what is the latest and best face recognition algorithm? [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 9 years ago.
am doing my final project that includes face recognition and am trying to implement it on matlab. can anybody help me on getting some resources on each algorithms and their pro's and cons. plus if i get their matlab implementation i would be glad.
i've tried PCA(Eigenfaces) but in some resources it says it not a good algorithm anymore. so am looking for an alternative.

The Viola Jones Face Detector is nice but of course it is just detection:
if you want the best results you can try fusion by employing multiple methods at once and recogintion rate can increase considerably if performance is not an issue

One may use Gabor wavelets
face recognition in opencv
a matlab code uses Gabor feature


What are the best sites to learn about formal languages, automata, algorithms and data structure? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'd like to know what are the best sites to learn about formal languages, automata, algorithms and data structures. Preferable with many solved questions...
Thanks in advance
What I prefer is., a best book " On Theory of Automation", http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Automata-Languages-Computation-Edition/dp/0321455363 .,
I have read this book., superb it is.
visit http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code
You can compare also structure of programs on examples.
You didn't mentioned what kind of algorithms you want to learn. Anyway for basic algorithms and data structures TopCoder algorithm tutorial's page is a good place to start. Visit http://www.topcoder.com/tc?d1=tutorials&d2=alg_index&module=Static

Hyper LogLog algorithm in R [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is there is any implementation for hyper LogLog algorithm in R?. I found a javascript implementation :
LogLog and HyperLogLog algorithms for counting of large cardinalities
which way is better to implement the algorithm ? for example, converting the javascript implementation would be good? or should I start from scratch.
Any suggestions ?
I am not aware of an already existing implementation, although that absolutely does not mean that there none. In regard to writing the code yourself, I would not literally translate the code form the javascript code. The style I would choose in R is very different (more apply loops and vectorisation), probably the code will be shorter.
In stead of literally translating the code, I would write down the steps of the algorithm in pseude code, and then implement the R code from that pseudo code. That way you can more easily write a solution in a real R style, and you have a good opportunity to learn exactly how the algorithm works.

rendering algorithm suggestions [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
For a project in computer science I am to implement a further improvement to my ray-tracing renderer.
Features at the moment:
SIMD implementation of ray-triangle intersection
BVH using AABB. (SIMD ray-box intersection)
Light calculations: Diffuse, Specular (reflection, refraction), Glossy Highlights
HDR image based lighting
Tone mapping
I'm looking for suggestions onto what algorithm that I might try to implement to win the rendering contest ;).
Tough (challenging) and interesting, but yet doable for a 3 year bachelor student.
Physically correct implementation.
Good description research papers, implementation tutorials, or theory explained. (E.G. Slides)
Should be able to be done in about 2 weeks time.
Maybe something that would make me able to do physically based rendering of a character, hair, clothes and so on.

Draw images for documentation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am in need to draw some diagrams for documentation. Thinks like tables, flow charts, tree, etc.
I usually work in Linux environments and use Latex to write text and write mathematical formulas and equations. What else do you use to draw the things above?
Thanks in advance.
A unsorted list of tools that I generally like:
PGF: A really useful LaTeX macro package for drawing all kind of professional graphics.
Graphviz: A tool to "program" directed graphs and other things with automatical layout.
Balsamique: Web-tool for prototyping GUIs with PDF-export.
Ascii-Art-Tools like Ditaa or aafigure
Dia Diagram Editor: old but usefull GUI for drawing diagrams

Algorithm ----Where I can get the algorithm resource-----Schedule algorithm and so on [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I wonder If there is a place provided many algorithms.
I want to know the details of some processĀ“s schedule algorithms.
For example, If I want to get some informations about Network, I will check out the RFC documents. I want to know, in the field of os algorithms ,if there is something like RFC.
Further more, If there is a place I can read lots of algorithms in many fields. In my view, Reading the algorithms in many fields can help me a lot in algorithm ------Anyway, someday, maybe I can combine two algorithms to solve one particular problem.
How about this: List of Algorithms. Also you can study Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming Vol 1 - 4.
Wikipedia has lots of them. I don't think that there is not any organization that provides algorithms for OS.
Wikipedia holds a lot of algorithms.
Use section "See Also" there.
