Pick up different values in 1 table - oracle

This is the example of my database table:
id -- pen color -- pen type -- pen price -- date purchased
1 -- red -- type A -- 10.00 -- 10/02/2013
1 -- white -- type B -- 21.00 -- 13/02/2013
2 -- blue -- type A -- 12.00 -- 09/02/2013
1 -- yellow -- type C -- 14.00 -- 23/02/2013
My desired output is:
how about if i want it to be grouped by the same id?
id -- price A -- price A + B -- price B -- price C
1 -- 10.00 -- 31.00 -- 21.00 -- 14.00
2 -- 12.00 -- 0 -- 0 -- 0
I am seriously having a problem doing this. I think it might be simple, but I am just running out of ideas.

Assuming only one id and type per date, this should work:
<cfquery name='b'>
, AVG( DECODE( Pen_Type, 'Type A', Pen_Price, 0 ) ) AS Price_A
, AVG( DECODE( Pen_Type, 'Type B', Pen_Price, 0 ) ) AS Price_B
, AVG( DECODE( Pen_Type, 'Type C', Pen_Price, 0 ) ) AS Price_C
FROM Pen_Table
WHERE Date_Purchase = #Date#
Note that the aggregate function of AVG can be any of the aggregate functions, it's only purpose is to get it to row one per id. This again only works assuming you only have one pen type per id, per date. If you have more rows, then this won't work. Given the information you've provided, I believe this will work. You can easily calculate A+B in the output, compared to trying to do it in the query.
Hope this helps.

While your exact needs are still unclear, the group attribute of cfoutput might put you on the right path. In your case, try something like this.
<cfquery name="yourquery">
select blah, blah
order by id
The order by id is important. It leads to
<cfoutput query="yourquery" group ="id">
#grouped data#
#ungrouped data#
#more grouped data if you want#
That's the general idea. You should be able to adapt it to your specific requirements.


How to pivot 2 columns into 1 row, with row 1 as column labels and row 2 as values

I have 2 columns of data with the following layout:
|Name|Count |
However i'm unsure how to use the pivot function, to get it to look like this:
|Val1 |Val2 |Val3 |Val4 |Val5 |
I understand some sort of aggregate function must be used however i want val1_2 and etc to remain the same.
Any ideas? I think this may be simple however i can't quite grasp it.
if you have only 5 column you could use a fake aggregation function and case
select min(case when Name ='Val1' then count end ) Val1
, min(case when Name ='Val2' then count end ) Val2
, min(case when Name ='Val3' then count end ) Val3
, min(case when Name ='Val4' then count end ) Val4
, min(case when Name ='Val5' then count end ) Val5
from my_table

Create a PL/SQL procedure that calculate total monthly income. Total must be printed by month

Write a procedure that calculates and displays total income from all sources of all hotels. Totals must be printed by month, and for each month by event and service type. Include discounts.( 10% discount if the reservation date is 2 month before reservation start date).
The tables are:
Hotel Table has:
Hotel_id, hotel_name, Hotel_city, Hotel_state, Hotel_zip,Hotel_phone
Reservation Table has:
Reservation_id, Hotel_id, Room_num, Service_id, Guest_name, Reservation_date, Reservation_start_date, Reservation_end_date, cancelation_date, Num_of_guest, event_type
Room Table has:
Room_num, Hotel_id, Room_type, Room_capacity, Room_cost
service table has:
service_id, Service_type, Service_cost
This is what I tried, but I want to write it in a procedure form; how do I do that? Please help. Thanks
select month (Reservation_end_date) as , event_type,
sum(case when days>= 2 then cost- (cost/100)* 10
else cost) as total_cost)
((select distinct reservation.hotel_id,reservation_date, reservation_start_date,
reservation_end_date, event_type, room.room_type as R_type ,room_cost as R_cost,
months_between(reservation_start_date,reservation_date)as months
from reservation, room
where reservation.hotel_id = room.hotel_id;)
(select hotel_name, reservation_date, reservation_start_date,
reservation_end_date, event_type, services_type, services_cost as cost,
months_between(reservation_start_date,reservation_date)as month
from reservation,service, hotel
where reservation.services_id = service.services_id
and reservation.hotel_id = hotel.hotel_id;))
group by month(reservation_end_date),event_type;
The first step is to get the base query right.
To consolidate a set of dates into their common month use trunc(date_col, 'mm'). Presumably room costs and service costs should be calculated on a per night basis.
To calculate the number of nights simply subtract the start date from the end date.
This query should produce the correct result (your stated business rules are incomplete so it's hard to be certain). Like your posted code it has subqueries to calculate the cost of each room reservation and each service reservation. These are aggregated in the outer query:
select to_char(r_month, 'YYYY-MON') as rpt_month
, event_type
, service_type
, sum ( (r_cost - r_discount ) * no_of_nights ) as tot_cost
from (
select trunc(r.reservation_end_date , 'mm') as r_month
, r.event_type
, cast(null as varchar2(10)) as service_type
, rm.room_cost as r_cost
, case when months_between (r.reservation_start_date, r.reservation_date) >= 2
then rm.room_cost * 0.1
else 0 end as r_discount
, (r.reservation_end_date - r.reservation_start_date ) as no_of_nights
from reservation r
join room rm
on ( r.room_num = rm.room_num
and r.hotel_id = rm.hotel_id )
union all
select trunc(r.reservation_end_date , 'mon') as r_month
, r.event_type
, sv.service_type
, sv.service_cost as r_cost
, case when months_between (r.reservation_start_date, r.reservation_date) >= 2
then sv.service_cost * 0.1
else 0 end as r_discount
, (r.reservation_end_date - r.reservation_start_date ) as no_of_nights
from reservation r
join service sv
on ( r.service_id = sv.service_id )
group by r_month
, event_type
, service_type
order by r_month
, event_type
, service_type
The second step is put this into a procedure. Again your requirements are fuzzy: should the procedure take any parameters? what format should the output be in? As the business domain (hotel bookings) and the format of the question ("write a procedure that ...") this appears to be a homework assignment so here is the simplest interpretation of "display". It uses dbms_output routines to print to the screen, and rpad() and lpad() to give a nice layout (obviously the spacings may be wonky, because you haven't provide the datatypes of the various columns) .
create or replace procedure display_monthly_reservations as
<< heading >>
dbms_output.put(rpad('MONTH', 8));
dbms_output.put( rpad('EVENT_TYPE' , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad('SERVICE_TYPE', 20 ) || ' ');
<< per_line >>
for r in (
<< insert the query here >>
) loop
dbms_output.put(r.rpt_month || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad(r.event_type , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put( rpad(r.service_type , 20 ) || ' ');
dbms_output.put_line( lpad(to_char(r.tot_cost , '9999999.99'), 10 ) );
end loop per_line;
end display_monthly_reservations;

