Get event's in X11 - x11

I am using Canon SDK to get the events from the camera. In the SDK, we register a callback function, which is called when a particular event occurs. I have built a Java wrapper, which communicates with the SDK.
But when the event is triggered, my window doesn't get the event directly. Infact on windows, this is how I get the event and dispatch it to myself:
private static final User32 lib = User32.INSTANCE;
boolean hasMessage = lib.PeekMessage( msg, null, 0, 0, 1 ); // peek and remove
if( hasMessage ){
lib.TranslateMessage( msg );
lib.DispatchMessage( msg ); //message gets dispatched and hence the callback function is called
Basically one peeps if the window has received an event or not and then proceeds. On Mac, one can do it using Cocoa by having a NSApplication and WindowServer sends events if any.
I am looking for similar alternative using X11. Any sample code/link will suffice.
PS: This a follow up question to this.

I suppose you are looking for XPeekEvent. The Xlib is very well documented and the manpage for XNextEvent(3) says:
The XPeekEvent function returns the first event from the event queue,
but it does not remove the event from the queue. If the queue is
empty, XPeekEvent flushes the output buffer and blocks until an event
is received. It then copies the event into the client-supplied XEvent
structure without removing it from the event queue.
Example code for displaying a basic Xwindow and a main event loop for handling events can be found (for example) on wikibooks.


Custom Event Dispatcher - JavaFX

Does anyone know how to write a custom Event Dispatcher based on the javafx.event package? I searched in Google & Co. but didn't find a nice example.
Have anyone a minimalistic example for me? That would be nice - I tried it a few times to understand it, but I failed.
The first thing to realize is how JavaFX dispatches events.
When an Event is fired it has an associated EventTarget. If the target was in the scene-graph then the path of the Event starts at the Window and goes down the scene-graph until the EventTarget is reached. The Event then goes back up the scene-graph until it reaches the Window again. This is known as the "capturing phase" and the "bubbling phase", respectively. Event filters are invoked during the capturing phase and event handlers are invoked during the bubbling phase. The EventHandlers set using the onXXX properties (e.g. onMouseClicked) are special types of handlers (i.e. not filters).
The EventDispatcher interface has the following method:
public Event dispatchEvent(Event event, EventDispatChain tail) { ... }
Here, the event is the Event being dispatched and the tail is the EventDispatchChain built, possibly recursively, by EventTarget.buildEventDispatchChain(EventDispatchChain). This will return null if the event is consumed during execution of the method.
The EventDispatchChain is a stack of EventDispatchers. Every time you call tail.dispatchEvent(event) you are essentially popping an EventDispatcher off the top and invoking it.
public Event dispatchEvent(Event event, EventDispatchChain tail) {
// First, dispatch event for the capturing phase
event = dispatchCapturingEvent(event);
if (event.isConsumed()) {
// One of the EventHandlers invoked in dispatchCapturingEvent
// consumed the event. Return null to indicate processing is complete
return null;
// Forward the event to the next EventDispatcher in the chain
// (i.e. on the stack). This will start the "capturing" on the
// next EventDispatcher. Returns null if event was consumed down
// the chain
event = tail.dispatchEvent(event);
// once we've reached this point the capturing phase has completed
if (event != null) {
// Not consumed from down the chain so we now handle the
// bubbling phase of the process
event = dispatchBubblingEvent(event);
if (event.isConsumed()) {
// One of the EventHandlers invoked in dispatchBubblingEvent
// consumed the event. Return null to indicate processing is complete
return null;
// return the event, or null if tail.dispatchEvent returned null
return event;
You're probably wondering where dispatchCapturingEvent and dispatchBubblingEvent are defined. These methods would be created by you and would invoke the appropriate EventHandlers. You might also be wondering why these methods return an Event. The reason is simple: During the processing of the Event these methods, along with tail.dispatchEvent, might alter the Event. Other than consume(), however, Event and its subclasses are basically immutable. This means any other alterations require the creation of a new Event. It is this new Event that should be used by the rest of the event-handling process.
The call to tail.dispatchEvent will virtually always return a new instance of the Event. This is due to the fact each EventDispatcher in the EventDispatchChain is normally associated with its own source (e.g. a Label or Window). When an EventHandler is being invoked the source of the Event must be the same Object that the EventHandler was registered to; if an EventHandler was registered with a Window then event.getSource() must return that Window during said EventHandler's execution. The way this is achieved is by using the Event.copyFor(Object,EventTarget) method.
Event oldEvent = ...;
Event newEvent = oldEvent.copyFor(newSource, oldEvent.getTarget());
As you can see, the EventTarget normally remains the same throughout. Also, subclasses may override copyFor while others, such as MouseEvent, may also define an overload.
How are the events actually dispatched to the EventHandlers though? Well, the internal implementation of EventDispatcher makes them a sort of "collection" of EventHandlers. Each EventDispatcher tracks all filters, handlers, and property-handlers (onXXX) that have been added to or removed from its associated source (e.g. Node). Your EventDispatcher doesn't have to do this but it will need a way to access wherever you do store the EventHandlers.
During the capturing phase the EventDispatcher invokes all the appropriate EventHandlers added via addEventFilter(EventType,EventHandler). Then, during the bubbling phase, the EventDispatcher invokes all the appropriate EventHandlers added via addEventHandler(EventType,EventHandler) or setOnXXX (e.g. setOnMouseClicked).
What do I mean by appropriate?
Every fired Event has an associated EventType. Said EventType may have a super EventType. For instance, the "inheritance" tree of MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED is:
When dispatching an Event you have to invoke all the EventHandlers registered for the Event's EventType and all the EventType's supertypes. Also, note that consuming an Event does not stop processing of that Event for the current phase of the current EventDispatcher but instead finishes invoking all appropriate EventHandlers. Once that phase for that EventDispatcher has completed, however, the processing of the Event stops.
Whatever mechanism you use to store the EventHandlers must be capable of concurrent modification by the same thread. This is because an EventHandler may add or remove another EventHandler to or from the same source for the same EventType for the same phase. If you stored them in a regular List this means the List may be modified while you're iterating it. A readily available example of an EventHandler that may remove itself is WeakEventHandler. A WeakEventHandler will attempt to remove itself if it is invoked after it has been "garbage collected".
Also, I don't know if this is required, but the internal implementation doesn't allow the same EventHandler to be registered more than once for the same source, EventType, and phase. Remember, though, that the EventHandlers added via addEventHandler and those added via setOnXXX are handled separately even though they are both invoked during the same phase (bubbling). Also, calling setOnXXX replaces any previous EventHandler set for the same property.

