Detect Polygons from Randomly Listed Edges - algorithm

I have a vector drawing containing the edges of lots of polygons. Each edge is represented by a start point and end point. Connections between edges are not explicitly indicated. I need to extract the polygons from this data. The obvious way to do this is to take one vertex of each edge, search all other edges for a matching vertex and repeat this with the next vertex of the edge so located till I have a closed loop. But this is very inefficient.
What are some good algorithms out there to extract polygons given only start and end points of edges in no particular order?

Try something like this (python-pseudocode):
vertices = {} #map (x, y) coords to a list of all edges containing that vertex
for edge in edges:
#add start & end vertices
if edge.start not in vertices:
vertices[edge.start] = []
if edge.end not in vertices:
vertices[edge.end] = []
Now you have all the vertices and all the edges coming out of each vertex. You can now do the initial idea for your algorithm, but instead of having to search through all the edges for a matching vertex, that lookup is instant.

One easy way to do it would be:
Sort the list of edges by end point. Call that array edges
Create a new array, polygon, size is num_edges
edgeIndex = 0
copy edge from edges[0] to polygon[0]
count = 1
while (count < number_of_edges)
starting_point = edges[edgeIndex].endpoint
// do a binary search to find the segment that starts
// at this edge's end point
newIndex = binary_search(edges, starting_point)
copy edge[newIndex] to polygon[count]
edgeIndex = newIndex
When you're done with this, the polygon array should contain the edges, in order.
The above assumes that the edge points are output rationally. That is, given a triangle with vertices '[(0, 0), (10, 10), (10, 0)]', the edges are given as:
{(0, 0), (10, 10)}
{(10, 10), (10, 0)}
{(10, 0), (0, 0)}
Although not necessarily in that order. If the second edge is given as {(10, 0), (10, 10)} (i.e. start and end are reversed), then the problem is somewhat more difficult.
You can do the same thing with a hash map and direct lookups, which will be faster than binary search.
Note also that this assumes you won't have more than two edges connected to any single point.


Group divided polygon into N contiguous shapes

Given the following polygon, which is divided into sub-polygons as depicted below [left], I would like to create n number of contiguous, equally sized groups of sub-polygons [right, where n=6]. There is no regular pattern to the sub-polygons, though they are guaranteed to be contiguous and without holes.
This is not splitting a polygon into equal shapes, it is grouping its sub-polygons into equal, contiguous groups. The initial polygon may not have a number of sub-polygons divisible by n, and in these cases non-equally sized groups are ok. The only data I have is n, the number of groups to create, and the coordinates of the sub-polygons and their outer shell (generated through a clipping library).
My current algorithm is as follows:
list sub_polygons[] # list of polygon objects
for i in range(n - 1):
# start a new grouping
pick random sub_polygon from list as a starting point
remove this sub_polygon from the list
add this sub_polygon to the current group
while (number of shapes in group < number needed to be added):
add a sub_polygon that the group borders to the group
remove this sub-polygon from the sub-polygons list
add all remaining sub-shapes to the final group
This runs into problems with contiguity, however. The below illustrates the problem - if the red polygon is added to the blue group, it cuts off the green polygon such that it cannot be added to anything else to create a contiguous group.
It's simple to add a check for this when adding a sub-polygon to a group, such as
if removing sub-polygon from list will create non-contiguous union
but this runs into edge conditions where every possible shape that can be added creates a non-contiguous union of the available sub-polygons. In the below, my current algorithm is trying to add a sub-polygon to the red group, and with the check for contiguity is unable to add any:
Is there a better algorithm for grouping the sub-polygons?
I think it's more complicated to be solved in a single run. Despite the criteria used for selecting next polygon, it may stock somewhere in the middle. So, you need an algorithm that goes back and changes previous decision in such cases. The classic algorithm that does so is BackTracking.
But before starting, let's change the representation of the problem. These polygons form a graph like this:
This is the pseudocode of the algorithm:
function [ selected, stop ] = BackTrack(G, G2, selected, lastGroupLen, groupSize)
if (length(selected) == length(G.Node))
stop = true;
stop = false;
if (lastGroupLen==groupSize)
// start a new group
// check continuity of remaining part of graph
if (discomp(G2) > length(selected))
if (lastGroupLen==0)
available = G.Nodes-selected;
available = []
// find all nodes connected to current group
for each node in last lastGroupLen selected nodes
available = union(available, neighbors(G, node));
available = available-selected;
if (length(available)==0)
lastSelected = selected;
for each node in available
[selected, stop] = BackTrack(G, removeEdgesTo(G2, node),
Union(lastSelected, node), lastGroupLen+1, groupSize);
if (stop)
selected: an ordered set of nodes that can be divided to n consecutive groups
stop: becomes true when the solution was found
G: the initial graph
G2: what remains of the graph after removing all edges to last selected node
lastGroupLen: number of nodes selected for last group
groupSize: maximum allowable size of each group
discomp(): returns number of discontinuous components of the graph
removeEdgesTo(): removes all edges connected to a node
That should be called like:
[ selected, stop ] = BackTrack( G, G, [], 0, groupSize);
I hope that is clear enough. It goes like this:
Just keep in mind the performance of this algorithm can be severely affected by order of nodes. One solution to speed it up is to order polygons by their centroids:
But there is another solution, if you are not satisfied with this outcome like myself. You can order the available set of nodes by their degrees in G2, so in each step, nodes that have less chance to make the graph disconnected will be visited first:
And as a more complicated problem, i tested map of Iran that has 262 counties. I set the groupSize to 20:
I think you can just follow the procedure:
Take some contiguous group of sub-polygons lying on the perimeter of the current polygon (if the number of polygons on the perimeter is less than the target size of the group, just take all of them and take whatever more you need from the next perimeter, and repeat until you reach your target group size).
Remove this group and consider the new polygon that consists of the remaining sub-polygons.
Repeat until remaining polygon is empty.
Implementation is up to you but this method should ensure that all formed groups are contiguous and that the remaining polygon formed at step 2 is contiguous.
Never mind, user58697 raises a good point, a counterexample to the algorithm above would be a polygon in the shape of an 8, where one sub-polygon bridges two other polygons.

