Using GNU Parallel With Split - bash

I'm loading a pretty gigantic file to a postgresql database. To do this I first use split in the file to get smaller files (30Gb each) and then I load each smaller file to the database using GNU Parallel and psql copy.
The problem is that it takes about 7 hours to split the file, and then it starts to load a file per core. What I need is a way to tell split to print the file name to std output each time it finishes writing a file so I can pipe it to Parallel and it starts loading the files at the time split finish writing it. Something like this:
split -l 50000000 2011.psv carga/2011_ | parallel ./ {}
I have read the split man pages and I can't find anything. Is there a way to do this with split or any other tool?

You could let parallel do the splitting:
<2011.psv parallel --pipe -N 50000000 ./
Note, that the manpage recommends using --block over -N, this will still split the input at record separators, \n by default, e.g.:
<2011.psv parallel --pipe --block 250M ./
Testing --pipe and -N
Here's a test that splits a sequence of 100 numbers into 5 files:
seq 100 | parallel --pipe -N23 'cat > /tmp/parallel_test_{#}'
Check result:
wc -l /tmp/parallel_test_[1-5]
23 /tmp/parallel_test_1
23 /tmp/parallel_test_2
23 /tmp/parallel_test_3
23 /tmp/parallel_test_4
8 /tmp/parallel_test_5
100 total

If you use GNU split, you can do this with the --filter option
With this option, rather than simply writing to each output file, write through a pipe to the specified shell command for each output file. command should use the $FILE environment variable, which is set to a different output file name for each invocation of the command.
You can create a shell script, which creates a file and start at the end in the background
#! /bin/sh
cat >$FILE
./ $FILE &
and use that script as the filter
split -l 50000000 --filter=./ 2011.psv


How to download URLs in a csv and naming outputs based on a column value

1. OS: Linux / Ubuntu x86/x64
2. Task:
Write a Bash shell script to download URLs in a (large) csv (as fast/simultaneous as possible) and naming each output on a column value.
2.1 Example Input:
A CSV file containing lines like:
2.2 Example outputs:
Files in a folder, outputs, containg files like:
3. My Try:
I tried mainly in two styles.
1. Using the download tool's inner support
Take ariasc as an example, it support use -i option to import a file of URLs to download, and (I think) it will process it in parallel to max speed. It do have --force-sequential option to force download in the order of the lines, but I failed to find a way to make the naming part happen.
2. Splitting first
split the file into files and run a script like the following to process it:
while IFS=, read serino url
aria2c -c "$url" --dir=outputs --out="$serino.jpg"
done < "$INPUT"
However, it means for each line it will restart aria2c again which seems cost time and low the speed.
Though, one can run the script in bash command multiple times to get 'shell-level' parallelism, it seems not to be the best way.
Any suggestion ?
Thank you,
aria2c supports so called option lines in input files. From man aria2c
-i, --input-file=
Downloads the URIs listed in FILE. You can specify multiple sources for a single entity by putting multiple URIs on a single line separated by the TAB character. Additionally, options can be specified after each URI line. Option lines must start with one or more white space characters (SPACE or TAB) and must only contain one option per line.
and later on
These options have exactly same meaning of the ones in the command-line options, but it just applies to the URIs it belongs to. Please note that for options in input file -- prefix must be stripped.
You can convert your csv file into an aria2c input file:
sed -E 's/([^,]*),(.*)/\2\n out=\1/' file.csv | aria2c -i -
This will convert your file into the following format and run aria2c on it.
However this won't create files 001.jpg, 002.jpg, … but 001, 002, … since that's what you specified. Either specify file names with extensions or guess the extensions from the URLs.
If the extension is always jpg you can use
sed -E 's/([^,]*),(.*)/\2\n out=\1.jpg/' file.csv | aria2c -i -
To extract extensions from the URLs use
sed -E 's/([^,]*),(.*)(\..*)/\2\3\n out=\1\3/' file.csv | aria2c -i -
Warning: This works if and only if every URL ends with an extension. For instance, due to the missing extension the line 001,domain.tld/abc would not be converted at all, causing aria2c to fail on the "URL" 001,domain.tld/abc.
Using all standard utilities you can do this to download in parallel:
tr '\n' ',' < file.csv |
xargs -P 0 -d , -n 2 bash -c 'curl -s "$2" -o "$1.jpg"' -
-P 0 option in xargs lets it run commands in parallel (one per core processor)

