How can I find nearest point in a time series data - algorithm

I need to calculate the nearest dataPoint in a time series chart from a specific point in a chart
I obviously cannot use d=sqrt(x*x+y*y) as my x axis is in time series, hence it wont make sense to have an equation where I am adding distance and time together (x,y need to have same units). Moreover visually it may seem right, but it still depends upon the scale of the x axis.
So what best logic can I use to find the nearest point?
I can think of using a quadratic form of x (i.e. time) so as that my final function can ne f(x*x,y), but then it is just a subjective equation.
Does anyone have a better and more logical approach to this. If there is an intuitive logical approach I will love it. And if there is a complicated model I would still like to know about it and explore it.
TO give background: I am polling people to predict where the stock price will be in April(they have to mention exact date when the expect price to be there) ... How do I measure their performance?

One intuitive way is by calculating the average absolute change per day.
Sum of Absolute changes every day from previous day / Total number of days in series.
Thereafter I can translate each day in terms of prices i.e. the average price change per day.
Thus if average absolute change per day is lets say 2, then a price that is 10 days away can be said to be 20 price points away.
Thereafter I can calculate the distance based on sqrt(x*x+y*y) formula.
This can be fine tuned by using a bell curve (std dev and mean) rather than just mean of absolute change per day. But then it will make solution more ocmplicated.


How to measure "homogeneity" of time series?

I have two time series, see this pic:
I need to measure the level of "homogeneity" of the series. So the first one looks very fragmented, so it should have low value close to zero and the second one should have a high value.
Any ideas of an algorithm I could use?
I'm not sure what is meant by homogeneity, but there is a well-established notion of stationarity of a time series. Basically, a time series is stationary if its rolling mean and standard deviation are constant across time. Both of your time series seem to have roughly constant mean, but the top one has a standard deviation that changes wildly across time; sometimes it's almost zero, and at other times, it's very large. Perhaps you could take the standard deviation of the rolling standard deviation, which will be far higher for the top series than for the bottom. If you can load them into pandas as top and bottom, it might look like
top_nonstationarity = np.std(top.rolling(window_size).std())
bottom_nonstationarity = np.std(bottom.rolling(window_size).std())
It might help to know more about the underlying difference between the series, or what you care about, but here goes...
I would subtract constants, if required, to give both series mean zero, and then square them to get something resembling power and filter this enough to smooth away what seems to be noise in the case of the lower filter. Then compute and compare the variances of the two filtered powers, which for the lower time series I would now expect to be a fairly constant line with a few drops down and for the upper series something spending about half of its time near zero and about half of its time away from it.
Possible filters include a simple moving average, whatever your time series toolkit provides, and those described at

Algorithm to find areas of support in a candlestick chart

I am in the process of designing an algorithm that will calculate regions in a candlestick chart where strong areas of support exist. An "area of support" in this case is defined as an area in the chart where the price of a stock rises by a large amount in a short period of time. (Please see the diagram below, the blue dots represent these strong areas of support)
The data I am working with is a list of over 6000 TOHLC (timestamp, open price, high price, low price, close price) values. For example, the first entry in this list of data is:
[1555286400, 83.7, 84.63, 83.7, 84.27]
The way I have structured the algorithm to work is as follows:
1.) The list of 6000+ TOHLC values are split into sub-lists of 30 TOHLC values (30 is a number that I arbitrarily chose). The lowest low price (LLP) is then obtained from each of these sub-lists. The purpose behind using this method is to find areas in the chart where prices dip.
2.) The next step is to determine how high the price rose from each of these lows. For this, I take the next 30 candlestick values from the low and determine what the highest high price (HHP) is. Then, if HHP / LLP >= 1.03, the low price is accepted, otherwise it is discarded. Again, 1.03 is a value that I arbitrarily chose, by analysing the stock chart manually and determining how much the price rose on average from these lows.
The blue dots in the chart above represent the accepted areas of support by the algorithm. It appears to be working well, in terms of that I am trying to achieve.
So the question I have is: does anyone have any improvements they can suggest for this algorithm, or point out any faults in it?
I may have understood wrong, however, from your explanation it seems like you are doing your calculation in separate 30-ish sub lists and then combining them together.
So, what if the LLP is the 30th element of sublist N and HHP is 1st element of sublist N+1 ? If you have taken that into account, then it's fine.
If you haven't taken that into account, I would suggest doing a moving-window type of approach in reading those data. So, you would start from 0th element of 6000+ TOHLC and start with a window size of 30 and slide it 1 by 1. This way, you won't miss any values.
Some of the selected blue dots have higher dip than others. Why is that? I would separate them into another classifier. If you will store them into an object, store the dip rate as well.
Floating point numbers are not suggested in finance. If possible, I'd use a different approach and perhaps classifier, solely using integers. It may not bother you or your project as of now, but surely, it will begin to create false results when the numbers add up in the future.

