What does "LifeCycle expectations" mean in SQALE? - static-analysis

I was going through this wiki article on SQALE(Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations). The Software Quality assurance part of it is clear. But I am unable to understand the "based on LifeCycle expectations" part of the model. Can someone please explain in a clear to understand way the LifeCycle expectations part.

Ever since I first encountered SQALE, I've suspected that the creators were working backward from the acronym, and "lifecycle expectations" was the best that they could come up with that wasn't already taken. (There are other similarly acronymed guidelines or methodologies in the software quality space, such as Squale and SQuaRE).
All but the most rudimentary models of software quality incorporate the notion of quality over the full lifecycle of a software product (from "gleam in someone's eye" phase all the way through eventual decomissioning), not just its state at the time of initial shipping.
Such models also acknowledge that the desirable investment in any given aspect of software quality (e.g.: maintainability) is not equal for all software products. For example, one would tend to make very different decisions in maintainability investments for a boxed-style software product one hopes to sell (and upgrade) for years vs for a short-term marketing promo site that will be decomissioned one month after it goes live.
So... All that "lifecycle expectations" bit probably implies is something along the lines of covering software quality aspects that affect multiple part of the lifecycle of a product, as well as allowing adjustment/calibration to different expectations for the various quality characteristics.
If you're interested in how the SQALE authors might have meant this (assuming they weren't only trying to shoehorn the name into the acronym), there are a few hints in the SQALE manual that can be downloaded from http://www.sqale.org/download. They seem to feel that they've done something novel and useful in projecting the ISO/IEC 9126 quality characteristics over a product lifecycle in a chronological order, and perhaps this is what the name is meant to reflect.
BTW, if you're interested in software quality and want to understand this sort of quality modeling in more depth, I'd recommend taking a look at SQuaRE (incl. the parts of ISO/IEC 9126 for which there are no SQuaRE replacements yet). It's not necessarily the most exciting reading, but I find that it provides excellent background for evaluating the utility of various quality methodologies and tools.


Selecting Guidelines : MISRA 1998 or MISRA 2004 or MISRA 2012? [closed]

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I always wondered how does a project/team/company selects or qualifies for choosing a specific guideline to be followed like MISRA 1998/2004/2012? How should one know and decide that which guideline will be sufficient (cost vs time vs quality) for qualifying a project?
(I know his question is a bit blunt, but any answers will be appreciated)
This is often a requirement from the area of application. You'll have safety standards dictating that a safe subset of the programming language is used. This requirement can come from the "SIL" standards such as industry IEC 61508, automotive IEC 26262, aerospace DO-178 and so on. In such mission critical systems, you may not have any other choice than to use MISRA-C.
But MISRA-C is also becoming industry standard for all embedded systems, no matter their nature. The reason why is obvious: nobody, no matter area of application, likes bad, low-quality software full of bugs.
Introducing MISRA-C, together with company coding guidelines, style rules, static analysis, version control... all of it will improve the quality of the end product significantly. And it will force the programmers to educate themselves about C, while becoming more professional overall.
That being said, MISRA-C is not necessarily the most suitable set of rules for every company. It is mostly applicable to embedded systems. For other kinds of applications, something like CERT-C might be more relevant. It is convenient to use one of these well-known standards, because then you can automate tests with static analysers.
They key here is that every semi-professional company that produces software needs some sort of coding rules that focus on banning bad practice. Some companies tend to focus way too much on mostly unimportant style details like where to place {, when they should focus on things that truly improves software quality, like "we should avoid writing function-like macros".
The coding rules should be integrated with development routines. It doesn't make much sense to implement MISRA-C for one single project. There is quite a lot of work involved in getting it up and running.
What is very important is that you have at least one, preferably several C veterans with many years of experience, that you put in charge of the coding rules. They need to read every dirty detail of the MISRA document and decide which rules that make sense for the company to implement. Some of the rules are far from trivial to understand. Not all of them make sense in every situation. If your dev team consists solely of beginners or intermediately experiences programmers and you decide to follow MISRA to the letter, it will end badly. You need at least one veteran programmer with enough knowledge to make the calls about which rules to follow and which to deviate from.
