I have a simple game of tic tac toe, there are many examples of this online that use min maxing however I just want to use a simple example for my own understanding.
I have displayed the board in a 3x3 box that have numbering system that users can pick from, in the following way:
:- dynamic o/1.
:- dynamic x/1.
% The computer has made a turn, print O
printBox(N) :- o(N), write('[o]').
% The player makes a turn, print X
printBox(N) :- x(N), write('[x]').
% We just want to print the empty board
printBox(N) :- blankSpace(N), write('[_]').
buildBoard :- printBox(1),printBox(2),printBox(3),nl,
playersMove :-
When a user select from the above options (1-9) the board is filled with an X for the human player and O for the computer.
Now I also have facts for the winning lines:
%Winning rows from left to right
%Winning diagnolly
So after each move I want to check if one of the winning line combinations has been played ie does the board contain any of the winningLine combinations and with player has that combination. I have been thinking about it and a findall method could be used here however I would be open to suggestion.
My Question: How do I check the board for the winning conditions?
The simple answer
Since you are working with a global game position, we can assume the existence of a predicate checked(Player, Square) which holds iff player Player has checked the square Square.
Then all you need to check in order to see if a player has won the game is to ask whether there is a winning line where all three squares are checked by the same player:
is_win(Player) :-
You can generate checked/2 by use of assertz:
:- dynamic checked/2.
player_move(Player, Square) :- assertz(checked(Player, Square)).
The better Way
However, if you want to go beyond simulating a simple game you should represent your state in a single data item and not put in in the global database, for example:
initial_state(board([empty, empty, empty],
[empty, empty, empty],
[empty, empty, empty]).
and adjust player_move and checked accordingly:
/* Should make a new board from Position0 by adding the move */
player_move(Player, Square, Position0, Position) :- ...
/* Should check if a player has checked a square inside Position */
checked(Player, Square, Position) :- ...
With the above global state representation, you basically have to call the winningLine(I, J, K) to obtain a triple of indices, then for all these indices, either x(X) (with X replaced by I, J and K) should hold; or for all indices o(X) should hols, like:
xwin :-
winningLine(I, J, K),
nwin :-
winningLine(I, J, K),
win :-
win :-
So here xwin/0 is satisfied, given the player for x has a winning line, owin/0 is satisfied, given the player for o has a winning line, and win/0 is satisfied if any of the players has won.
But personally I think using a global state is not an elegant way to solve problems (actually in most, if not all programming paradigms). Here you can not make use of Prolog's powerful backtracking mechanism, and furthermore if you for example would like to search if there still exists a way how a user can win, you can thus not simply duplicate the board, and run a solver on the duplicated board.
Hey guys I'm new to prolog and learning it myself.
I found this question on the internet but without any answers.
I have this database
countries([belgium, france, germany, italy, luxembourg, netherlands]).
weight(france, 4).
weight(germany, 4).
weight(italy, 4).
weight(belgium, 2).
weight(netherlands, 2).
weight(luxembourg, 1).
Now I made this program to see if a list of countries have enough votes to get over the threshold.
winning([], 0).
winning([Head | Tail], N):-
weight(Head, N1),
winning(Tail, N2),
N is N1 + N2.
winning(Y, N),
N >= X.
Now I need to write a program critical/2, first argument a country, second argument a list of countries. Is the first country needed to get over the threshold or not.
?- critical(netherlands, [belgium, france, germany]).
?- critical(netherlands, [france, germany, italy]).
for this program I need to check first, if the second argument is winning already. And if so it will fail. If not i need to get the value of the first argument add it to the second value and then check if its over the threshold. If it won't be enough it will fail. If it is enough it will succeed.
N1 is N+Value,
N1 >= X.
I'm doing alot of things wrong here but I have no idea how to fix it.
You are quite close to the solution. A few hints:
First, a good naming convention helps you keep track of which argument is what:
critical(C, Cs) :-
This makes clear that the first argument is a single country, and the second is a list of zero or more countries.
