple test that reproduces the problem, preferably to!forum/neo4j
But off hand, what you said makes sense, I do not have any other tips. But if we get some code/ test to work on, we might be able to help.
