Pattern replacement for variable declarations in GNU make - makefile

In GNU make, is it possible to use pattern replacement for variable declarations? For example, this is a valid target
obj/%.o: src/%.c
gcc -c src/$*.c -o obj/$*.o
but this doesn't work
BUILD_% = gcc -c src/%.c -o obj/%.o

I see three separate questions here.
First: can % be used and interpreted in recipes? For instance:
gcc -c src/%.c -o obj/%.o
The answer is that it cannot: during rule resolution, % is evaluated in targets and prerequisites, but not in recipes. Instead, you have to use $*, which is roughly but not exactly the same thing.
Second (if I understand your question correctly): can variables used in defining recipes? For instance:
BUILD = gcc -c src/$*.c -o obj/$*.o
obj/%.o: src/%.c
Yes, they can.
Third (if this is what you mean to ask at all): can rules be parametrized with variables such that the % placeholder is taken from a variable in which it acts as an argument?
No, not really. You can use a combination of the predefined $(foreach ...), $(call ...), and $(eval ...) functions to specify rules parametrized with values taken from variables, but the values of those variables cannot be supplied by the rule resolution process like the value of %.


Extract macro parameters from target name in Makefile

I have a bunch of lines like this in my makefile, in different permutations. I want to automate them with a general rule, so if I type $ make foo-WHATEVER, make knows how to build it from foo.c and relevant -D flags.
foo-PARAMA.o: foo.c
foo-PARAMA-PARAMB.o: foo.c
Well, you can try something like this:
foo-%.o : foo.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(addprefix -D,$(subst -, ,$*)) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
but my suspicion is that you're really going to want to do this for "any source file" not just foo.c. That's much harder because you can't have multiple patterns in a single target or prerequisite.
For that you'll have to know the list of source files up-front and use eval:
SRCS = foo.c bar.c baz.c biz.c
define make-pattern
$1-%.o : $1.c
$$(CC) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -D,$$(subst -, ,$$*)) $$(CFLAGS) -o $$# -c $$<
$(foreach S,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call make-pattern,$S)))
It looks like you want to do configuration management inside make. The problem is that make itself is not really equipped with such functionality. My guess is that at the time of its invention the extreme diversity of platforms which one day will run some unixoid build system simply wasn't foreseeable - so the main use case was to easily define a rather homogenous build with some small deviations.
Now, its 2019 and make is still around and supposedly with a larger user base than ever before. One possible remedy which has the advantage that it doesn't require any other tool is to use gmtt which is a GNUmake library for exactly this configuration purpose. Below I sketch a hypothetical config scenario:
include gmtt/
PLATFORM := $(shell uname)
# table of platforms with 2 columns. Don't forget that the leading element of every table must be an integer denoting the number of columns!
CYGWIN?NT-4.? toolX
CYGWIN?NT-10.? toolY
Linux* toolZ
FreeBSD toolXYZ
toolX -Dfoo
toolY -Dbar
toolZ -Dbaz
toolXYZ -Dfoo
toolXYZ -Dbar
toolXYZ -Dbaz
# select column 2 from the table line(s) which glob-match the current platform:
USED-TOOL := $(call select,2,$(AVAILABLE-PLATFORMS),$$(call glob-match,$(PLATFORM),$$1))
# now select the right flags for the tool
CFLAGS_OPT := $(call select,2,$(ADDITIONAL-FLAGS),$$(call str-eq,$(USED-TOOL),$$1))
$(info $(USED-TOOL) Options: $(CFLAGS_OPT))
Admittedly, this is a lemma on Greenspun's tenth rule but the other options (composing configuration information with a handful of external tools) aren't so attractive either.

Makefile implicit rule matching - prefix length not affecting match

In my gnu-make-3.81 Makefile, I wish to define two implicit rules, such that the more specific first one takes precedence over the more general second one:
src/%_bar.o : src/%_bar.c
$(CC) -Wall -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -c $^ -o $#
src/%.o : src/%.c
$(CC) -Wall -c $^ -o $#
The issue I have is that foo_bar.c represents autogenerated code that triggers a warning with -Wall that I'd prefer to suppress, so the first rule is meant to catch this special case.
According to make's manual:
It is possible that more than one pattern rule will meet these criteria. In that case, make will choose the rule with the shortest stem (that is, the pattern that matches most specifically).
I thought that for a filename of src/foo_bar.o, the first rule would generate the stem foo, and the second would generate foo_bar. The former is the shortest so I'd expect it to apply. However this doesn't seem to be the case, the second rule is selected by make and executed. Running make -d doesn't even show an attempt to match with the stem foo - only foo_bar is considered.
If I make the following change, by making the second rule's stem deliberately longer by shortening the prefix from src/ to sr, the second rule is still selected:
src/%_bar.o : src/%_bar.c
$(CC) -Wall -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -c $^ -o $#
sr%.o : sr%.c
$(CC) -Wall -c $^ -o $#
I can't reconcile this with the make documentation.
In addition, if I remove the src/ prefix entirely, the second rule is selected:
src/%_bar.o : src/%_bar.c
$(CC) -Wall -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -c $^ -o $#
%.o : %.c
$(CC) -Wall -c $^ -o $#
Although this solves my problem, it's actually not suitable because it overrides/interacts with another implicit rule on the current directory that I need to keep:
%.o : %.c
# do something else
My question is why does make behave this way in this case, and is this consistent with the documentation? If so, is there a better way to specify a more specialised implicit rule?
First, be aware that the "shortest stem" method of pattern matching was introduced in GNU make 3.82. If you're using GNU make 3.81 then your version of make uses the old method which was "first match". It's always best to read the documentation that comes with your distribution, if possible, rather than the web documentation because the web documentation is for the latest version of GNU make. GNU make 3.81 was released in April 2006... that's pretty old.
However, the example you provided actually DOES work the way you wanted it to:
src/%_bar.o : src/%_bar.c ; #echo shorter: $*
src/%.o : src/%.c ; #echo longer: $*
all: src/foo_bar.o
$ make-3.81
shorter: foo
$ make-3.82
shorter: foo
I suspect that when you asked your question here you didn't use the same code you're using in your real environment. In that environment you must have the shorter pattern after the longer pattern, like this:
src/%.o : src/%.c ; #echo longer: $*
src/%_bar.o : src/%_bar.c ; #echo shorter: $*
all: src/foo_bar.o
$ make-3.81
longer: foo_bar
$ make-3.82
shorter: foo
When asking questions it's very important to be sure that the simplified examples in the question accurately reflect the real situation.