Is there an algorithm to separate polygons that share an edge?

I have a list of vertices that define a polygon, a list of perimeter edges that connect those vertices and define the outline of the polygon, and a list of inner edges connecting vertices, effectively splitting the polygon. None of the edges intersect each other (they only meet at the start and end points).
I want to partition the bigger polygon into its smaller components by splitting it at the inner edges. Basically I need to know which sets of vertices are part of a polygon that has no intersecting edges.
Basically, this is the information I have:
The vertices [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15] define the outside perimeter of my polygon and the blue edge (5, 13) is an inner edge splitting that perimeter into two polygons. (Disregard the horizontal purple lines, they are the result of the trapezoidalization of the polygon to find the edge (5, 13). They have no further meaning)
This is what I want to get to:
One polygon is defined by the vertices [0, 1, 3, 5, 13, 15] and the other is defined by [5, 7, 9, 11, 13].
I need a solution that works for any number of splitting inner edges.
In the end, I would like to be able to partition a polygon like the following:
The sub-polygons are not necessarily convex. That might be of importance for any algorithm depending on it. The red sub-polygon has a concave vertex (13) for example.
My idea initially was to traverse the inside of each sub-polygon in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, keeping track of the vertices I encounter and their order. However I am having trouble finding a starting edge/vertex and guaranteeing that the next cw or ccw point is in fact on the inside of that sub-polygon I want to extract.
I tried to google for solutions but this is a field of mathematics I am too unfamiliar with to know what to search for. An idea/algorithm of how to tackle this problem would be much appreciated!
(I don't need any actual code, just an explanation of how to do this or pseudocode would totally suffice)
Now, unfortunately I don't have some code to show as I need a concept to try out first. I don't know how to tackle this problem and thus can't code anything that could accomplish what I need it to do.
This is just one step in what I am trying to do ultimately, which is polygon triangulation. I have read numerous solutions to that problem and wanted to implement it via trapezoidalization to get monotone polygons and ultimately triangulate those. This is basically the last step of (or I guess the next step after) the trapezoidalization, which is never explained in any resources on the topic that i could find.
The end result of the trapezoidalization are the inner edges which define the split into (in my case vertically monotone) polygons. I just need to split the polygons along those edges "datastructurally" so I can work on the subpolygons individually. I hope that helps to clarify things.
The key of the algorithm that you need, is to know how edges can be ordered:
Finding out which is the next edge in (counter)clockwise order
You can calculate the absolute angle, of an edge from node i to node j, with the following formula:
atan2(jy-iy, jx-ix)
See atan2
The relative angle between an edge (i, j) and (j, k) is then given by:
atan2(ky-jy, kx-jx) - atan2(jy-iy, jx-ix)
This expression may yield angles outside of the [-𝜋, 𝜋] range, so you should map the result back into that range by adding or subtracting 2𝜋.
So when you have traversed an edge (i, j) and need to choose the next edge (j, k), you can then pick the edge that has the smallest relative angle.
The Algorithm
The partitioning algorithm does not really need to know upfront which edges are internal edges, so I'll assume you just have an edge list. The algorithm could look like this:
Create an adjacency list, so you have a list of neighboring vertices for every vertex.
Add every edge to this adjacency list in both directions, so actually adding two directed edges for each original edge
Pick a directed edge (i, j) from the adjacency list, and remove it from there.
Define a new polygon and add vertex i as its first vertex.
Repeat until you get back to the first vertex in the polygon that's being constructed:
add vertex j to the polygon
find vertex k among the neighbors of vertex j that is not vertex i, and which minimizes the relative angle with the above given formula.
add this angle to a sum
