Yootheme widgetkit user permissions - joomla

My clients are restricted in the admin panel of the joomla and theri user group is menager. I need to show them what they need not more than that. But I couldn set the widgetwit permissons for that group there is no option to make that like other components configuration popup screen. How can I show it to the menager user group.

First you'll need to allow your component to save permission-related information, then to access the preferences and finally to set the appropriate values.
Into the components' folder: /administrator/components/com_widgetkit/ create config.xml with the code below or edit it to include the "permissions" fieldset.
Then add a JToolbar button for preferences anywhere in the component or the view:
Now in the administrator view you should see the options button.


How to remove the ADD USER in the "admin users area" in Drupal 7

I already did the admin only register but I would like to remove this tab if anyone can help me
In admin menu, under People -> Permissions (/admin/people/permissions) you can set permissions for every user role. Under the "User" permissions group there is permission "Administer users". I believe that's the one you should disallow and this button won't appear for specific role.
You can also use CSS to hide that link, but it wouldn't be very clean way...but it's an option B.
First of all this link is an Action Link which is a menu item. There are a lot of methods to hide it. Here are some suggestions.
1) On a custom module alter the menu that displays the link (with hook_menu_alter. The code to do this should be something like this:
function MYMODULE_menu_alter(&$items) {
// Check current user is not User 1 (admin)
global $user;
if ($user->uid !== "1") {
// Disable the link of admin/people/create
$items ['admin/people/create']['access callback'] = FALSE;
More specific alters can be done with hook_menu_local_tasks_alter function. Also some modules may do this from a UI such as Tab Tamer but haven't tried it.
2) Use the Administration Views module that overrides this view and remove the link from the views UI.
3) Use common Views module to do the same as above. Notice that you have to create that page with the same url (admin/people)
4) There are some more complex solutions with permissions by role such as the module Administer Users by Role but it may be too much for your simple case.

Need to embed new header menu in joomla

i am using Joomla 2.5 inbuilt registration Form ,I Need to a new header menu after the successful user log-in. how to do this ? Can we integrate Different header menu for Different page(artical). Please help.
There are two options.
First one that you could create two menus, one for registered and one for non-registered users and use different module after login.
Second option to use the same menu and set different items for each group. The selection could be made under:
Menus -> *Menu_Name -> *Menu_Item -> Access: Public / Registered
EDIT: In order to set menu items available only for non-registered users you have to select Guest Access Level: Allowing Guest-Only Access to Menu Items and Modules.
Hope this helps

How to disable user registration in Joomla 3.x

In Older versions this option was at Global Configuration section.
At joomla 3.x seems that this option has been moved.
I want only my existing users to be able to login.
Has anyone any idea where this option is available? Thanks in advance!
Log into your Joomla 3.0 admin dashboard
In the top menu, click Users and then click User Manager
In the tabs toward the top of the page, click the Options tab
Under the Component tab, find the following setting:
Allow User Registration
If set to Yes, new Users allowed to self-register.
To disable user registration, set Allow User Registration to No, and then click the Save button in the top left of the page.
After disabling the registration option, you will notice that the Create an account link within your Login Form will no longer show, as users can no longer create an account on their own.
It's very simple ,Follow the steps below:
a)select System --> Global Configuration -->Users manager.
b)Under the component tab you will see the 1st option as Allow user registration.
Please refer the screenshot below.

Joomla 2.5 virtuemart user registration billing address

I am using joomla 2.5 with virtuemart, I need to show Billing Address in user registration page. I need result like below image in joomal 2.5 user registration
If Any one know, Please give reply.
Thank you
Go to this path and add what you want
in function listuserfields
And add what you want
With Joomla 2.5, it’s very easy to add extra fields to the registration form. You have to turn on the user profile plugin, set the fields you want displayed, and publish a registration form.
From the Joomla Admin menu, click Extensions > Plugin Manager > User – Profile.
Joomla displays the User Profile plugin screen.
From the Status list, select Enabled.
From the Basic Options list, for each field, select Required, Optional, or Disabled.
Note: There are two lists: User profile fields for registration and administrator user forms and User profile fields for profile edit form. The first list is for the User Registration form. The second list is for the Profile Edit form. If you don’t want users to be able to see or edit these fields, you can disable them here.
Click Save & Close to save the User Profile settings.
From the Joomla Admin menu, select Users > User Manager and then click Options.
Joomla displays the Users Configuration screen.

How can give the menu permission to perticular user in Joomla?

I create some backend menu in joomla administrator like (Manager, admin, Super admin, agent).
First three are inbuilt and agent is custom. I want to give some particular menu permission to agent. so please tell me in database which tables having menu permission to particular user. so i can set the permission. Provide me tables name in Joomla database......
If you need a solution before 1.6 is stable, you can use any number of ACL extensions -
JoomlaPraise also has a nice admin template that allows for menu viewing customization called AdminPraise2 that would also do what you need.