So, let us first relate Cs to their total weight. Again, it helps to have a good naming convention, making clear which argument is what:
country_weight(france, 4).
country_weight(germany, 4).
country_weight(italy, 4).
country_weight(belgium, 2).
country_weight(netherlands, 2).
country_weight(luxembourg, 1)
Now, to relate multiple countries to their respective weights, we use the meta-predicate maplist/3:
maplist(country_weight, Cs, Ws)
and to sum the weights, we use sum_list/2:
sum_list(Ws, Sum)
It is obvious how to describe that Sum must be below the threshold (left as an exercise).
Finally, to denote that the sum plus the weight of the country denoted by the first argument is greater than the threshould, we use:
country_weight(C, W),
W + Sum > Threshold
This completes the definition. Notice that it was not necessary to describe which countries exist at all. Therefore, you can omit the first predicate of your program.
I have done very little programming in Prolog and find it quite difficult so far.
I was given the question: A gorilla moves along an 8x8 grid and can only move right or up. it has to remain within the grid and must finish at (8,8) starting at any arbitrary location.
Write a move predicate that describes all the possible moves.
My attempt:
Write a path predicate that uses the move predicate to determine the path thte robot shuld take.
My attempt:
Write prolog predicates that model blockages at (1,2), (4,2), and (4,1).
So far, from what I have found it seems I need to set up a list that would give all possible positions.
I have written a list of the possible positions but do not understand how to implement it:
This seems like it would be a simple program but I cannot seem to grasp the concepts or at least put them all together into a workable program.
Any help in direction would be greatly appreciated.
There are quite some issues with your code. Let's go through it one at a time.
1. Possible positions
Although your list of possible positions is OK, I wouldn't hard-code it like that. It's very easy to do a check if a position is on the grid:
grid_position(X, Y) :-
X >= 1,
X =< 8,
Y >= 1,
Y =< 8.
Do note that this can only be used to verify a given position. If you want to be able to generate all possible positions, you can use in/2 from library(clpfd).
2. Allowed positions
If there is no simple logic as above for positions that are blocked, there is no other way than to enumerate them yourself.
blocked(1, 2).
blocked(4, 2).
blocked(4, 1).
Using this, we can determine which are the allowed positions for our gorilla: any position that is on the grid, but is not blocked.
allowed_position(X, Y) :-
grid_position(X, Y),
\+blocked(X, Y).
3. move
The main problem here is that writing X+1 in the head of the clause doesn't do what you think it does. To evaluate arithmetic expressions, you need to use the is predicate.
Additionally, I would only allow a move if the next location is allowed. Since the gorilla is already at the current location, I don't include a check to see if this location is actually allowed.
move(X, Y, X2, Y) :-
X2 is X + 1,
allowed_position(X2, Y).
move(X, Y, X, Y2) :-
Y2 is Y + 1,
allowed_position(X, Y2).
4. path
Here's how I interpret the requirement: given a start position, return the list of moves used to reach the end position.
To do this, we're going to need 3 arguments: the X and Y positions, and the output. The output here will be a list of positions rather than a list of moves, I'll leave it up to you to change that if needed.
So what makes up our path? Well, first you make one move, and then you find the rest of the path from the next position.
path(X, Y, [(X,Y)|Ps]) :-
move(X, Y, X2, Y2),
path(X1, Y1, Ps).
Of course we have to make sure this ends at the target position, so for base case we can use:
path(8, 8, (8, 8)).
You may also want to verify that the initial position is an allowed position, which I have left out.
Combine everything, and you get output such as below.
?- path(5,6,L).
L = [(5,6),(6,6),(7,6),(8,6),(8,7)|(8,8)] ? ;
L = [(5,6),(6,6),(7,6),(7,7),(8,7)|(8,8)] ? ;
L = [(5,6),(6,6),(7,6),(7,7),(7,8)|(8,8)] ? ;
This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I hope it helps you well on the way.
So you might want to say where you are moving while you're doing that. So I'll suggest a predicate move/3 like this:
% move(From_Position, To_Position, Direction).
move((X,Y),(X,Y1), up) :-
Y1 is Y + 1.
move((X,Y),(X1,Y), rigth):-
X1 is X + 1.
The grid calls are there to ensure that you'll always stay on the grid. you also could use a smarter predicate in_grid and avoid the member call (which is quite time consuming).
A path should probably be a list of directions:
path((8,8), []).
path(Position, [Direction| Before]):-
\+ Position = (8,8),
move(Position, NewPosition, Direction),
To Accumulate, you can use bagof or setof