GNU Parallel: split file into children

Use GNU Parallel to split a large .gz file into children. Since the server has 16 CPUs, create 16 children. Each child should contain, at most, N lines. Here, N = 104,214,420 lines. Children should be in .gz format.
Input File
name: file1.fastq.gz
size: 39 GB
line count: 1,667,430,708 (uncompressed)
36 GB Memory
16 CPUs
HPCC environment (I'm not admin)
Version 1
zcat "${input_file}" | parallel --pipe -N 104214420 --joblog split_log.txt --resume-failed "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
Three days later, the job was not finished. split_log.txt was empty. No children were visible in the output directory. Log files indicated that Parallel had increased the --block-size from 1 MB (the default) to over 2 GB. This inspired me to change my code to Version 2.
Version 2
# --block-size 3000000000 means a single record could be 3 GB long. Parallel will increase this value if needed.
zcat "${input_file}" | "${parallel}" --pipe -N 104214420 --block-size 3000000000 --joblog split_log.txt --resume-failed "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
The job has been running for ~2 hours. split_log.txt is empty. No children are visible in the output directory yet. So far, log files show the following warning:
parallel: Warning: --blocksize >= 2G causes problems. Using 2G-1.
How can my code be improved ?
Is there a faster way to accomplish this goal ?
Let us assume that the file is a fastq file, and that the record size therefore is 4 lines.
You tell that to GNU Parallel with -L 4.
In a fastq file the order does not matter, so you want to pass blocks of n*4 lines to the children.
To do that efficiently you use --pipe-part, except --pipe-part does not work with compressed files and does not work with -L, so you have to settle for --pipe.
zcat file1.fastq.gz |
parallel -j16 --pipe -L 4 --joblog split_log.txt --resume-failed "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
This will pass a block to 16 children, and a block defaults to 1 MB, which is chopped at a record boundary (i.e. 4 lines). It will run a job for each block. But what you really want is to have the input passed to only 16 jobs in total, and you can do that round robin. Unfortunately there is an element of randomness in --round-robin, so --resume-failed will not work:
zcat file1.fastq.gz |
parallel -j16 --pipe -L 4 --joblog split_log.txt --round-robin "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
parallel will be struggling to keep up with the 16 gzips, but you should be able to compress 100-200 MB/s.
Now if you had the fastq-file uncompressed we can do it even faster, but we will have to cheat a little: Often in fastq files you will have a seqname that starts the same string:
Here it is #EAS54_6_R. Unfortunately this is also a valid string in the quality line (which is a really dumb design), but in practice we would be extremely surprised to see a quality line starting with #EAS54_6_R. It just does not happen.
We can use that to our advantage, because now you can use \n followed by #EAS54_6_R as a record separator, and then we can use --pipe-part. The added benefit is that the order will remain the same. Here you would have to give the block size to 1/16 of the size of file1-fastq:
parallel -a file1.fastq --block <<1/16th of the size of file1.fastq>> -j16 --pipe-part --recend '\n' --recstart '#EAS54_6_R' --joblog split_log.txt "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
If you use GNU Parallel 20161222 then GNU Parallel can do that computation for you. --block -1 means: Choose a block-size so that you can give one block to each of the 16 jobslots.
parallel -a file1.fastq --block -1 -j16 --pipe-part --recend '\n' --recstart '#EAS54_6_R' --joblog split_log.txt "gzip > ${input_file}_child_{#}.gz"
Here GNU Parallel will not be the limiting factor: It can easily transfer 20 GB/s.
It is annoying having to open the file to see what the recstart value should be, so this will work in most cases:
parallel -a file1.fastq --pipe-part --block -1 -j16
--regexp --recend '\n' --recstart '#.*\n[A-Za-z\n\.~]'
Here we assume that the lines will start like this:
Even if you have a few quality lines starting with '#', then they will never be followed by a line starting with [A-Za-z\n.~], because a quality line is always followed by the seqname line, which starts with #.
You could also have a block size so big that it corresponded to 1/16 of the uncompressed file, but that would be a bad idea:
You would have to be able to keep the full uncompressed file in RAM.
The last gzip will only be started after the last byte had been read (and the first gzip will probably be done by then).
By setting the number of records to 104214420 (using -N) this is basically what you are doing, and your server is probably struggling with keeping the 150 GB of uncompressed data in its 36 GB of RAM.
Paired end poses a restriction: The order does not matter, but the order must be predictable for different files. E.g. record n in file1.r1.fastq.gz must match record n in file1.r2.fastq.gz.
split -n r/16 is very efficient for doing simple round-robin. It does, however, not support multiline records. So we insert \0 as a record separator after every 4th line, which we remove after the splitting. --filter runs a command on the input, so we do not need to save the uncompressed data:
doit() { perl -pe 's/\0//' | gzip > $FILE.gz; }
export -f doit
zcat big.gz | perl -pe '($.-1)%4 or print "\0"' | split -t '\0' -n r/16 --filter doit - big.
Filenames will be named big.aa.gz .. big.ap.gz.