What's the right replacement for PostEvent

I'm getting a warning that PostEvent is deprecated and I assume that one is supposed to use PostEventToQueue but it takes two extra parameters and I can't find any documentation on what combination of parameters (one is a queue specification, the other is an event priority) will be equivalent to PostEvent.
PostEventToQueue is for a Carbon Event, not a low-level OS event like PostEvent. If you want to post a keyboard or mouse event, you should use CGEventPost.
Edit to add: To post a mouse down at the current location, I think (untested) that you can do this:
CGEventRef theEvent = CGEventCreate( NULL );
CGEventSetType( theEvent, kCGEventLeftMouseDown );
CGEventPost( theEvent );
CFRelease( theEvent );
I think it'd be reasonable to assume that using the event queue returned by GetMainEventQueue() (or GetCurrentEventQueue if you're on the main thread), and kEventPriorityStandard for the priority, will get you results equivalent to PostEvent.
Be aware, though, that these only affect your own application. Even the old Event Manager probably doesn't have access to an “Operating System event queue” anymore—I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a wrapper around the Carbon Event Manager version. You'd need to switch to CGEvent stuff if you want to post events that can hit other applications.

How to design cleaner PostMessage chain in WinApi/MFC

I have a MFC GUI app that has multiple frames (sort of like Outlook'ish behavior with main window, and message/appointment windows being created in new frames, or Skype like multi frame syncronization), and I need to PostMessage malloc'ed data through the window hierarchy.
Say, I get the string, _wcsdup it, PostMessage(WM_NEWSTRING, ...), and, the control somewhere deep down the hierarchy processes it, or if there are no subscribers, the message get's cleaned.
What I am looking into now, is that all messages are posted to application thread, thread finds the active frame or best fit frame, passes the message to it, frame passes the message to it's view, the view passes message to subview and so on, if there is no view to process the message, it get's free'd.
The problem is that these chaining commands are pretty tiring to write, as I have to duplicate the message forwarding code in each CWnd class I have. At the same time, resource cleanup is pretty unpleasant, because if there is no window to catch the message, someone has to call the free. Therefore simply posting the message to the main message pump without extra handling, hoping that someone will always catch it, is not a valid approach. PostMessage returns S_OK, no one sees the message as processable, and it's left dangling.
Is there a better, correct approach for what I'm looking for?
I would never use PostMessage as you describe. My solution often involves a hand-shake:
// From CNotifierBlah
PostMesssage(hWnd, UWM_NEW_DATA, 0, 0);
LRESULT CDestinationWnd::OnNewData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CNewData newData = GetNotifierBlah().GetNewData(); // Thread-safe getter!
Pretty much the same as Observer pattern.

