ctrl+z does not do anything - sms

i am using AT commands to test sending sms messages from pc to mobile. i have been referring to the following links:
when i press ctrl+z, nothing happens. No matter how long i wait, it just shows a blinking cursor like this. Ideally after a few seconds, it must display +CMGS: 62 if sms is send properly.
could anyone point out what might be wrong?


I need to send an instruction to a game server

I need to send an instruction to a game server.
When just sent through crome this works fine, but am having difficulty getting VB6 to do this.
So far have tried:-
WebBrowser1.Navigate "https://www.phoenixbse.com/index.php?a=turns&sa=gpi&ma=parse&id=" & "111111"
But does not seem to work.
Help Please

cy.visit crashes without meaningfull messages

I'm new to cypress and I want to create tests for a rather oldfashioned website which is unfortunatelly not available on the internet.
When I perform a simple call to the website cypress crashes:
The message I get within the chromium instance is: "Whoops, there is no test to run. Choose a test to run from the desktop application."
Shortly before I get this message, I see some messages in red in the left chromium task-runner-pannel (sorry for not knowing the correct term). But the timespan is too short to read it.
So my questions are, any ideas why cypress is crashing? I know this may gonna be a tough one since the website is not accessable.
Can I find these "red-messages" somewhere else? eg a logfile?

Selenium not sending spacebars to application

I am using Selenium IDE 2.8.
I am a tester and using firefox to test a php based application with ajax.
There is a point in the application where three space bars are entered into the textfield and ajax will fetch all data and display a seperate bit of css displaying the information.
Enter 3 spaces in the textfield, information then appears.
For some reason on playback this 'three space bar key press' event isn't called or indeed reaches the texfield....nothing happens, ajax has nothing to do and the info that my selenium script is waiting for doesn't appear and promptly fails.
There is nothing to 'waifFor...' etc.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
use sendKeys command instead of type

WebSocket4Net issue with multiple frames

I have a WebSocket Server that I can hit from a browser and get valid messages that parse JSON correctly. These messages are large, about 9K, and when looking at Google Chome Developer Tools I can see that its coming in multiple frames.
Now, I've been trying to hit the same service from a console application using WebSocket4Net. The smaller messages come across fine, but my larger messages are getting messed up. Basically, at the point where the Chrome Developer Tools are showing me where the initial frame ends, I'm getting the start of the next actual message, not the continuation frame.
I'm seeing some funny characters when looking at the HEX, at the point of the message truncation...seeing (HEX) 80 7e 06 15 .... or something close, but it always begins with '80 7e'.
I've increased the ReceiveBufferSize to 12,000, but that doesn't seem to help.
Anybody else ever see this?
Finally I was able to get some help on the CodePlex site. If you are having any issues like I was, check this posting out (https://websocket4net.codeplex.com/workitem/35).
Have a great day!

Chrome Cast Sender "session_error" NOT_FOUND

I can't get a basic sender app set up. I've tried the CastHelloText sender example, put in my own AppId and get an error immediately after chrome.cast.requestSession() is called when I select my device from the top-right Google Cast extension button. My receiver is based off of Cast-Simple-Receiver. I've done the whole unplugging power/plugging back in thing to restart ChromeCast, but that doesn't resolve my issue.
Resources out there seem kind of slim at the moment, but is there a place that explains everything in-depth without having to jump from site to site? Also, take a look at the image I've attached. I can't figure out what that other URL is supposed to be.
My specific error from the requestSession() looks like this:
{code: "session_error", description: "NOT_FOUND", details: null}
EDIT: I've verified that I can connect to the default chrome.cast.media.DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID but my receiver app can't be connected to. I've registered my device and restarted it multiple times. I've now removed it and am trying to re-register it to see if that helps (even though it said it was ready for dev).
Check these; hopefully they get things sorted out:
Make sure you have registered your chromecast device on the developer console. Double check the serial number since sometimes it is hard to read it.
During the chromecast setup, there was a box stating something like "Send the serial number ..", make sure that is checked
Wait 1/2 hour or so and reboot your chromecast
Check whether you can access http://<chromecast-ip>:9222 from a chrome browser on the same wifi network; if you can, then your device is ready for development
As for the area on the image that you have pointed to, that is more for informational purposes at this point