As for which version of MISRA-C to pick, always use the latest one: 2012. It has been cleaned up quite a bit and some weird rules have been removed. It also supports C99, unlike the older ones.
Code shall be written such that it has certain desired properties (quality criteria). Some quality criteria are practically always desired, like correctness, readability, maintainability (even here are exeptions, for example if you code for the obfuscated c contest or underhanded c contest). Other quality criteria are only relevant for certain projects or organizations, for example portability to 16 bit machines.
A well formulated coding rule typically supports one or several quality criteria. It can, however, be in conflict with others. There is a large number of established coding rules that support the typically desired quality criteria, but without significant negative impact on others. Many of these have been identified quite a long time ago (Kernighan and Plauger: Elements of Programming Style, 1974, and, yes, I have a copy of it :-). At times additional good rules are identified.
Unless in very rare circumstances (like, intentional obfuscation) code should follow these "established good rules", irrelevant of whether they are part of MISRA-XXXX or not. And, if a new good rule is found, ensure people start following it. You may even decide to apply this new good rule to already existing code, but that is more of a management decision because of the risk involved.
It simply does not make sense not to follow a good rule just because it is not part of MISRA-XXXX. Similarly, it does not make sense to follow a bad rule just because it is part of MISRA-XXXX. (In MISRA-C-2004 it is said they have removed 16 rules from MISRA-1998 because "they did not make sense" - hopefully some developers have noticed and did not apply them. And, as Lundin mentions, in MISRA-2012 again some "weird rules" have been removed).
However, be aware that, for almost every rule, its thoughtless application can in certain situations even degrade those quality criteria which it normally supports.
In addition to those generally applicable rules, there are rules that are only relevant if there are specific quality criteria for your code. What complicates things is that, in most projects, for different parts of the code the various quality criteria are of different relevance.
For an interrupt service routine performance is more critical than for most other parts of the software. Therefore, compromises wrt. other quality criteria will be made.
Some software parts are designed to be portable between environments, but often by introducing adapters/wrappers which are then specific for a certain environment. Thus, the adapter itself is not even intended to be portable.
Except for the abovementioned "established good rules", a fixed set of coding rules consequently can not work well for all parts of a typical software. So, for each part of the software first identify which quality criteria are relevant for that part. Then, apply those patterns, principles and rules which really support those specific quality criteria appropriately.
But, what about MISRA? The MISRA rules are intended to support quality criteria like correctness via analysability (e.g. ban of recursion and dynamic memory management), portability (e.g. isolation of assembly code). That is, for software parts where these specific quality criteria are not relevant, the respective MISRA rules do not bring any benefit. Unfortunately, MISRA has no notion of software architecture, where different parts have different quality criteria.
While many rules have improved over the MISRA releases, there are still many rules that are stricter than necessary (e.g. "no /* within // comments and vice versa" - why?) and rules that try to avoid (unlikely) mistakes in ways that are likely to introduce problems rather than solving them (e.g. "no re-use of any name, not even in different local scopes"). Here's my tip for you: If you a) really want your rule-checker to find all bugs and b) don't mind getting an absurd amount of warnings with a high false-positive ratio, this one rule/checker does it all for you: "warning: line of code detected: <line of code>".
Finally, MISRA is developed under the assumption that C (in particular its arithmetics) are too hard to understand. MISRA developes its own arithmetics on top of C in the belief that developers instead should learn the MISRA arithmetics and then can get away without understanding C arithmetics. Apparently, this has not been successfull, because the MISRA-2004 model ("underlying type") was replaced by another one ("essential type") in MISRA-2012. Thus, if your team understands C well and uses a good static analysis tool (or even several) which is capable of identifying the problematic scenarios with C's arithmetics, the MISRA approach is likely not for you.
TL;DR: Follow standard best practices, apply established good rules. Identify specific quality criteria for the different parts of your architecture. For each part, apply patterns, principles and rules appropriate for that part. Understand rules before applying them. Don't apply stupid rules. Use good static code analysis. Be sure your team understands C.
