Spring: Serialization of session scoped bean - spring

I have a Spring bean with scope session. This bean holds a reference to another singleton bean which is not serializable. What is the best approach if I want to serialize the session scoped bean?
The same question is already asked here: Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization
The accepted answer is that:
[...]this issue is resolved in spring 3.0 by providing a proxy of non-serializable beans, which obtains an instance from the current application context
As far as I understand the speaker in the linked video it should "just work". But in my case it doesn't! When I try to serialize my session scoped bean i get a NotSerializableException.
How can I solve this problem?

You need to instruct Spring to create that proxy. In XML-based config, via <aop:scoped-proxy/> tag, in component-scan mode via annotation:
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
on your controller class.

You may mark singleton reference field as transient. Then check How to execute method after deserialization and load reference from ApplicationContext.
Also, please provide stacktrace.
It is not too good idea to use session passivation.


No FacesContext found in JoinFaces ViewScope

We are currently migrating a rather big project from JavaEE (Wildfly) to Spring Boot 2.0.5 using JoinFaces 3.2.5 for JSF support. Unfortunately when starting the server we always get the following message:
Scope 'view' is not active for the current thread; consider defining a scoped proxy for this bean if you intend to refer to it from a singleton; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No FacesContext found.
The problematic UI bean is a Spring Component additionally annotated with javax.faces.view.ViewScoped (like class StarterMBean in the joinfaces-maven-jar-example).
Is there anything special we have to be careful about, e.g. forbidden dependencies, special configurations etc?
We are thankful for every hint!
You have an singleton/application scoped bean which has a direct or indirect dependency on a view scoped bean. This forces the BeanFactory to construct the view scoped bean when the application starts, but view scoped beans can only be used in threads which are currently processing a JSF request.
There are multiple ways to solve this problem:
Try to model your beans to only have dependencies to beans with the same or a higher scope. (So application scoped beans can only use application scoped beans, view scoped beans can use view, session or application scoped ones and so on)
When you are 100% sure your application scoped bean will only use the view scoped one during the processing of a JSF request you can automatically or manually wrap the bean in a scoped proxy.
To get a scoped proxy automcatically, change #ViewScoped to #Scope(scopeName = "view", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
If you have no access to the view scoped bean, you can declare the injection point as ObjectProvider<> in order to get a scoped proxy.
More information about this problem can be found here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#beans-factory-scopes-other-injection

Getting Spring object instantiation right

I'm new to Spring and a little confused about how it works. I get that I can use the application context to instantiate beans and have them populated. However, is the idea that I should be able to just write Bean b = new Bean() and then have Spring to somehow automagically populate that Bean?
I'm experimenting with Spring in a web application, and as far as I can see I need to inject the ApplicationContext into, say, the servlets to be able to instantiate other beans (services, daos etc.) from there. It's a bit cumbersome, but probably works.
However, is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring is an Inversion of Control container. A bean is an object whose life cycle is managed by Spring. If you want Spring to populate an object, it needs to go through Spring, ie. it needs to be bean.
is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation
which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring doesn't hook into anything. You configure your beans and the relationships between them with Spring and Spring handles creating the instances and linking them up.
For domain objects, Spring provides a solution via the #Configurable annotation: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.0.0.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#aop-atconfigurable
It requires compile- or load-time-weaving and, thus, introduces some additional complexity but having the convenience of using the standard new Bean() syntax plus Spring's autowiring is worth it in my opinion.
Alternatively, you could define your domain objects as beans with prototype scope and use some factory to create them using the Spring ApplicationContext.getBean() method. With a scope of prototype a new instance will be returned every time and since you go through the ApplicationContext, Spring will do all the dependency injection magic as usual.
As for services and other beans with singleton scope, you would typically NOT retrieve them by first injecting the ApplicationContext and using it but instead you would inject them via either a constructor, setter or annotation-based strategy. The documentation covers that in detail: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.0.0.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#beans-factory-collaborators

Real use case of proptotype scope of spring beans

Waht is a real example for such kind of stuff? I have already looked through this post, but the answers to this post seem inconclusive to me. Also there is an advice: "As a rule, use the prototype scope for all stateful beans and the singleton scope for stateless beans" - from spring reference, but why do we need our services to be stateful? We can just share this state as a simple dto among services' calls.
One popular use of it is to associate separate instance of a bean to each HTTP session.
Consider your have a bean class called UserConfig. You can set this bean with prototype scope, and configure such that each new HTTP session has its own UserConfig bean instance. (Spring MVC has its own scope called "session" for this purpose, but the concept is similar)
Also the user can change your site configuration, and the changed state is saved on its own instance of the bean (as opposed of altering the global single instance if you set it into singleton scope)

Custom Scopes using proxies in spring

Normally it is said that when you create your own scope, and Autowire a scoped object in your class,
It will inject the proxy object, and proxy object will call the method on the target bean.
So this means spring stores a list of object, and based on proxy's call it will give us the desired
object. Am i right? please explain
I don't know where that is said. Spring does not create proxies for scoped beans by default (you have to ask for it, e.g. with ). Once a proxy is created it is no different with a scoped bean than any other - the application context is a map from bean name to bean instance, and some of the beans are proxies.

Stateful beans and Stateless beans in Spring context

I am reading spring through its official documentation and at one place I came to a line that uses prototype scope for all stateful beans while singleton for stateless beans.
I know there is something as stateful as well as stateless beans in EJB but this is not what they have mentioned in the documents.
Can anyone explain to me what exactly this means of stateful as well stateless beans in Spring
Thanks in advance
From spring perspective
stateless beans: beans that are singleton and are initialized only once. The only state they have is a shared state. These beans are created while the ApplicationContext is being initialized. The SAME bean instance will be returned/injected during the lifetime of this ApplicationContext.
stateful beans: beans that can carry state (instance variables). These are created EVERY time an object is required (like using the "new" operator in java).
These are not EJB statfull/stateless session beans.
There is no point in storing specific information like client data, per request data in Singleton bean as they are created only once by Spring IOC container. That's why singleton beans are stateless. They are shared resources. They can only be used for storing global information.
When a request is made for creating a prototype bean, a new request is created every time. So, they can be used to store some specific information for each request. So they are stateful.
It totally depends on the implementation. See tomee for example http://tomee.apache.org/statelesscontainer-config.html . You'll have to check in your server docs
