Joomla to Wordpress migration from HTML files - joomla

I know there exists tools that migrates Joomla to Wordpress at database level. But my problem is I don't have access to Joomla database anymore. I only have whole Joomla! 1.0.x site's local copy which was taken 2 years ago. Is it possible to migrate that posts to my Wordpress site?
Or should I copy-paste all content to a CSV file and use an Excel importer ?

Not specifically for Joomla , but I have made such a thing in the past several times while migrating from some Custom Cms's
It will depend on HOW BIG is your site and how much information you need to migrate (and it's complexity) but you can always go for HTML SCRAPPING / PARSING.
As from this point , GIYBF . And your Coding skills.
One of the best one IMHO is Simple HTML DOM ,and another that many recommend but I personally never used are htmlSQL And phpquery .
But there are also a lot of Tutorials on google ( here also and EXAMPLE TUT) explaining how to do it , and also a lot of questions here on SE and a list of options (not PHP exclusive).
The other option (which is basically the same , but without libraries) , is going or REGEX , like in this very simple example..

If you don't have the DB, then you don't have the content. All of the content on a Joomla site is stored in the DB. If you only have the Joomla files, there is nothing to copy and paste in to a CSV.

Try using this script. Note you will need to install an old version of wordpress first and THEN upgrade your wordpress version.
There's a useful guide on this here and info on utf-8 support here.
Hope this helps


How to use multiple themes in codeigniter like wordpress

I want to use multiple themes in codeigniter like wordpress.
Themes are A, B, C.
if i select Theme A then html would be change Theme A wise.
if i select Theme B then html would be change Theme B wise.
please help and thanks in advance.
Very hard to give this answer because your question is very out of range. :)
But I will try my best to do this.
Many way to build different themes put in CI
1) Use of CMS in codeigniter like
2) Second way to do this things the easy way is to build your dynamic system as per your recruitment.
Also easiest way is to build your site in wordpress.
Although the library has it years(newer php version may scream error about &=, just delete & ) you can use - it uses theme concept. But you have to build database layer for themes usage logic. And if you know, which theme your site is using, then you just use method of the library: $this->template->set_theme($my_current_theme)
If you like a complete tutorial, check out this link This is just an example, however and there's many more out there.
I agree with cssBlaster21895, that library can still be made to work for modern PHP versions. I just adjusted a few things and that made the errors disappear.

How can I make a one page websites on joomla?

i'm trying out joomla! CMS, and in my job we're very fond of one-page sites. Is there any way of making a fully functional website with it? The main reason we need the CMS is because of the way the client wants to update they're webpage.
Ok before you do anything, have a real think to yourself, is Joomla really the best option? Your client requires a 1 page website, therefore what would be the point in loading a full blown CMS just for that. Joomla, when zipped up, is more or less 8MB. Out of all honestly, I would even find the likes of Wordpress still too big for a project of this size.
What I would really recommend is having a look round on the web for a very small CMS that simply includes a small backend with the ability to create, update and delete articles.
Have a look at this for example:
This would be a brilliant way to start. It has a small backend for you to manage articles, and you can start building up a completely custom template, exactly to your client's liking. I'm not too sure on the programming skills but if you're fairly new to it, then this would be a good place to start and gain knowledge.
Given that the above is what I would personally recommend, you may not want to do that or may not have the time, therefore if you really want to stick with Joomla, you should find a template that fits your needs in regards to module positions. Else you can add your own custom positions to the template. Have a read through the documentation as it will give you the necessary information
Hope this helps
I was looking for a solution myself for quite a while. I came up with the following two soutions:
Like #mattosmat said for a joomla one page site the simplest solution actually is it to declare one section as the main componenent and create the other section with cusom-made joomla modules.
Use wordpress with the advanced field plugin to create a single-page website.
Actually if a clients wish is it to create a single page website with cck and cms features i create these projects in wordpress and not in joomla anymore in my opinion its the wrong plattform.
I Have One Word!!!
BOOTSTRAP!!!! IS the way to go.. simple,succinct,beginner friendly. Doesnt matter if you really make it in Joomla! or anything else.
And for head start, look up "Scrollspy" in Bootstrap.

Simple way to convert Joomla 1.5 template to joomla 3.x

I was using joomla 1.5 on PHP4 recently my hosting provider updated to PHP5 then my joomla 1.5 crashed.
I have installed joomla 3.x
Could anyone please tell me the simplest way to convert a joomla 1.5 template to 3.x ?
Thanks in advance.
It really all depends on how complex your template is. If you have a simple template without a lot of overrides what I would do is treat your template like a PSD and just make a fresh template based on Protostar's blank slate.
Put your jdocs where you want them and create the basic less file with the basic colors, fonts, styles that you need.
Add the template parameters if you need them in a new XML file since some of that has change.
If you have a lot of overrides again you probably want to start from scratch by copying the new core layouts and modifying them to match what you had.
Custom JS will be the biggest pain point, but if you are still running MooTools 1 you really are ready to update that.
I used this : SP Upgrade and everything works fine except some minor changes I had to make because the 1.5 version was extremely customized. The most important thing for us was the content and template which successfully migrated.

How to create multiple frontend-editable textfields on one page

I need to have several textfields (may be articles, but not neccessarily) on a page, that is easily edited from frontend for registered users.
How do I best achieve this?
It is for Joomla 3.1
You can go several ways:
Use a cck: this is the easiest, no coding required, browse the JED for Sobi, K2, Zoo, Content builder...
Write a simple component: using componentbuilder or the like it won't take long and you'll only need to write very little code if this is the only requirement.
Upgrade to J3.2 and use the bundled FOF (by akeeba, introduced in Joomla core as of 3.2); Joomla! 3.2 will be available in 3 days, but you can already download the beta. With FOF you can achieve much the same as 2. by writing a simple xml file.
Depending on what you plan to do with this data, and your coding skills, the right answer may be any of the above.

Content Management System - PHP - Asp.Net

I am new to open source Content Management System tools. I got a website using Joomla for content management. Now, I am just thinking to Umbraco or Dotnetnuke (any based) frameworks to use. Will it be a complex to do this migration. Can you suggest pros and cons for this idea.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks !
For Umbraco ...
Most of your client-side code like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can just be copied straight over, but as expected it may require some fiddling.
As for the data, it might be worth looking into the CMSImport module for Umbraco. As long as you can convert the source data into one of the formats recognised by the module, you should be able to upload your content with ease. I've had no personal experience with this module, but should be worth a shot.
It really depends on the size of the site and the functionality requirements. For smaller sites, it may be as easy as implementing the skin based on the original design (or, if a custom design isn't needed, selecting a free or 3rd party skin) and then manually migrating the content. For really large sites, you should be able to write scripts to migrate the content. I'm not aware of any products that do this. You'll also probably need to select some modules to use for things like forms.