Just as with your compiler suite or development environment, and/or your static analysis tools, the appropriate version should be decided at the on-set of a project, as it may be difficult to change later!
If you are starting a project from scratch, then I would recommend that MISRA C:2012 is adopted - while also adopting the guidance of (published April 2016, revised February 2020) MISRA Compliance
The new Compliance guidance also offers advice on how to treat Adopted Code (ie pre-existing or imported code).
Existing projects that have been developed to earlier versions should continue to use that earlier version... unless there is a good business case for changing. Changing WILL result in some rework!

Function-point measure in quality control or assurance

I am looking for 3 examples of how I can use function-point measure in quality control or assurance over some other simpler measures i.e. 3 examples where function-points are preferable over some other simpler methods in quality control/assurance.
Function points are used to estimate the effort required to build an application. An alternative would be, e.g., COCOMO which is based on the number of lines of code. FP-based approaches are often considered to be preferrable to COCOMO at early stages of the project development when no clear estimate of the number of lines of code to be developed can yet be given.
Another advantage of the FP-based effort estimation is provided by availability of effort tables (e.g., in Capers Jones' books) for different kinds of applications and different kinds of activities involved in a software project. Hence, by using FPs project manager can obtain a more refined insight in the effort required.

Handling conflicting priorities and expectations in project development [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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There are any number of situations in the standard day where priority conflicts exist for projects. Management wants maximum productivity from employees. Marketing wants maximum salability and fast turnaround. Ownership wants maximum profit. Customers want usability and low cost. Regardless of the origin of the demands, time and money are always the limiting factor in business.
Sometimes project elements have intrinsic or goodwill benefits for which there is not a hard, fast way to measure with monetary means (e.g. arguments for an attractive UI appeal vs. functional but plain). Other elements of software may have a method of providing “mental breaks” or motivating “cool factor” for developers that can get them back on track on other bigger, complex issues. While they may sidetrack the project short term they may have greater results long term through improved job satisfaction, etc. Continued training is a must, but working it in can setup back progress.
What are your suggestions for setting priorities? How do you evaluate requests/demands on your projects?
What are your suggestions for communicating and passing those on to your team in a way that they stay focused?
In brief, this is exactly why a PM cannot be replaced by a piece of software or methodology. Finding trade-offs between different constraints and matching them to opportunities or team abilities constitutes design and projects are designed in a way similar to software that comes on the other end. The scope and quality requirements will differ depending on the PM personality, knowledge, experience, influence, ability to negotiate and convey his or her vision especially in the software development world where few regulations or hard and fast rules exist. Moreover, project scoping is as much political as rational exercise.
That’s why project plan is an intellectual artefact reflecting individual perspective and project conceptual integrity always hangs on the shoulders of a few key individuals.
Usual inputs and tools used in the scoping process apart from specific requirements are:
Cost and benefits analysis and various financial measures indicating how profitable or prudent specific requirements are.
Organisational strategy what exists exactly for the purpose of showing direction and giving focus to the efforts.
Various regulations. Their role in software is a somewhat less prominent than in lets say construction. However, financial, entertainment, safety critical software are all subject to regulations.
Industry guidelines
Company Principles (Don’t be evil, Treating Customers Fairly etc)
Human factors
Environmental factors.
Even department with the same name within different companies would usually have different amount of power to influence project requirements. This depends on organisational structure and PM needs to be aware of and understand such power configuration really well. For instance, some companies would have a very influential marketing and sales, in others finance would be mostly in charge of the direction. Political requirements can be dissected using a three-dimensional scale of
Legitimacy — indicating whether the claim is valid and claimant actually has a lawful interest in asking for something to get done.
Power — whether claimant has the authority and muscle to have the things done their way.
Urgency — indicating if the claimant actually has the need or attributes importance to their claim.
If would be very difficult to ignore requirements that have all three: legitimacy, power and urgency. However when looking at the repercussions of this division, most interesting are scenarios where one or two of the elements are missing:
Combination of urgency and power without the legitimacy results in some really bad heavily political requirements.