Delete this directed edge from the neighbors of vertex j, so it will never be visited again
let i = j, j = k
If the sum of angles is positive (it will be 2𝜋) then add the polygon to the list of "positive" polygons, otherwise (it will be -2𝜋) add it to an alternative list.
Keep repeating from step 2 until there are no more directed edges in the adjacency list.
Finally you'll have two lists of polygons. One list will only have one polygon. This will be the original, outer polygon, and can be ignored. The other list will have the partitioning.
As a demo, here is some code in a runnable JavaScript snippet. It uses one of the examples you pictured in your question (but will consecutive vertex numbering), finds the partitioning according to this algorithm, and shows the result by coloring the polygons that were identified:
function partition(nodes, edges) {
// Create an adjacency list
let adj = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
adj[i] = []; // initialise the list for each node as an empty one
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
let a = edges[i][0]; // Get the two nodes (a, b) that this edge connects
let b = edges[i][1];
adj[a].push(b); // Add as directed edge in both directions
// Traverse the graph to identify polygons, until none are to be found
let polygons = [[], []]; // two lists of polygons, one per "winding" (clockwise or ccw)
let more = true;
while (more) {
more = false;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (adj[i].length) { // we have unvisited directed edge(s) here
let start = i;
let polygon = [i]; // collect the vertices on a new polygon
let sumAngle = 0;
// Take one neighbor out of this node's neighbor list and follow a path
for (let j = adj[i].pop(), next; j !== start; i = j, j = next) {
// Get coordinates of the current edge's end-points
let ix = nodes[i][0];
let iy = nodes[i][1];
let jx = nodes[j][0];
let jy = nodes[j][1];
let startAngle = Math.atan2(jy-iy, jx-ix);
// In the adjacency list of node j, find the next neighboring vertex in counterclockwise order
// relative to node i where we came from.
let minAngle = 10; // Larger than any normalised angle
for (let neighborIndex = 0; neighborIndex < adj[j].length; neighborIndex++) {
let k = adj[j][neighborIndex];
if (k === i) continue; // ignore the reverse of the edge we came from
let kx = nodes[k][0];
let ky = nodes[k][1];
let relAngle = Math.atan2(ky-jy, kx-jx) - startAngle; // The "magic"
// Normalise the relative angle to the range [-PI, +PI)
if (relAngle < -Math.PI) relAngle += 2*Math.PI;
if (relAngle >= Math.PI) relAngle -= 2*Math.PI;
if (relAngle < minAngle) { // this one comes earlier in counterclockwise order
minAngle = relAngle;
nextNeighborIndex = neighborIndex;
sumAngle += minAngle; // track the sum of all the angles in the polygon
next = adj[j][nextNeighborIndex];
// delete the chosen directed edge (so it cannot be visited again)
adj[j].splice(nextNeighborIndex, 1);
let winding = sumAngle > 0 ? 1 : 0; // sumAngle will be 2*PI or -2*PI. Clockwise or ccw.
more = true;
// return the largest list of polygons, so to exclude the whole polygon,
// which will be the only one with a winding that's different from all the others.
return polygons[0].length > polygons[1].length ? polygons[0] : polygons[1];
// Sample input:
let nodes = [[59,25],[26,27],[9,59],[3,99],[30,114],[77,116],[89,102],[102,136],[105,154],[146,157],[181,151],[201,125],[194,83],[155,72],[174,47],[182,24],[153,6],[117,2],[89,9],[97,45]];
let internalEdges = [[6, 13], [13, 19], [19, 6]];
// Join outer edges with inner edges to an overall list of edges:
let edges =, i) => [i, (i+1)%nodes.length]).concat(internalEdges);
// Apply algorithm
let polygons = partition(nodes, edges);
// Report on results
document.querySelector("div").innerHTML =
"input polygon has these points, numbered 0..n<br>" +
JSON.stringify(nodes) + "<br>" +
"resulting polygons, by vertex numbers<br>" +
// Graphics handling
let io = {
ctx: document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d"),
drawEdges(edges) {
for (let [a, b] of edges) {
colorPolygon(polygon, color) {
for (let p of polygon.slice(1)) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
// Display original graph
io.drawEdges([a,b]) => [nodes[a], nodes[b]]));
// Color the polygons that the algorithm identified
let colors = ["red", "blue", "silver", "purple", "green", "brown", "orange", "cyan"];
for (let polygon of polygons) {
io.colorPolygon( => nodes[i]), colors.pop());
<canvas width="400" height="180"></canvas>

