Storing data with big and dynamic groupings / paths - hadoop

I currently have the following pig script (column list truncated for brevity):
REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/piggybank.jar;
inputData = LOAD '/data/$date*.{bz2,bz,gz}' USING PigStorage('\\x7F')
AS (
SITE_ID_COL :int,-- = Item Site ID
META_ID_COL :int,-- = Top Level (meta) category ID
EXTRACT_DATE_COL :chararray,-- = Date for the data points
SPLIT inputData INTO site0 IF (SITE_ID_COL == 0), site3 IF (SITE_ID_COL == 3), site15 IF (SITE_ID_COL == 15);
STORE site0 INTO 'pigsplit1/0/' USING'pigsplit1/0/','2', 'bz2', '\\x7F');
STORE site3 INTO 'pigsplit1/3/' USING'pigsplit1/3/','2', 'bz2', '\\x7F');
STORE site15 INTO 'pigsplit1/15/' USING'pigsplit1/15/','2', 'bz2', '\\x7F');
And it works great for what I wanted it to do, but there's actually at least 22 possible site IDs and I'm not certain there's not more. I'd like to dynamically create the splits and store into paths based on that column. Is the easiest way to do this going to be through a two step usage of the MultiStorage UDF, first splitting by the site ID and then loading all those results and splitting by the date? That seems inefficient. Can I somehow do it through GROUP BYs? It seems like I should be able to GROUP BY the site ID, then flatten each row and run the multi storage on that, but I'm not sure how to concatenate the GROUP into the path.

The MultiStorage UDF is not set up to divide inputs on two different fields, but that's essentially what you're doing -- the use of SPLIT is just to emulate MultiStorage with two parameters. In that case, I'd recommend the following:
REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/piggybank.jar;
inputData = LOAD '/data/$date*.{bz2,bz,gz}' USING PigStorage('\\x7F')
AS (
SITE_ID_COL :int,-- = Item Site ID
META_ID_COL :int,-- = Top Level (meta) category ID
EXTRACT_DATE_COL :chararray,-- = Date for the data points
STORE dataWithKey INTO 'tmpDir' USING'tmpDir', '0', 'bz2', '\\x7F');
Then go over your output with a simple script to list all the files in your output directories, extract the site and date IDs, and move them to appropriate locations with whatever structure you like.
Not the most elegant workaround, but it could work all right for you. One thing to watch out for is the separator you choose in your key might not be allowed (it might only be alphanumeric). Also, you'll be stuck with that extra field in your output data.

I've actually submitted a patch to the MultiStorage module to allow splitting on multiple tuple fields rather than only one, resulting in a dynamic output tree.
It hasn't gotten much attention yet, but I'm using it in production with no issues.


Interacting with multiple stored values within a field in Pig

I am currently working with a field in pig that contains multiple values. I am looking to count users by product by location and I used LOAD to create data in the following format: (Location, {(product1), (product2), (product3)}, numOfUsers). I am looking to separate out each of the products and treat them as separate entities meaning i'd like to end up with the following:
(location, (product1), numOfUsers)
(location, (product2), numOfUsers)
(location, (product3), numOfUsers)
I believe I need to use some sort of nested FOREACH function, but i'm a bit lost. Num of users for each product contained in the same tuple will be the same since they are grouped and that's perfectly fine. I am a beginner (started with Pig 3 days ago) so any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I believe I would use FLATTEN?
FOREACH A GENERATE location, FLATTEN(products) AS product, numOfUsers;
Solved the issue. This created a cross product of all records that were stored within the bag. Used for reference. Very useful resource.

How to rename the fields in a relation

Consider the following code :
ebook = LOAD '$ebook' USING PigStorage AS (line:chararray);
ranked = RANK ebook;
The relation ranked has two fields : the line number and the text. The text is called line and can be referred to by this alias, but the line number generated by RANK has none. As a consequence, the only way I can refer to it is as $0.
How can I give $0 an name, so that I can refer to it more easily once it's been joined to another data set and is no longer $0?
What you want to do is to define a schema for you data. The easiest way to do so is to use the AS keywoard just like you're doing with LOAD.
You can define a schema with three operators : LOAD, STREAM and FOREACH.
Here, the easiest way to do so would be the following :
ebook = LOAD '$ebook' USING PigStorage AS (line:chararray);
ranked = RANK ebook;
renamed_ranked = foreach B generate $0 as rank, $1;
You may find more informations on the associated documentation.
It is also good to know that this operation won't add an iteration to your script. As #ArnonRotem-Gal-Oz said :
Pig doesn't perform the action in a serial manner i.e. it doesn't do all the ranking and then does another iteration on all the records. The pig optimizer will do the rename when it assigns the rank. You can see a similar behaviour explained in the pig cookbook.
You can add a projection with FOREACH as
named_ranked = FOREACH ranked GENERATE $0 as r,*;

