Ruby Method similar to Haskells cycle - ruby

Is there a Ruby method similar to Haskell's cycle? Haskell's cycle takes a list and returns that list infinitely appended to itself. It's commonly used with take which grabs a certain number of elements off the top of an array. Is there a Ruby method that takes an array and returns the array appended to itself some n number of times?

Yes, it's called cycle. From the documentation:
(from ruby core)
ary.cycle(n=nil) {|obj| block } -> nil
ary.cycle(n=nil) -> an_enumerator
Calls block for each element repeatedly n times or forever if none
or nil is given. If a non-positive number is given or the array is empty, does
nothing. Returns nil if the loop has finished without getting interrupted.
If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
a = ["a", "b", "c"]
a.cycle {|x| puts x } # print, a, b, c, a, b, c,.. forever.
a.cycle(2) {|x| puts x } # print, a, b, c, a, b, c.
It seems like whats inside the block is basically a "Lambda", and as far as I know, I can't make a lambda concat each element onto an existing array.
b = [1, 2, 3]
z = []
b.cycle(2) { |i| z << i }
z # => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

You can multiply an array by an integer using Array#*:
ary * int → new_ary
[...] Otherwise, returns a new array built by concatenating the int copies of self.
So you can do things like this:
>> [1, 2] * 3
=> [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]


Why can I assign two variables corresponding to an array in Ruby?

After about a year of Ruby, I just saw this somewhere and my mind is blown. Why in the world does this work?
>> words = ['uno', 'dos']
=> ["uno", "dos"]
>> first, second = words
=> ["uno", "dos"]
>> first
=> "uno"
>> second
=> "dos"
Specifically, how does this work:
>> first, second = ['uno', 'dos']
Why can I do this? It makes no syntactical sense!
It makes no syntactical sense
But this is part of Ruby's syntax! In the Ruby docs it is known as array decomposition:
Like Array decomposition in method arguments you can decompose an
Array during assignment using parenthesis:
(a, b) = [1, 2]
p a: a, b: b # prints {:a=>1, :b=>2}
You can decompose an Array as part of a larger multiple assignment:
a, (b, c) = 1, [2, 3]
p a: a, b: b, c: c # prints {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
Since each decomposition is considered its own multiple assignment you
can use * to gather arguments in the decomposition:
a, (b, *c), *d = 1, [2, 3, 4], 5, 6
p a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d
# prints {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>[3, 4], :d=>[5, 6]}
as Stefan points out in the comments, the docs don't mention that array decomposition also occurs implicitly (i.e. without parenthesis) if there is only one value on the right-hand side:
a, b = [1, 2] works like (a, b) = [1, 2]
Why can I do this? It makes no syntactical sense!
It makes a perfect sense. It is an example of parallel assignment.
When you use = what is happening is each of the list of variables on the left of = are assigned to each of the list of expressions on the right of =.
first, second = ['uno', 'dos']
# is equivalent to
first, second = 'uno', 'dos'
If there are more variables on the left, than expressions on the right, those left variables are assigned with nil:
first, second = 'uno'
first #=> 'uno'
second #=> nil
As to
words = ['uno', 'dos']
first, second = words
first #=> 'uno'
second #=> 'dos'
It is not assigning the whole words array to first leaving second with nil, because while parallel assignment Ruby tries to decompose the right side expression, and does so if it is an instance of Array.
[TIL] Moreover, it attempts to call to_ary on the right side expression, and if it responds to the method, decomposes accordingly to that object's to_ary implementation (credits to #Stefan):
string = 'hello world'
def string.to_ary; split end
first, second = string
first #=> 'hello'
second #=> 'world'
This is called multiple assignment, handy to assign multiple variables at once.
one, two = 1,2
puts one #=>1
puts two #=>2
one, two = [1,2] # this makes sense
one, two = 1 # obviously this doesn't it will assign nil to two
Hope its bit clear now

