How do you add a shortcut by commandline?
If we do it by hand (Keyboard > Custom Shortcuts) it works as it is supposed to do.
When we want to do it by commandline (in a bashscript as example)
gsettings set name "killscript"
gsettings set command "pkill chromium"
gsettings set binding "<Primary><Alt>X"
This doesn't work.. When I'll check the shortcut by the dconfeditor I see that it has the proper name, binding and command set up.
Any ideas how I could get this fixed?
You can always change the settings in the GUI and watch the changes in the terminal using:
dconf watch /
You will notice that there are 4 commands the 3 you already have to set name, binding, and command and a 4th that adds the command to an array:
So to add your custom0 command to the array use this command and then it works
gsettings set custom-keybindings "['/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom0/']"
Also, check this detailed answer on how to manipulate the array
I'm not sure how you would make a custom keybaord shortcut (like a hotkey or something) but if you're working from the commandline and want to make a long command shorter, you could use an alias in your .bashrc or .bash_profile file
alias ls='ls -la'
if it's more complicated, you make a bash script and make it executable and, if you want to access it from wherever you are, add the folder it's in to your PATH varible
In Windows' Environment Variable Tab, the User Variable and System Variables are separated. I have a MacBook Pro and would like to add new 'user' variables like Windows. Is this possible? I mean I found there are temporary variables that can be created in the Terminal, but if that Terminal is closed, the variables are gone. I found a way to do a permanent variable, but do not want to mess things up in the core of the macOS. Are there any recommendations?
If you set variables in the ~/.bash_profile file, they will always exist since this file is automatically run every time you open Terminal.
To edit it:
vim .bash_profile
(i to insert text, esc to exit insert mode, :q! to discard and quit, :x to save and quit)
Then add:
export VARIABLE_NAME=value
Save and quit the editor (:x). Then to check if it worked:
When the terminal is bash, editing the .bash_profile works.
If you're using zsh, then edit
~/.zsh and add the command as
""export variableName = value"" in to the file
Now, run
""source ~/.zsh""
I am trying to set an environment variable for Bash. However, I need this to be set before any of the shell's startup scripts (including /etc/profile), because /etc/profile acts differently based on the value of this variable.
Specifically, I want to create a shortcut to MinTTy that works like git-bash, but I need to set the MSYSTEM environment variable before the shell starts, or at least before it starts processing any startup scripts.
A solution that has MinTTy setting the environment variable before it starts the shell will also be accepted.
What I am really looking for is sort of a command-line option to BASH that will set an environment variable, somewhat akin to the -D option to most C (and other) compilers. This would be a "general case" solution. Alternatively, a similar option (command line or configuration) to MinTTy will also do the job.
For my specific need, I have an idea for a potential work-around: Run a BASH script - with no startup scripts - that sets my required variable and execs another shell as a login shell.
Define the target of your shortcut file as follows:
C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash -l -c "MSYSTEM=MINGW64 exec -l bash"
This command:
invokes bash directly as a login shell (-l)
passes it a command (-c) that defines the environment variable of interest (MSYSTEM=MINGW64) and then invokes a new copy of bash (exec -l bash), which inherits the existing environment, plus the new definition, but sources the profile(s) again, due to -l
(and prepends - to the executable name reported in $0 (-bash), as would happen if you started Mintty with just -, which is what the regular Cygwin64 Terminal shortcut does).
An alternative is to set the environment variable in Windows first.
[Not an option for the OP] If the environment variable should always have the same value, set it persistently as follows: run sysdm.cpl, go to the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables... and define variable MSYSTEM as needed.
To define the variable ad-hoc, create a batch file as follows and make the shortcut target that batch file:
#echo off
# Define the env. variable with the desired value.
# Invoke Mintty with a login shell, which will now see the env. variable.
# Adjust the path to mintty.exe as needed.
c:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -
Note: Opening the batch file from a shortcut briefly opens a regular console window before opening Mintty, which may be undesired.
A simple helper WSH script, as demonstrated in this answer of mine, can prevent this.
You should just be able to do the same as you do in command prompt. Therefore, you can do:
set VAR=VarContents
Although I already accepted an answer above, I found this link that specifically addresses the second part of my question (Mintty specific) or an alternative way of setting an environment variable before running a command.
The contents of the Windows shortcut can be:
C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -t "Title" /bin/env "MSYSTEM=MINGW64" /bin/bash -l
(Suggested by Mintty Tips:Setting environment variables.)
Currently, to get to the directory I need to type this:
cd /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser
Is there a way to make it so that I can just type something like:
cd FolderBelongingToUser ?