split a path name for dependecies in a makefile

I need to split the path of a variable into a list.
For example, to convert a/b/c/d into a b c d.
The question is similar to this question, but only a workaround was given, which cannot work with dependencies.
need to split a file name for dependecies.
For example the rule
wd/%.o : $1.c $2.c
cc -o $# -c $1.c $2.c
applied to wd/a/x.o would depend on a.c and x.c.
I managed to create a specialized function that splits the string. But it works only if we know in advance all the possible values of $1 and moreover, combining call and % does not work, so I cannot get the result for dependencies.
For example,
wd/%.o : $(call SPLIT,%.o) #DO NOT WORK
cc -o $# -c $^
called on target wd/a/x.o would have only only one dependency, a/x.o, even if SPLIT works fine in the command line.
Any idea ? Thank you for helping !
The subst function can split the path. To use it in the prerequisite list, use Secondary Expansion:
wd/%.o : $$(addsuffix .c,$$(patsubst %,%.c,$$(subst /, ,$$*)))
cc -o $# -c $^

Force make not to re-order pre-requisites in automatic variable expansion

Here a is my makefile (GNU make) to compile a small OCaml program:
.PHONY: all clean
all: playground
playground.cmx: lstream.cmi
playground: lstream.cmx playground.cmx
$(OCAML) $(OFLAGS) -c $<
$(OCAML) $(OFLAGS) -c $<
%: %.cmx
$(LD) -o $# $^
playground uses functions from the Lstream module. In this case, the ocaml linker requires the files to link to be specified in order of dependency (eg: ocamlopt -o playground lstream.cmx playground.cmx).
Despite the fact that I defined the playground rule's dependencies in the right order,
make consistently re-orders them and executes ocamlopt -o playground playground.cmx lstream.cmx which causes a linker error.
Is there a way to enforce the correct behaviour ? I would like to avoid specifying the link command explicitely and let make infer it from the dependencies.
Implicit rules always force the pattern matching prerequisite to be first, regardless of the order in which they're defined elsewhere. This is almost always what you want, because in most rules the pattern matching prerequisite is special.
For example when compiling an object file the prerequisites consist of one source file and a bunch of header files; the source file is special and needs to be listed on the command line. Make ensures that for a pattern rule %.o : %.c (for example) the prerequisite matching %.c is first in the list, and so is assigned to the $< automatic variable, and it can be treated differently.
In any event the short answer is no, you cannot modify this behavior. An implicit rule % : %.cmx matching a target playground will always force the prerequisite playground.cmx to be listed first in the prerequisite list. The other prerequisites will maintain their order.
If you really need the prerequisites to maintain their order then I recommend using a static pattern rule:
TARGETS = playground
$(TARGETS) : % :
$(LD) -o $# $^
(you can also use a "match anything" pattern rule but this can be a real performance degrader). Here since you have no pattern in the prerequisite list, nothing will be reordered.

Makefile for using make as gcc

Is it possible to write universal Makefile which would get any target and act like a wrapper to gcc, but with parameters? For example, this means that
make 01.c
will have the same result as
g++ -o 01.out 01.c
make already has several "implicit rules" to do what you're trying.
For example, even with no makefile,
make 01.o
Will run:
c++ -c -o 01.o 01.cpp
If it finds a file called 01.cpp in your current directory. You can set the CXXFLAGS environment variable if you want to pass more flags. If you're really set on using g++ rather than the system compiler, you can set CXX=g++, too.
Yes - You using implicit rules.
Summat like (if memory serves me right)
$(CCC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
Maybe in the set of default implicit rules
You can use a wildcard - %.
However, the thing specified on the commandline is the target, not the source - what you want, not what you have.
It looks like what you want is approximately:
%.out: %.c
g++ -o $# $<
This means: to make (something).out, first make sure you have (something).c, then run g++ -o (something).out (something).c
$# is always the target file, and $< is the first prerequisite.
You will need to run make 01.out, not make 01.c