Oracle merge into with text similarlity

I have 2 tables: from_country and to_country. I want to bring new records and update records to to_country
Definition and data
CREATE TABLE from_country
country_code varchar2(255) not null
CREATE TABLE to_country
country_code varchar2(255) not null
-- Meaning match
INSERT INTO from_country
('United States of America');
-- Match 100%
INSERT INTO from_country
-- Meaning match, but with domain knowledge
INSERT INTO from_country
-- Brand new country
INSERT INTO from_country
INSERT INTO to_country
-- Match 100%
INSERT INTO to_country
-- Meaning match, but with domain knowledge
INSERT INTO to_country
I need to run merge into so I bring data from from_county to to_country
Here is my 1st attempt, but it only does a equal, which is not good enough. I need some smartness so that it is able to do meaning match.
If anyone know how to do it, please provide your solution.
merge into
to_country to_t
from_country from_t
(to_t.country_code = from_t.country_code)
when not matched then insert (
values (
So in a nutshell, here is what I want
United States of America
After oracle merge into
the new to_country table:
United States of America
sql fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/f512d
Please note that this is my simplified example. I have larger data set.
Since the match is not guaranteed unique, you have to write a query that will return only one match using some decision.
Here is a simplified case which uses a naive match and then just picks one value when there is more than one match:
merge into to_country t
using (
select * from (
select t.rowid as trowid
,f.country_code as fcode
,t.country_code as tcode
,case when t.country_code is null then 1 else
over (partition by t.country_code
order by f.country_code)
end as match_no
from from_country f
left join to_country t
on f.country_code like t.country_code || '%'
) where match_no = 1
) s
on (s.trowid = t.rowid)
when matched then update set country_code = s.fcode
when not matched then insert (country_code) values (s.fcode);
Result in to_country:
United States of America
Now that that's taken care of, you just need to make the match algorithm smarter. This is where you need to look at the whole dataset to see what sort of errors there are - i.e. typos, etc.
You could try some of the procedures in Oracle's supplied UTL_MATCH for this purpose: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18283_01/appdev.112/e16760/u_match.htm - such as EDIT_DISTANCE, or JARO_WINKLER.
Here is an example using the Jaro Winkler algorithm:
merge into to_country t
using (
select * from (
select t.rowid as trowid
,f.country_code as fcode
,t.country_code as tcode
,case when t.country_code is null then 1
else row_number() over (
partition by t.country_code
order by utl_match.jaro_winkler_similarity(f.country_code,t.country_code) desc)
end as match_no
from from_country f
left join to_country t
on utl_match.jaro_winkler_similarity(f.country_code,t.country_code) > 70
) where match_no = 1
) s
on (s.trowid = t.rowid)
when matched then update set country_code = s.fcode
when not matched then insert (country_code) values (s.fcode);
SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/f512d/23
Note that I've picked an arbitrary cutoff of >70%. This is because UGANDA vs. USA has a Jaro Winkler similarity of 70.
This results in the following:
United States of America
To see how these algorithms fare, run something like this:
select f.country_code as fcode
,t.country_code as tcode
,utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(f.country_code,t.country_code) as ed
,utl_match.jaro_winkler_similarity(f.country_code,t.country_code) as jw
from from_country f
cross join to_country t
order by 2, 4 desc;
======================== ====== === ===
United States of America CON 0 0
United States of America UGANDA 9 46
United States of America USA 13 62
SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/f512d/22

can I do insert in update of merge(Implementation SCD type 2)