Urgency and legitimacy that lacks power will be looking at making a union or bringing a powerful player on their side to make sure the requirements are heard and acted upon. It might be better to make a deal before hand, since it’s likely to be on much more favourable terms.
Power and legitimacy are unlikely to pursue specific requirements until there is urgency. A PM has to be clever about deciding whether these requirements can be safely ignored or assigned a lower priority.
One mechanism (which has similarities to a mechanism described by Joel as being used at Fog Creek) is essentially an auction.
Start by getting everyone who should have a say together. This is likely to be one or two representatives from each of sales, development, support, marketing and so on.
Each of these representatives or teams is given a "budget" according to their say. The way the budget is divided up is unlikely to be even - Sales should probably have a far larger say as they represent the users, or the prospect of more money - but that's up to you. The only thing I'd suggest is that no-one team should have 50% or more of the budget.
Get all the possible changes in the next release on the table and describe them, their benefits and how long they'll take to develop so that everyone understands them. They should be broken down into similar size chunks as far as possible and no one chunk should take up 50% or more of the time available in the next release.
Now people get to spend their budget. Each team / individual divides their money up between the things they want to do. You can spend all of it on one thing or divide it between many.
Once that's done you work out what fits into the release, starting with the thing with the total most money against it, going down until you run out of time in the release.
You might then want to allow them to adjust their "bids" and repeat but generally you want no more than three rounds.
Why does this work?
Most importantly for me it taps into the knowledge people have about what's important and allows them to make choices based on that.
If the developers and / or support know that, say, refactoring the database is key to them, they can spend their whole budget on that (note: this is why no-one should have 50% or more of the budget and no single change should be more than 50% of the release - if you breach those then individual team's ability to say "this is really critical" falls away because they don't have the clout to make them happen even if they sacrifice everything else).
What you're not doing is forcing them to quantify the benefit in ways that don't really make sense to them, they just get to say "we know this is important and we back this up by saying to us it's more important than anything else and we'll sacrifice everything else (or a bunch of other things) to do it".
Similarly if sales absolutely must have that holographic interface they can do so but they will have to make sacrifices (in the form of having less money to bid for other things they believe will drive sales) to get it.

How to measure software development performance? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking after some ways to measure the performance of a software development team. Is it a good idea to use the build tool? We use Hudson as an automatic build tool. I wonder if I can take the information from Hudson reports and obtain from it the progress of each of the programmers.
The main problem with performance metrics like this, is that humans are VERY good at gaming any system that measures their own performance to maximize that exact performance metric - usually at the expense of something else that is valuable.
Lets say we do use the hudson build to gather stats on programmer output. What could you look for, and what would be the unintended side effects of measuring that once programmers are clued onto it?
Lines of code (developers just churn out mountains of boilerplate code, and other needless overengineering, or simply just inline every damn method)
Unit test failures (don't write any unit tests, then they won't fail)
Unit test coverage (write weak tests that exercise the code, but don't really test it properly)
Number of bugs found in their code (don't do any coding, then you won't get bugs)
Number of bugs fixed (choose the easy/trivial bugs to work on)
Actual time to finish a task based against their own estimate (estimate higher to give more room)
And it goes on.
The point is, no matter what you measure, humans (not just programmers) get very good at optimizing to meet exactly that thing.
So how should you look at the performance of your developers? Well, that's hard. And it involves human managers, who are good at understanding people (and the BS they pull), and can look at each person subjectively in the context of who/where/what they are to figure out if they are doing a good job or not.
What you do once you've figured out who is/isn't performing is a whole different question though.
(I can't take credit for this line of thinking. It's originally from Joel Spolsky. Here and here)
Do NOT measure the performance of each individual programmer simply using the build tool. You can measure the team as a whole, sure, or you can certainly measure the progress of each programmer, but you cannot measure their performance with such a tool. Some modules are more complicated than others, some programmers are tasked with other projects, etc. It's not a recommended way of doing this, and it will encourage programmers to write sloppy code so that it looks like they did the most work.
Metrics like that are doomed to failure. Different people work on different parts of the code, on different classes of problem, and absolute measurements are misleading at best.