Statistics/Algorithm: How do I compare a weekly graph with its own history to see when in the past it was almost the same?

I’ve got a statistical/mathematical problem I’m stumped on and I was really hoping to get some help. I’m working on a research where I need to compare a weekly graph with its own history to see when in the past it was almost the same. Think of this as “finding the closest match”. The information is displayed as a line graph, but it’s readily available as raw data:
and so on...
What I really want is the output to be a form of correlation between the current data points with the other set of 5 concurrent data points in history. So, something like:
Date range.....................Correlation
We’ll be getting a code written in Python for the software to do this automatically (so that as new data is added, it automatically runs and finds the closest set of numbers to match the current one).
Here’s where the difficulty sets in: Since numbers are on a general upward trend over time, we don’t want it to compare the absolute value (since the numbers might never really match). One suggestion has been to compare the delta (rate of change as a percentage over the previous day), or using a log scale.
I’m wondering: how do I go about this? What kind of calculation I can use to get the desired results? I’ve looked at the different kind of correlation equations, but they don’t account for the “shape” of the data, and they generally just average it out. The shape of the line chart is the important thing.
Thanks very much in advance!
I would simply divide the data of each week by their average (i.e., normalize them to an average of 1), then sum the squares of the differences of each day of each pair of weeks. This sum is what you want to minimize.
If you don't care about how much a graph oscillates relative to its mean, you can normalize also the variance. For each week, calculate mean and variance, then subtract the mean and divide by the root of the variance. Each week will have mean 0 and variance 1. Then minimize the sum of squares of differences like before.
If the normalization of data is all you can change in your workflow, just leave out the sum of squares of differences minimization part.

Smooth average of sales data

How can I calculate the average of a set of data while smoothing over any points that are outside the "norm". It's been a while since I had to do any real math, but I'm sure I learned this somewhere...
Lets say I have 12 days of sales data on one item: 2,2,2,50,10,15,9,6,2,0,2,1
I would like to calculate the average sales per day without allowing the 4th day (50) to screw up the average too much. Log, Percentile, something like that I think...
It sounds to me that you're looking for a moving average.
You can also filter by thresholding at some multiple of the standard deviation. This would filter out results that were much farther than expected from the mean (average).
Standard deviation is simply sqrt(sum(your_values - average_value) / number_of_values).
edit: You can also look at weighting the value by it's deviation from the mean. So values that are very large can be weighted as 1 / exp(deviation) and therefore contribute much less the farther from the mean they are.
You'll want to use something like IQR (interquartile range). Basically you break the data into quartiles and then calculate the median from the first and third quartiles. Then you can get your central tendency of the data.