Can someone explain callback/event firing

In a previous SO question it was recommended to me to use callback/event firing instead of polling. Can someone explain this in a little more detail, perhaps with references to online tutorials that show how this can be done for Java based web apps.
The definition of a callback from Wikipedia is:
In computer programming, a callback is
executable code that is passed as an
argument to other code. It allows a
lower-level software layer to call a
subroutine (or function) defined in a
higher-level layer.
In it's very basic form a callback could be used like this (pseudocode):
void function Foo()
MessageBox.Show("Operation Complete");
void function Bar(Method myCallback)
//Perform some operation
//When completed execute the callback method
static int Main()
Bar(Foo); //Pops a message box when Bar is completed
Modern languages like Java and c# have a standardized way of doing this and they call it events. An event is simply a special type of property added to a class that contains a list of Delegates / Method Pointers / Callbacks (all three of these things are the same thing. When the event gets "fired" it simply iterates through it's list of callbacks and executes them. These are also referred to as listeners.
Here's an example
public class Button
public event Clicked;
void override OnMouseUp()
//User has clicked on the button. Let's notify anyone listening to this event.
Clicked(); //Iterates through all the callbacks in it's list and calls Invoke();
public class MyForm
private _Button;
public Constructor()
_Button = new Button();
//Different languages provide different ways of registering listeners to events.
// _Button.Clicked += Button_Clicked_Handler;
// _Button.Clicked.AddListener(Button_Clicked_Handler);
public void Button_Clicked_Handler()
MessageBox.Show("Button Was Clicked");
In this example the Button class has an event called Clicked. It allows anyone who wants to be notified when is clicked to register a callback method. In this case the "Button_Clicked_Handler" method would be executed by Clicked event.
Eventing/Callback architecture is very handy whenever you need to be notified that something has occurred elsewhere in the program and you have no direct knowledge of when or how this happens.
This greatly simplifies notification. Polling makes it much more difficult because you are responsible for checking every so often whether or not an operation has completed. A simple polling mechanism would be like this:
static void CheckIfDone()
//Button has been clicked.
The problem is that this particular situation would block your existing thread and have to continue checking until Button.IsClicked is true. The nice thing about eventing architecture is that it is asynchronous and let's the Acting Item (button) notify the listener when it is completed instead of the listener having to keep checking,
The difference between polling and callback/event is simple:
Polling: You are asking, continuously or every fixed amount of time, if some condition is meet, for example, if some keyboard key have been pressed.
Callback: You say to some driver, other code or whatever: When something happens (the keyboard have been pressed in our example), call this function, and you pass it what function you want to be called when the event happens. This way, you can "forget" about that event, knowing that it will be handled correctly when it happens.
Callback is when you pass a function/object to be called/notified when something it cares about happens. This is used a lot in UI - A function is passed to a button that is called whenever the button is pressed, for example.
There are two players involved in this scenario. First you have the "observed" which from time to time does things in which other players are interested. These other players are called "observers". The "observed" could be a timer, the "observers" could be tasks, interested in alarm events.
This "pattern" is described in the book "Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides.
Two examples:
The SAX parser to parse XML walks
trough an XML file and raises events
each time an element is encountered.
A listener can listen to these
elements and do something with it.
Swing and AWT are based on this
pattern. When the user moves the
mouse, clicks or types something on
the keyboard, these actions are
converted into events. The UI
components listen to these
events and react to them.
Being notified via an event is almost always preferable to polling, especially if hardware is involved and that event originates from a driver issuing a CPU interrupt. In that case, you're not using ANY cpu at all while you wait for some piece of hardware to complete a task.

How can I update a win32 app gui while it is waiting for another program to finish?

