Ruby Grape Reactor gets blocked - ruby

I am creating an API using Ruby Grape and I face the following problem.
When there is a new GET request, a large amount of data is requested which takes long time and in the meanwhile Reactor is blocked and no new requests can be handled until the request is finished.
Code is quite straight forward:
class API < Grape::API
resource :users do
get do
get_users connects to another system by TCP and gets a large amount of data converted to JSON. This is done using a 3rd party gem.
What would be the best option to handle this type of situations?

I think of two options:
Set up passenger/unicorn etc. with enough workers to handle concurrent requests.
If this is not enough: re-make API logic so that long operations will break up to two calls: first - leave a request, second - check for completion/retrieve result.
Also, if it is suitable - you could cache the result of get_users()

Your application performs a long-running blocking I/O operation. To handle these kinds of workloads well, your system needs to support high I/O concurrency.
Traditional single-threaded multi-process systems such as Phusion Passenger open source and Unicorn are not suitable for these kinds of workloads. The amount of concurrency they can handle is limited by the number of processes. This problem is documented on Unicorn's philosophy page, section "Just Worse in Some Cases", or on the recent Phusion article about tuning Phusion Passenger's concurrency.
While Thin is in theory capable of handling high I/O concurrency due to its evented I/O model, applications and frameworks must be explicitly written to take advantage of this. Few frameworks do this. Neither Rails nor Sinatra support evented I/O. Cramp supports it and there was another new evented framework whose name I've forgotten. But it seems Grape does not support evented I/O.
The solution would be to switch to a multithreading-capable application server, which are also capable of supporting high I/O concurrency. One such application server is Phusion Passenger 4 Enterprise, which supports a hybrid multithreaded/multiprocess model. Multithreading is concurrency, while multiprocess is for stability and the ability to leverage multiple CPU cores. The Phusion blog describes optimal concurrency settings for different workloads.


all before the request is even processed?

Reading Spring in action 5th edition chapter 11, last paragraph in section 11.1.2
By accepting a Mono as input, the method is invoked immediately
without waiting for the Taco to be resolved from the request body. And
because the repository is also reactive, it’ll accept a Mono and
immediately return a Flux, from which you call next() and return
the resulting Mono … all before the request is even processed!
How the service will immediately return before the request is even processed? Isn't that counter-intuitive?
I mean should the request be processed first before returning a response?
The book has everything you need. It is a well-written book, just make sure to read carefully while actually (make sure to download the source code from Manning) running the code. It will help you understand better.
From the book (
11.1 Working with Spring WebFlux
Typical Servlet-based web frameworks, such as Spring MVC, are blocking
and multithreaded in nature, using a single thread per connection. As
requests are handled, a worker thread is pulled from a thread pool to
process the request. Meanwhile, the request thread is blocked until it
is notified by the worker thread that it is finished.
Consequently, blocking web frameworks do not scale effectively under
heavy request volume. Latency in slow worker threads makes things even
worse, because it will take longer for the worker thread to be
returned to the pool to be ready to handle another request.
In some use cases, this arrangement is perfectly acceptable. In fact,
this is largely how most web applications have been developed for well
over a decade. But times are changing and the clients of these web
applications have grown from people occasionally viewing websites on
the web browser to people frequently consuming content and using
applications that consume APIs. And these days the so-called "Internet
of Things" where humans aren’t even involved while cars, jet engines,
and other non-traditional clients are constantly exchanging data with
our APIs. With an increasing number of clients consuming our web
applications, scalability is more important than ever.
Asynchronous web frameworks, in contrast, achieve higher scalability
with fewer threads—generally one per CPU core. By applying a technique
known as event looping (as illustrated in Figure 11.1), these
frameworks are able to handle many requests per thread, making the
per-connection cost much cheaper.
In an event loop, everything is handled as an event, including
requests and callbacks from intensive operations (such as database and
network operations). When a costly operation is needed, the event loop
registers a callback for that operation to be performed in parallel
while the event loop moves on to handle other events. When the
operation is complete, the completion is treated as an event by the
event loop the same as requests. As a result, asynchronous web
frameworks are able to scale better under heavy request volume with
fewer threads (and thus reduced overhead for thread management).
Read the rest of this section and it will clarify any other concern.
Also, check Reactor
For a complete example if you are still having difficulties

When making network requests, when should I use Threads vs Processes?