Understanding algorithms for measuring trends

What's the rationale behind the formula used in the program of this Hadoop tutorial on calculating Wikipedia trends?
There are actually two components: a monthly trend and a daily trend. I'm going to focus on the daily trend, but similar questions apply to the monthly one.
In the daily trend, pageviews is an array of number of page views per day for this topic, one element per day, and total_pageviews is the sum of this array:
# pageviews for most recent day
y2 = pageviews[-1]
# pageviews for previous day
y1 = pageviews[-2]
# Simple baseline trend algorithm
slope = y2 - y1
trend = slope * log(1.0 +int(total_pageviews))
error = 1.0/sqrt(int(total_pageviews))
return trend, error
I know what it's doing superficially: it just looks at the change over the past day (slope), and scales this up to the log of 1+total_pageviews (log(1)==0, so this scaling factor is non-negative). It can be seen as treating the month's total pageviews as a weight, but tempered as it grows - this way, the total pageviews stop making a difference for things that are "popular enough," but at the same time big changes on insignificant don't get weighed as much.
But why do this? Why do we want to discount things that were initially unpopular? Shouldn't big deltas matter more for items that have a low constant popularity, and less for items that are already popular (for which the big deltas might fall well within a fraction of a standard deviation)? As a strawman, why not simply take y2-y1 and be done with it?
And what would the error be useful for? The tutorial doesn't really use it meaningfully again. Then again, it doesn't tell us how trend is used either - this is what's plotted in the end product, correct?
Where can I read up for a (preferably introductory) background on the theory here? Is there a name for this madness? Is this a textbook formula somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any answers (or discussion!).
As the in-line comment goes, this is a simple "baseline trend algorithm",
which basically means before you compare the trends of two different pages, you have to establish
a baseline. In many cases, the mean value is used, it's straightforward if you
plot the pageviews against the time axis. This method is widely used in monitoring
water quality, air pollutants, etc. to detect any significant changes w.r.t the baseline.
In OP's case, the slope of pageviews is weighted by the log of totalpageviews.
This sorta uses the totalpageviews as a baseline correction for the slope. As Simon put it, this puts a balance
between two pages with very different totalpageviews.
For exmaple, A has a slope 500 over 1000,000 total pageviews, B is 1000 over 1,000.
A log basically means 1000,000 is ONLY twice more important than 1,000 (rather than 1000 times).
If you only consider the slope, A is less popular than B.
But with a weight, now the measure of popularity of A is the same as B. I think it is quite intuitive:
though A's pageviews is only 500 pageviews, but that's because it's saturating, you still gotta give it enough credit.
As for the error, I believe it comes from the (relative) standard error, which has a factor 1/sqrt(n), where
n is the number of data points. In the code, the error is equal to (1/sqrt(n))*(1/sqrt(mean)).
It roughly translates into : the more data points, the more accurate the trend. I don't see
it is an exact math formula, just a brute trend analysis algorithm, anyway the relative
value is more important in this context.
In summary, I believe it's just an empirical formula. More advanced topics can be found in some biostatistics textbooks (very similar to monitoring the breakout of a flu or the like.)
The code implements statistics (in this case the "baseline trend"), you should educate yourself on that and everything becomes clearer. Wikibooks has a good instroduction.
The algorithm takes into account that new pages are by definition more unpopular than existing ones (because - for example - they are linked from relatively few other places) and suggests that those new pages will grow in popularity over time.
error is the error margin the system expects for its prognoses. The higher error is, the more unlikely the trend will continue as expected.
The reason for moderating the measure by the volume of clicks is not to penalise popular pages but to make sure that you can compare large and small changes with a single measure. If you just use y2 - y1 you will only ever see the click changes on large volume pages. What this is trying to express is "significant" change. 1000 clicks change if you attract 100 clicks is really significant. 1000 click change if you attract 100,000 is less so. What this formula is trying to do is make both of these visible.
Try it out at a few different scales in Excel, you'll get a good view of how it operates.
Hope that helps.
another way to look at it is this:
suppose your page and my page are made at same day, and ur page gets total views about ten million, and mine about 1 million till some point. then suppose the slope at some point is a million for me, and 0.5 million for you. if u just use slope, then i win, but ur page already had more views per day at that point, urs were having 5 million, and mine 1 million, so that a million on mine still makes it 2 million, and urs is 5.5 million for that day. so may be this scaling concept is to try to adjust the results to show that ur page is also good as a trend setter, and its slope is less but it already was more popular, but the scaling is only a log factor, so doesnt seem too problematic to me.