Triangulate a set of points with a concave domain

Given some set of nodes within a convex hull, assume the domain contains one or more concave areas:
where blue dots are points, and the black line illustrates the domain. Assume the points are held as a 2D array points of length n, where n is the number of point-pairs.
Let us then triangulate the points, using something like the Delaunay method from scipy.spatial:
As you can see, one may experience the creation of triangles crossing through the domain.
What is a good algorithmic approach to removing any triangles that span outside of the domain? Ideally but not necessarily, where the simplex edges still preserve the domain shape (i.e., no major gaps where triangles are removed).
Since my question is seeming to continue to get a decent amount of activity, I wanted to follow up with the application that I'm currently using.
Assuming that you have your boundary defined, you can use a ray casting algorithm to determine whether or not the polygon is inside the domain.
To do this:
Take the centroid of each polygon as C_i = (x_i,y_i).
Then, imagine a line L = [C_i,(+inf,y_i)]: that is, a line that spans east past the end of your domain.
For each boundary segment s_i in boundary S, check for intersections with L. If yes, add +1 to an internal counter intersection_count; else, add nothing.
After the count of all intersections between L and s_i for i=1..N are calculated:
if intersection_count % 2 == 0:
return True # triangle outside convex hull
return False # triangle inside convex hull
If your boundary is not explicitly defined, I find it helpful to 'map' the shape onto an boolean array and use a neighbor tracing algorithm to define it. Note that this approach assumes a solid domain and you will need to use a more complex algorithm for domains with 'holes' in them.
Here is some Python code that does what you want.
First, building the alpha shape (see my previous answer):
def alpha_shape(points, alpha, only_outer=True):
Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set of points.
:param points: np.array of shape (n,2) points.
:param alpha: alpha value.
:param only_outer: boolean value to specify if we keep only the outer border or also inner edges.
:return: set of (i,j) pairs representing edges of the alpha-shape. (i,j) are the indices in the points array.
assert points.shape[0] > 3, "Need at least four points"
def add_edge(edges, i, j):
Add a line between the i-th and j-th points,
if not in the list already
if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
# already added
assert (j, i) in edges, "Can't go twice over same directed edge right?"
if only_outer:
# if both neighboring triangles are in shape, it's not a boundary edge
edges.remove((j, i))
edges.add((i, j))
tri = Delaunay(points)
edges = set()
# Loop over triangles:
# ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the triangle
for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
pa = points[ia]
pb = points[ib]
pc = points[ic]
# Computing radius of triangle circumcircle
a = np.sqrt((pa[0] - pb[0]) ** 2 + (pa[1] - pb[1]) ** 2)
b = np.sqrt((pb[0] - pc[0]) ** 2 + (pb[1] - pc[1]) ** 2)
c = np.sqrt((pc[0] - pa[0]) ** 2 + (pc[1] - pa[1]) ** 2)
s = (a + b + c) / 2.0
area = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
circum_r = a * b * c / (4.0 * area)
if circum_r < alpha:
add_edge(edges, ia, ib)
add_edge(edges, ib, ic)
add_edge(edges, ic, ia)
return edges
To compute the edges of the outer boundary of the alpha shape use the following example call:
edges = alpha_shape(points, alpha=alpha_value, only_outer=True)
Now, after the edges of the outer boundary of the alpha-shape of points have been computed, the following function will determine whether a point (x,y) is inside the outer boundary.
def is_inside(x, y, points, edges, eps=1.0e-10):
intersection_counter = 0
for i, j in edges:
assert abs((points[i,1]-y)*(points[j,1]-y)) > eps, 'Need to handle these end cases separately'
y_in_edge_domain = ((points[i,1]-y)*(points[j,1]-y) < 0)
if y_in_edge_domain:
upper_ind, lower_ind = (i,j) if (points[i,1]-y) > 0 else (j,i)
upper_x = points[upper_ind, 0]
upper_y = points[upper_ind, 1]
lower_x = points[lower_ind, 0]
lower_y = points[lower_ind, 1]
# is_left_turn predicate is evaluated with: sign(cross_product(upper-lower, p-lower))
cross_prod = (upper_x - lower_x)*(y-lower_y) - (upper_y - lower_y)*(x-lower_x)
assert abs(cross_prod) > eps, 'Need to handle these end cases separately'
point_is_left_of_segment = (cross_prod > 0.0)
if point_is_left_of_segment:
intersection_counter = intersection_counter + 1
return (intersection_counter % 2) != 0
On the input shown in the above figure (taken from my previous answer) the call is_inside(1.5, 0.0, points, edges) will return True, whereas is_inside(1.5, 3.0, points, edges) will return False.
Note that the is_inside function above does not handle degenerate cases. I added two assertions to detect such cases (you can define any epsilon value that fits your application). In many applications this is sufficient, but if not and you encounter these end cases, they need to be handled separately.
See, for example, here on robustness and precision issues when implementing geometric algorithms.
One of Classic DT algorithms generates first a bounding triangle, then adds all new triangles sorted by x, then prunes out all triangles having a vertex in the supertriangle.
At least from the provided image one can derive the heuristics of pruning out also some triangles having all vertices on the concave hull. Without a proof, the triangles to be pruned out have a negative area when their vertices are sorted in the same order as the concave hull is defined.
This may need the concave hull to be inserted as well, and to be pruned out.
Since my question is seeming to continue to get a decent amount of activity, I wanted to follow up with the application that I'm currently using.
Assuming that you have your boundary defined, you can use a ray casting algorithm to determine whether or not the polygon is inside the domain.
To do this:
Take the centroid of each polygon as C_i = (x_i,y_i).
Then, imagine a line L = [C_i,(+inf,y_i)]: that is, a line that spans east past the end of your domain.
For each boundary segment s_i in boundary S, check for intersections with L. If yes, add +1 to an internal counter intersection_count; else, add nothing.
After the count of all intersections between L and s_i for i=1..N are calculated:
if intersection_count % 2 == 0:
return True # triangle outside convex hull
return False # triangle inside convex hull
If your boundary is not explicitly defined, I find it helpful to 'map' the shape onto an boolean array and use a neighbor tracing algorithm to define it. Note that this approach assumes a solid domain and you will need to use a more complex algorithm for domains with 'holes' in them.
You can try a constrained delaunay algorithm for example with sloan algoritm or cgal library.
[1] A Brute-Force Constrained Delaunay Triangulation?
A simple but elegant way is to loop over the triangels and check wether they are within our domain or not. The shapely package could do the trick for you.
for more on this please check the following post:
Note that triangulation in shapely is also implemented, even for MultiPoin objects.
I used it, the performance was amazing and the code was only like five lines.
Compute the triangles centroid an check if it's inside the polygon using this algorithm.

