Java and Sip Proxy - proxy

I was trying to implement sip redirection. To do this I'm using javax.servlet.sip.Proxy
SipFactory sipFactory = (SipFactory) getServletContext().getAttribute(SIP_FACTORY);
Proxy proxy = request.getProxy();
ArrayList uris = new ArrayList();
SipURI uri2 = sipFactory.createSipURI("48505999666", "some_host");
But in From header i got additional prefix in phone number and on my phone i can't see who is calling. Is there any way to modify From header displayName ?

When you say an "additional prefix," do you mean that the proxy is changing the value of the From header? That sounds like incorrect proxy behavior. What is being sent by the UAC, and what is being sent by the proxy?
According to JSR-289, the From header is a system header and thus cannot be modified by a proxy. At the price of additional complexity, you could implement a back-to-back user agent (b2bua) instead.


Create a multi-website proxy with `http-proxy`

I'm using node-http-proxy to run a proxy website. I would like to proxy any target website that the user chooses, similarly to what's done by, or
How would one achieve this with node-http-proxy?
Idea #1: use a ?target= query param.
My first naive idea was to add a query param to the proxy, so that the proxy can read it and redirect.
Code-wise, it would more or less look like (assuming we're deploy this to
const BASE_URL = '';
// handler is the unique handler of all routes.
async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
): Promise<void> {
try {
const url = new URL(req.url, BASE_URL); // For example: ``
const targetURLStr = url.searchParams.get('target'); // Get `?target=` query param.
return httpProxyMiddleware(req, res, {
changeOrigin: true,
target: targetURLStr,
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ error: (err as Error).message });
Problem: If I deploy this code to, and load, then is loaded, but:
if I click a link to google images, it loads instead of, also see URL as query param in proxy, how to navigate?
Idea #2: use cookies
Second idea is to read the ?target= query param like above, store its hostname in a cookie, and proxy all resources to the cookie's hostname.
So for example user wants to access via the proxy. The flow is:
go to${encodeURIComponent('')}
proxy reads the ?target= query param, sets the hostname ( in a cookie
proxy redirects to (307 redirect)
proxy sees a new request, and since the cookie is set, we proxy this request into node-http-proxy using cookie's target.
Code-wise, it would look like:
Problem: This works very well. But only for one proxy at a time. If I open one browser tab with, and another tab with, then:
first it'll set the cookie to, and i can navigate in the 1st tab correctly
then I go to the 2nd tab (without closing the 1st one), it'll set the cookie to, and I can navigate facebook on the 2nd tab correctly
but then if I go back to the first tab, it'll proxy google resources through facebook, because the cookie has been overwritten.
I'm a bit out of ideas, and am wondering how those generic proxy websites are doing. Ideally, I would not want to parse the HTML of the target website.
The idea of a Proxy is to intercept the client requests, either by ports or by backend APIs, extract the URLs of requested resources, modify them and make those requests by self from servers, and modify responses and send them back to the client.
your first approach does this except modify responses and send back modified responses.
one way to do this is to edit all links in resources return by proxy to have your web address in them, only then send them as responses back to the client.
another way is to wrap the target site in a frame, as most web proxy sites do, and have a script to crawl the page and replace all links.
there is a small problem though. javascript-based requests are mostly hardcoded in the script and it is not an easy job to replace them.
your seconds approach sounds as if it would work better, but just a sound, nothing concrete I can say. implement a tab activity checker so you can change the cookie to your active tab. please check how-to-tell-if-browser-tab-is-active discussion about that

Creating custom header variable using Fiddler proxy server

I understand that Fiddler proxy server supports custom HTTP header variables. I'm new at this, my goal is to simulate a passed custom variable the way an F5 appliance would pass an HTTP header variable (string) for a web app. The variable string is used to authenticate the user. I do not have access to a load balancing appliance and have to find a way to simualte or manually add it.
Will apreciate any input on how to accomplish this...
You can add your own header variables to the OnBeforeRequest function (or OnBeforeResponse) within CustomRules.js, such as the following:
oSession.oRequest["NewHeaderName"] = "New header value";
More info:

Disable cache in ExtLib REST control (which uses

In my XPage I have a xe:djxDataGrid (dojox.grid.datagrid) which uses xe:restService which seems to use
Everything works fine without proxy but my client accesses the application via a proxy because of corporate policy. After a user updates data in the DataGrid it shows old values when accessed behind the proxy.
When the REST Control/JsonRestStore sends an ajax GET request to get data, there is no Cache-Control parameter in request headers. And Domino does not place Expires parameter in the reponse headers. I believe that's why the old version of the GET request gets cached by the proxy.
We have tried to disable cache in browsers but that does not help which indicates the proxy is caching the requests.
I believe this could be solved either by:
Setting Cache-Control parameter in request headers OR
Setting Expires parameter in response headers
But I haven't found a way to set either of these. For the XPage Domino sets Expires:-1 response header but not for the ajax GET request which is:
This returns the JSON data to JsonRestStore and gets cached by the proxy.
One options is to try to get an exception to the proxy so requests to this site would bypass the proxy cache. But exceptions are generally not easy to get thru.
Any ideas? Thanks.
My colleque suggested that I could intercept the xhr GET requests made by and add a time parameter to the URL to prevent cache. Here is my question about that:
Prevent cache in every Dojo xhr request on page
#SvenHasselbach has a great solution for preventing cache for all xhrs:
It seems to work perfectly, &dojo.preventCache= parameter is added to the URLs and the requests seem to return correct JSON also with this parameter. But the DataGrid stops working when I use that code. Every xhr causes this error:
Tried with Firefox and Chrome. The first page of data still loads because xhr interception is not yet in place but the subsequent pages show only "..." in each cell.
The solution is Sven Hasselbach's code in the comment section of Julian Buss's blog which needs to be slightly modified.
I changed xhrPost to xhrGet and did not place the code to dojo.addOnLoad. When placed there it was not effective in the first XHR by the DataGrid/Store.
I also removed the headers modification because it overrides existing headers. When the REST control requests data from server with xhrGet the URL is always the same and rows requested are in HTTP header like this:
Range: items=0-9
This (and other) headers disappear when the original code is used. To just add headers we would have take the existing headers from args and append to them. I didn't see a need for that because it should be enough to add the parameter in the URL. Here is the extremely simple code I'm using:
if( !(dojo._xhrGet )) {
dojo._xhrGet = dojo.xhrGet;
dojo.xhrGet = function (args) {
args['preventCache'] = true;
return dojo._xhrGet(args);
Now I'm getting all rows and all XHR Get URLs have &dojo.preventCache= parameter which is exactly what I wanted. Next we'll test in customer environment to see if this solves their problem.
As Julian points out in his blog I could also use a Web Site Rule to set Expires or cache-control http response headers.
The customer reports it's working now for them!

Windows phone 7 - How to use HTTPWebRequest to POST / GET data from a .jsp site[with cookies]

Title sums it up fairly well.
Said site has cookies, I need to post data from a textbox as a value on said site, and get one of two variables back. I was reading through some tutorials and a few Windows phone 7 books. None of them were related to what I was trying to do. They only dealt with single whole files or something that could be made into a URL. I could also do it that way if someone had a way to also use cookies and just send it as a url [but i do not know how to construct the url in such a way to make that a realistic solution].
You should be able to send cookie's using code like:
CookieContainer container = new CookieContainer();
container.Add(new Uri("http://yoursite"), new Cookie("name", "value"));
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://yoursite");
request.CookieContainer = container;
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetData), request);
Code borrowed from HttpWebRequest and Set-Cookie header in response not parsed (WP7)
If the server is expecting to use cookies (e.g. for authentication) then there is no way that you'll be able to use form variables/query parameters instead.
You need to use a tool called Fiddler to inspect the calls that the website currently makes - this will include a mixture of:
cookie variables - especially for authentication
get variables - passed within the url path
and post variables - passed within the body of the request
If you do need to do a full POST, then you will need to set variables like - request.Method and request.ContentType - and you will need to brovide a RequestStream. There are libraries you can use like HAMMOCK to help - or I've got some example code in iron7 - see the DoCodePost method at the botom of this uploader class - or take a look at lots of other projects on CodePlex and GitHub.

HTTP request with custom headers fields using Windows Scripts

Is it possible to perform a HTTP Request with specific header fields (like 'referer', 'cookies' or 'User-Agent') using Windows Script Host or any other Windows scripting technology??
Yes (VBScript) :-
Dim oWinHTTP
Set oWinHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWinHTTP.Open "GET", "http://remoteserver/thing.ext", False
oWinHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "My Agent String"
Using WinHttp gives you the greatest level of control, you can use MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 if you want more effeciently access any XML DOM sent. Using the standard MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 component goes throught WinINet at gives you the users proxy settings and cookie store etc, but reduces your control over the conversation.
Can we set the request header like Cache-control : 'max-age =10000' using jsp / java?
Actually I want to see the previous page with old data on click of browser's back button only if user comes back to this page with in a specified time , say 10 minutes.