Send output from `split` utility to stdout

From this question, I found the split utilty, which takes a file and splits it into evenly sized chunks. By default, it outputs these chunks to new files, but I'd like to get it to output them to stdout, separated by a newline (or an arbitrary delimiter). Is this possible?
I tried cat testfile.txt | split -b 128 - /dev/stdout
which fails with the error split: /dev/stdoutaa: Permission denied.
Looking at the help text, it seems this tells split to use /dev/stdout as a prefix for the filename, not to write to /dev/stdout itself. It does not indicate any option to write directly to a single file with a delimiter. Is there a way I can trick split into doing this, or is there a different utility that accomplishes the behavior I want?
It's not clear exactly what you want to do, but perhaps the --filter option to split will help out:
write to shell COMMAND; file name is $FILE
Maybe you can use that directly. For example, this will read a file 10 bytes at a time, passing each chunk through the tr command:
split -b 10 --filter "tr [:lower:] [:upper:]" afile
If you really want to emit a stream on stdout that has separators between chunks, you could do something like:
split -b 10 --filter 'dd 2> /dev/null; echo ---sep---' afile
If afile is a file in my current directory that looks like:
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Then the above command will result in:
the quick ---sep---
brown fox ---sep---
jumped ove---sep---
r the lazy---sep---
From info page :
With this option, rather than simply writing to each output file,
write through a pipe to the specified shell COMMAND for each
output file. COMMAND should use the $FILE environment variable,
which is set to a different output file name for each invocation
of the command.
split -b 128 --filter='cat ; echo ' inputfile
Here is one way of doing it. You will get each 128 character into variable "var".
You may use your preferred delimiter to print or use it for further processing.
cat yourTextFile | while read -r -n 128 var ; do
printf "\n$var"
You may use it as below at command line:
while read -r -n 128 var ; do printf "\n$var" ; done < yourTextFile
No, the utility will not write anything to standard output. The standard specification of it says specifically that standard output in not used.
If you used split, you would need to concatenate the created files, inserting a delimiter in between them.
If you just want to insert a delimiter every N th line, you may use GNU sed:
$ sed '0~3a\-----\' file
This inserts a line containing ----- every 3rd line.
To divide the file into chunks, separated by newlines, and write to stdout, use fold:
cat yourfile.txt | fold -w 128
...will write to stdout in "chunks" of 128 chars.