The way to measure developer performance is to have excellent managers that do their job well, have good specs that accurately reflect requirements, and track everyone's progress carefully against those specs.
It's hard to do right. A software solution won't work.
I think this needs a very careful approach when deciding the ways to measure developers performance as most the traditional methods such as line of codes, number of check ins, number of bugs fixed etc. are proven to be subjective with todays software engineering concepts. We need to value team performance approach rather measuring individual KPIs in a project. However working in commercial development environment its important to keep a track and a close look at following factors of individual developers;
Code review comments – Each project, we can decide the number of code reviews need to be conducted for a given period. Based on the code reviews individuals get remarks about their coding standard improvements. Recurring issues of code reviews of same individual’s code needs to be brought in to attention. You can use automated code reviews tools or manual code reviews.
Test coverage and completeness of tests. – The % covered needs to be decided upfront and if certain developer fails to attempt it often, it needs to be taken care of.
Willingness to sign in to complex tasks and deliver them without much struggle
Achieving what’s defined as “Done” in a user story
Mastery level of each technical area.
With agile approach in some of the projects, the measurements of the development team and the expected performance are decided based on the releases. At each release planning there are different ‘contracts’ negotiated with the team members for the expected performance. I find this approach is more successful as there is no reason of adhering to UI related measurements in a release where there is a complex algorithm to be released.
I would NOT recommend using build tool information as a way to measure the performance / progress of software developers. Some of the confounding problems: possibly one task is considerably harder than another; possibly one task is much more involved in "design space" than "implementation space"; possibly (probably) the more efficient solution is the better solution, but that better solution contributes less lines of code than a terribly inefficient one which provides many many more lines of code; etc.
Speaking of KPI in software developers. www.smartKPIs.com may be a good resource for you. It contains a user friendly library of well-documented performance measures. At the moment it lists over 3300 KPI examples, grouped in 73 functional areas, as well as 83 industries and sub-categories.
KPI examples for the software developers are available on this page www.smartKPIs.com - application development They include but not limited to:
Defects removal efficiency
Data redundancy
In addition to examples of performance measures, www.smartKPIs.com also contains a catalogue of performance reports that illustrate the use of KPIs in practice.
Examples of such reports for information technology are available on: www.smartKPIs.com - KPIs in practice - information technology
The website is updated daily with new content, so check it from time to time for additional content.
Please note that while examples of performance measures are useful to inform decisions, each performance measure needs to be selected and customized based on the objectives and priorities of each organisation.
You would probably do better measuring how well your team tracks to schedules. If a team member (or entire team) is consistantly late, you will need to work with them to improve performance.
Don't short-cut or look for quick and easy ways to measure performance/progress of developers. There are many many factors that affect the output of a developer. I've seen alot of people try various metrics ...
Lines of code produced - encourages developers to churn out inefficient garbage
Complexity measures - encourages over analysis and refactoring
Number of bugs produced - encourages people to seek out really simple tasks and to hate your testers
... the list goes on.
When reviewing a developer you really need to look at how good their work is and define "good" in the context of what the comany needs and what situations/positions the company has put that indivual in. Progress should be evaluated with equal consideration and thought.
There are many different ways of doing this. Entire books written on the subject. You could use reports from Hudson but I think that would lead to misinformation and provide crude results. Really you need to have task tracking methodology.
Check how many lines of the codes each has written.
Then fire the bottom 70%.. NO 90%!... EVERY DAY!
(for the folks that aren't sure, YES, I am joking. Serious answer here)
We get 360 feedback from everyone on the team. If all your team members think you are crap, then you probably are.
There is a common mistake that many businesses make when setting up their release management tool. The Salesforce release management toolkit is one of the best ones available in the market today, but if you do not follow the vital steps of setting it up, you will definitely have some very bad results. You will get to use it but not to its full capacity. Establishing release management processes in isolation from the business processes is one of the worst mistakes to make. Release management tools go hand in hand with the enterprise strategy, objectives, governance, change management plus some other aspects. The processes of release management need to be formed in such a way that everyone in the business is on the same page.
