Where'd the SlimDX NuGet package go? - slimdx

I've been working on a SlimDX project from a couple of different machines lately. Today I went to pull down my code from SVN, and went through the dance of re-installing all the nuget packages referenced in the project, and I search for slimDX in Nuget, and nothing comes up.
Where'd the package go, and why was it taken down? It's not that rough to install the SDK instead, but NuGet is more convenient.

You can always just install the redistributable of slimdx, you don't need the entire sdk.


Nuget packages does not get install properly in freshly installed VS

I have freshly install and update VS Community version 16.10.0 in a freshly installed Windows 10.
Now I have created a small console app and added a unit test project both in .Net Core 3.1 LTS. After that nothing else is done. What I see is that nuget packages for test project is not properly installed although when you check in the nuget package manager, all the package are installed, all of those are installed.
Then I open an old application but the issue is same. Unit test packages are showing with error and same for EF core.
I tried to tweak/build etc. but non fixed the issue.
The issue was due to missing nuget source link in Package Source under NuGet Package Manager.
As soon as I added the package source everything stated to work.
The above source link suppose to already be added by default in Package Source but for some unknown reason it was missing. So whatever packages needed such as EFCore and MS Test framework etc. could not be downloaded, hence the problem was.

Using Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web without Visual Studio?

I am trying to build a dotnet core web app on a build server that has MsBuild, but not Visual Studio, installed. I cannot get around the message error MSB4236: The SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web' specified could not be found.
The command dotnet --info shows Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.0 installed, just as on my development machine where the project builds. The contents of C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.100 appear to match between the two machines. Global.json points to the 3.1.0 version.
Is Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web a separately-installed thing? I see what look like separate packages, now deprecated, on NuGet, and I'm guessing this is now baked into the base .NET SDK?
Where should I be looking for differences to try to find the missing pieces?
Solved the problem by (1) running vs-buildtools installer to put some additional pieces in place, and (2) adding some NuGet packages for web component.

Is there a ValueTask<T> in C# 7.0?

There are a few preliminary sources that mention that there is a new ValueTask in C# 7.0:
But I am not able to find this type?
According to the documentation, System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TResult> is in the System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions package.
For those still struggling to use ValueTask, the System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions Nuget package must still be installed. My system includes VS 2017 version 15.2 along with version 4.7 of the .NET Framework - and I still had to install the Nuget package.
To install the package, from VS 2017 click on the Project menu and select Manage Nuget Packages. In the search box, enter System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions and then install it. You should be good to go after this.

VS2010 and NuGet, why v2.8? How to get 3.5?

Beforehand: This is not a 'cut and clear' programming problem. It is a toolchain problem and I do not know other places to ask it. If this is not an apropriate place to ask, excusses and I will redraw my question.
I want to use NuGet on my VS2010-pro installation.
When I go to Tools -> Extention manager... tab [online galery] I get the option to download and install NuGet, but only for version 2.8.2 (2.8.60318.667) while the latest NuGet package is 3.5.0
I want to be 'up to date' so why settle for 2.8.3?
First I looked around for any reason why for VS2010 only 2.8.3 is available but could find no answers.
Then I installed 2.8.3 with the idea to look for updates/upgrades through NuGet and get to 3.5.0 but had no success. Can't find a way to upgrade!
I cannot find a good reason why I should settle for 2.8.3 and I cannot find a way to upgrade for the VS2010 tool version of NuGet.
But I can install the CLI version of 3.5.0 without any problems.
What is the reason that for VS2010 NuGet is limited to 2.8.0, is that the case anyway or do I mis something here?
If I install NuGet CLI 3.5.0 what problems will I get with VS2010 and the 2.8.3 version?
I looked around, read a lot about NuGet but can't find an answer to these questions.
Does anybody have an idea or who can point me to a location where I can find an answer?
Kind regards.
NuGet 2.8.3 is the latest version that supports VS2010. So you won't be able to use 3.5.0 from VS2010. Looks like 3.5.0 CLI is your best bet.

IronRuby 1.3.1 VS 2010 SP1 Installation Issue

I've downloaded the latest release of IronRuby from codeplex and ran the install with no issues.
However when I come to create a project i receive the message:
IronRuby installation not found. Although basic scripts should work standard libraries and gems won't be available....."
This seems to be an issue with vs2010 sp1 from the project issue tracker on codeplex, but theres no fix mentioned there. I only really wanted this release for the tools support so using 1.0 is something I want to avoid.
Has anyone got any workrounds/fixes/advice?
I used NuGet to install IronRuby. When I did so, it automatically added the references for me.
Go to Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.
Type Install-Package ironruby
EDIT: If you look here, they have a link where the bug is discussed.