I am currently using CreateProcess/WaitForSingleObject from within a win32 GUI app to launch a small GUI app that deals with software licensing issues. This all works fine, but it essentially hangs the "parent" app while it waits for the licensing app to finish its work. During this time, updates to the parent app do not occur and it ends up with ugly white squares if the utility app window is moved.
Also, for some strange reason, while the utility app is running, if I copy something from within that app to the clipboard, it HANGS. I haven't figured out why yet, but it only happens if I am waiting for the app to finish from within the parent app.
So I'm thinking that if I can cause the parent app to handle its events while waiting for my other app to finish, it might solve both problems.
So, is there a replacement for CreateProcess/WaitForSingleObject that also handles UI updates?
Your parent process appears to hang because the WaitForSingleObject() call blocks your thread until the handle you pass into the call is signaled.
Your child process likely hangs during the copy-to-clipboard operation because it is, as a part of that operation, sending a message either specifically to the parent process's window or to all top-level windows. The message loop in your parent process's thread is not running, because it is blocked waiting until the child process exits, so the message is never processed and the child process remains blocked.
Instead of calling WaitForSingleObject(), you can call MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(). If you specifiy QS_ALLINPUT for the dwWaitMask parameter, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will return either when your event is signaled or when there is input in the thread's message queue. If MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() returned because a message is available, you can process it and resume waiting:
MSG msg;
while (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != reason) {
reason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hChildProcess, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);
switch (reason) {
// Your child process is finished.
case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1):
// A message is available in the message queue.
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
// Note that if your main message loop does additional processing
// (such as calling IsDialogMessage() for modeless dialogs)
// you will want to do those things here, too.
You could put the WaitForSingleObject call in a loop and use a relatively small value for the dwMilliseconds parameter.
The condition to exit the loop is when the WaitForSingleObject call returns WAIT_OBJECT_0.
In the loop you have to examine the message queue to see if there are any that you must process. How you handle this is really up to you an it depends on your typical needs.
// Assuming hYourWaitHandle is the handle that you're waiting on
// and hwnd is your window's handle, msg is a MSG variable and
// result is a DWORD variable
// Give the process 33 ms (you can use a different value here depending on
// how responsive you wish your app to be)
while((result = WaitForSingleObject(hYourWaitHAndle, 33)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// if after 33 ms the object's handle is not signaled..
// we examine the message queue and if ther eare any waiting..
// Note: see PeekMessage documentation for details on how to limit
// the types of messages to look for
while(PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
// we process them..
if(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0)
// if you're here it means WaitForSingleObject returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so you're done
// (but you should always check and make sure it really is WAIT_OBJECT_0)
if(result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// This should not be.. so react!
I suggest you can handle this as follows:
Parent application does CreateProcess, and then returns immediately instead of waiting for a response or for the utility app to finish
Because the parent applicatin has returned, it can handle other Window messages (e.g. WM_PAINT)
When the utility app finishes, it notifies the parent application (e.g. using PostMessage and RegisterWindowMessage APIs)
Parent application handles positive notification received via PostMessage
Parent application may also have a Windows timer (WM_TIMER) running, so that it knows if the utility app is killed before it send its notification
You can get a hanging problem if the app you are spawning causes a sendmessage broadcast, either explicit or implicit. This is clipped from my website:
The problem arises because your application has a window but isn't pumping messages. If the spawned application invokes SendMessage with one of the broadcast targets (HWND_BROADCAST or HWND_TOPMOST), then the SendMessage won't return to the new application until all applications have handled the message - but your app can't handle the message because it isn't pumping messages.... so the new app locks up, so your wait never succeeds.... DEADLOCK.
I don't do clipboard code, but if that causes the situation above (believeable), then you'll deadlock. You can:
put the launch of the secondary application into a little thread
use a timeout and spin around a PeekMessage loop (yuck)
use the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects API.
No preference is implied by that ordering... I'm assuming you don't create the spawned application yourself, in which case you could use IPC to get around this issue, as ChrisW suggested.
You should create a thread that does only the following:
call CreateProcess() to run the other app
call WaitForSingleObject() to wait for the process to finish - since this is a background thread your app will not block
call CloseHandle() on the process handle
call PostMessage() with a notification message for your main thread
Now you only need to make sure that your main application has its GUI disabled to prevent reentrancy problems, possible by showing a modal dialog that informs the user that the other app is running and needs to be dealt with first. Make sure that the dialog can not be closed manually, and that it closes itself when it receives the posted notification message from the background thread. You can put the whole thread creation into this dialog as well, and wrap everything in a single function that creates, shows and destroys the dialog and returns the result your external application produces.
