How can I validate DBRefs in a MongoDB collection? - validation

Assuming I've got a MongoDB instance with 2 collections - places and people.
A typical places document looks like:
"_id": "someID"
"name": "Broadway Center"
"url": ""
And a people document looks like:
"name": "Erin"
"place": DBRef("places", "someID")
"url": ""
Is there any way to validate the places DBRef of every document in the people collection?

There's no official/built-in method to test the validity of DBRefs, so the validation must be performed manually.
I wrote a small script - validateDBRefs.js:
var returnIdFunc = function(doc) { return doc._id; };
var allPlaceIds = db.places.find({}, {_id: 1} ).map(returnIdFunc);
var peopleWithInvalidRefs = db.people.find({"place.$id": {$nin: allPlaceIds}}).map(returnIdFunc);
print("Found the following documents with invalid DBRefs");
var length = peopleWithInvalidRefs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
That when run with:
mongo DB_NAME validateDBRefs.js
Will output:
Found the following documents with invalid DBRefs

you could add a stored function for that. please note that the mongo documentation discourages the use of stored functions. You can read about it here
In essence you create a function:
_id : "myAddFunction" ,
value : function (x, y){ return x + y; }
and once the function is created you can use it in your where clauses. So you could write a function that checks for the existence of the id in the dbRef.


I want to update values ​in an array in an array while using MongoTemplate

First, I will show the state stored in mongodb.
As you can see, it is a structure with a list called replies in a list called comments. And inside replies there is an array called likes.
comments : [
Object1 : {
replies : [
likes : [
0 : {},
1 : {}
Object2 : {
replies : [
likes : [
0 : {},
1 : {}
What I want to do here is to insert/subtract a value only from the likes array inside a specific replies structure. I'm currently using Spring boot and have tried the following:
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(postId))
.elemMatch(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(commentId))
.elemMatch(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId(replyId)))
Update update = new Update();
if (state) {
// remove user id
update.pull("comments.$[].replies.$.likes", new ObjectId(userId));
} else {
// add user id
update.push("comments.$[].replies.$.likes").value(new ObjectId(userId));
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, MyEntity.class);
It is an operation to add or remove userId according to boolean state. As a result of the attempt, up to a specific comment is found, but userId is unconditionally entered in the first likes list of the replies list inside the comment. What I want is to get into the likes list inside a specific reply. Am I using the wrong parameter in update.push()? I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve it.
Not a direct answer to your question as I'm not experienced with spring's criteria builder, but here's how you would do it in mongo directly, which might help you to figure it out:
You could define arrayfilters allowing you to keep track of the corresponding indices of each comments and replies. You can then use those indices to push a new object at the exact matching indices:
_id: "<postId>"
$push: {
"comments.$[comments].replies.$[replies].likes": {
_id: "newlyInsertedLikeId"
arrayFilters: [
"comments._id": "<commentId>"
"replies._id": "<replyId>"
Here's an example on mongoplayground:

More Like This Query Not Getting Serialized - NEST

I am trying to create an Elasticsearch MLT query using NEST's object initializer syntax. However, the final query when serialized, is ONLY missing the MLT part of it. Every other query is present though.
When inspecting the query object, the MLT is present. It's just not getting serialized.
I wonder what I may be doing wrong.
I also noticed that when I add Fields it works. But I don't believe fields is a mandatory property here that when it is not set, then the MLT query is ignored.
The MLT query is initialized like this;
new MoreLikeThisQuery
Like = new[]
new Like(new MLTDocProvider
Id = parameters.Id
MLTDocProvider implements the ILikeDocument interface.
I expect the serialized query to contain the MLT part, but it is the only part that is missing.
This looks like a bug in the conditionless behaviour of more like this query in NEST; I've opened an issue to address. In the meantime, you can get the desired behaviour by marking the MoreLikeThisQuery as verbatim, which will override NEST's conditionless behaviour
var client = new ElasticClient();
var parameters = new
Id = 1
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<Document>
Query = new MoreLikeThisQuery
Like = new[]
new Like(new MLTDocProvider
Id = parameters.Id
IsVerbatim = true
var searchResponse = client.Search<Document>(searchRequest);
which serializes as
"query": {
"more_like_this": {
"like": [
"_id": 1