I have source table and a target table I want to do merge such that there should always be insert in the target table. For each record updated there should ne a flag updated to 'Y' and when this in something is changed then record flag value should be chnaged to 'N' and a new row of that record is inserted in target such that the information of record that is updated should be reflected. Basically I want to implement SCD type2 . My input data is-
student_id name city state mobile
1 suraj bhopal m.p. 9874561230
2 ravi pune mh 9874563210
3 amit patna bihar 9632587410
4 rao banglore kr 9236547890
5 neel chennai tn 8301456987
and when my input chnages-
student_id name city state mobile
1 suraj indore m.p. 9874561230
And my output should be like-
surr_key student_id name city state mobile insert_Date end_date Flag
1 1 suraj bhopal m.p.9874561230 31/06/2015 1/09/2015 N
2 1 suraj indore m.p.9874561230 2/09/2015 31/12/9999 Y
Can anyone help me how can I do that?
You can do this with the use of trigger ,you can create before insert trigger on your target table which will update flag column of your source table.
Or you can have after update trigger on source table which will insert record in your target table.
Hope this helps
So this should be the outline of your procedure steps. I used different columns in source and target for simplification.
Source (tu_student) - STUDENT_ID, NAME, CITY
The basic idea here is
Find the new records from source which are missing in target and Insert it. Set start_date as sysdate, end_date as 9999 and IsActive to 1.
Find the records which are updated (like your Bhopal -> Indore case). So we have to do 2 operations in target for it
Update the record in target and set end date as sysdate and IsActive to 0.
Insert this record in target which has new values. Set start_date as sysdate, end_date as 9999 and IsActive = 1.
-- Create a new oracle sequence (test_utsav_seq in this example)
---Step 1 - Find new inserts (records present in source but not in target
insert into tu_student_tgt
test_utsav_seq.nextval as skey,
s.student_id as student_id,
s.name as name,
s.city as city,
sysdate as insert_date,
'31-DEC-9999' as end_date,
1 as Flag
from tu_student s
left outer join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.student_id is null)
----Step 2 - Find skey which needs to be updated due to data chage from source and target. So get the active records from target and compare with source data. If mismatch found, we need to
-- a update this recods in target and mark it as Inactive.
-- b Insert a new record for same student_id with new data and mark it Active.
-- part 2a - find updates.
--these records need update. Save these skey and use it one by one while updating.
select t.skey
from tu_student s inner join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.Flag = 1 and
(s.name!=t.name or
--2 b ) FInd the ids which needs to be inserted as they changed in source from target. Now as above records are marked inactive,
select s.student_id
from tu_student s inner join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.Flag = 1 and
(s.name!=t.name or
---2a - Implement update
-- Now use skey from 2a in a loop and run update statements like below. Replace t.key = with the keys which needs to be updated.
update tu_student_tgt t
set t.student_id = (select s.student_id from tu_student s,tu_student_tgt t where s.student_id=t.student_id and t.key= -- id from 2a step . )
, t.name=(select s.name from tu_student s,tu_student_tgt t where s.student_id=t.student_id and t.key= --id from 2a step. )
, end_date = sysdate
, is_active = 0
where t.skey = -- id from 2a step
---2b Implement Insert use student_id found in 2a
--Insert these student id like step 1
insert into tu_student_tgt
test_utsav_seq.nextval as skey,
s.student_id as student_id,
s.name as name,
s.city as city,
sysdate as insert_date,
'31-DEC-9999' as end_date,
1 as Flag
from tu_student s
where s.student_id = -- ID from 2b step - Repeat for other ids
I cannot give you a simple example of SCD-2. If you understand SCD-2, you should understand this implementation.

Postgres timeline simulator

I want to order search results by (age group, rank), and have age groups of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months etc. I know I can get the "days old" with
SELECT NOW()::DATE - created_at::DATE FROM blah
and am thinking to do a CASE statement based on that, but am I barking up the right tree performance wise? Is there a nicer way?
You can also create separate table with intervals definition and labels. However this comes at cost of extra join to get the data.
create table distance (
d_start int,
d_end int,
d_description varchar
insert into distance values
(1,7,'1 week'),
(8,30,'1 month'),
(31,180,'6 months'),
(181,365,'1 year'),
(366,999999,'more than one year')
sample_data as (
select *
from generate_series('2013-01-01'::date,'2014-01-01'::date,'1 day') created_at
sample_data sd
join distance d on ((current_date-created_at::date) between d.d_start and d.d_end)
Using this function to update an INT column stored on the table for performance reasons,and running an occasional update task. What's nice that way is that it's only necessary to run it against a small subset of the data once per hour (anything <~ 1 week old), and every 24 hours can just run it against anything > 1 week old (perhaps even a weekly task for even older stuff.)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION age_group(_date timestamp) RETURNS int AS
days_old int;
age_group int;
days_old := current_date - _date::DATE;
age_group := CASE
WHEN days_old < 2 THEN 0
WHEN days_old < 8 THEN 1
WHEN days_old < 30 THEN 2
WHEN days_old < 90 THEN 3
RETURN age_group;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