Goals of release management
The main goal of release management is to have a consistent set of reliable and repeatable processes that are resource independent. This enables the achievement of the most favorable business value while at the same time optimizing the utilization of resources available. Considering that most organizations focus on running short, high-yield business projects, it is essential for optimization of the delivery value chain of the application to make certain that there are no holdups in the delivery of the business value.
Take for instance the force.com migration toolkit, as this tool has proven to be great in governance. A release management tool should allow for optimal visibility and accountability in governance.
Processes and release cycles
The release management processes must be consistent for the whole business. It is necessary to have streamlined and standardized processes across the various tool users. This is because they will be using the same platform and resources that enable efficient completion of their tasks. Having different processes for different divisions of your business can lead to grievous failures in tool management. The different sets of users will need to have visibility into what the others are doing. As aforementioned, visibility is of great importance in any business process.
When it comes to the release cycles, it is also imperative to have one centralized system that will track all the requirements of the different sets of users. It is also necessary to have this system centralized so that software development teams get insight into the features and changes requested by the business. Requests have to become priorities to make sure that the business gets to enjoy maximum benefit. Having a steering team is important because it is involved in the reviewing of business requirements plus also prioritizing the most appropriate changes that the business needs to make.
The changes that should happen to the Salesforce system can be very tricky and therefore having a regular meet up between the business and IT is good. This will help to determine the best changes to make to the system that will benefit the business. By considering the cost and value of implementing a feature, the steering committee has the task of deciding on the most important feature changes to make.
Here also good research http://intersog.com/blog/tech-tips/how-to-manage-millennials-on-software-development-teams
This is an old question but still, something you can do is borrow Velocity from Agile Software Development, where you assign a weight to each task and then you calculate how much "weight" you solve in each sprint (or iteration or whatever DLC you use). Of course this comes in hand with the fact that, like a commenter mentioned before, you need to actively keep track yourself of whether your developers are working or chatting online.
If you know your developers are working responsively, then you can rely on that velocity to give you an estimate of how much work the team can do. If at any iteration this number drops (considerably), then either it was poorly estimated or the team worked less.
Ultimately, the use of KPIs together with velocity can give you per-developer (or per-team) insights on performance.
Typically, directly using metrics for performance measurement is considered a Bad Idea, and one of the easy ways to run a team into the ground.
Now, you can use metrics like % of projects completed on-time, % of churn as code goes toward completion, etc...it's a wide field.
Here's an example:
60% of mission-critical bugs were written by Joe. That's a simple, straightforward metric. Fire Joe, right?
But wait, there's more!
Joe is the Senior Developer. He's the only guy trusted to write ultra-reliable code, every time. He's written about 80% of the mission-critical software, because he's the best.
Metrics are a bad measurement of developers.
I would share my experience and how I learnt a very valuable process on measuring the team performance. I must admit, I have fallen on tracking KPI simply because most of the departments would do the same but not really for the insight until I had the responsibility to evaluate developers performance where after a number of reading I evolved with the following solution.
One every project, I would entertain the team in a discussion on the project requirements and involve them so everyone knows what is to be done. In the same discussion through collaboration we would break the projects in to tasks and weight those tasks. Now previously we would estimate the project completion as 100% where each task has a percentage contribution. Well this did work for a while but was not the best solution. Now we would based the task on weight or points to be exact and use relative measurements to compare the task and differentiate the weights for example. There is a requirement to develop a web form to gather user data.
Task would go about like
1. User Interface - 2 Points
2. Database CRUD - 5 Points
3. Validation - 4 Points
4. Design (css) - 3 Points
With this strategy We can pin point a weekly approximate on how much we have completed and what is pending on the task force. We can also be able to pin point who has performed best.
I must admit that I still face some challenges on this strategy such as not every developer is comfortable on every technology. Somehow some are excited to learn technologies simply because they find 2015 high % of points fall in that section some would do what they can.
Remember, do not track a KPI for their own sake, track it for it's insight.

Software quality metrics [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering if anyone has experience in metrics used to measure software quality. I know there are code complexity metrics but I'm wondering if there is a specific way to measure how well it actually performs during it's lifetime. I don't mean runtime performance, but rather a measure of the quality. Any suggested tools that would help gather these are welcome too.
