maven-jaxb2-plugin deletes classes right after build - maven

I am trying to generate some classes with the maven-jaxb2 plugin. But a few seconds after every build the classes are deleted out of the target/generated-resources folder (but they are still in the target/classes/... folder)
Here is the plugindefinition from my pom:
my xsd should be right.
I have no idea what is going wrong. I did it a few times before, but had never this problem.
thanks for your help

for those who are interested in it: I solved it temporary by removing the


Using kapt in maven

I'm trying to make a small application for my asignment in kotlin using dagger and maven (can't switch to gradle) and I'm aware that for kotlin, i need to add not only dagger but also the kapt for it to work. Here is where my problem starts, it doesn't work.
I've being for the last 2 days searching arround the internet for any kind of information on this and the only thing related to kapt and maven I've found is on the jetbrains site where they say that i have to add an execution block to my pom. Well so I've done this and it still doesn't work. I get a "cannot resolve symbol" in the goal kapt.
I suspect the problem is either one of this:
I may be missing a dependency.
I'm placing the execution block for the kapt in the wrong place.
Here is my pom.xml:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- sqlite-jdbc -->
<!-- logger -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Lombok -->
<!-- MyBatis -->
<!-- Gson -->
<!-- Dagger -->
<!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->
<!-- Replacing default-testCompile as it is treated specially by maven -->
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
It may be a simple solution but I'm still not fluent with all this dagger/kotlin stuff so thanks for the help :)
This is an excerpt from my answer to similar question:
You can configure pom.xml build file like this:
<!-- Specify your annotation processors here. -->
These are the links usefull to read when you want to create maven project with java, kotlin and dagger:

Powermock Mockito with #PrepareForTest is not giving right coverage in JaCoCo maven plugin. Any alternatives?

While using PowerMock and Mockito for stubbing and testing private methods, if we include any class with #PrepareForTest({ AccountClientService.class }) like this, all the methods inside are not showing any coverage. Tried various methods from stackoverflow suggestions like on the fly, offline instrumentatations and went with #Rule public PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule(), still no luck. Trail and error with various versions. MY POM looks like below :
<!-- <useSystemClassloader>true</useSystemClassloader> -->
<!-- <argLine>-javaagent:path\\to\\org.jacoco.agent\\\\org.jacoco.agent-${basedir}\\target\\jacoco.exec</argLine>
Followed the steps as per the link below. It started working. I have removed all the plugins related to JaCoCo and maven-surefire-plugin and just included like below in my test file.
Thanks to the author of the above blog.

How to use Spring Boot build plugin with JavaFX app

I used Netbeans to generate a template for my JavaFX app. It generated a POM.xml and the build section seems excessively complicated. Furthermore, it unpacks ALL the dependencies every time i compile the project and it takes like 3 minutes every time. Here is the relevant section of the POM.xml file :
This is my first JavaFX project, in my other projects i just use this build section and everything works fine :
However, when trying to use it with this project, i get the following error :
The parameters 'executable' for goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec are missing or invalid
Why won't this work with a JavaFX project? It seems like it wants to execute goals that are not even in my POM file.
I do see that goal in the effective POM tab but I don't know enough about Maven to make sense of it, I can't change anything in the effective section anyway. Anyone knows how to make the Spring Boot plugin work with a JavaFX desktop app?
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to refactor the pom file. The configuration must go outside of the executions, like this:
I finally managed to make this work without unpacking the dependencies every time i compile. I used the de.felixroske.jfxsupport.AbstractJavaFxApplicationSupport class to extend my main class from, put launch(args); in the main method, and I now have the following code in the build section of the POM.XML file :

Default JavaFX maven project: slf4j not working

I have created a JavaFX Maven Project with Netbeans a few months ago. Until yesterday, I was using log4j as logger (which worked perfectly). As my project will be used together with other projects using slf4j, I decided to change my logger.
Unfortunately the created .jar does not contain my file, but a generic one. If I manually replace it with my own version, logging works as it should.
How can I tell maven to include my file? According to some explanations found on the web, it should go src/main/resources/ but that does not solve it.
The pom.xml's build and dependencies section:
I just had to add the following to my main class:
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
/* ... */
public void mainMethod() {
/* ... */
/* initialize log4j */
/* ... */

Run Spock tests with Maven located in src/test/java

I java some Spock tests:
which are Spock tests. They are located in src/test/java and when I run verify, they are skipped. When i put them in src/test/groovy Maven find them. Can I configure Maven to find them when they are in src/test/java?
My Maven configurations are:
<!-- Groovy compilation -->
Add this to your GMaven configuration on the plugin level:
Update: Or add this on the execution level (see groovy:testCompile goal documentation):