I'm familiar with z (uses ranking) and cdargs (uses shortcuts) but there are many other tools designed to make navigation in your shell easier and built-in solutions like CDPATH or the ** wildcard…
Adding something like this in your *rc file:
export CDPATH='.:~:/cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/'
allows you to do exactly what you are after:
$ cd FolderBelongingToUser
or, better:
$ cd Fold<Tab>
If your bash is recent enough, you can do something like this:
$ cd **/foo
If you're using OSX you can open the hidden file named .bash_profile in your root user directory and add an entry like this:
alias define_your_shortcut='define your path'
You can do this for anything. For example here is an alias for your example:
alias FolderBelongingToUser='cd /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser'
Here's another example using a command to toggle hidden files
alias showfiles='defaults write ShowAllFiles TRUE'
alias hidefiles='defaults write ShowAllFiles FALSE'
After you make any changes to your bash_profile you'll need to either logout and login or you can open terminal and tell it to reload your bash_profile with this command
source ~/.bash_profile
I'm not personally familiar with Windows but if your using Windows a quick search result explained that this is how you would create a command prompt alias in Windows
AddConsoleAlias( TEXT("test"),
TEXT("cd \\<a_very_long_path>\\test"),
Alternatively it looks like someone provided a good answer to doing this in Windows here:
Vim normally supports tab completion, so you can probably type something like
cd ~NamTabFolTab
which will expand to
cd /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser
Of course, if NameOfUser is you, then you can probably just type
cd ~/FolTab
You can add the following line to your .vimrc
cabbr FolderBelongingToUser /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser
Then you can can
cd FolderBelongingToUser
If you want to add more to the path (eg to specify a filename with :w) you can press / after FolderBelongingToUser and it will replace it with the full path and allow you to continue typing.
:ca[bbrev] is a Command line only abbreviation. See: :help :cabbr
If this is a permanent alias, then in your ~/.bashrc, create an alias:
alias FTBU='/cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser'
You will then be able to access it in your shell by:
$ cd FTBU
As another trick, if you are only going to use the alias to change to the directory then simply add cd to the alias
alias FTBU='cd /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser'
You then need only type:
to change to the /cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser directory. However, if you plan to use the alias for any other purpose, leave the cd out of the alias definition.
If this is a temporary alias, you can simply create an alias from the command line with:
$ alias FTBU='/cygdrive/c/Users/NameOfUser/FolderBelongingToUser'
with the same results. (substitute anything you like for FTBU) Note: you remove an alias with the unalias command. Also Note: you should to check whether an existing system command exists with the name of your alias before assigning it. Simply type the proposed alias at the command line. If you receive something line bash: your_alias: Command Not Found, then you are good to go. There is no minimum number of characters required in an alias. So it you want to use a single-character, that's fine.
I want to customize vi mode in bash. Two things I want to do very badly.
Use 'm' to mark current directory to a character 'a-z' and use ' to cd to that directory.
In general, is there a way to extend vi mode in bash?
Bash uses GNU readline to provide a usable command line prompt. Readline supports vi mode that provides a basic set of keys and a modal interface for it.
Mappings of caps lock and others is not bash's or readline's job. If you are willing to make those bindings global, you can use Xmodmap to achieve satisfactory results.
As for the second question: Unfortunately, the configurability of readline is very limited. But you could achieve something like that by writing functions that you init via a loop.
The following kind of works:
Set_Ma () {
Go_Ma (){
cd "$DIR_a"
set -o vi
bind -m vi-command -x '"ma":"Set_Ma"'
bind -m vi-command -x '"'"'"'a":"Go_Ma"'
You won't see any effect immediately after typing 'a because it doesn't redraw the prompt to match new CWD. You could also use an associative array for storing the marks but I won't go there.
May I suggest jumping in the ZSH bandwagon. Zsh doesn't use readline. Instead they wrote a more flexible library for line editing that can be properly scripted by ordinary zsh functions.
You can change options from within vi by using the ex command :set. In addition, whenever vi is started up, it reads a file in your home directory called .exrc for further operating instructions. By placing :set commands in this file, you can modify the way vi acts whenever you use it.
You can also set up .exrc files in local directories to initialize various options that you want to use in different environments. For example, you might define one set of options for editing English text, but another set for editing source programs. The .exrc file in your home directory will be executed first, then the one in your current directory.
Finally, any commands stored in the shell variable EXINIT will be executed by vi on startup. If there is a conflict between settings made in .exrc and EXINIT, those in .exrc take precedence.
Hope this might help you
Often I find my self navigating the filesystem from a Conque shell in Vim and want to open a specific file inside my existing MacVim session. Is this possible ? - I was hoping for something like:
shell> open some/file.txt
and then have file.txt pop up inside my existing Vim window (preferably in a new tab).
Note: I am using #wycats vim dot files (not sure this matters).
Type from ConqueShell
mvim --remote-tab-silent filename
This will open the file in a new tab in MacVim
You could also write a Bash alias to shorten the command (assuming you are using bash).
Put in your ~/.profile
alias vim='mvim --remote-tab-silent'
this would enable you to type
vim filename
from ConqueShell or bash, and have it open in a new MacVim tab, rather than terminal vim. It of course does disable your ability to run standard vim (although you could still use the vi command), so maybe you would want to name the alias differently.
Just to add, this will work only if you placed the mvim executable on your path E.G. /usr/bin/mvim. It comes with the
Often I find my self navigating the filesystem from a Conque shell
The beauty of running a shell from inside vim is you have all of vim and the shell at your disposal.
gf is your friend. Once you get the file you want displayed on the screen in some way, you can enter normal mode, move the cursor to the file you want to edit, then use the gf command to navigate to the file. There are many ways to use this. Any program or command that outputs file names is great for this (ll, git status, etc). You could also type the filename into the shell, just to make it visible on the screen without actually running any terminal commands (tab completion is handy here).
It is possible, you can start vim as server and then add as many files as you want, but I'm not very familiar with this, so I can't give you just a direction.