SendMessage Max Receivers - windows

I have a main application and 4 client applications, I communicate back to the main application using SendMessage.
I can use any three of the client apps without any problems but as soon as I add a forth I get access violations and stackoverflow errors.
My question: is there a maximum for the number of apps that can send using SendMessage to a single application?
I am using Delphi XE2 and Windows 8

My question is, is there a maximum for the number of apps that can send using SendMessage to a single application?
No there is not. Your problem is not related to the number of processes sending messages.
One likely explanation for an access violation when processing messages is that your message contains a pointer to memory that is only valid in the address space of the sending process. But that's a wild guess since we have no code.


Windows service not receiving some events, particularly SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT

tldr Why don't I receive PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC, PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND, and PBT_APMSUSPEND as the payload to service events of type SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT?
I'm trying to detect when a windows device as woken back up from sleep. I have a constellation of processes that interact via IPC, which includes both UI applications with an event handler function provided to RegisterClassEx and services using RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW.
My preference is to receive these events in a service. My understanding is that I can get SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT in dwControlsAccepted, and can then distinguish specific kinds of power event by looking at the dwEventType parameter, as per these docs However, I only ever receive PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE, corresponding to fiddling with the power cord on the laptop. I expected to also receive some combination of PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC, PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND, and PBT_APMSUSPEND.
When testing on the UI side, I do get WM_POWERBROADCAST events of any kind. Obviously I've missed some part of setup there. Again, the process that actually needs this info is a service, so I would have to IPC the event to a service if this is what ended up working.
For full credit, I also experimented with SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE and SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE (enabled via SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE), but never receive these events at all. I had expected those to correlate with sleeping the laptop but apparently not.

How to ban other threads from sending/posting messages

Or how to determine if a given message was posted/sent programmatically by another thread or simply another process?
By post and send I mean functions PostMessage and SendMessage
The Windows API does not keep track of the originator of a message. So the only way to know where a message comes from would be to directly hook the (Post|Send)Message functions in every running process.

Clear messages from mq using java

What is the best approach to connect to websphere mq v7.1 and clear all the messages of one or more specified queues using Java and JMS? Do I need to use Websphere MQ specific java API? Thanks.
Like all good questions, "it depends."
The queue can be cleared with a command only if there are no open handles on the queue. In that case sending a PCF command to clear the queue is quite effective, but if there are open handles you get back an error. PCF commands are of course a Java feature and not JMS because they are proprietary to WebSphere MQ.
On the other hand, any program authorized to perform destructive gets off a queue can clear the queue. In this case, just loop over a get until you get the 2033 return code indicating the queue is empty. This can be performed using JMS or Java but both of these manage the input buffer for you. If the queue is REALLY deep then you end up moving all that data and if the app is client connected, you are moving it at network speed instead of in memory.
To get around this, you need to specify a minimal amount of buffer and as one of the GET options also specify MQGMO.TRUNCATED_MSG_ACCEPTED. This moves only the message header during the get calls and can be significantly faster.
Finally, if you are doing this programamtically and regardless of which method you use, spin off several threads and don't use syncpoint. You actually have to go out of your way to get exclusive input on a queue so once you get a session, just spawn many threads off of it. Close each thread gracefully and shut down the the session once all the threads are closed.

Which gateway to use for SMS messages when multiple to choose from?

Hypothetical: I want to send a single text message to all Verizon phones programmatically. I have multiple email gateways to use (obtained from the all-reliable wikipedia):
I don't think that I'm guaranteed that any one of these will work and/or will still be in service (am I?) and I would not like to have to come back and change anything in the code at a later date.
Is there any way that I can make sure that I only send one text message to a given phone number when there are 5 possible gateways?
The only way way (that I know of) to ensure you only deliver one message to the recipient is to try each gateway sequentially until a message sends successfully, like some of the comments mentioned.
However, I've been sending a decent volume (>1500) of messages using lately and haven't noticed any bounces or downtime during sending. I have no way of knowing if every single message was delivered, but none of my test numbers have dropped a message yet. Most US carriers seem to have decent reliability on their gateways these days.
Just remember that SMS is still considered a best-effort service by most carriers. Even if you get your message to their servers successfully, there's no guarantee that the message will make it to its destination.

"A large number of messages are being sent" warning. How to get around it?

I have a stand alone SMS Sender application that needs to send messages to certain mobile numbers. The messages to be sent can go over 1000 or more. Upon testing the app, I encountered a warning dialog, which I understand is a native warning from android OS, saying that a large number of messages are being sent whenever the app is sending the 101st (and so on) message. It will only send the message if I click on OK. I need to bypass this warning. Does anybody know a work-around. I'm using API 7.
Its rather old, but there is rate-limit information here: it requires root, so I think you're probably out of luck there. The check appears to default to 100 messages every hour: after that the check is triggered.
