How to add custom field in magento admin side for add category? - magento

I'm new to magento and i'm using magento . In this admin side category add file, i want to add one check box extra, but i don't know the add category file name and folder structure path. So can any one guide me and where the files are located , how to add check box on that.
Thanks in advance...

If you want to add another checkbox in the form of an attribute. You have to build a small module with an installation script. See this tutorial


How to edit the Amasty Magento One Page Checkout page in front end to add a label in payment method section?

I am trying to add a label in my Magento One Page Checkout. I am using Amasty One Page Checkout extension. I want to add a text under Payment Method Credit Card Number. Not able to find the file. Any help would be appreciated.
I tried find the files, but not able to find the right file and path.
You can use template hints in "System-->Configuration-->Developer". You first need to change scope to storeview. And you can better use allowed IP's.

Simple Magento Description Addon

I would like to receive some guidance or tips on how to create the following simple magento addon. I want to add a new tab when editing a product in the back-end, which for every product the admin can enter a few more details on a textarea which I will later on display on the product in the front-end on a separate tab.
Thanks in advance.
You have to create custom attribute to add a new field in all the products .
You can refer to this link:-

How to add an extra field in magento admin panel to upload a pdf?

I'm new to magento. I need to give an option to upload the pdf in the add product page.
Just need to give the file upload option with extra field.
I'm using magento 1.7.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways you can achieve this:
1. Easy one
Create a new product attribute, let's say product_pdf text field, and assign it to some group and attribute set. This field should now reflect in your admin's product page and allow you to save PDF name.
Then make a directory on your Magento (may be in media/pdf) and save all your PDFs if you have. If not, then each time you save the value in Product's custom attribute that we created (product_pdf), also upload the PDF manually at the location you created (media/pdf).
So whenever in frontend you want to show the PDF of product, you will always get the file name from product_pdf attribute and the location should be media/pdf.
2. Difficult/Lengthy one:
Create a file uploader in your Magento Admin's Manage Product screen. Here everything should be in your custom module, from creating a new field to uploading it.
I will not go far, but give you some place where you can exactly know how to go with it:

File location of phtml file of backend admin page

I installed an extension to add custom fields to customer registration form.I want to add some option value in dropdown menu box of input validation in backend admin page..could you plz tell me the path of the folder where can I find the phtml file which is responsible for that part ?
The files you are looking for are in:
But just changing the .phtml file won't do the job. The customer model itself should be extended to provide for your extra field. Therefore i highly recommend you to write a module for this instead of altering Magento core code. This to make sure that you can still use updates in the future.
Writing such an module requires more in depth knowledge of Magento. For more information on custom adminhtml see here.
For information on extending the core functionality look here.
If you don't feel like programming this all yourself take a look at customer attribute modules on Magento Connect.

How to add a custom field button in Virtuemart

I hope this question has a simple answer. I am creating a product catalogue with Joomla 2.5.6 and VirtueMart version 2.0.8e. On the product details page I want to include my own pdf button which will link to the brochure of the product.
Under the suggestion of a reply on the Virtuemart form, I created an image custom field in virtuemart but encountered two major problems.
I don't know now to link the image to a pdf.
I can't seem to remove the title from the image.
Please advise.
My suggestion would be to use the Virtuemart Files feature. From the admin control panel, under "Shop", choose "Media". There you can upload the file(s) that you want to have downloaded. Be sure to associate them with a product, and they'll be included on the product page for download. To make a button out of the link(s), you could investigate using CSS to style them as a button. The only alternative I can think of would be to build a custom plugin for VM, which would be a great deal of extra work.
To make Custom fields in Joomla Virtuemart 2.0 is so simple.
You need to open your administrator and then go to:
Virtuemart->Products->Custom Field
there you will find a link to create new custom fiels and you can create your custom field with your choice. It provides various Custom Field Types. After creating and saving your custom field you need to go to product whom you want to add it. like:
Products->your product name->
open your product and go to Custom Fields and there at bottom you can see your custom field. add your custom field to product, save it and check this product from front-end of your site.
I hope this makes sense.
