Combine THREE.MeshFaceMaterial and THREE.BackSide? - three.js

Using three.js v56:
I have an array of textures called materialArray, then I create
var cubeMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( materialArray );
However, I would like this texture to be reversed; for a "normal" material called simpleMaterial, one would enter:
simpleMaterial.side = THREE.BackSide;
Alas, this has no effect in this case; the material is still displayed on the "front" side.
So, how can the texture be set to the backside when working with an array of textures as in MeshFaceMaterial?
Thanks in advance!

materialArray needs to be an array of materials, not an array of textures.
You must set the side property to THREE.BackSide for each material in the material array that you want flipped.
three.js r.56


threejs render text on or next to object

How can I put a text next or in front of it or on its surface with three.js?
If I plot a object like a box, I'd like to give this object a visible name (so similar to tooltip, but always staying visible). Would be great if text size is adjusting to distance like object size.
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 );
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: 0x00ff00} );
const cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( cube );
I'm using three.js with react-force-graph to render a diagram. Objects within it are rendered with three.js
Two ways to draw text with three.js. First, create a div element, set its position (In your case, you need to write code to calculate the position relative to the canvas according to the position of camera and 3d object). Second, create a text texture.

Rendering shadows from plane with partially transparent texture in three.js

I'm trying to render shadows using the latest version of three.js (r102), and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I am using MeshPhongMaterial with castShadow and receiveShadow set on all relevant meshes, and a directional light facing towards the scene content. Could someone take a look at this and help me figure out how to get these shadows working? Thanks!
Live demo (toggle shadows in the menu):
If you add a small cube in front of your WebLayer3D, it correctly casts shadows on rendered DOM layers:
//in app.ts just after light with shadow camera:
let geometryBox = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 )
let materialRed = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {color: 0xff0000} )
let cubeSmall = new THREE.Mesh( geometryBox, materialRed )
cubeSmall.position.set( 0.1, -0.03, 0.1 )
cubeSmall.castShadow = true
cubeSmall.receiveShadow = true
scene.add( cubeSmall )
So, only the planes produced by the WebLayer3D do not cast shadows, the setup for the scene / camera / light is correct.
Update: the explanation below is not the reason, see the solution with material.shadowSide in another answer.
If you look at the tree of objects in three.js realm (i.e. traversing through children[]), starting with todoLayer - a lot of them will have castShadow at "false". You will have to re-think your strategy here. Also note, castShadow=false on parent Object3D turns it off for the children.
I figured it out after the hint from Alex (thanks Alex!).
Basically, as strange as it seems, a plane in three.js will not cast shadows unless it is double-sided (Update: Or unless material.shadowSide is set to THREE.FrontSide). Once I set THREE.DoubleSide on the plane material, it worked as expected. Basically, for a textured plane to cast shadows, the following is needed (as of three.js r102):
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1,1,2,2),
new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
map: texture,
side: THREE.DoubleSide, // important!
alphaTest: 0.1,
mesh.customDepthMaterial = new THREE.MeshDepthMaterial({
map: texture
depthPacking: THREE.RGBADepthPacking,
alphaTest: 0.1
I also had to adjust the light's shadow bias in order to eliminate artifacts.

Applying different textures on a THREE.js OBJLoader loaded object

I have a square shape .obj model and 2 textures. How do I apply one texture on it's top face and another on rest of faces?
There are a ton of ways to do what you're asking all with varying complexity depending on your needs. It looks like you want to apply two materials to your object and not two textures.
It looks this way because it seems you want the textures to be interchangeable so there's no way you're going to combine the images and keep resolution and OBJ & THREE.Material only support one set of uv attributes so you can't use a single material and multiple textures. So multiple materials it is...
Multiple materials
If you have two materials (2 THREE.Materials which correlate to 2 WebGL programs) then each face needs to know what material it's assigned to.
While the THREE.js multi material API has been in flux for quite a while and there are differences between THREE.Geometry and THREE.BufferGeometry, fortunately for you THREE.OBJLoader supports material groups out of the box. To get this into THREE.js, you want to apply multiple materials in your 3D editor to your object and then export the OBJ to get everything. Doing it by hand is a little harder and requires calling addGroup as shown in the docs/the link above.
In THREE.js you simply pass in all the materials as an array to your object demonstrated in this answer. I also updated your fiddle to do the same thing. Relevant code shown below
var loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
var ObjLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(loadingManager);
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(loadingManager);
//Material 1 with first texture
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({map: textureLoader.load('')});
//Material 2 with second texture
var material2 = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({map:
function ( object ) {
var geo = object.children[0].geometry;
var mats = [material, material2];
//These are just some random groups to demonstrate multi material, you need to set these up so they actually work for your object, either in code or in your 3D editor
//Mesh with multiple materials for material parameter
obj = new THREE.Mesh(geo, mats);
obj.position.y = 3;