Grepping a 1M row file with 320K patterns stored in another file

I tried to grep a 1M row '|' separated file with 320K patterns from another file with piping to Ole Tange's parallel package and piping the matched results into another file. I am using Cygwin on Windows 7 with 24 cores and 16GB physical memory.
The command I used after going thru this link
Grepping a huge file (80GB) any way to speed it up?
< matchReport1.dat parallel --pipe --block 2M LC_ALL=C grep --file=nov15.DAT > test.match
where matchReport1.dat is the 1M row '|' separated file and the 320K patterns are stored in nov15.DAT. The task manager activity hits all 24 cores and the amount of physical memory usage jumps to ~15GB and I start getting messages that grep memory has been exhausted.
I then tried to split the nov15.DAT patterns file into 10 smaller chunks and run grep of those
parallel --bar -j0 -a xaa "LC_ALL=C grep {} matchReport1.dat" > testxaa
but this just takes too long (only 1.6K out of 30K lines grepping took aout 15 minutes).
My nov15.DAT pattern file consists of strings like 'A12345M' and the file where this pattern needs to match i.e. matchReport1.dat has strings like 'A12345M_dfdf' and 'A12345M_02' so cannot use the -F option in grep. Could someone suggest a fix or any other option other than using databases?
Heres a sample
nov15.DAT ->
matchReport1.dat ->
I assume that you only want to compare strings from nov15.DAT with start of the second column from matchReport1.dat.
Try this: modify nov15.DAT to avoid comparing in every row from first to last character:
sed 's/.*/^"[^|]*"|"&/' nov15.DAT > mov15_mod1.DAT
And then use mov15_mod1.DAT with your parallel command.
Not very accurate, but if the IDs in nov15 are unique and does not match other places in the line, then this might just work. And it is fast:
perl -F'\|' -ane 'BEGIN{chomp(#nov15=`cat nov15.DAT`);#m{#nov15}=1..$#nov15+1;} for $l (split/"|_/,$F[1]) { if($m{$l}) { print }}' matchReport1.dat

How to split files up and process them in parallel and then stitch them back? unix

I have a text file infile.txt as such:
abc what's the foo bar.
foobar hello world, hhaha cluster spatio something something.
xyz trying to do this in parallel
kmeans you're mean, who's mean?
Each line in the file will be processed by this perl command into the out.txt
`cat infile.txt | perl dosomething > out.txt`
Imagine if the textfile is 100,000,000 lines. I want to parallelize the bash command so i tried something like this:
$ mkdir splitfiles
$ mkdir splitfiles_processed
$ cd splitfiles
$ split -n3 ../infile.txt
$ for i in $(ls); do "cat $i | perl dosomething > ../splitfiles_processed/$i &"; done
$ wait
$ cd ../splitfiles_processed
$ cat * > ../infile_processed.txt
But is there a less verbose way to do the same?
The answer from #Ulfalizer gives you a good hint about the solution, but it lacks some details.
You can use GNU parallel (apt-get install parallel on Debian)
So your problem can be solved using the following command:
cat infile.txt | parallel -l 1000 -j 10 -k --spreadstdin perl dosomething > result.txt
Here is the meaning of the arguments:
-l 1000: send 1000 lines blocks to command
-j 10: launch 10 jobs in parallel
-k: keep sequence of output
--spreadstdin: sends the above 1000 line block to the stdin of the command
I've never tried it myself, but GNU parallel might be worth checking out.
Here's an excerpt from the man page (parallel(1)) that's similar to what you're currently doing. It can split the input in other ways too.
EXAMPLE: Processing a big file using more cores
To process a big file or some output you can use --pipe to split up
the data into blocks and pipe the blocks into the processing program.
If the program is gzip -9 you can do:
cat bigfile | parallel --pipe --recend '' -k gzip -9 >bigfile.gz
This will split bigfile into blocks of 1 MB and pass that to gzip -9
in parallel. One gzip will be run per CPU core. The output of gzip -9
will be kept in order and saved to bigfile.gz
Whether this is worthwhile depends on how CPU-intensive your processing is. For simple scripts you'll spend most of the time shuffling data to and from the disk, and parallelizing won't get you much.
You can find some introductory videos by the GNU Parallel author here.
Assuming your limiting factor is NOT your disk, you can do this in perl with fork() and specifically Parallel::ForkManager:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my $max_forks = 8; #2x procs is usually optimal
sub process_line {
#do something with this line
my $fork_manager = Parallel::ForkManager -> new ( $max_forks );
open ( my $input, '<', 'infile.txt' ) or die $!;
while ( my $line = <$input> ) {
$fork_manager -> start and next;
process_line ( $line );
$fork_manager -> finish;
close ( $input );
$fork_manager -> wait_all_children();
The downside of doing something like this though is that of coalescing your output. Each parallel task doesn't necessarily finish in the sequence it started, so you have all sorts of potential problems regarding serialising the results.
You can work around these with something like flock but you need to be careful, as too many locking operations can take away your parallel advantage in the first place. (Hence my first statement - if your limiting factor is disk IO, then parallelism doesn't help very much at all anyway).
There's various possible solutions though - so much the wrote a whole chapter on it in the perl docs: perlipc - but keep in mind you can retrieve data with Parallel::ForkManager too.
