Where to uplaod Magento Extension Package files in Magento Connect Extension Submission? - magento

I have created new magento extension myself. i have created package.xml file and Extension Package file in my Magento admin panel.
After creating extension package file, i have submitted the extension information in magentocommcerce.com using my login credentials. In this case i have filled extension information and uploaded extension icons & screen shots.
Should I upload those paid extension package files?
If so where Should I upload?
I dont see any option for uploading these package files in magentocommece.com.
Note : My extension is a paid version.
Can any one point out me where to upload package files during magento extension submission?
Did I missed anything? Is the uploading only for free extensions or paid versions as well?

please see here:
and this pdf in particular:
You upload your extension as normal. A free extension can become paid and vice versa, decided if it is free or paid for is set in the extension profile


how to change android package name on phonegap build website

i am trying to upload my apk on google play store but i am seeing this error: You need to use a different package name because com.phonegap.www is used by a pre-installed application. To upload a pre-installed application, please contact Google Play Developer Support. Learn more.
You need to use a different package name because "com.phonegap.www" already exists in Google Play. i just export my project as html from anyflip book as maker i didn't follow the phonegap normal build, please tell me how to change my package nameenter image description here
Change it in your config file before you upload anything.
In the root folder you have a file called config.xml. The second line of that file starts with <widget and it has an attribute id="com.phonegap.www". Change it to your own domain name for the app you're building, or to any value that should be globally unique. Then zip your folder, upload it to PhoneGap and try again.

How do I delete joomla template?

I installed a new template for my joomla site but after that I have no access template manager. It only becomes a completely white page in Firefox and Opera says that "currently unable to handle the request." Is there any way to delete a template outside of the webadmin interface?
You can delete through your ftp client like filezilla. Open filezilla, login to your server and the delete the template. May be the template comes with some plugins or else how can just by installing it started showing error unless you use that template. Possibility is: i) You might have installed a template for older version. ii) You might have installed a plugin with the template that was autopublished. iii) You messed up some setting files.
I suggest you to open file manager, go to templates and then delete that particular template. Also when asking please ask providing all details like name of template, link of template etc.

How to install new downloaded backend theme in odoo 9

I have downloaded a theme from odoo backend theme market named artarad_theme_v9. I tried to install the theme and failed to install.
Now when I googled, I got the response to update apps module after changing to developer mode. I did that too.
Where should I keep the downloaded folder? Will the theme also be shown in the app list itself?
You need to keep your theme folder inside the addons folder. Then you update the App list, search for your theme in the apps list, install it.

create an .xls file in magento 1.7 programmatically

I need to create a .xls file in Magento and send it to the client for download. I achieved this for PDF, and it works fine but for .xls file I can't seem to create it.
How to create .xls file in Magento? Can you provide solution for this?
Here magento have some free extension are present.
If you want to display .xls file format means Install this extension..
Here that link:
Magento extension
this is procedure to install magento extensionmagento extenstion installation
If you want to know any description this link helps for you.
enter link description here

Can't download files from the downloadable products folder directly from the product page

I've created a few downloadable products and added an mp3 file as the product.
Now instead of going through the checkout to download the file i wanted the user to be able to do it on the products page in view.phtml by clicking on a link
The problem i have is that i can't seem to download files which are in this downloadable folder
If i move that track to media/filename.mp3 ..or even in the wysiwyg folder then i can download it using my script. I've checked the file permissions etc and they're fine so im stuck as to why i can't download my files.
Does anyone know? or is there a way i can change the folder from downloadable to something else, as all i need downloadable products for is music files.
I should also add that i am getting the download box to save the file, with the correct file name and path, its just the file is 523 bytes, im using the code below to get the filepath
$mediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$_linkpath = $mediaUrl."downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
If i were to change the link path to $mediaUrl."filename.mp3" etc then it would download..so seems to me that its the downloadable folder thats causing the problem?
Nevermind I've solved this, I just changed $_linkpath to
$_linkpath = "media/downloadable/files/links".$_link->getLinkFile();
The full url was causing the problem
