Error "Library not loaded" when launching app - macos

I have created a Mac app which uses the RMSharedPreferences framework. When opening the app, it immediately crashes and I get the following error:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/RMSharedPreferences.framework/Versions/A/RMSharedPreferences
Referenced from: /Users/USER/Desktop/
Reason: image not found
It seems that it can't find the framework. I have tried adding a copy files phase to the target which should copy the framework and when browsing the contents of the app in Finder, it seems that it is copied correctly.
Does anyone know what might cause this error?
EDIT: Setting the framework to optional does make the application launch without any errors but the application does not fully work. Any RMSharedPreferences related calls will be ignored.

Since you are bundling the framework with your app, you should set the framework's install location. You can set that in your framework target build setting "installation location". Use something like:
You could also use a separate folder for your frameworks, then you would use:
In case you can't rebuild the framework (which is not yours, but I am saying in general), you can modify a prebuilt framework installation path like this:
install_name_tool -id #executable_path/../Frameworks/<framework_name> <your_framework>
Here you can find a reference for this.
If you are going to bundle a framework inside another framework, you can use #loader_path instead of #executable_path.

#rpath is a more flexible keyword, and its use is recommended.
The better way to do this is to set the "Runpath Search Paths" build setting in Xcode.
This avoids the need for an additional build phase script to modify the framework.
For instance, in your situation, you could set "Runpath Search Paths" to
if you're trying to load the framework from within a framework.


Dependency Analysis Warning - Skip Install is disabled

When I archived my application I got this error for all my custom frameworks
Warning: Installation Directory starts with '#executable_path' but
Skip Install is disabled.
I added my frameworks to my application my linking to them first and then creating a copy build false to the frameworks directory.
On each framework project I configured the Installation Directory to "#executable_path/../Frameworks" based on several tutorials I searched for on google. I believe this is to avoid installing the frameworks on the user's library (not sure).
Just to be clear, I want my frameworks to ship inside the application bundle, under the frameworks folder.
Now, I see a property named Skip Install on each of the frameworks projects build settings. Here is a description of what it means:
SKIP_INSTALL Description Activating this setting when deployment
locations are used causes the product to be built into an alternative
location instead of the install location. [SKIP_INSTALL]
When I activate this property the warning is gone, but can someone explain to me what this is? Because it implies that the #executable_path/../frameworks/ will be ignored.
In XCode 6.3.1:
Go to Build Settings, turn on 'All' not just 'Basic'
In the 'Deployment' section, set 'Skip Install' to Yes.
This will fix the warning. The thinking behind it is, if you're including the framework in your executable(s), then you don't want to install it separately
I am not sure but you have to set "Framework Search Paths" in Build Settings and remove Preprocessor Macros Debug value..
May you get help..

Making framework private with install_name_tool being ignored

I have written a simple application using the GPhoto2 Framework, and this works so long as the framework is in the location where it was originally compiled. I would like to move this inside the app bundle, though, so it does not need separate installation, so I need to make it work relative to this main executable.
Unfortunately the framework is not an Xcode project. It uses a script to build, so I cannot simply change the installation directory build setting, which is the solution that I have frequently seen while searching for an answer. Being quite new to Xcode and Mac programming it is also beyond my abilities to know how to convert the framework into an Xcode project.
The other advice I came across was to use install_name_tool to update the library ID and dependencies, replacing the absolute paths with ones of the form "#executable_path/../Frameworks/GPhoto2.framework". The framework is not a single binary, but contains a number of .dylib and .so libraries, but updating all of these has only been half successful.
I have set Xcode to copy the framework into the app bundle when it builds it. Then if I remove the framework from its originally compiled location the application fails to load, with the report generated by OS X saying the libgphoto2 library can no longer be found, as to be expected.
If I then use install_name_tool to update the references in all of the framework libraries inside the app bundle, and also in the app binary itself, then the application will load but fails to find any camera connected. Using otool I am able to verify that all references have correctly been changed.
But if I replace a copy of the framework to its original location it then works properly again, recognizing connected cameras, regardless of whether that framework uses relative or absolute locations. Clearly it is still looking at this location despite loading. I have even tried removing each of the individual library files from the framework in its original location in turn to see if the problem was just the result of a dependency in of these, but no matter which is missing the app will not work.
Incidentally, if I build the app using an updated version of the framework, it fails saying it cannot find the library "#executable_path/../Frameworks/GPhoto2.framework/prefix/lib/libgphoto2.2.dylib"
Am I doing something wrong or missing a step, or is what I am trying to do impossible for frameworks created outside Xcode?
In case someone comes across this future, the answer to my question was that I was doing nothing wrong. The problem was that the .so files were being loaded by libtool ltdl, at it requires absolute paths so these were being set at build time.
I patched the files gphoto2-abilities-list.c and gphoto2-port-info-list.c so that at runtime it would combine the relative library paths with the executable location. As a result I also needed to increase the FILENAME_MAX constant to allow it the mail application to run from, for example, the Desktop. But this, along with the use of install_name_tool allowed me to add GPhoto2 as a framework inside my application without needing any external dependencies.
The final problem of not being able to build my app in XCode with the framework after using install_name_tool remained, but for that I just used the original framework build, then after compilation I updated the references in the copied framework at the same time as I updated the ones in the main executable.