Block with two parameters

I found this code by user Hirolau:
def sum_to_n?(a, n)
a.combination(2).find{|x, y| x + y == n}
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sum_to_n?(a, 9) # => [4, 5]
sum_to_n?(a, 11) # => nil
How can I know when I can send two parameters to a predefined method like find? It's not clear to me because sometimes it doesn't work. Is this something that has been redefined?
If you look at the documentation of Enumerable#find, you see that it accepts only one parameter to the block. The reason why you can send it two, is because Ruby conveniently lets you do this with blocks, based on it's "parallel assignment" structure:
[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]].each {|x,y,z| puts "#{x}#{y}#{z}"}
# 123
# 456
So basically, each yields an array element to the block, and because Ruby block syntax allows "expanding" array elements to their components by providing a list of arguments, it works.
You can find more tricks with block arguments here.
a.combination(2) results in an array of arrays, where each of the sub array consists of 2 elements. So:
a = [1,2,3,4]
# => [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4]]
As a result, you are sending one array like [1,2] to find's block, and Ruby performs the parallel assignment to assign 1 to x and 2 to y.
Also see this SO question, which brings other powerful examples of parallel assignment, such as this statement:
a,(b,(c,d)) = [1,[2,[3,4]]]
find does not take two parameters, it takes one. The reason the block in your example takes two parameters is because it is using destruction. The preceding code a.combination(2) gives an array of arrays of two elements, and find iterates over it. Each element (an array of two elements) is passed at a time to the block as its single parameter. However, when you write more parameters than there is, Ruby tries to adjust the parameters by destructing the array. The part:
find{|x, y| x + y == n}
is a shorthand for writing:
find{|(x, y)| x + y == n}
The find function iterates over elements, it takes a single argument, in this case a block (which does take two arguments for a hash):
h = {foo: 5, bar: 6}
result = h.find {|k, v| k == :foo && v == 5}
puts result.inspect #=> [:foo, 5]
The block takes only one argument for arrays though unless you use destructuring.
Update: It seems that it is destructuring in this case.

How does Ruby return two values?