I'm working on a Ruby script that will be making hundreds of network requests (via open-uri) to various APIs and I'd like to do this in parallel since each request is slow, and blocking.
I have been looking at using Thread or Process to achieve this but I'm not sure which method to use.
With regard to network request, when should i use a Thread over Process, or does it not matter?
Before going into detail, there is already a library solving your problem. Typhoeus is optimized to run a large number of HTTP requests in parallel and is based on the libcurl library.
Like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent
heads, Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly
encapsulating handling logic.
Threads will be run in the same process as your application. Since Ruby 1.9 native threads are used as the underlying implementation. Resources can be easily shared across threads, as they all can access the mutual state of the application. The problem, however, is that you cannot utilize the multiple cores of your CPU with most Ruby implementations.
Ruby uses the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). GIL is a locking mechanism to ensure that the mutual state is not corrupted due to parallel modifications from different threads. Other Ruby implementations like JRuby, Rubinius or MacRuby offer an approach without GIL.
Processes run separately from each other. Processes do not share resources, which means every process has its own state. This can be a problem, if you want to share data across your requests. A process also allocates its own stack of memory. You could still share data by using a messaging bus like RabitMQ.
I cannot recommend to use either only threads or only processes. If you want to implement that yourself, you should use both. Fork for every n requests a new processes which then again spawns a number of threads to issue the HTTP requests. Why?
If you fork for every HTTP request another process, this will result in too many processes. Although your operating system might be able to handle this, the overhead is still tremendous. Some HTTP requests might finish very fast, so why bother with an extra process, just run them in another thread.

Is Sinatra multi threaded?