embedding multiple cross referencing frameworks in app bundle

so first off, I want to say that this question:
Bundle framework with application in XCode
and this question:
OSX: changing path of .framework
were both extremely helpful getting me up to this point, but I'm still not quite there.
So, like both the Original Posters for the two previous questions, I'm trying to embed a framework inside my app bundle. Or, rather, the issue is that I'm trying to embed MULTIPLE frameworks in my app bundle, some of which depend on eachother. I believe that even though my application can successfully find the frameworks (i've changed the install directory so the frameworks know where they are), the ones that reference each other are still looking for the frameworks to be installed in the normal ~/Library/Frameworks directory.
This is the output I'm getting when trying to run my app:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL
Referenced from: /Users/Daly/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Coin_Checkers_2-cibyiolfgsmcicdrcfxufftxzbsk/Build/Products/Debug/Coin Checkers
Reason: image not found
Binary Images:
0x7fff5fc00000 - 0x7fff5fc3be0f dyld 132.1 (???) <29DECB19-0193-2575-D838-CF743F0400B2> /usr/lib/dyld
It seems to me that It's correctly loading SDL_image, but failing when SDL_image references SDL. Is there any similar trick I can use to direct the SDL_image framework to the correct location for my embedded SDL framework?
Thanks a bunch!
Oh, never mind. I hadn't seen this question until it showed up in the related section on the side:
Embedding frameworks in a Mac App Bundle
Apparently all I needed to do was set the runpath searchpath, and that solved all my problems. I had tried setting the Frameworks search path, but that didn't seem to help.
In fact, I redownloaded the frameworks to see if the install_name_tool steps were even necessary, and it seems they are not. they worked without it. Interesting.

Embedded Framework conflict with version located outside the bundle

One of my Mac applications contains a framework which I embed into the application bundle. Now I have found some evidence that on some customer machines the application links against the same framework located in the /System/Library/Frameworks folder.
I'm obviously missing something when it comes to linking the embedded framework to the application in XCode, so here's how I've done it.. and perhaps you can point me to the missing step:
1) I drag the framework project into my project and set up the dependency between both projects
2) I drag the build product of the framework project to the "Link Binary with Libraries" build phase of my target
3) I drag the build product of the framework project to the "Copy Framework Files" build phase of my target set to "Destination: Frameworks"
This all works great but somewhere I need to specify that I want to link with the embedded version of the framework rather than any framework version that might be found on the system. Is there a search path to be set somewhere? or "static" link?
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Sounds like you might be missing a key step. You also need to set the "install name" of your embedded framework.
When you link a framework or dynamic library, your app will look for the framework at the path specified by framework's install name. This should specify a relative path for embedded frameworks. If it is an absolute name it will pick up the system installed version, even if you've embedded the library.
To examine the install name do the following and look at the first location.
otool -L <framework-binary>
These two blog posts explain the issue and also how to set everything up properly:
Additionally, if you're compiling a dylib from the command line (say an open source library) just add the following to your CFLAGS to set your install name.
-install_name '#rpath'
If you want to modify an existing binary's install name use 'install_name_tool'.
Also be sure your copy files build phase is copying the right files into the right places in your app bundle.

Add UMEKit Framework to Cocoa Application

I'm trying to link the UMEKit Framework into a cocoa application I'm working on. The application compiles fine but I cannot run the application due to the error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /Users/Joe/Library/Frameworks/UMEKit.framework/Versions/A/UMEKit
Referenced from: /Users/Joe/Documents/[MY APP PATH]/Contents/MacOS/[APP NAME]
Reason: image not found
I'm pretty sure it's a simple error brought about by me just not knowing how to properly link a framework in. I followed the apple documentation and added the framework project to my application project as a dependency but it just resulted in the same error.
I'd really appreciate some direct instructions on what exactly I need to do or what I appear to be missing here.
EDIT: This actually only happens when I compile and run as debug. For release it is fine. It would be useful to be able to use debug mode, of course, though so I don't know if this suggests anything to anyone?
Sounds like you're not copying the framework into your app. You can verify this by selecting "Show Package Contents" from the app's context menu in the Finder and look if the framework is in the app (under Contents/Frameworks).
If not, you need to add a "Copy Files" build phase to your target. Bring up the inspector for the build phase in Xcode, select "Frameworks" as the destination, then drag your framework into the build phase.
I have again the same problem.... I have to manually copy the Aquatic Framework in systems/library/framwork... then it works. Is there any other way to perform the task? And on e important thing, i am making plugins.. so is there any issue for adding frameworks in a plugin?