How to index an object with completion fields

How can I index/insert (I can do mapping) an object using Nest client library to be able to provide following options:
"input": ...,
"output": ...,
"payload" : ...,
"weight" : ...
I would like to be able to provide multiple values in 'input' option.
Can't find anyway of doing this using NEST.
Thank you
NEST provides the SuggestField type in order to assist in indexing completion suggestions. You don't necessarily need to use this type, you can provide your own that contains the expected completion fields (input, output, etc...), but the purpose of SuggestField is to make the whole process easier by already providing a baked in type.
Add a suggest field to the document/type you are indexing:
public class MyType
public SuggestField Suggest { get; set; }
Your mapping should look something like:
client.Map<MyType>(m => m
.Properties(ps => ps
.Completion(c => c.Name(x => x.Suggest).Payloads(true))
Indexing example:
var myType = new MyType
Suggest = new SuggestField
Input = new [] { "Nevermind", "Nirvana" },
Output = "Nirvana - Nevermind",
Payload = new { id = 1234 },
Weight = 34
Hope that helps. manipulate Response Object

I am trying to work Ember with using
ember-model-parse-adapter by samharnack.
I add added a function to make multiple work search(like search engine) for which I have defined a function on cloud using Parse.Cloud.define and run from client.
The problem is the Array that my cloud response returns is not compatible with Ember Model because of two attributes they are __type and className. how can I modify the response to get response similar to that i get when I run a find query from client. i.e without __type and className
Example responses
for App.List.find() = {
for App.List.cloudFunction("sliptSearch",{"text" : this.get("searchText")})
"__type" : Object, //undesired
"className" : "Lists" //undesired
Thanks Vlad something like this worked for me for array
resultobj = [];
success: function(results) {
for( var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++ ) {
temp = results.pop();
text: temp.get("text"),
createdAt: temp.createdAt,
updatedAt: temp.updatedAt,
words: "",
hashtags: ""
In your cloud code before you make any response, create and object and extract from it the attributes/members you need and then response it. like so:
//lets say result is some Parse.User or any other Parse.Object
var responseObj = {}; = responseObj.get("name");
responseObj.age = responseObj.get("age"); =;
on the response side you will get {"result": {"name": "jhon", "age": "26", "id": "zxc123s21"}}
Hope this would help you

Map reduce to count tags

I am developing a web app using Codeigniter and MongoDB.
I am trying to get the map reduce to work.
I got a file document with the below structure. I would like to do a map reduce to
check how many times each tag is being used and output it to the collection files.tags.
"_id": {
"$id": "4f26f21f09ab66c1030d0000e"
"basic": {
"name": "The filename"
"tags": [
"updated_at": "2012-02-09 11:08:03"
I tried this map reduce command but it does not count each individual tag:
$map = new MongoCode ("function() {
emit({tags: this.tags}, {count: 1});
$reduce = new MongoCode ("function( key , values ) {
var count = 0;
values.forEach(function(v) {
count += v['count'];
return {count: count};
$this->mongo_db->command (array (
"mapreduce" => "files",
"map" => $map,
"reduce" => $reduce,
"out" => "files.tags"
Change your Map function to:
function map(){
if(!this.tags) return;
emit(tag, {count: 1});
Yea, this map/reduce simply calculate total count of tags.
In mongodb cookbook there is example you are looking for.
You have to emit each tag instead of entire collection of tags:
map = function() {
if (!this.tags) {
for (index in this.tags) {
emit(this.tags[index], 1);
You'll need to call emit once for each tag in the input documents.
MongoDB documentation for example says:
A map function calls emit(key,value) any
number of times to feed data to the reducer. In most cases you will
emit once per input document, but in some cases such as counting tags,
a given document may have one, many, or even zero tags.