Finding Faces of Mesh Subparts

I have a mesh and its all vertex-face information (vertex indices, vertex position, face indices, etc.) and I want to render sub-parts of this mesh. For example, if I have a hand mesh, I want to only render one of the fingers.
I have the information of related vertices for each sub-part which means I know vertex indices, vertex positions, etc. for the finger I want to render. However, I do not know which faces are associated with the finger. So, I need to find associated face indices to render the sub-part.
How I can find associated indices for sub-parts in the whole face indices set? I can use an exhaustive search algorithm but, I hope that there is a better approach, a known algorithm to do that.
More Information:
class Vertex
Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z)
x = _x; y = _y; z = _z;
float x, y, z; // Positions
class Face
Face(int _v1, int _v2, int _v3)
vertIndex1 = _v1; vertIndex2 = _v2; vertIndex3 = _v3;
int vertIndex1, vertIndex2, vertIndex3; // Vertex indices
Example usage for a triangulated square mesh:
some vector such as std::vector<Vertex> verts and std::vector<Face> faces. I have Vertex v1(0,0,0), v2(1,0,0), v3(0,1,0), and v4(1,1,0). So corresponding Face objects are f1(0, 1, 2) and f2(0, 3, 4) where 0, 1, 2, and 4 are indices of Vertex objects in verts vector. As you can see, a vertex can be in different Faces.
Now, let's say I have a hand mesh where verts.size() is 6000 and faces.size() is 12000. However, instead of whole hand mesh, I want to render only pinky finger and I only have a set of vertex indices of pinky finger such as (345, 369, 541, ...).
So, I know which vertices I need to use, I know whole face information, and I want to find the face indices only for these given vertices.
If the simple O(m+n)-time, O(n)-space algorithm I described in a comment is too slow, there are a variety of things you can do, but I suggest the following easy trick that will quickly find all relevant faces whenever (a) the width or the height or the depth of the bounding box containing all sub-part vertices is "small", and (b) most faces are not "too wide":
Precompute 6 lists of faces, 2 for each dimension (x, y, z): one sorted by increasing minimum vertex co-ord in that dimension, the other sorted by increasing maximum vertex co-ord in that direction. From the given list of sub-part vertices, find the minimum and maximum position in each of the 3 dimensions (so 6 numbers, mx, my, mz, Mx, My, Mz). Binary-search in the list of faces sorted by minimum vertex x co-ord for mx, and then again for Mx, giving positions within the list i and j, respectively. We need only actually test the faces in the range i .. j, since every other face by definition has at least one vertex with x co-ord outside the range mx .. Mx (if its minimum x co-ord is < mx, it has at least 1 vertex outside the range; if its minimum x vertex is > Mx then all 3 vertices are outside the range). Remember j-i, and do similarly for the other 5 sorted lists, keeping track of the one with the smallest value of j-i. Finally, test all faces in that smallest possible list "the hard way".

How to find the polygon enclosing a point from a set of lines?

