joomla 2.5! customize login failed notification? - joomla

I use standard log in form module in joomla 2.5. If user type wrong password, he only get a notification "Failed to authenticate: curl isn't insalled". How can i customize this notification. For example, "Wrong password. Try again!" Thank.

If it's saying that Curl isn't installed then you shouldn't be changing the language strings to make it render a different message, as this won't solve any problems.
Contact your host and ask them to enable the PHP Curl extension. However I'm not sure why this message is appearing as I don't believe Joomla uses Curl for the authentication scripts. Either way, contact your host.


Magento 2.3.7 Problem Forgot Password letters and numbers don't displayed on the page

When the client forgot your password the form is incorrect in the page the letters and numbers of recaptcha are not displayed in the page and the client don't get reset our password.How can I solve this problem?
enter image description here
Please confirm that reCaptcha is enabled and configured at store > configuration > security. If no, you won't see reCaptcha at frontend.
For customers not receiving transactional email when the password is forgotten, I would try:
check if there is any reindex required. If you haven't run upgrade and compile commands, it may be the issue as well.
Magento 2 requires to install SMTP module to send emails. If you bought a module, you may talk with the developers to check if it comes with SMTP or if any additional extension is required.

Strapi returns error code 400 on user registration

Strapi user registration returns error 400 Bad Request every time I try to register a test user, however the user does get created in the Users collection.
I am using the standard Strapi Email plugin (not the Send grid plugin), everytime I register a user, this plugin does not send an email which leads to be unable to confirm the user.
In the above image it returns an 400 Error but the user gets created.
Also, how to send the confirmation email with Strapi standard email plugin.
All auth permissions for Public role have been enabled
How to fix this error and send the confirmation email on new user register?
I also have the same issue, I just turned off the 'Enable email confirmation' on Advanced Settings, then it worked (registration).
So, In Strapi Admin:
Go to Settings -> Advanced settings
Set the field Enable email confirmation to "Off" then click save.
This works for me.
I think it's because you use the default email provider (sendmail). And your computer is not an available smtp server.
So I suggest you to install strapi-email-nodemailer
Then in your admin panel, got to Plugins (menu link) > Email (cog icon) and the select nodemailer provider and set the smtp server you want to use.
If you have trouble to setup correct information I suggest you to check how nodemailer node module work. strapi-email-provider is just a connector to use nodemailer from Strapi.
please check
My problem was because the sender email was misidentified.
The other problem I had was because there was no email configuration.
I installed the strapi-provider-email-smtp package and it was fixed when I made the necessary settings.
this worked for me.

How to Create OAuth Client ID?

I am trying to run this github project.
For this I need to create credentials and OAuth Client Id.
When I click to create. After selecting web applications and typing the name I see authorised javascript and authorised redirect uri.
So what should I enter there because I tried with keeping both fields empty. But I got error saying no redirect url found for client id
Please help me.
I am using Developer Console for first time can't find any help on internet. This site is my last hope.
I did as said in [comment].2
Here is what I got in Linux shell and the error i received on redirected url opened webpage.
Linux Shell Message
/YouTube-Subscription-Importer/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/oauth2client/ UserWarning: Cannot access No such file or directory
Your browser has been opened to visit:
If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this
application with the command-line parameter
Snipe of what redirect url webpage said
I am running this in windows bash.
Now tell me what to do next.
I just simply need a tutorial/how-to use guide for Google developer console credentials and OAuth Screen.
You need the redirect URL, you will be redirected from Google OAuth Consent Screen to https://REDIRECT_URL?code=AuthorizationCode, you can just set it to http://localhost.
After creation, you can your find Client ID on the Credentials page.

Joomla - Send grid configuration issue

We are developing Joomla website and have to do Send grid configurations. We have set everything as per guided in official site.
We are getting following issue when sending the email from joomla backend.
"SMTP Error! Could not connect to SMTP host."
this is most likely host-related. First make sure your component is not the issue try sending an email from the user manager.
If it goes through, then your component is not using Joomla configuration properly
If it doesn't (which I would expect) it's just a problem with your server configuration,
check firewall, spam settings, try to send email from the command line...

My magento site can't sent email to the customer

Does anyone know why Magento 1.4 fails to send email notifications for a new order and account activation ?
when I submit the Contact us form it gives the below error.
Unable to submit your request. Please, try again laterAny idea/suggestion on this will be highly appreciated.
More info please. Is this on a Linux box, Windows, etc... Also check the php configuration SMTP settings. Like any php app, email is handed off to the host system, or to server designated in php.ini. Do you have a known working SMTP server to access?
First thing you need to check is whether email communication is disabled in the admin panel.
