VisualStudio InheritancePicker with Solution Folders - visual-studio-2010

Has anyone of you ever had the problem that when you try to create a new "User Control" with Visual Studio, that the grid with the possible classes to choose from is just empty?
I'm having this problem now. Everything worked just fine until i created some "Solution Folder" in my VS-Solution. I made this folders to structure my solution, because it has grown big over the time. I can still compile the solution, everything works just fine. The only problem I'm facing is that I can't create any "User Control" anymore. The "Inheritance Picker Window" is just empty... I could choose the assembly that contains the needed UserControls manually via "Browse..." but that is not a good solution, because it will have to statically reference the dll. I could also make the inheritance myself, without the "wizard" but then I'd have to edit the designer file to match the parent class...and that is nothing I want to do...
This problem only occurs when I have these "Solution Folder" in my solution. When I have all the projects on the same level without folders, then the "Inheritance Picker" works fine...
Is this a bug in VS (happens in 10 and 12), or am I doing something wrong?


When opening a script from Unity, Visual Studio opens the wrong solution

I have multiple Unity projects on this PC, however this problem only affects one of them, the one which is connected to Plastic SCM named "My Daughter's Adventure". Please ignore the name :). If I try to open a c# script from Unity, it opens it like this. However, the correct .sln file does indeed exist in the correct folder, shown here.
If I try to open one of my "offline" projects, everything works fine. Image here.
Now, I can open the .sln file manually and then open the script file from Unity. That brings back Intelisense and that little code dropdown menu, but this method has been kind of bipolar. Sometimes everything works fine, otherwise I get errors in Unity regarding the name of the script that doesn't correspond with anything and it asks me fix "compile errors" even if there aren't any.
Do note that I tried everything, at least what I could find online in terms of fixing this, including the preference settings in Unity. I'm also kinda new to Unity and Visual Studio. It took me 3 hours just to identify the problem and made an account just for this problem. Can anyone help me?

Visual Studio 2012 - Hide folders from solution explorer?

Is it possible to hide folder in Visual Studio 2012 solution explorer window? I have multiple folders/files that I don't plan to use and they are just cluttering the interface and it's harder to find things.
It just seems pretty illogical that you can toggle "Show Hidden Files" but you cannot actually hide any files.
WebApi project includes automated help generation that I want to use, however it includes multiple folders that it needs to function. All I care about is Controllers/Models since I'm building the Api itself. But if I delete/remove from project those files than help generator won't work.
Since you want the files to still be accessible, as opposed to just excluding them, you can modify the csproj file itself. Unload your project from the solution, right-click and select edit. Scroll down to where your folders are displayed (I tested with a folder called "TestFolder" and a file within it called TestClass.cs.
<Compile Include="TestFolder\TestClass.cs">
Create a new child tag called Visible and set the value to false.
<Compile Include="TestFolder\TestClass.cs">
Save and reload the project and the files should no longer be visible but accessible. I just did a quick test and it seemed to work fine (but YMMV).
Hiding folders is almost certainly a bad idea. Remember that hiding a folder is not the same as excluding it from the solution - all hidden items can still be used elsewhere in the code, can be referenced by the build, and get updated when you pull the latest version from source control.
That is the reason why it was never available for project folders - so that people cannot easily confuse their workmates.
Having said that, it is possible to hide folders on the solution level - I guess mostly because it's quite common to have documentation, shared libraries etc on that level. To hide a solution folder, you right click on the folder, and select "Hide Folder" (to unhide, you'd right click on the solution itself and select "Unhide folders")
As for your screenshot where you want to hide Area, Scripts etc - I suspect you're working alone and just started learning MVC - otherwise it wouldn't make sense to hide those folders. They contain legitimate code which is used to run the application. Hiding it is the same as hiding Program.cs in a console project for the sole reason that you prefer a smaller tree in the solution.
I do agree that Solution Explorer becomes unmanageable at some point - but instead of messing up with it, I'd recommend to try other tools - Visual Studio "navigate to" options or Resharper (I use the latter).
I don't know if it's the same way in VS 2012, but in VS 2010, I just right click on the folders (and, in some cases, files) that I don't want and exclude them from the solution.
I'm not sure if this is a new feature but you can hide folders from solution explorer without excluding or deleting them.
On VS 2017 (15.5.5)
Just right click on any solution folder and click "Hide Folder"

Workflow Foundation: Designer is not working

When I try to open any activity in design mode designer fails with message "The document contains errors that must be fixed before the designer can be loaded. Reload the designer after you have fixed the errors". The project builds and runs fine though. This happens even with a fresh newly created solution. I mean that if I create a new workflow project and add a new item -> activity the problem persists.
If I click "Reload the designer" I get the following error: "Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'System' that is not included in the assembly". If I build the project the error disappears but the designer doesn't start working.
I'm using VS2010 Premium. The only plugin installed is ReSharper. However I tried removing it but it didn't solve the problem. I've also asked a friend of mine to reproduce the same error on his computer but everything worked well.
The problem was that there are several types of editor for .xaml files. If you right click open with you can choose one of them. In my case WPF designer was selected by default though it's better to choose automatic selection.
Hope this information will be helpful for someone else :)

How do I show the References folder in Solution Explorer without selecting 'Show All Files' in a VB.NET project?

As I compare many C# example projects to my VB.NET projects, I see that the References folder shows in the Solution Explorer without having to select "Show All Files". Is it possible to have this for a VB.NET project as well? I find that it would be very helpful to have this folder displayed without having to see all the other hidden files as well.
I'm using VS2010 Professional.
This adds to my list of reasons why I should have learned C# first...
I guess I will have to definitively crush your dream. Sorry. It has been a decision by Microsoft to remove this from the default view to reduce the 'clutter'. However, your 'Show All Files' setting will persist when you save your project. So if you show all files once and then save, then it will always be on.
You can also see your References in the Project designer, which you can always keep open in a tab.
As of Visual Studio 2015, this behavior has been changed to show the References folder without selecting Show All Files.
From MSDN:
What’s new is the References node. This used to be hidden and you had to click Show All Files to see it—but that also showed lots of irrelevant files.
This previous behavior might have made sense 10 years ago when you’d start with a Windows Forms project and it would generally have the right set of references. But it’s a reality of modern development nowadays that the References node is used frequently—especially to manage NuGet references. It’s a small but handy convenience to be able to find it easily in Solution Explorer.
I add a separate folder called Dependencies, add my dll's to it and check them in as described here. That way my dll's are always visible in the Solution explorer without having to turn on Show All Files.
Select 'Show All Files option' in the solution explorer.

What disables "Run Project" in Expression Blend 3

I am developing a Sketchflow (Silverlight) project in Expression Blend 3. It has been working fine up until today, now I cannot run the project. Specifically in the Project menu the "Run Project" option is now greyed out (all the other options are fine). F5 also doesn't have any effect.
I've obviously messed up the code somewhere but I can't find any information on what could cause the "Run Project" option to be disabled. This would obviously help the troubleshooting. Does anybody know what controls this functionality?
I can build the project no problem. And if I package the project (so it runs outside Expression) this also works fine. It is just launching it from Expression that doesn't work.
Right-click on the project (in the project pane) and verify that "Startup Project" is checked. I had obviously accidentally unchecked it at some point.
Usually when you create new Silverlight solution Blend or VS would create a solution with two projects in it. One would be called something like MyProject and another would be called smth. like MyProjectScreens.
The MyProjects doesn't contain much of Silverlight code, it's rather meant to be just "wrapper" (or in other words "it contains bootstrapping code for your actual SL screens") with Default.html and Default.aspx and App.xaml. And MyProject is the startup project.
The MyProjectScreens project in turn - is your actual SL project. (And it is NOT startup project).
THE SOLUTION TO OP'S PROBLEM, Maybe Blend somehow messed up solution configuration files (even though VS was fine with them) and my MyProject project has disappeared from the solution explorer. All you have to do is to right click on solution, click "Add Existing Project" and navigate to my solutions folder and choose the project file. (Yeah and also make sure that when MyProject is added it is marked as "Startup Project" (as #Hugh mentions).