I have a set of non-intersecting lines, some of which are connected at vertices. I'm trying to find the smallest polygon, if one exists, that encloses a given point. So, in the image below, out of the list of all the line segments, given the point in red, I want to get the blue ones only. I'm using Python, but could probably adapt an algorithm from other languages; I have no idea what this problem is called.
First, remove all line segments that have at least one free endpoint, not coincident with any other segment. Do that repeatedly until no such segment remains.
Now you have a plane nicely subdivided into polygonal areas.
Find a segment closest to your point. Not the closest endpoint but the closest segment, mind you. Find out which direction along the segment you need (your point should be to the right of the directed segment). Go to the endpoint, turn right (that is, take the segment next to the one you came from, counting counterclockwise). Continue going to the next endpoint and turning right until you hit the closest segment again.
Then, check if the polygon encloses the given point. If it is not, then you have found an "island"; remove that polygon and the entire connected component it belongs to, and start over by selecting the nearest segment again. Connected components can be found with a simple DFS.
This gives you a clockwise-oriented polygon. If you want counterclockwise, which is often the default "positive" direction in both the software an the literature, start with the point to your left, and turn left at each intersection.
It surely helps if, given an endpoint, you can quickly find all segments incident with it.
This is really just an implementation of #n.m.'s answer.
This is how far I got before the bounty expired; it's completely untested.
def smallestPolygon(point,segments):
:param point: the point (x,y) to surrond
:param segments: the line segments ( ( (a,b),(c,d) ) , . . . )
that will make the polygon
(assume no duplicates and no intersections)
:returns: the segments forming the smallest polygon containing the point
connected = list(segments)
def endPointMatches(segment1,segment2):
Which endpoints of segment1 are in segment2 (with (F,F) if they're equal)
if ( segment1 == segment2 or segment1 == segment2[::-1] ):
return ( False, False )
return ( segment1[0] in segment2 , segment1[1] in segment2 )
keepPruning = True
while ( keepPruning ):
keepPruning = False
for segment in connected:
from functors import partial
endPointMatcher = partial(endPointMatches,segment1=segment)
endPointMatchings = map(endPointMatcher,connected)
if ( not and(*map(any,zip(*endPointMatchings))) ):
keepPruning = True
def xOfIntersection(seg,y):
:param seg: a line segment ( (x0,y0), (x1,y1) )
:param y: a y-coordinate
:returns: the x coordinate so that (x,y) is on the line through the segment
return seg[0][0]+(y-seg[0][1])*(seg[1][0]-seg[0][0])/(seg[1][1]-seg[0][1])
def aboveAndBelow(segment):
return ( segment[0][1] <= point[1] ) != ( segment[1][1] <= point[1] )
# look for first segment to the right
closest = None
smallestDist = float("inf")
for segment in filter(aboveAndBelow,connected):
dist = xOfIntersection(segment,point[1])-point[0]
if ( dist >= 0 and dist < smallestDist ):
smallestDist = dist
closest = segment
# From the bottom of closest:
# Go to the other end, look at the starting point, turn right until
# we hit the next segment. Take that, and repeat until we're back at closest.
# If there are an even number of segments directly to the right of point[0],
# then point is not in the polygon we just found, and we need to delete that
# connected component and start over
# If there are an odd number, then point is in the polygon we found, and we
# return the polygon
I suggest to interpret the input as a PSLG, G, which consists of vertices and edges. Then your question reduces to finding the face of G that is hit by the point p. This is done by shooting a ray from p to some direction to find an edge of the boundary of the face and traverse the boundary of the face in some direction. However, the first edge hit could be a face that is not hit by p, but itself enclosed by the face hit by p. Hence, we may need to keep search along the ray emanated by p.