Is Sinatra multi-threaded? I read else where that "sinatra is multi-threaded by default", what does that imply?
Consider this example
get "/multithread" do
t1 ={
puts "sleeping for 10 sec"
sleep 10
# Actually make a call to Third party API using HTTP NET or whatever.
"multi thread"
get "/dummy" do
If I access "/multithread" and "/dummy" subsequently in another tab or browser then nothing can be served(in this case for 10 seconds) till "/multithread" request is completed. In case activity freezes application becomes unresponsive.
How can we work around this without spawning another instance of the application?
tl;dr Sinatra works well with Threads, but you will probably have to use a different web server.
Sinatra itself does not impose any concurrency model, it does not even handle concurrency. This is done by the Rack handler (web server), like Thin, WEBrick or Passenger. Sinatra itself is thread-safe, meaning that if your Rack handler uses multiple threads to server requests, it works just fine. However, since Ruby 1.8 only supports green threads and Ruby 1.9 has a global VM lock, threads are not that widely used for concurrency, since on both versions, Threads will not run truly in parallel. The will, however, on JRuby or the upcoming Rubinius 2.0 (both alternative Ruby implementations).
Most existing Rack handlers that use threads will use a thread pool in order to reuse threads instead of actually creating a thread for each incoming request, since thread creation is not for free, esp. on 1.9 where threads map 1:1 to native threads. Green threads have far less overhead, which is why fibers, which are basically cooperatively scheduled green threads, as used by the above mentioned sinatra-synchrony, became so popular recently. You should be aware that any network communication will have to go through EventMachine, so you cannot use the mysql gem, for instance, to talk to your database.
Fibers scale well for network intense processing, but fail miserably for heavy computations. You are less likely to run into race conditions, a common pitfall with concurrency, if you use fibers, as they only do a context switch at clearly defined points (with synchony, whenever you wait for IO). There is a third common concurrency model: Processes. You can use preforking server or fire up multiple processes yourself. While this seems a bad idea at first glance, it has some advantages: On the normal Ruby implementation, this is the only way to use all your CPUs simultaniously. And you avoid shared state, so no race conditions by definition. Also, multiprocess apps scale easily over multiple machines. Keep in mind that you can combine multiple process with other concurrency models (evented, cooperative, preemptive).
The choice is mainly made by the server and middleware you use:
Multi-Process, non-preforking: Mongrel, Thin, WEBrick, Zbatery
Multi-Process, preforking: Unicorn, Rainbows, Passenger
Evented (suited for sinatra-synchrony): Thin, Rainbows, Zbatery
Threaded: Net::HTTP::Server, Threaded Mongrel, Puma, Rainbows, Zbatery, Thin[1], Phusion Passenger Enterprise >= 4
[1] since Sinatra 1.3.0, Thin will be started in threaded mode, if it is started by Sinatra (i.e. with ruby app.rb, but not with the thin command, nor with rackup).
While googling around, found this gem:
which might help you, because it touches you question.
There is also a benchmark, they did nearly the same thing like you want (external calls).
Conclusion: EventMachine is the answer here!
Thought I might elaborate for people who come across this. Sinatra includes this little chunk of code:
server.threaded = settings.threaded if server.respond_to? :threaded=
Sinatra will detect what gem you have installed for a webserver (aka, thin, puma, whatever.) and if it responds to "threaded" will set it to be threaded if requested. Neat.
After making some changes to code I was able to run padrino/sinatra application on mizuno
. Initially I tried to run Padrino application on jRuby but it was simply too unstable and I did not investigate as to why. I was facing JVM crashes when running on jRuby. I also went through this article, which makes me think why even choose Ruby if deployment can be anything but easy.
Is there any discussion on deployment of applications in ruby? Or can I spawn a new thread :)
I've been getting in to JRuby myself lately and I am extremely surprised how simple it is to switch from MRI to JRuby. It pretty much involves swapping out a few gems (in most cases).
You should take a look at the combination JRuby and Trinidad (App Server). Torquebox also seems to be an interesting all-in-one solution, it comes with a lot more than just an app server.
If you want to have an app server that supports threading, and you're familiar with Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, etc, then Trinidad is probably the easiest to migrate to since it's practically identical from the users perspective. Loving it so far!

Multi-threaded Windows Service - Erlang

I am going to tell the problem that I have to solve and I need some suggestions if i am in the right path.
The problem is:
I need to create a Windows Service application that receive a request and do some action. (Socket communication) This action is to execute a script (maybe in lua or perl).This script models te bussiness rules of the client, querying in Databases, making request in websites and then send a response to the client.
There are 3 mandatory requirements:
The service will receive a lot of request at the same time. So I think to use the worker's thread model.
The service must have a high throughput. I will have many of requests at the same second.
Low Latency: I must response these requests very quickly.
Every request will generate a log entries. I cant write these log entries in the physical disk at same time the scripts execute because the big I/O time. Probably I will make a queue in memory and others threds will consume this queue and write on disk.
In the future, is possible that two woker's thread have to change messages.
I have to make a protocol to this service. I was thinking to use Thrift, but i don't know the overhead involved. Maybe i will make my own protocol.
To write the windows service, i was thinking in Erlang. Is it a good idea?
Does anyone have suggestions/hints to solve this problem? Which is the better language to write this service?
Yes, Erlang is a good choice if you're know it or ready to learn. With Erlang you don't need any worker thread, just implement your server in Erlang style and you'll receive multithreaded solution automatically.
Not sure how to convert Erlang program to Windows service, but probably it's doable.
Writing to the same log file from many threads are suboptimal because requires locking. It's better to have a log-entries queue (lock-free?) and a separate thread (Erlang process?) that writes them to the file. BTW, are you sure that executing external script in another language is much faster than writing a log-record to the file?
It's doubtfully you'll receive much better performance with your own serialization library than Thrift provides for free. Another option is Google Protocol Buffers, somebody claimed that it's faster.
Theoretically (!) it's possible that Erlang solution won't provide you required performance. In this case consider a compilable language, e.g. C++ and asynchronous networking, e.g. Boost.Asio. But be ready that it's much more complicated than Erlang way.

