Opening VS2012 project in VS2010 [duplicate] - visual-studio-2010

This question already has answers here:
Converting VS2012 Solution to VS2010
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
my company only has VS2010, but I need to work on a project that was created in VS2012, is there a way I can work on the project without buying VS2012?

You can use VS2010 and VS2012 on same project. In my company some developers use one, some another. No problems so far...

You didn't mention what kind of project it is but you may want to try -
VS Express - and it is free


Blazor: ResolvePackageAssets task failed unexpectedly

Not only a Blazor issue, appears to be a problem with Visual Studio. But I thought I'd repost from previous answers as they are all several years old, and it still happens with Blazor apps.
The answer is to delete the projects 'bin' and/or 'obj' folders and rebuild, similar to the answer here.

How do you fix Specflow "<unknown project>" issue in Visual Studio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Test Explorer (VS) shows '<Unknown project>'
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have been working on a project and noticed that one of my Specflow Scenarios needed updating.
I updated the Specflow Scenario by splitting it into two different scenarios (one for an invalid test and one for a valid test).
After this I then regenerated the feature.cs file, cleaned and rebuilt the solution.
(I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Version 16.4.1)
This is when the "unknown project" appeared in my Test Explorer that consists of one test... the one I have changed. It cannot be run, however it cannot be removed either.
Here is what I am seeing:
The only way I have been able to get rid of this, for a brief period at least, is by deleting my entire solution and then pulling it back down again, which is less than ideal.
Here is a list of what I have tried to resolve this;
Updated all Nuget packages within the solution to the latest versions.
Restarted Test Explorer
Restarted Visual Studios
Deleted feature.cs files and regenerated
Cleaned and rebuilt solution
Updated Visual Studios (this seems to have made the situation appear more often)
Deleted the solution and pulled it back down (this works until I have to change an existing test and then restarted Visual Studios)
Has anyone seen this before, or know how to fix this?
So after a day of trying to figure this out with my team we have finally resolved the issue.
The issue was caused by the cached (hidden) .vs file. When deleting this and restarting the solution the unknown project was gone.

Load new files VisualStudio 2017 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to automatically include content files into project file?
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
My visual studio 2017 does not detect when git adds new files to the folder for some reason...
I don't want to manually add the file every time one gets creagted
You might find your answer here:
Is there a way to automatically include content files into project file?
Or, if you don't want to fiddle with that, the top answer here offers a faster way of manually adding files:
How can I automatically add existing items to a Visual Studio project?

There is no TypeScript Build option in project settings Visual Studio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is the Typescript settings tab missing in my VS 2013 ASP.NET project properties?
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've created a MVC project templated web application but there is no TypeScript Build option in project options-properties.
How can i find it?
I've found solution from this post.
Should delete ProjectGuid from project file.
Do you mean you do not have the typescript definitions?
Anyway, you have to follow a series of steps to set up typescript in your solution. I need more information, but do you have TSD installed?
Is a package manager to search and install Typescript definition files directly from the community driven DefinitelyTyped repository.
You have it installing it globally with "npm install tsd -g" and after that you create a tsd.json file inside your solution, typping in your console "tsd init" that creates the typpings folder.

Installshield Express, another version of this product is already installed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
MSI Install Fails because “Another version of this product is already installed”
I am getting a little bit frustrated from the Installshield express addon in visual studio. When I used the default installer from MS which is included in Visual Studio 2010 and I would like to create a new version of my product it ask to change the product code which I will do all the time and I can update my previous installations without any problem.
But when I do this in installshield I need to change this manualy (which is no problem) but I get several installs in the list add/remove programs.
There seems to be a way to remove the previuos version first but I do not get this to work.
THe only thing I would like is to have an update installed or if noting is installed there will be a fresh install.
What is the best way / approach to make this happen?
Don't change the product code, you change the package code. If you change the product code, it will think it is a new product and when installed, it will create a new entry in add/remove. If you change the package code, it will think it is a new install, and try to upgrade your already installed product.
Basically you want to create a small update as defined here