Intersection of Intervals in Apache Pig

In Hadoop I have a collection of datapoints, each including a "startTime" and "endTime" in milliseconds. I want to group on one field then identify each place in the bag where one datapoint overlaps another in the sense of start/end time. For example, here's some data:
which I load and group as follows:
inputdata = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
grouped = GROUP inputdata BY where;
The ideal result here would be
I have written some bad code to generate an individual tuple for each second with some rounding, then do a set intersection, but this seems hideously inefficient, and in fact it still doesn't quite work. Rather than debug a bad approach, I want to work on a good approach.
How can I reasonably efficiently get tuples like (id1,id2) for the overlapping datapoints?
I am thoroughly comfortable writing a Java UDF to do the work for me, but it seems as though Pig should be able to do this without needing to resort to a custom UDF.
This is not an efficient solution, and I recommend writing a UDF to do this.
Self Join the dataset with itself to get a cross product of all the combinations. In pig, it's difficult to join something with itself, so you just act as if you are loading two separate datasets. After the cross product, you end up with data like
At this point, you need to satisfy four conditionals,
"where" field matches
id one and two from the self join don't match (so you don't get back the same ID intersecting with itself)
start time from second group being compared should be greater than start time for first group and less then end time for first group
This code should work, might have a syntax error somewhere as I couldn't test it but should help you to write what you need.
inputdataone = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
inputdatatwo = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
crossProduct = CROSS inputdataone, inputdatatwo;
crossProduct =
FOREACH crossProduct
GENERATE inputdataone::id as id_one,
inputdatatwo::id as id_two,
(inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::start>=0 AND inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::end<=0 AND inputdataone::where==inputdatatwo::where?1:0) as intersect;
find_intersect = FILTER crossProduct BY intersect==1;
final =
FOREACH find_intersect
GENERATE id_one,
Crossing large sets inflates the data.
A naive solution without crossing would be to partition the intervals and check for intersections within each interval.
I am working on a similar problem and will provide a code sample when I am done.

assigning IDs to hadoop/PIG output data

I m working on PIG script which performs heavy duty data processing on raw transactions and come up with various transaction patterns.
Say one of pattern is - find all accounts who received cross border transactions in a day (with total transaction and amount of transactions).
My expected output should be two data files
1) Rollup data - like account A1 received 50 transactions from country AU.
2) Raw transactions - all above 50 transactions for A1.
My PIG script is currently creating output data source in following format
Account Country TotalTxns RawTransactions
A1 AU 50 [(Txn1), (Txn2), (Txn3)....(Txn50)]
A2 JP 30 [(Txn1), (Txn2)....(Txn30)]
Now question here is, when I get this data out of Hadoop system (to some DB) I want to establish link between my rollup record (A1, AU, 50) with all 50 raw transactions (like ID 1 for rollup record used as foreign key for all 50 associated Txns).
I understand Hadoop being distributed should not be used for assigning IDs, but are there any options where i can assign non-unique Ids (no need to be sequential) or some other way to link this data?
EDIT (after using Enumerate from DataFu)
here is the PIG script
register /UDF/datafu-0.0.8.jar
define Enumerate datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate('1');
data_txn = LOAD './txndata' USING PigStorage(',') AS (txnid:int, sndr_acct:int,sndr_cntry:chararray, rcvr_acct:int, rcvr_cntry:chararray);
data_txn1 = GROUP data_txn ALL;
data_txn2 = FOREACH data_txn1 GENERATE flatten(Enumerate(data_txn));
dump data_txn2;
after running this, I am getting
ERROR - ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backed error: java.lang.NullPointerException
at datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate.enumerateBag(
at datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate.accumulate(
I often assign random ids in Hadoop jobs. You just need to ensure you generate ids which contain a sufficient number of random bits to ensure the probability of collisions is sufficiently small (
As a rule of thumb I use 3*log(n) random bits where n = # of ids that need to be generated.
In many cases Java's UUID.randomUUID() will be sufficient.
What is unique in your rows? It appears that account ID and country code are what you have grouped by in your Pig script, so why not make a composite key with those? Something like
CONCAT(CONCAT(account, '-'), country)
Of course, you could write a UDF to make this more elegant. If you need a numeric ID, try writing a UDF which will create the string as above, and then call its hashCode() method. This will not guarantee uniqueness of course, but you said that was all right. You can always construct your own method of translating a string to an integer that is unique.
But that said, why do you need a single ID key? If you want to join the fields of two tables later, you can join on more than one field at a time.
DataFu had a bug in Enumerate which was fixed in 0.0.9, so use 0.0.9 or later.
In case when your IDs are numbers and you can not use UUID or other string based IDs.
There is a DataFu library of UDFs by LinkedIn (DataFu) with a very useful UDF Enumerate. So what you can do is to group all records into a bag and pass the bag to the Enumerate. Here is the code from top of my head:
register jar with UDF with Enumerate UDF
inpt = load '....' ....;
allGrp = group inpt all;
withIds = foreach allGrp generate flatten(Enumerate(inpt));

Store some fields from PIG to Hbase

I am trying to extract some part of string and store it to hbase in columns.
Files Content :
msgType1 Person xyz has opened from IP: for duration 00:15:00
msgType2 Person xyz denied for opening Internet:202.x.x.x from IP: reason:unautheticated
msgType1 Person xyz has opened Internet:202.x.x.x from IP: for duration 00:15:00
pattern of messages corresponding to msgType is fixed. Now i am trying to store person name, destination , source , duration etc in hbase.
I am trying to to wrtie script in PIG to do this task.
But i am stuck at extracting part.(extracting IP or website name from 'Internet:202.x.x.x' token inside string).
I tried Regular expression but its not working for me. Regex alway throw this error :
ERROR 1045: Could not infer the matching function for org.apache.pig.builtin.REGEX_EXTRACT as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.
is there any other way to extract these value and store it to hbase in PIG or other than PIG?
How do you use the REGEX_EXTRACT function ? Have you seen the REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL function ? According to the documentation (, it should be like this :
test = LOAD 'test.csv' USING org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage(',') AS (key:chararray, value:chararray);
test = FOREACH test GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL (value, '(\\S+):(\\S+)')) as (match1:chararray, match2:chararray);
DUMP test;
My file is like that :
I know it's easy to be lazy and not take the step, but you really should use a user-defined function here. Pig is good as a data flow language and not much else, so in order to get the full power out of it, you are going to need to use a lot of UDFs to go through text and do more complicated operations.
The UDF will take a single string as a parameter, then return a tuple that represents (person, destination, source, duration). To use it, you'll do:
A = LOAD ...
You didn't mention what your HBase row key was, but be sure that's the first element in the relation before storing it.