Whenever I swap values in an array, I make sure I stored one of the values in a reference variable. But I found that Ruby can return two values as well as automatically swap two values. For example,
array = [1, 3, 5 , 6 ,7]
array[0], array[1] = array[1] , array[0] #=> [3, 1]
I was wondering how Ruby does this.
Unlike other languages, the return value of any method call in Ruby is always an object. This is possible because, like everything in Ruby, nil itself is an object.
There's three basic patterns you'll see. Returning no particular value:
def nothing
# => nil
Returning a singular value:
def single
x = single
# => 1
This is in line with what you'd expect from other programming languages.
Things get a bit different when dealing with multiple return values. These need to be specified explicitly:
def multiple
return 1, 2
x = multiple
# => [ 1, 2 ]
# => [ 1, 2 ]
When making a call that returns multiple values, you can break them out into independent variables:
x, y = multiple
# => [ 1, 2 ]
# => 1
# => 2
This strategy also works for the sorts of substitution you're talking about:
a, b = 1, 2
# => [1, 2]
a, b = b, a
# => [2, 1]
# => 2
# => 1
No, Ruby doesn't actually support returning two objects. (BTW: you return objects, not variables. More precisely, you return pointers to objects.)
It does, however, support parallel assignment. If you have more than one object on the right-hand side of an assignment, the objects are collected into an Array:
foo = 1, 2, 3
# is the same as
foo = [1, 2, 3]
If you have more than one "target" (variable or setter method) on the left-hand side of an assignment, the variables get bound to elements of an Array on the right-hand side:
a, b, c = ary
# is the same as
a = ary[0]
b = ary[1]
c = ary[2]
If the right-hand side is not an Array, it will be converted to one using the to_ary method
a, b, c = not_an_ary
# is the same as
ary = not_an_ary.to_ary
a = ary[0]
b = ary[1]
c = ary[2]
And if we put the two together, we get that
a, b, c = d, e, f
# is the same as
ary = [d, e, f]
a = ary[0]
b = ary[1]
c = ary[2]
Related to this is the splat operator on the left-hand side of an assignment. It means "take all the left-over elements of the Array on the right-hand side":
a, b, *c = ary
# is the same as
a = ary[0]
b = ary[1]
c = ary.drop(2) # i.e. the rest of the Array
And last but not least, parallel assignments can be nested using parentheses:
a, (b, c), d = ary
# is the same as
a = ary[0]
b, c = ary[1]
d = ary[2]
# which is the same as
a = ary[0]
b = ary[1][0]
c = ary[1][1]
d = ary[2]
When you return from a method or next or break from a block, Ruby will treat this kind-of like the right-hand side of an assignment, so
return 1, 2
next 1, 2
break 1, 2
# is the same as
return [1, 2]
next [1, 2]
break [1, 2]
By the way, this also works in parameter lists of methods and blocks (with methods being more strict and blocks less strict):
def foo(a, (b, c), d) p a, b, c, d end
bar {|a, (b, c), d| p a, b, c, d }
Blocks being "less strict" is for example what makes Hash#each work. It actually yields a single two-element Array of key and value to the block, but we usually write
some_hash.each {|k, v| }
instead of
some_hash.each {|(k, v)| }
tadman and Jörg W Mittag know Ruby better than me, and their answers are not wrong, but I don't think they are answering what OP wanted to know. I think that the question was not clear though. In my understanding, what OP wanted to ask has nothing to do with returning multiple values.
The real question is, when you want to switch the values of two variables a and b (or two positions in an array as in the original question), why is it not necessary to use a temporal variable temp like:
a, b = :foo, :bar
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
but can be done directly like:
a, b = :foo, :bar
a, b = b, a
The answer is that in multiple assignment, the whole right hand side is evaluated prior to assignment of the whole left hand side, and it is not done one by one. So a, b = b, a is not equivalent to a = b; b = a.
First evaluating the whole right hand side before assignment is a necessity that follows from adjustment when the both sides of = have different numbers of terms, and Jörg W Mittag's description may be indirectly related to that, but that is not the main issue.
Arrays are a good option if you have only a few values. If you want multiple return values without having to know (and be confused by) the order of results, an alternative would be to return a Hash that contains whatever named values you want.
def make_hash
x = 1
y = 2
{x: x, y: y}
hash = make_hash
# => {:x=>1, :y=>2}
# => 1
# => 2
Creating a hash as suggested by some is definitely better than array as array indexing can be confusing. When an additional attribute needs to be returned at a certain index, we'll need to make changes to all the places where the return value is used with array.
Another better way to do this is by using OpenStruct. Its advantage over using a hash is its ease of accessibility.
Example: computer = '4GB')
there are multiple ways to access the value of ram
as a symbol key: computer[:ram]
as a string key: computer['ram']
as an attribute(accessor method): computer.ram
Reference Article:

Enumerators in Ruby

I'm having a trouble understanding Enumerators in Ruby.
Please correct me If I'm wrong, o.enum_for(:arg) method is supposed to convert object to Enumerator and every iteration over object o should call arg method?
What confuses me is how this line of code works
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:count).each_with_index do |elem, index|
elem == index
It should count how many elements are equal to their position in the array, and it works. However, I don't understand what's actually going on. Is each_with_index calling count method on every iteration? If someone could explain, it would be great.
From Programming Ruby:
count enum.count {| obj | block } → int
Returns the count of objects in enum that equal obj or for which the
block returns a true value.
So the enumerator visits each element and adds 1 to the count if the block returns true, which in this case means if the element is equal to the array index.
I haven't seen this pattern used much (if at all)—I would be more inclined to:
[4, 1, 2, 0] { |elem, index| elem == index }.count
Lets take a look at the example from your comment:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map do |a, b|
a + b
each_slice(2) takes the array 2 elements at a time and returns an array for each slice:
[4, 1, 2, 0].each_slice(2).map # => [[4,1], [2,0]]
calling map on the result lets us operate on each sub-array, passing it into a block:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map do |a,b|
puts "#{a.inspect} #{b.inspect}"
results in
4 1
2 0
a and b get their values by virtue of the block arguments being "splatted":
a, b = *[4, 1]
a # => 4
b # => 1
You could also take the array slice as the argument instead:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| puts "#{a.inspect}"}
[4, 1]
[2, 0]
Which lets you do this:
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| a.inject(:+) } #=> [5,2]
Or if you have ActiveSupport (i.e. a Rails app),
[4, 1, 2, 0].enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map {|a| a.sum }
Which seems a lot clearer to me than the original example.
array.count can normally take a block, but on its own, it returns a fixnum, so it can't be chained to .with_index the way some other iterators can (try {|x,i ... }, etc).
.enum_for(:count) converts it into a enumerator, which allows that chaining to take place. It iterates once over the members of array, and keeps a tally of how many of them equal their indexes. So count is really only being called once, but only after converting the array into something more flexible.