How to scale/resize Mesh Outline?

In my current project, I need a way to outline a mesh.This color outline will represent the object's current state, relevant for me.
The problem is that it is a custom mesh, loaded using JSONLoader.
I've tried different approaches, following (mainly) these 2 examples: and
THREEx.geometricglow. In both cases, I scale the mesh outline to a bit bigger than the original. My main problem is that scaling equally in all axis will not cover my object the way I intended to.
Here is the code I'm using:
var outlineMaterial2 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00, side: THREE.BackSide, transparent: true, opacity:0.5 } );
var outlineMesh2 = new THREE.Mesh( object.geometry, outlineMaterial2 );
scene.add( outlineMesh2 );
With a simple cube mesh, the outline will be good.
But with my custom mesh, the scale will not fit the shape correctly.
Here is a image demonstrating:
Also, using Stemkoski approach, the outlining mesh will also show in front of the object, not just outline (as seen in the above picture).
My question is: How should I resize the mesh? For what I know, it might have something to do with face normals.
Thanks for your time.

Three.js custom objLoader geometry lighting

I have this object I'm loading with THREE.objLoader and then create a mesh with it like so:
mesh = new THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject(
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xFEC1EA}),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0x999999,
wireframe: true,
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.85
In my scene I then add a DirectionalLight, it works and I can see my object, however it's like the DirectionalLight was an ambient one. No face is getting darker or lighter as it should be.
The object is filled with the color, but no lighting is applied to it.
If someone can help me with that it would be much appreciated :)
What could I be missing ?
Jsfiddle here:
Ok folks, thanks to Maƫl Nison and mr doob I was able to understand the few things I was missing, being the total 3d noob that I am... I believe people starting to get into the 3d may find useful a little recap:
Basic 3d concepts
A 3d Face is made of some points (Vertex), and a vector called a normal, indicating the direction of the face (which side is the front and which one is the backside).
Not having normals can be really bad, because lighting is applied on the frontside only by default. Hence the black model when trying to apply a LambertMaterial or PhongMaterial.
An OBJ file is a way to describe 3D information. Want more info on this? Read this wikipedia article (en). Also, the french page provides a cube example which can be useful for testing.
Three.js tips and tricks
When normals are not present, the lighting can't be applied, hence the black model render. Three.js can actually compute vertex and face normals with geometry.computeVertexNormals() and/or geometry.computeFaceNormals() depending on what's missing
When you do so, there's a chance Three.js' normal calculation will be wrong and your normals will be flipped, to fix this you can simply loop through your geometry's faces array like so:
/* Compute normals */
/* Next 3 lines seems not to be mandatory */
mesh.geometry.dynamic = true
mesh.geometry.__dirtyVertices = true;
mesh.geometry.__dirtyNormals = true;
mesh.flipSided = true;
mesh.doubleSided = true;
/* Flip normals*/
for(var i = 0; i<mesh.geometry.faces.length; i++) {
mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.x = -1*mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.x;
mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.y = -1*mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.y;
mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.z = -1*mesh.geometry.faces[i].normal.z;
You have to use a MeshPhongMaterial. MeshBasicMaterial does not take light in account when computing fragment color.
However, when using a MeshPhongMaterial, your mesh becomes black. I've never used the OBJ loader, but are you sure your model normales are right ?
Btw : you probably want to use a PointLight instead. And its position should probably be set to the camera position (light.position = camera.position should do the trick, as it will allow the light to be moved when the camera position will be edited by the Controls).
