Maven reactor and site - maven

I have a multi-module project with a parent pom.xml and several modules where some of the modules depend on each other. In the project directory I can call
mvn test
to run unittests in each module. No problem here. But if I call
mvn site
one of the modules reports
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project myModule_C: Could not resolve dependencies
for project org.myModule_C:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be
resolved: org.myModule_A:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, org.myModule_B:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure
to find org.myModule_A:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in http://artifactory-server:8081/artifactory/repo
was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update
interval of server has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
I think this should not happen since these dependencies are found during "mvn test". Also, they are not in the artifactory-server but part of the parent project. The goal that is mentioned in the ERROR is the goal site. Why does the mvn test succeed (with respect to dependencies it finds) and mvn site does not? Do I have to build the site in a special way - because this is a reactor build?

You should execute the mvn install as least once. Please see further information at the Maven Build Life Cycle and Maven in 5 Minutes.
Here is the overview
Maven Phases
Although hardly a comprehensive list, these are the most common default lifecycle phases executed.
validate: validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
compile: compile the source code of the project
test: test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code be packaged or deployed
package: take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
integration-test: process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests can be run
verify: run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria
install: install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
deploy: done in an integration or release environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
There are two other Maven lifecycles of note beyond the default list above
They are:
clean: cleans up artifacts created by prior builds
site: generates site documentation for this project
I hope this may help.


mvn lifecycle command line - how to start a lifecycle from the particular phase

I can disable the particular phase in pom: Disable phases in Maven lifecycle. It is possible to disable test from the command line: -Dmaven.test.skip=true Is it possible to start mvn lifecycle from the particular phase, for example compile using only the command line options ?
By default, a lifecycle is as follows (from Introduction to the Build Lifecycle):
validate - validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
compile - compile the source code of the project
test - test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework
package - take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR
verify - run any checks on results of integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met
install - install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
deploy - done in the build environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
While we can build applications without automated testing, we can't execute the package phase without an earlier code compilation.
Just as we are not able to install the package into the local repository without the .jar/.war packages, that are created in package phase.
For compilation you can use Apache Maven Compiler Plugin.
Then you can run compilation by executing
mvn compile
The command will execute maven goal compiler:compile

Maven dependency resolving in multi module project

I have a question about how the Maven dependency resolving mechanism is working in a multi module project.
Normally I only use 'mvn clean install' when I build my multi module projects and my assumption was that if any module in the project needs a previous module, dependency will be resolved by going local repository and loading the corresponding 'jar'.
For project internal reason, I have to use 'mvn clean compile,' this command naturally does not create any 'jar' while 'install' is not there. So here I started wondering, how the dependency resolution for a multi module project works, while jar' is not created but project still able to see the changes from the previous builds. Does the target directories used for dependency management?
Or for 'mvn clean compile' target directory used but for 'mvn clean install' the local repository.
Can anybody explain me how the dependency resolution works in a 'multi module' project.
Thx for answers.....
I think you will understand better if you look at
There is a life cycle in the process of building the jar. The compile target will compile the code and create a complete classes folder in your target directory. This target will resolve all your dependencies in your poms and download any dependencies to your local repo, not already there.
The install target will create the jar from the classes directory and install it in your local repository.
I really think you will need to run the install target to get anything useful.
Maven is made of separate components.
There a component that deal with a given module and among other things try to get its dependencies. It ALWAYS get the dependencies from the local repository, eventually after having downloaded such dependencies. If the dependencies are not there and can't be dowloaded, it will fail. Eventually the module will create its own artifact that it will publish to the local repo.
Then there a compoment that when you ask it to build several maven modules, for example calling mvn at the root of a project does order the various module use the dependencies to find the best ordering for the build so that if a given module depend on another, it will be build after the module it depend on. It then call the previous compoent I described, building each module in order.
In all cases, a given module dependencies are always taken from the local repo. The expectation is that the previous modules that were built before actually pushed their artifact to the local repo typically with the mvn install but you could force it do it at any step thanks to proper configuration (may not be a good idea).
In all case if the previous component jar was not built and put into the repo, there no way such jar can be added in the classpath for the next module to be compiled.
Doing compile only on multiple projets isn't going to be any useful.