what's different between each and collect method in Ruby [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Array#each vs. Array#map
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
From this code I don't know the difference between the two methods, collect and each.
a = ["L","Z","J"].collect{|x| puts x.succ} #=> M AA K
print a.class #=> Array
b = ["L","Z","J"].each{|x| puts x.succ} #=> M AA K
print b.class #=> Array
Array#each takes an array and applies the given block over all items. It doesn't affect the array or creates a new object. It is just a way of looping over items. Also it returns self.
arr.each {|x| puts x*2}
Prints 2,4,6,8 and returns [1,2,3,4] no matter what
Array#collect is same as Array#map and it applies the given block of code on all the items and returns the new array. simply put 'Projects each element of a sequence into a new form'
arr.collect {|x| x*2}
Returns [2,4,6,8]
And In your code
a = ["L","Z","J"].collect{|x| puts x.succ} #=> M AA K
a is an Array but it is actually an array of Nil's [nil,nil,nil] because puts x.succ returns nil (even though it prints M AA K).
b = ["L","Z","J"].each{|x| puts x.succ} #=> M AA K
also is an Array. But its value is ["L","Z","J"], because it returns self.
Array#each just takes each element and puts it into the block, then returns the original array. Array#collect takes each element and puts it into a new array that gets returned:
[1, 2, 3].each { |x| x + 1 } #=> [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3].collect { |x| x + 1 } #=> [2, 3, 4]
each is for when you want to iterate over an array, and do whatever you want in each iteration. In most (imperative) languages, this is the "one size fits all" hammer that programmers reach for when you need to process a list.
For more functional languages, you only do this sort of generic iteration if you can't do it any other way. Most of the time, either map or reduce will be more appropriate (collect and inject in ruby)
collect is for when you want to turn one array into another array
inject is for when you want to turn an array into a single value
Here are the two source code snippets, according to the docs...
rb_ary_each(VALUE ary)
long i;
for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
return ary;
# .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
static VALUE
rb_ary_collect(VALUE ary)
long i;
VALUE collect;
collect = rb_ary_new2(RARRAY_LEN(ary));
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
rb_ary_push(collect, rb_yield(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i]));
return collect;
rb_yield() returns the value returned by the block (see also this blog post on metaprogramming).
So each just yields and returns the original array, while collect creates a new array and pushes the results of the block into it; then it returns this new array.
Source snippets: each, collect
The difference is what it returns. In your example above
a == [nil,nil,nil] (the value of puts x.succ) while b == ["L", "Z", "J"] (the original array)
From the ruby-doc, collect does the following:
Invokes block once for each element of
self. Creates a new array containing
the values returned by the block.
Each always returns the original array. Makes sense?
Each is a method defined by all classes that include the Enumerable module. Object.eachreturns a Enumerable::Enumerator Object. This is what other Enumerable methods use to iterate through the object. each methods of each class behaves differently.
In Array class when a block is passed to each, it performs statements of the block on each element, but in the end returns self.This is useful when you don't need an array, but you maybe just want to choose elements from the array and use the as arguments to other methods. inspect and map return a new array with return values of execution of the block on each element. You can use map! and collect! to perform operations on the original array.
I think an easier way to understand it would be as below:
nums = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
square = nums.each { |num| num ** 2 } # => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
Instead, if you use collect:
square = nums.collect { |num| num ** 2 } # => [1, 1, 4, 9, 25]
And plus, you can use .collect! to mutate the original array.
