Have embedded images open with FancyBox, not in new window - image

This section of code in my /js/global.js file activate each image to open in a new window when clicked. Is it possible to alter this code to have each open in a FancyBox instead? I have downloaded a FancyBox plugin for a Vanilla forum I am running, and it currently only targets images embedded in posts After You Click On The Post Itself. On the main page, clicking on an image opens a new window.
// Shrink large images to fit into message space, and pop into new window when clicked.
// This needs to happen in onload because otherwise the image sizes are not yet known.
jQuery(window).load(function() {
var props = ['Width', 'Height'], prop;
while (prop = props.pop()) {
(function (natural, prop) {
jQuery.fn[natural] = (natural in new Image()) ?
function () {
return this[0][natural];
} :
function () {
node = this[0],
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img') {
img = new Image();
img.src = node.src,
value = img[prop];
return value;
}('natural' + prop, prop.toLowerCase()));
jQuery('div.Message img').each(function(i,img) {
var img = jQuery(img);
var container = img.closest('div.Message');
if (img.naturalWidth() > container.width() && container.width() > 0) {
// Let the world know we're done here

Add an specific class to your wrapped images, modifying this line
... into this :
img.wrap('<a class="fancybox" href="'+$(img).attr('src')+'"></a>');
Then bind fancybox to that selector (".fancybox") in a custom script like :
This assumes that you have properly loaded the fancybox js and css files.


Jcrop Image Intervention Laravel 5

i am using Image Intervention and jcrop to crop and resize image in laravel, but having problems. The issue which i think is that , when i save the file width and height is correct according to the selection, but the x & y is not correct, I am completely lost here, dont know what to do , Please help.
I have made but cropping area is wrong.
here is the code example.
// convert bytes into friendly format
function bytesToSize(bytes) {
var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB'];
if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a';
var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)));
return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i];
// check for selected crop region
function checkForm() {
if (parseInt($('#w').val())) return true;
$('.setting-image-error').html('Select area').show();
return false;
// update info by cropping (onChange and onSelect events handler)
function updateInfo(e) {
// clear info by cropping (onRelease event handler)
function clearInfo() {
// Create variables (in this scope) to hold the Jcrop API and image size
var jcrop_api, boundx, boundy;
function fileSelectHandler() {
// get selected file
var oFile = $('#picture')[0].files[0];
// hide all errors
// check for image type (jpg and png are allowed)
var rFilter = /^(image\/jpeg|image\/png)$/i;
if (!rFilter.test(oFile.type)) {
$('.setting-image-error').html('Select only jpg, png').show();
// check for file size
if (oFile.size > 10000000) {
$('.setting-image-error').html('Too Big file ').show();
// preview element
var oImage = document.getElementById('preview');
// prepare HTML5 FileReader
var oReader = new FileReader();
oReader.onload = function (e) {
// e.target.result contains the DataURL which we can use as a source of the image
oImage.src = e.target.result;
oImage.onload = function () { // onload event handler
// display step 2
// display some basic image info
var sResultFileSize = bytesToSize(oFile.size);
$('#filedim').val(oImage.naturalWidth + ' x ' + oImage.naturalHeight);
// destroy Jcrop api if already initialized
if (typeof jcrop_api !== 'undefined') {
jcrop_api = null;
//Scroll the page to the cropping image div
$("html, body").animate({scrollTop: $(document).height()}, "slow");
// initialize Jcrop
minSize: [32, 32], // min crop size
aspectRatio: 1, // keep aspect ratio 1:1
bgFade: true, // use fade effect
bgOpacity: .3, // fade opacity
onChange: updateInfo,
onSelect: updateInfo,
onRelease: clearInfo
}, function () {
// use the Jcrop API to get the real image size
var bounds = this.getBounds();
boundx = bounds[0];
boundy = bounds[1];
// Store the Jcrop API in the jcrop_api variable
jcrop_api = this;
// read selected file as DataURL
and Controller code is below.
public function image_crop_resize_and_upload($file, $user_id,$width,$height,$x1,$y1)
$filename = $user_id . '.jpg';// image file name
$target_path = User::PICTURE_PATH . $filename;//path where to create picture with new dimensions
$img = \Image::make($file->getRealPath());// create the instance of image with the real path of the image
$filetype = $img->mime();//get file mime type
$filetypes = ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']; //allowed files types
//if file exists in the target folder, system will delete the file and next step will create new one.
if (File::exists($target_path)) {
if (in_array($filetype, $filetypes, true)) {
$img->crop($width, $height,$x1,$y1);
$img->encode('jpg', 85);
$img->save('uploads/' . $user_id . '.jpg');
return true;
} else {
return false;
When i have the file the file width and height is correct, but the selection area, x & y is not correct.
Yes , I have got the answer. The problem is very simple the x and y position of image are wrong because it is inside a bootstrap responsive class. the proper solution is just to remove the class . So the image actually dimension will be shown. and than select the are. Thats it.
<img id="preview" name="preview" class="img-responsive"/>
this should be
<img id="preview" name="preview"/>