Implementational details.
In the code below I shoot a ray to east direction and run around the face in clockwise direction, i.e., at each vertex I take the next counter-clockwise edge, until I end up at the first vertex again. The resulting face is returned as a sequence of vertices of G.
If you want to return a simple polygon then you have to clean-up the input graph G by pruning of trees in G such that only the simple faces remain.
def find_smallest_enclosing_polygon(G, p, simple=False):
"""Find face of PSLG G hit by point p. If simple is True
then the face forms a simple polygon, i.e., "trees"
attached to vertices are pruned."""
if simple:
# Make G comprise simple faces only, i.e., all vertices
# have degree >= 2.
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for v in [v in vertices if degree(v) <= 1]:
# Remove vertex v and all incident edges
done = False
# Shoot a ray from p to the east direction and get all edges.
ray = Ray(p, Vector(1, 0))
for e in G.iter_edges_hit(ray):
# There is no enclosing face; p is in the outer face of G
if e is None:
return None
# Let oriented edge (u, v) point clockwise around the face enclosing p
u, v = G.get_vertices(e)
if u.y < v.y
u, v = v, u
# Construct the enclosing face in clockwise direction
face = [u, v]
# While not closed
while face[-1] != face[0]:
# Get next counter-clockwise edge at last vertex at last edge.
# If face[-1] is of degree 1 then I assume to get e again.
e = G.get_next_ccw_edge(face[-2], face[-1])
face.append(G.get_opposite_vertex(e, face[-1]))
# Check whether face encloses p.
if contains(face, p):
return face
return None
Let n denote the number of vertices. Note that in a PSLG the number of edges are in O(n). The pruning part may take O(n^2) time the way it is implemented above. But it could be one in O(n) time by identifying the degree-1 vertices and keep traversing from those.
The ray intersection routine can be implemented trivially in O(n) time. Constructing the face takes O(m) time, where m is the size of the polygon constructed. We may need to test multiple polygons but the sum of sizes of all polygons is still in O(n). The test contains(face, p) could be done by checking whether face contains an uneven number of edges returned by G.iter_edges_hit(ray), i.e., in O(m) time.
With some preprocessing you can build up a data structure that finds the face hit by p in O(log n) time by classical point location algorithms in computational geometry and you can store the resulting polygons upfront, for the simple and/or non-simple cases.
If you're doing this a number of times with the same lines and different points, it would be worthwhile preprocessing to figure out all the polygons. Then it's straightforward: draw a line from the point to infinity (conceptually speaking). Every time the you cross a line, increment the crossing count of each polygon the line is a part of. At the end, the first polygon with an odd crossing count is the smallest enclosing polygon. Since any arbitrary line will do just as well as any other (it doesn't even need to be straight), simplify the arithmetic by drawing a vertical or horizontal line, but watch out for crossing actual endpoints.
You could do this without preprocessing by creating the polygons as you cross each line. This basically reduces to n.m.'s algorithm but without all the special case checks.
Note that a line can belong to two polygons. Indeed, it could belong to more, but it's not clear to me how you would tell: consider the following:
| |
| +-------------------+ |
| | | |
| | +-----------+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