Is there measurements to answer these questions:
How easy is it to change/enhance the software, robustness
If it is a common/general enough piece of software, how reusable is it
How many defects were associated with the code
Has this needed to be redesigned/recoded
How long has this code been around
Do developers like how the code is designed and implemented
Seems like most of this would need to be closely tied with a CM and bug reporting tool.
If measuring code quality in the terms you put it would be such a straightforward job and the metrics accurate, there would probably be no need for Project Managers anymore. Even more, the distinction between good and poor managers would be very small. Because it isn't, that just shows that getting an accurate idea about the quality of your software, is no easy job.
Your questions span to multiple areas that are quantified differently or are very subjective to quantification, so you should group these into categories that correspond to common targets. Then you can assign an "importance" factor to each category and derive some metrics from that.
For instance you could use static code analysis tools for measuring the syntactic quality of your code and derive some metrics from that.
You could also derive metrics from bugs/lines of code using a bug tracking tool integrated with a version control system.
For measuring robustness, reuse and efficiency of the coding process you could evaluate the use of design patterns per feature developed (of course where it makes sense). There's no tool that will help you achieve this, but if you monitor your software growing bigger and put numbers on these it can give you a pretty good idea of how you project is evolving and if it's going in the right direction. Introducing code-review procedures could help you keep track of these easier and possibly address them early in the development process. A number to put on these could be the percentage of features implemented using the appropriate design patterns.
While metrics can be quite abstract and subjective, if you dedicate time to it and always try to improve them, it can give you useful information.
A few things to note about metrics in the software process though:
Unless you do them well, metrics could prove to be more harm than good.
Metrics are difficult to do well.
You should be cautious in using metrics to rate individual performance or offering bonus schemes. Once you do this everyone will try to cheat the system and your metrics will prove worthless.
If you are using Ruby, there are some tools to help you out with metrics ranging from LOCs/Method and Methods/Class Saikuros Cyclomatic complexity.
My boss actually held a presentation on software metric we use at a ruby conference last year, these are the slides.
A interesting tool that brings you a lot of metrics at once is metric_fu. It checks alot of interesting aspects of your code. Stuff that is highly similar, changes a lot, has a lot of branches. All signs your codes could be better :)
I imagine there are lot more tools like this for other languages too.
There is a good thread from the old Joel on Software Discussion groups about this.
I know that some SVN stat programs provide an overview over changed lines per submit. If you have a bugtracking system and persons fixing bugs adding features etc are stating their commit number when the bug is fixed you can then calculate how many line were affected by each bug/new feature request. This could give you a measurement of changeability.
The next thing is simply count the number of bugs found and set them in ratio to the number of code lines. There are some values how many bugs a high quality software should have per codeline.
You could do it in some economic way or in programmer's way.
In case of economic way you mesaure costs of improving code, fixing bugs, adding new features and so on. If you choose the second way, you may want to measure how much staff works with your program and how easy it is to, say, find and fix an average bug in human hours. Certainly they are not flawless, because costs depend on the market situation and human hours depend on the actual people and their skills, so it's better to combine both methods.
This way you get some instruments to mesaure quality of your code. Of course you should take into account the size of your project and other factors, but I hope main idea is clear.
A more customer focused metric would be the average time it takes for the software vendor to fix bugs and implement new features.
It is very easy to calculate, based on your bug tracking software's date created, and closed information.
If your average bug fixing/feature implementation time is extremely high, this could also be an indicator for bad software quality.
You may want to check the following page describing various different aspects of software quality including sample plots. Some of the quality characteristics you require to measure can be derived using tool such as Sonar. It is very important to figure out how would you want to model some of the following aspects:
Maintainability: You did mention about how easy is it to change/test the code or reuse the code. These are related with testability and re-usability aspect of maintainability which is considered to be key software quality characteristic. Thus, you could measure maintainability as a function of testability (unit test coverage) and re-usability (cohesiveness index of the code).
Defects: Defects alone may not be a good idea to measure. However, if you can model defect density, it could give you a good picture.
