How to add meta tag on head in cscart? - cs-cart

In ..skins/basic/customer/common_templates/image.tpl I add code:
{hook name="index:meta"}
<meta property="og:image" content="{$config.current_location}{$config.full_host_name}{$icon_image_path|default:$config.no_image_path}" />
=> result can't add meta tag on head, It's add on body tag => How to fix it ?

Check the index.tpl file in your skin to make sure that meta.tpl is being included inside the head and not the body. That's where the hook gets inserted, so as long as it's inside the head then there's no reason it should appear outside.


Pass selected element from list group Thymeleaf

I am using Thymeleaf and Spring MVC for a project and I am displaying a list in Thymeleaf and I want to get the selected items and pass them when I press submit
This is my form with the list:
<form th:action="#{/trip-info}" th:object="${trip}" method="post">
<a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" th:each="currentPerson : ${trip.employees}" th:text="${currentPerson.getFirstName() + ' ' + currentPerson.getLastName()}" onclick="addPerson(this)"></a>
I have the employees list displayed in my page, now I am not sure if I can pass to a controller the selected values or if I must use javascript and construct a body. Does anybody have any ideas ?
Transferring the selected form item is outside the role of 'Thymeleaf'.
'Thymeleaf' is a server side template engine that simply creates code in html.
The event (item select) changed by the client must be processed by JavaScript.
For a simple example,
Before submitting from the form, check the selected item in javascript and create a function that performs the submit.
If you need an example, show me your source code in more detail.
Additional comments -
There are two ways.
1. How does 'a tag' directly tell you about your event?
2. How to externally liseten events of 'a tag'
I wanted the '2' method, and you chose the '1' method.
Your source will be terminated with the href moved before executing the 'onclick' event.
Take a look at this example.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
some method<br/>
some method2<br/>
some method3<br/>
function someEvent(event){
'href' works but is invalidated by void (0). Or moved to another window tab by target. And then onclick happens sequentially.
I can not speak English and the explanation is immature. I'm sorry.

regex to scan html and return the URL from a meta refresh tag

I'm trying to scan html content to find if the source code includes a meta refresh tag in order to get the URL.
Here are some of the cases of meta http-equiv="refresh" tags I've seen
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content='0;URL=/test' />
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=/test' />
Here is he what I have come up with
$url = response.body.scan(/(CONTENT="0;URL=)(.*?)(">)/)
/(CONTENT="0;URL=)(.*?)(">)/ will work fine for the first instance without the space between ; and URL not for anything else.
Can someone help me with a regex that will work on all 4 scenarios?
Try this out:
$url = response.body.scan(/(CONTENT|content)=["']0;\s?URL=(.*?)(["']\s*\/?>)/)

How do I insert unique meta tags per page using docpad events

I'm trying to write a docpad plugin that will allow me to insert meta tags unique to each page, for example og:title or og:description. I've been able to accomplish this globally with the populateCollections event for global values, but have not been able to do this per page.
I'd like for this to work without the need for a template function so that the meta tag is inserted automatically based on the document's meta. One way might be to grab the contentRendered value in the writeBefore event and do string manipulation that way, but that seems hacky.
Any ideas?
This worked for what I needed. Basically, I'm getting the rendered content right before the file is written using the writeBefore event, and doing a very simple string replace which adds the meta tags and their unique values, which is pulled from the model in the collection.
writeBefore: (opts) ->
docPad = #docPad
templateData = docpad.getTemplateData()
siteUrl =
for model in opts.collection.models
if model.get('outExtension') == 'html'
url = #getTag('og:url', siteUrl+model.get('url'))
title = #getTag('og:title', model.get('title'))
content = model.get('contentRendered')
if content
content = content.replace(/<\/title>/, '</title>'+url+title+description)
model.set('contentRendered', content)
# Helper
getTag: (ogName, data) ->
return "\n <meta property=\"#{ogName}\" content=\"#{data}\" />"
Great answer David, leaving this one if someone faced the same issue I did.
Check if meta tag is broken, if it is - don't render:
renderBefore: (opts) ->
for model in opts.collection.models
if model.get('date').toLocaleDateString()=='Invalid Date'
model.set('write', false)
docpad.log model.get('title')+' has broken date format!\n\n\n\n\n'
I am using partials in with collections. Adding what is needed in the document like this:
title: Meetings and Events
layout: page
description: "This is my custom description."
tags: ['resources']
pageOrder: 3
pageclass: rc-events
I needed a custom CSS class by page. Then you can call it in your default template like this.
<div id="main" class="container <%= #document.pageclass %>">
Should be the same for meta
<meta name="description" content="<%= #document.description) %>" />
or check your file and put together helper function for prepared content based off of a default site value combined with a #document value. Then you can just call something like the default:
<meta name="description" content="<%= #getPreparedDescription() %>" />
Which is built by this helper function:
# Get the prepared site/document description
getPreparedDescription: ->
# if we have a document description, then we should use that, otherwise use the site's description
#document.description or #site.description mvc 3, add <meta /> to <header> from any part of application

My question is: How can I add meta tag from my view or partial view? Basically I want to, from the view, write a meta tag, and I want it to be displayed in the header. Is it possible?
Thank you
You can use sections to do this.
In you layout page you need to define the section:
#RenderSection("Head", required: false)
This section can then be used in any page that uses this layout page:
#section Head {
<meta ... >

meta tag in ASP.NET MVC 3

How can I put meta tag to work only for one page. If I want to put it .aspx file, where is right place.
Since you haven't said yet, I'm assuming you're using the Razor engine (the "default" for new MVC3 projects). In that case, you just need to insert a new section into your layout view, and only render that section if you need to insert a meta tag.
For example, working from the stock New ASP.NET MVC 3 Project template, you would edit your Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml file, and before the closing </head> tag, do something like this:
#this.RenderSection("MetaContent", false)
Then, in any of your views that you needed to, add this:
#section MetaContent
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />
If you're still using the ASPX layout engine for some reason, you can accomplish the same thing using the <asp:ContentPlaceHolder> tags in your master page and <asp:Content> tags in your views.
Since you're using the ASP.NET Forms layout engine still, here's the same basic idea as above in aspx syntax:
In your master page, you add the tag:
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MetaContent" runat="server" />
And in your .aspx views, you add a new content section (you should already have at least two -- a title and a body):
<asp:Content ID="Meta" ContentPlaceHolderID="MetaContent" runat="server">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />
I was going to suggest exactly what Michael said (+1). Another option would be to put a boolean in the ViewBag, something like:
ViewBag.ForceIE8Mode = true;
For pages that you want to force into IE8 Mode.
and then in your view, wrap the meta tag in a conditional. either
#if(ViewBag.ForceIE8Mode == true) {
<meta... />
<% if(ViewBag.ForceIE8Mode == true) { %>
<meta... />
<% } %>