Using gevent and multiprocessing together to communicate with a subprocess

Can I use the multiprocessing module together with gevent on Windows in an efficient way?
I have a gevent based Python application doing asynchronous I/O on Windows. The application is mostly I/O bound, but there are spikes of higher CPU load as well. This application would need to control a console application via its stdin and stdout. I cannot modify this console application and the user will be able to use his own custom one, only the text (line) based communication protocol is fixed.
I have a working implementation using subprocess and threads, but I would rather move the whole subprocess based communication code together with those threads into a separate process to turn the main application back to single-threaded. I plan to use the multiprocessing module for this.
Prior reading:
I have been searching the Web a lot and read some source code, so I know that the multiprocessing module is using a Pipe implementation based on named pipes on Windows. A pair of multiprocessing.queue.Queue objects would be used to communicate with the second Python process. These queues are based on that Pipe implementation, e.g. the IPC would be done via named pipes.
The key question is, whether calling the incoming Queue's get method would block gevent's main loop or not. There's a timeout for that method, so I could make it into a loop with a small timeout, but that's not a good solution, since it would still block gevent for small time periods hurting its low I/O latency.
I'm also open to suggestions on how to circumvent the whole problem of using pipes on Windows, which is known to be hard and sometimes fragile. I'm not sure whether shared memory based IPC is possible on Windows or not. Maybe I could wrap the console application in a way which would allow communicating with the child process using network sockets, which is known to work well with gevent.
Please don't question my primary use case, if possible. Thanks.
The Queue's get method is really blocking. Using it with timeout could potentially solve your problem, but it definitely won't be a cleanest solution and, which is the most important, will introduce extra latency for no good reason. Even if it wasn't blocking, that won't be a good solution either. Just because non-blocking itself is not enough, the good asynchronous call/API should smoothly integrate into the I/O framework in use. Be that gevent for Python, libevent for C or Boost ASIO for C++.
The easiest solution would be to use simple I/O by spawning your console applications and attaching to its console in and out descriptors. There are at two major factors to consider:
It will be extremely easy for your clients to write client applications. They will not have to work with any kind of IPC, socket or other code, which could be very hard thing for many. With this approach, application will just read from stdin and write to stdout.
It will be extremely easy to test console applications using this approach as you can manually start them, enter text into console and see results.
Gevent is a perfect fit for async read/write here.
However, the downside is that you will have to start this application, there will be no support for concurrent communication with it, and there will be no support for communication over network. There is even a good example for starters.
To keep it simple but more flexible, you can use TCP/IP sockets. If both client and server are running on the same machine. Also, a good operating system will use IPC as an underlying implementation, so it will be fast. And, if you are worrying about performance of this case, you probably should not use Python at all and look at other technologies.
Even fancies solution – use ZeroC ICE. It is very modern technology allowing almost seamless inter-process communication. It is a CORBA killer, very easy to use. It is heavily used by many, proven to be fastest in its class and rock stable. The beauty of this solution is that you can seamlessly integrate programs in many different languages, like Python, Java, C++ etc. But this will require some of your time to get familiar with a concept. If you decide to go this way, just spend a day reading trough documentation.
Hope it helps. Good luck!
Your question is already quite old. Nevertheless, I would like to recommend which -- I believe -- would tackle the outlined challenge in a very straight-forward fashion. Basically, it allows you to integrate multiprocessing-based child processes anywhere in your application (also on Windows). Interaction with Process objects (such as calling join()) is gevent-cooperative. Via its pipe management, it allows for cooperatively blocking inter-process communication. However, on Windows, IPC currently is much less efficient than on POSIX-compliant systems (since non-blocking I/O is imitated through a thread pool). Depending on the IPC messaging volume of your application, this might or might not be of significance.
