Windows API for the location of Hiberfil.sys - winapi

Does anybody know if there is a Windows API to return the location of the hiberfil.sys ?
Many thanks

Hiberfil.sys is created when you enable hibernation and have hibernated your computer at least once. Its location can be determined like any other file: by directing the OS to search for it. Its usual location is in the root of your system drive, which is usually C:. This working powershell script was found here. See the link for the full script, but this is the core:
gwmi cim_datafile -filter "path='\\'" | ? {$ -match 'hiberfil.sys'} or
gwmi -Query "Associators of {Win32_Directory.Name='C:\'} Where ResultClass=CIM_DataFile" | ? {$ -match 'hiberfil.sys'}
Also helpful, Karl. E. Peterson's API reference:
He also has made available for download some sample code, zipped up. Hope this helps...


Is there any method for getting details of all installed apps in a Windows device using shell commands

I need to get all installed applications and its details in a Windows device using shell commands. I tried using
Apps that were installed manually seems to be missing in the list. Please help by providing a better method.
An alternative can be to query the registry like this for example:
# HKLM - Local Machine
$InstalledSoftware = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
foreach($obj in $InstalledSoftware){write-host $obj.GetValue('DisplayName') -NoNewline; write-host " - " -NoNewline; write-host $obj.GetValue('DisplayVersion')}
# HKCU - Current User
InstalledSoftware = Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
foreach($obj in $InstalledSoftware){write-host $obj.GetValue('DisplayName') -NoNewline; write-host " - " -NoNewline; write-host $obj.GetValue('DisplayVersion')}
Check this page out for more:
Tip! Browse these locations in the registry manually before you dig in as it will help you see the structure and understand what properties are available. If the information you're seeking is not there, you might just ditch this suggestion.
For Windows 64-bit and 32-bit apps use
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table > C:\ws\apps.txt
the C:\ws\apps.txt need to be adjusted by you, to your output path.
I found the idea here, Social MS

SCCM 2012 OSD Task Sequence - Rename computer with Service Tag

I am planning to deploy Windows 10 using SCCM 2012. It is working fine, and now I just want to rename the computer to be same as its DELL service tag, and make it as part of Task Sequence. I would ideally like to use Powershell script to do so, however happy to use VBS as well, in case it isn't easy enough with PS.
Following is the Powershell script that does the job, however I can't add it as part of Task Sequence!
$sTag = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_BIOS | Select SerialNumber
$cName = 'DESKTOP' + $sTag.SerialNumber
Rename-Computer -NewName $cName
Can someone please assist?
Thanks in advance.
I think you would be better off not renaming the computer after it is already present in sccm and ad but give it a proper name before it is joined (assuming you use unknown computer support for the osd here)
In this case you should set the SCCM Variable OSDCOmputerName already within the WinPE phase like this (you can find more detailed examples e.g. here):
$sTag = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_BIOS | Select SerialNumber
$OSDComputerName = 'DESKTOP' + $sTag.SerialNumber
$TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$TSEnv.Value("OSDComputerName") = $OSDComputerName
If you want to use powershell in PE you will have to modify your boot image (Right click --> Properties --> Optional Components) to include "Windows PowerShell"

How to find the drive letter of a newly inserted USB drive using Powershell?

I am trying to accomplish this:
When I insert a USB drive in Windows (Win7 and Win8), I want a script to be started (Powershell or batch command) automatically. The machine has autoplay disabled.
I setup a scheduled task with event id 2010 in DriveFrameworks-UserMode as trigger. The scheduled task works. However, I am having difficulties finding the drive letter of the newly inserted USB drive.
I found a few solutions on the Internet, but they didn't fit my requirements. The solutions either check for all drive letters (A to Z), or check for USB drive. I would like to correlate the drive letter that is associated with the event in the DriveFrameworks-UserMode trigger.
This post (How do i get the drive letter of a USB Drive in Powershell?) gave me some hints and I checked classes win32_logicaldisk, win32_diskdrive, and win32_pnpentity, but I couldn't find a clue matching them.
Any help is appreciated.
This should help:
$diskdrive = gwmi win32_diskdrive | ?{$_.interfacetype -eq "USB"}
$letters = $diskdrive | %{gwmi -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=`"$($_.DeviceID.replace('\','\\'))`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"} | %{gwmi -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=`"$($_.DeviceID)`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"} | %{$_. deviceid}
$drive = gwmi win32_volume | ? {$letters -contains ($ -replace "\\")}
PS. There is a similar discussion here

Powershell 3.0 : Alternative to "Get-Volume"

I'm trying to get various properties for each hdd-volume on the computer.
I was using the cmdlet get-volume and then walking through it via foreach, but that cmdlet does not exist in Windows Server 2008. :(
Does anybody know an alternative?
I just need the drive letter, objectId/guid, free space, total space, and the name of each volume.
The WMI class Win32_Volume has the information you are looking for
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Volume | Select DriveLetter,FreeSpace,Capacity,DeviceID,Label
Which a little fancy footwork you can make the drive space properties looking a little more appealing.
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume |
Select DriveLetter,
#{Label="FreeSpace (In GB)";Expression={$_.Freespace/1gb}},
#{Label="Capacity (In GB)";Expression={$_.Capacity/1gb}},
DeviceID,Label |
Format-Table -AutoSize
Get-Volume is only in Powershell 4.
You can do this tho:
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace, VolumeName

Check if Windows path is on locl disk or shared device

I have a java application with many jars. I noticed that running the app from a share takes more time than running it from localdisk.
I would like to create a wrapper script that copies that jars to local disk only if the app was installed on a network path.
Is there a way to find out if a specific folder is on localdisk or network?
you could use wmi for that : check drivetype of the Win32_LogicalDisk class
type 3 => local
type 4 => net drive
an example using powerhsell
gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceId='X:'" |select -expand drivetype
switch(gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceId='X:'" |select -expand drivetype){3{"local"}4{"network"}}