code highlighting apex (Firefox 31)

The Oracle Application Express code editor is just plain back text on white background. No Code highlighting. Also I can't press "tab" without the textfield loosing focus.
I am using firefox 31 (can't upgrade, rescricted by Admin at work here) Also I can't install plugins. I know you can change css on specific sites using a special folder in firefox ("chrome"-folder / userContent.css). I already used this to change die default size of the textfield, because it was frickin small everytime I opened the edit page.
So do you know any framework or script I can use in Apex ? (I could copy that shit to jsfiddle.net every time but that sucks
(I also found the scratchpad in Firefox, which can run js and jquery. Does that help ?)
since you can't use
<script src = "">
etc. in plain js, I had to use loadScript. For css files it was even more complicated, but I got it all working.
This is my code, I run it in scratchpad (firefox). It uses ACE to change a div to an editor with highlighting. When clicking apply I revert the editor-changes in the DOM but keep the text/code.
// Load Ace js
loadScript("http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ace/1.1.01/ace.js", function(){
//initialization code
// Load Ace css
var cssId = 'myCss'; // you could encode the css path itself to generate id..
if (!document.getElementById(cssId)){
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.id = cssId;
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css';
link.media = 'all';
// change textarea to div
var editorRegion = document.getElementById('F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE_fieldset');
editorRegion.innerHTML = editorRegion.innerHTML.replace("textarea","div");
// run ACE
// Modify the apply Button in Apex to first revert ACE-Editor to normal, then do the usual apply.
var applyChanges = document.getElementById('B3456326662');
function modifiedApply(){
setTimeout(normalApply, 500);
function normalApply(){
// Revert ACE-Changes, but keep changed text/code.
function close(){
var value = editor.getValue();
var oldDiv = editor.container;
var newDiv = oldDiv.cloneNode(false);
newDiv.textContent = value;
oldDiv.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, oldDiv);
newDiv.outerHTML = newDiv.outerHTML.replace("div","textarea");
var old_new_old = document.getElementById('F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE');
old_new_old.textContent = old_new_old.textContent.substring(0, old_new_old.textContent.length - 6);
var editor;
function highlight() {
editor = ace.edit("F4000_P4651_PLUG_SOURCE");
function loadScript(url, callback){
var script = document.createElement("script")
script.type = "text/javascript";
if (script.readyState){ //IE
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (script.readyState == "loaded" ||
script.readyState == "complete"){
script.onreadystatechange = null;
} else { //Others
script.onload = function(){
script.src = url;

How to do Copy and paste the image from User system to Canvas using fabric.js

Can we do copy(Ctrl+C) and paste(Ctrl+V) the image from User system(desktop/any folder) to canvas using fabric.js. I have seen the copy and paste program inside the canvas, I have found this Example while searching google but didnt find any relevant example for desktop to canvas. Here is the snippet for copy and paste
function onKeyDownHandler(event) {
var key;
key = window.event.keyCode;
key = event.keyCode;
// Shortcuts
// Copy (Ctrl+C)
case 67: // Ctrl+C
// Paste (Ctrl+V)
case 86: // Ctrl+V
function ableToShortcut(){
TODO check all cases for this
return false;
return false;
return true;
function copy(){
for(var i in canvas.getActiveGroup().objects){
var object = fabric.util.object.clone(canvas.getActiveGroup().objects[i]);
object.set("top", object.top+5);
object.set("left", object.left+5);
copiedObjects[i] = object;
else if(canvas.getActiveObject()){
var object = fabric.util.object.clone(canvas.getActiveObject());
object.set("top", object.top+5);
object.set("left", object.left+5);
copiedObject = object;
copiedObjects = new Array();
function paste(){
if(copiedObjects.length > 0){
for(var i in copiedObjects){
else if(copiedObject){
Is it possible to do actually I have heard dat it's may not possible.Can anyone guide me how to do please.
If you're targeting modern browsers you can combine 2 new (but widely adopted) html5 features to accomplish your task:
You can create a dropzone on your page using the dragover and drop events.
Then you can use the FileReader API to read the image files into an image object.
Then it's back to FabricJS to load the image as usual.
Here's a tutorial describing how to do the hard bits (#1,#2): http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/dndfiles/
[ Added code that SOMETIMES allows cut/paste of image files ]
Most modern browsers support binding the “paste” event.
// listen for the paste event
Support for non-text mime types (ie “image”) is scarce. Chrome seems to support it “off-and-on”.
…And browsers are constantly revising their cut/paste capabilities because of security concerns.
Here is code that sometimes works in Chrome.
// listen for the paste event
function pasteImage(event) {
// get the raw clipboardData
var cbData=event.clipboardData;
for(var i=0;i<cbData.items.length;i++){
// get the clipboard item
var cbDataItem = cbData.items[i];
var type = cbDataItem.type;
// warning: most browsers don't support image data type
if (type.indexOf("image")!=-1) {
// grab the imageData (as a blob)
var imageData = cbDataItem.getAsFile();
// format the imageData into a URL
var imageURL=window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(imageData);
// We've got an imageURL, add code to use it as needed
// the imageURL can be used as src for an Image object

Updating Canvas Image dynamically using PaperJs

I have an image element with src pointing to an Handler (asp.net), and this image being used as source for Raster (PaperJs) object defined as global object and updated during window.load.
var raster;
function WindowOnLoad() {
raster = new paper.Raster('MainContent_imageData');
raster.position = paper.view.center;
The above code is loading image onto the canvas on first load then the image element is getting updated through a button click which is associated with callback control (ComponentArt callback control) but the canvas is not, it displays blank.
Then I created an handler that is being called after the callback is complete but it also didn't work.
function CallBackCompleted(sender,eventArgs) {
var imgData = document.getElementById('MainContent_imageData');
raster.image = imgData ;
raster.position = window.paper.view.center;
The following code fixed the issue. The raster object is added as a child object on layer[0] removed all the other objects except children[0], which refers to the raster object.
function CallBackCompleted(sender,eventArgs) {
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.src = document.getElementById('MainContent_imageData').src;
imageObj.onload = function () {
window.paper.project.layers[0].children[0].position = window.paper.view.center;

iviewer jquery pluggin, center image

I'm using the iviewer plugin with a lightbox and I have issue to center my image everytime it load a new image.
I know that there is a pre-built method center() I just don't undertand how and where to call it.
You can find the function I'm using under. The function is called when I click on an element, it open a box div(#iviewer). In which I would like my image center. I also use a zoom pourcentage at the beginning so my image doesn't fit the box (var viewer).
function open(src, id) {
var firstZoom = true;
var viewer = $("#iviewer .viewer").
src : src,
ui_disabled : true,
zoom : '50%',
initCallback : function() {
var self = this;
onZoom : function() {
if (!firstZoom) return;
$("#iviewer .loader").fadeOut();
$("#iviewer .viewer").fadeIn();
firstZoom = true;
//load new pic
viewer.iviewer('loadImage', src);
Thanks for the help.
The "onFinishLoad" callback hook in the initialization worked for me:
onFinishLoad: function(ev, src){ viewer.iviewer('center')}