Why 'mvn install' war projects?

My maven project packages a war, which only gets deployed and is itself not a dependency to other projects (in other words is a final deployable).
is there any reason to ever run mvn install on that package, which, in addition to mvn package only puts it in the localRepository?
Why should a final deployable be installed if nothing ever depends on it?
For a final deployable artifact indeed there may be no reason to invoke the install phase instead of the package phase: you want to build the .war file and you don't need to install it in your local repository indeed.
However, you may want as an habit to always run integration tests, if any. Looking at the default Maven lifecycle these phases happen after the packaging:
package take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.
pre-integration-test perform actions required before integration tests are executed. This may involve things such as setting up the required environment.
integration-test process and deploy the package if necessary into an environment where integration tests can be run.
post-integration-test perform actions required after integration tests have been executed. This may including cleaning up the environment.
verify run any checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria.
install install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally.
Hence, by invoking install you would make sure to always execute integration tests as well. Indeed a shorter invocation would be
mvn clean verify
Less popular but more effective in these cases.

Setting up maven to compile (instead of downloading) dependencies

I cloned the git repository of Apache ActiveMQ Artemis project ( and then typed
mvn -Ptests test -pl :integration-tests
I was surprised to see log messages like the following
Since e.g. artemis-core-client is contained in the git repository I cloned in the beginning, I'd have expected maven just builds it from there.
That way, when I make changes in the core client source, they get picked up by the integration tests.
Instead, maven is downloading the jar from the repository.
Question: How do I configure maven to always build all modules that are in the git repository and download only "true" dependencies, which I mean things not in the git repository?
You are not executing the Maven build on the main project, on the main pom.xml which indeed defines the artemis-selector and artemis-core-client modules, among others.
You are executing the Maven build on the tests and its pom.xml, where only tests modules are defined. This is a side/test project, which has as parent the previous pom file, but it doesn't play any role in its parent modules definition. Hence, dependencies are not resolved as modules but as Maven dependencies.
You should firstly install (via mvn clean install) the former project, so that libraries will be available in your local Maven cache (hence no downloading would be triggered), then execute the tests project.
Check the Maven docs for a inheritance vs aggregation difference to further clarify it.
From the Stack Overflow, the follow threads could also be interesting:
What is the difference between using maven -pl option and running maven from module level?
Maven multi module project cannot find sibling module

Maven: how can I skip building artifacts which exist in central repo?

My situation: I have project which contains several Maven modules. I make changes to one of them. Suddenly I find out, that my project is no longer possible to be built because of the errors in other modules. To fix this I need to run SVN UPDATE and rebuilt the project.
My assumption: probably, during the build process of my module some of the artifacts are taken from central repository and have the most newest version, while others are still outdated and taken from my local repo.
A question: I don't want to rebuild my project each time someone updates ANOTHER Maven module. I want to download the already built artefacts from the central repository without rebuilding them by myself. Is it possible?
You can tell Reactor which modules to build. In your case when you only change a single module and want to speed up the build you can pass -pl (Project Location) parameter to maven. For example:
mvn -pl module-with-changes
That will build single module, while taking other dependencies from your local Maven Repository or download from Central (whatever is the latest). That said, if you already ran mvn install for whole project and other artifacts have not been updated in Central repository, then Maven will see your local artifacts as latest and will not re-download them.
Another issue you might get with -pl parameter is when other modules in your project depend on the module that you are building. If there is a problem in dependent module you will not see it by building only the dependency model. To avoid that you can pass -amd (Also Make Dependents). Like this:
mvn -pl module-with-changes -amd
That will trigger the build for module-with-changes + modules that depend on module-with-changes + their dependents.
You can get more info about Reactor parameters from here:
