Grails store and fetch data on client side - caching

Background: We are using grails 2.1.1. We are not using any DB as of now. We make a web service call for each response on another server.
Now the problem is, there is web service call which returns some static data in XML form and this data is usable throughout the application. The size of the xml is around 40kb. This xml contains static data like, project_list, status_type_list etc. and we have to use this in various dropdowns and menu items in different gsp pages.
So, please suggest us the best way to handle this data. So that it doesn't effect our page load time and browsing experience. And also we can easily use the data on client side.

responding to your comment on the question. I would prefer using annotation based caching over the plugin, if the requirement is as simple as you state that it is.
If the calls are being made from server-side and you want to cache the results of the parsed XML then you can do something like:
def getStaticDataFromXML() {}
You can then use the above method to pull the maps, lists whatever data structure you've used to store the result and it will pull it from the cache.
and then another service method to flush the cache, which you can call frequently from a Job.
def flushStaticDataCache() {}

Use the cache plugin to cache the static xml data. And then add some policy as to when the cache should be updated... (i.e. using a job to check if the xml has changed every hour)


Cache for Angular2

I am looking for a cache implementation for an Angular2 application.
For example, we have a million Movie objects stored on a server (i.e. enough that we don't want to grab them all at once). On the server, a REST endpoint is available : getMovie(String id)
Back on the client side, the cache should provide a simple way to get a movie from Angular, something like cache.getMovie(id:string): Observable<Movie>. This will hit the REST endpoint only for the first call, and store it locally for later requests.
Angular1 has angular-cache or the $cacheFactory, with LRU support and other great functionalities.
I started implementing a basic cache using a local HashMap, but that seems like a very common need.
Is there a good in-memory cache implementation for Angular2 yet?
I would use lscache and extend it providing few underlying storages: localStorage, sessionStorage, and self-implmented memoryStorage. TypeScript definitions are already available.

how to use Ajax to get content from JSON files dynamically in DART?

I know how to use JSON in dart also communicating with a server using the HttpRequest API from the dart:html library and parsing JSON data using the dart:convert !!
I am looking for Dynamic content loading using Ajax asynchronous methods or calls in DART! ..
like .. the web page need to load content dynamically if there is any change or update in JSON files in server! ..
And how to do this in Angular Dart!?
There's no way to be notified when something changes on the server without either a) polling for changes (this can be pretty wasteful) or b) having the server notify you.
For (a), you could create a periodic timer that fetches the JSON or checks whether it's been updated (you'd need some way of checking this with the server).
A better fit would be something like Web Sockets, with the server able to push your JSON to the client whenever it changes. However, this is quite an architecture change from pulling JSON from the server, because you would need to be holding web sockets open between the server and all clients that have the page loaded, so the server can send the data to them all whenever it changes.
There are some samples of using Web Sockets on the Dart site; but bear in mind you'll need something on the server, this won't work if you only have access to the client.

In WebAPI Breeze implementation, can I avoid exposing Metadata function?

Opening Metadata function using Breeze via API is actually equivalent of exposing the underlying database schema.
Is there a way to avoid opening up metadata api call? I tried not exposing it as suggested. I got the following error
Query failed Metadata query failed for: /breeze/NorthWind/Metadata; The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'.
What is the right way of avoiding exposing Breeze Metadata calls.
In addition to obtaining metadata via an API, there are another couple of approaches you could consider:
Load metadata from a script. With this approach, you embed the metadata in a script. After loading the script, the Breeze EntityManager can be initialized using the metadata from the script rather than calling an API. I've found this approach quite useful for unit testing when a dependency on accessing a server is undesirable. See Load metadata from script for more details.
Build metadata with hand-written Javascript code to configure it. You probably wouldn't want to do this for a complex data model that you have already defined in Entity Framework, but it can be useful if that isn't a constraint. See Metadata by hand for discussion on this approach.
Once you do have metadata, you can export and import the metadata (such as to the browser's window.localStorage area) using MetadataStore.exportMetadata and MetadataStore.importMetadata respectively.
You need to provide some sort of metadata for Breeze to work. If you do not want to expose your DB structure, either you have to manually change the metadata generated, or have another layer in between your DB entities and the data classes you want to expose. You can generate the metadata of the intermediate layer by data annotations.

Sessions in Meteor

After a research it seems that Meteor Sessions are reset after refreshing page or opening the website in new tab, i.e. they are not usual server-side sessions but something like global javascript variables on client-side. Some people advice to use AmplifyJS, but I'm not sure that it will work like usual session in other frameworks/languages and also it is a third party library, so is there any normal way to use sessions in Meteor, i.e. keep user-specific data on server?
At this moment I'm handling that by using custom Collections, but it is not an ideal way of doing that because it is needed to remove expired values from Collection manually, which makes additional troubles.
Yes this is correct. Despite the name Session is nothing like a cookie, but just a reactive form of a variable stored in a hashmap
To keep data persistent across tabs you need to use a Collections (as this is the only way to reactively share data across tabs) - Cookies can't work because they can't be made reactive as data needs to be sent to the server to notify the client when there is a change. There really wouldn't be another way at the moment as the publish/subscribe methods can only send down data from collections at the moment.
You can use your setup you have now with your custom collection. You can use a server side cron job to remove expired data (either with Meteor.setInterval or Tom Coleman's cron.
There is a package developed just for that:
After installation you can use the following functions to set sessions which are persistent:
//store a persistent session variable which is stored across templates
Session.setPersistent(key, value);
//same as above, but automatically deletes session data when user logs out
Session.setAuth(key, value);
I've tried the package and it works like charm.

Subsonic, SharedDbConnectionScope and ApplicationState

I'm looking at using Subsonic with a multi-tenant web application. There are multiple DB's (one per client/instance). The user logs in with a domain suffix to their username (e.g. user#tenant1, user#tenant2).
The custom membership provider will then determine which database a user is using, and authenticate against it. All user-initiated calls in the webapp will be wrapped in a SharedDbConnectionScope call, however I have a question regarding caching subsonic items.
Basically each instance will have a few records that rarely change (search options/configurations). I would like to read these in the Application_Start event, and cache them into the ApplicationState.
In the Application_Start event, it would loop over each client database, use a SharedDbConnectionScope to connect to each DB, and create these cached records (e.g. Application('tenant1_search_obj') = subsonic_object
When a user loads the search page, it would then check what domain a user is in, and then retreive that search option from the cache.
Is this feasible? I'm just concerned that if I cache an object, when I retrieve it from the application cache it won't know what connection its using, and might possibly pull in the wrong data.
I'd like to avoid putting this in the session object if possible.
it's possible, but probably not a good idea since it doesn't scale at all - you're going to pop a new connection for every single client whether they show up or not.
Maybe your best bet is to "lazy load" the setting - first hit on the search page loads the config into the cache or Application settings and there it stays.
Other than that - to answer your question it is possible. If you're using SubSonic 3, just create a new provider on the fly using ProviderFactory.GetProvider(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient") and then execute your stuff against it.
For SubSonic 2 - SharedConnectionScope is what you want.
